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Everything posted by SnarkAttack

  1. It's a symbol of youth and a sexual thing. Some women have taken it waaay too far.
  2. Agree about Rhea Seehorn. When Jimmy and Kim were still at the apartment with Lalo, and then again after everything, I didn't find either one of them believable. Not only did Lalo's eyes look dead, but I also thought Howard's eye looked dead - no life behind them. Well done.
  3. Agree about the hair. Also, the hair hanging over the food with no net, sweating over the food and no gloves also. Ick.Ick.Ick.
  4. Agreed. Not interested in the flashbacks. I don't mind a slow burn, Better Call Saul does it so well, but this is slooow. The conversations take forever and are overly dramatic. Ugh.
  5. What's with Sutton's backyard, or lack of, I should say?
  6. Exactly. She is coming across poorly to those of us who've never heard of her before. So now I know who she is, and I've formed an opinion of her based on what I see (real or not). Good job. Must be the "bad publicity is better than no publicity at all" thing. Or, maybe she wants to be an actress.
  7. Crystal is trying to step it up this season so that she gets screen time. That's all this is about. Erika is soooo gross, just awful. Who would date her???? Marilyn Monroe was sensual, Erika is NOT, nor sexy. I use to like Kyle, now she's full of herself. Love Garcelle. As I mentioned before, Dorit has a gleam in her eyes every time she talks about the burglary. Ick.
  8. I thought Melissa Etheridge sounded really bad. I love the song and was really disappointed.
  9. Kudos to all of the musicians and back up singers! I could even sound pretty good with them backing me!
  10. I thought of that too! That was fun.
  11. Yeah, Dorit has a gleam in her eyes when talking about the burglary. She loves it. Erika is just awful. So is Rinna. Ick, ick, ick.
  12. Carrie looks a lot different. I love Girl Crush too; I didn't care for Huntergirl's rendition.
  13. In a future season, I'd like to see the Top 5 contestants sing the same song, to compare and contrast. Glad Fritz is gone. Wish it were the three girls. Still wish Leah would knock off the goofiness, it's annoying. Hope she wins though.
  14. I thought the PI WAS on drugs in that scene, I got that impression. I thought Ruth seeing her relatives was a way for the show to let them take a bow since it was the finale. I love Jason Bateman, but he just wasn't believable acting like a boss in Mexico. I thought maybe we'd see a different side of him, but no.
  15. Don't care for Fritz or Noah. One of the three girls deserves to win. My choice is Leah Marlene, but she needs to tone down the silliness, ugh. She really does have a pure sound, as Luke said.
  16. The Byrde's have such lame cars. And I hate that damn house of theirs. That is all.
  17. When Heather said, "Wouldn't I remember writing a check?" in response to Noella mentioning Nicole's malpractice lawsuit settlement, it's the malpractice insurance company who writes the check, not the doctor personally. Why would Heather say that?
  18. Wow, Jay!! Beautiful. Leah Marlene did great also. Now if she could tone down the goofiness. Reminds me of Kate McKinnon on SNL doing a skit. Love Mike, so mature and sincere. Sooo good lookin! I don't think he's country though.
  19. They aren't lip singing, right? A couple of times it just seemed like it.
  20. Leah Marlene's make up and hair is wonderful.
  21. Yeah, but it just pushes the fat out to the edges, so the rolls just move, not get eliminated, lol.
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