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Everything posted by Lamima

  1. Ew Yes. Was difficult for me as well. Is she going off the show? Like, is Chelsea going to jump or is BillyBoy going to come to her rescue?
  2. This show is beyond stupid. Writers are awful. How did they rope in such a good actor line up? Only part intriguing to me is the John List part. I am guessing by that part and the letters and some other parts that this is a mash up storyline and not just the one letters true story.
  3. Well, the queen can keep the pay off if she croaks before leaving the castle. And she had to convince her to drink it. I suspected she was poisoned. But then the servant who brought the tea was the hooded person who we saw with Daemon's old lay (who asked her if it had been a wild night at the castle). So I wondered if she gave her placebo tea so as to allow a pregnancy. Doubtful because I am not sure how that would matter.
  4. The poster meant he was destroyed in the water during funeral
  5. He came at the girls on their mother's funeral day after steeling their mother's dragon. He spewed hate....like 'she doesn't need the dragon she's dead' and 'get her a fat pig, it's fitting'. He was a bully. He was asking for trouble and he got it. He also punched a girl. He was no victim there. Except Alicent wasn't cut and they didn't bind their cuts but, rather, Rhaenyra backed away as far as she could from Alicent. It was more like Alicent wanted to be bound to Rhaenyra but Rhaenyra did not share the feelings. Like Alicent's the stalker creep.
  6. That is good question too because Viserys looks 90 now and Daemon still looks 30ish.
  7. Hmm, I don't find Aemond to be the victim in the big cousin Bru ha ha. He was the villain even though it ended with 4 against (him) 1. He totes deserved that beating and the eye loss. He is bad to the bone. The uncle lovin is less gross when niece is not 14. Still!?!? Funny how Daemon did not age at all while Raenerya did. I knew, when Deamon talked [to ser boyfriend whoever] about a place where your names don't matter, that the plan was a fake out death. So glad to be right. And happy they are off to live their best life. Sorry for mama Raeneys...she is my fave of the show.
  8. Well, he probably assumed all those gals on jury still hated Taylor and would be bitter Nellys. I thought that too.
  9. I think my cable is way behind. I just saw the voting.
  10. Lamima

    S43.E01: Livin

    I wonder if it more had to do with all her peace, love and happiness....let's all get along attitude. Maybe she made it hard for them to talk and play the game.
  11. So it seems to me that Nat is more jealous of Tosh and Kyle being close. Kyle was her goof off buddy and then Tosh split from Dave and stole Kyle's attention away. Tosh seems to like attention. Of course the whole crew like attention...hence being on a reality show in the first place. I like Nat. And I like her and Storm. I think it's fake drama. But still they may not last after the show. I don't like Storm as bosun...in regards to poor Jason. He is annoying and awkward but I feel bad for him and feel like Storm is not handling him well. But maybe that's all fake too. The mop mentality all being kind of cold to him and making fun of him together. Court and Mzi never were the mean girl types so I think maybe this is a bit crafted for the show. Cannot stand Tosh and Kyle. She sucks at her job and is too fixated on her love life which seems pretty toxic. And he is just icky and unprofessional.
  12. I like him too. I like Taylor a little but am alone on an island of 1 who is slightly annoyed by her. She seems to like to be center of attention more than I care for. Not a fan of folks like that even if they are super sweet, which Taylor is. She is better than most of the cast though. But I just don't love love her like everyone else does. Turner, I like him best of who's left.
  13. Brit's comic....she is a parasite riding on her hosts (Michael) back. Taking and not giving in the relationship. Also very annoying and bothersome....lol.
  14. Yeah, true...mostly. His little elitist snark about Terrance driving a bus...he kind of let his hateful side slip there. Maybe he's just better at putting on a mask than Paul was.
  15. Well, Michael has been a wimp about getting blood on his hands which was also Paul's problem (he had others do the work for him). He is a Paul 2.0. JMO
  16. Then I guess it wasn't a smart move for Turner to cut Kyle. Why Turner? He's a bigger threat than Taylor who was just saying she wants to be the one to clip Michael for resume purposes? He lost because he did nothing for jury management and Michael is also effing that up.
  17. Ew his comment about Terrance and driving a bus.
  18. C'mon, Micheal, we all know you will not put morals first. You do whatever it takes to win. You know who else was like that? Paul. And how'd that work out.
  19. Yeah that didn't seem very soothing and relaxing to me.
  20. Lol to the video of Terrance figuring out Brit's comic.
  21. I thought Michael's was worst. Good.
  22. All 3 are gross and need to go so we can get on with BB. At this point, I hope anyone wins but one of those 3.
  23. Well...gross. Kyle and Michael and Brittany (cause they held the info and used it for game purposes). I hope Kyle goes this week and then everyone stops and really thinks about Michael and Britt and they get put on the block. I wanted Michael to win but no more. Rooting for anyone but Mike, Britt and Kyle. Want those 3 out so we can get back to regular BB.
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