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Everything posted by SMama

  1. Someone cited this on Pickles' comments: 1 Timothy 5:8 King James Version (KJV) But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. Dang Dullards, you waste of skin, KJV loving hypocrites. Derick, GET A JOB!
  2. I hope TLC goes along, and I hope it blows up on their collective, greedy faces. Sure parade the amoral pole cat around, then see what happens.
  3. If true, are they so hard up for money? Is Boob feeling the pinch of having to support so many, including vegetative state adults? Or is this the preamble to the Jesus Forgave Me so You Have to, and Buy Our Book tour? Why would Boob want him out there with the Ashley Madison reminder?
  4. Thanks @floridamom. As a former CPS SW if I ever encounter their worthless asses, I won't have a problem letting them know. There are so many ways of saying fuck you, without using those two words. The young lady who talked to Mullet at the bridal shop did an amazing job.
  5. I hope they don't drag long suffering Anna to L.A., to show how unaffected she is by her prick of a husband's cheating.
  6. Is the court case in Arkansas? Sorry if that is a dumb question.
  7. Sure, they "encourage others" to look the other way when your son molests your daughters, to irresponsibly breed while cramming 14 blessings in two bedrooms, to spend $250,000 on a failed senate race, while aforementioned blessings are accepting food donations to survive, to have young children raise infants, to be narcissistic assholes, to create fake ministries and beg for donations, to subjugate women, to create an army of uneducated, barely functional God warriors, to have TLC provide free publicity for a cult. Oh yeah that's some ministry the holy Duggars have there. In fact their encouragement worked so well the Dullards are trying to convert people to their brand of Christianity, in a country they do not even speak the language. Where they don't understand, let alone respect the culture. Where Derelict thinks "preaching" once a week entitles his family to $24,000 in donations for a four month stay. It also entitles them to save their SOS and TLC money, and those less fortunate must donate for the birth of their child. A child they can ill afford, or care for alone. Forget about emotionally nurturing their giant blessings. Sorry for the run on sentences.
  8. I recall a picture of JD holding a firearm with Jonathan.
  9. Maybe it's not that bad. I saw a pea popsicle for the first time in China. Bought one on a lark, and found it surprisingly tasty. I had my last one at the airport on our way home. I might be dumb enough to try the pickle one.
  10. I thought Jill's Laundryroom Meltdown happened when the shower curtain rod fell.
  11. I wonder how Cathy feels about all this. I'm sure she believes in missions since she is a Jesus warrior. However, I'd be beyond mortified if my adult, educated, able bodied child begged for donations. Quit popping out babies for God's army if you can't fucking afoord them. Disgusting. I hope In Touch and others take this and run with it.
  12. Was that Jessa or Bin? I read somewhere he said he wanted a football team, fifteen boys. Sorry if I'm misinformed, I have no idea how many are needed to form a football team.
  13. I doubt it will happen but it would be amazing if the Vuolos celebrate their first wedding anniversary, sans child or pregnancy.
  14. I'm only snarking on Jessa because of her obvious vanity. Damn Ben, and you thought you bagged the hot Duggar daughter. Now she looks like shit and you are only on your second baby. Wonder what just one more pregnancy will do to her looks? It really beehooves you to assume headship of your household, and stop sucking on Boob's teat. Take out a student loan, say God laid it on your heart to stop the baby train. Then move your for now manageable family to wherever your school is located. Quit being Boob's and Jessa's bitch.
  15. Derick is barefoot, his bunions must be hurting.
  16. The fact that items have been purchased lends some credibility. Unless a savvy scammer is benefiting from the leg humpers' generosity. Then I saw the $1900 vacuum or whatever that was. Who in the world is so tone deaf to ask for such an item? I am married and have two children; I have also never had a shower for any of those occasions. On the other hand, my husband and I have lost count of how much money we have spent on shower gifts. But $1900? If true is tone deaf, greedy, entitled, and the gritting continues. Re the two tents and three sleeping bags. Maybe one tent is for when they are camping alone. The six person tent maybe for Big Sandy, or other enmeshed Duggar vortex outing. Since Boob and Mullet will dump some blessings on them, they will need the room. If anyone is still reading I have a question about the stink bus. Boob stated it was purchased from an athletic team. I have not seen all of the inside, but it seems it would have single bunks. Where do the attached at the hip parents sleep?
  17. It would not be the first time Dr. Jill gets her own due date wrong.
  18. I think I saw Jessa cutting the M boys', some young brother, and Boob's hair once. Michelle cut Izzy's. I also doubt the godly Duggar males have not had a haircut due to Jinger's absence.
  19. My son's hair looked exactly like Spud's at that age. I was a teen mom and was "convinced" to get rid of the curls, so he would not "look like a girl." That is the last time I saw his curls, it was straight, thick hair from then on. I'm not sure it is Jessa's reasoning, but if I have (never going to happen) another curly haired boy, I'd enjoy it as long as possible. I do hope it is driving Boob and Mullet crazy. I recall Mullet cutting Izzy's hair in CA. When was the last time that woman took care of any of her children's hair? At least Jessa gets to decide when her son gets his first haircut. That's pretty bold considering she is financially dependent on them.
  20. It's good to see Jinger out and about with her husband. No pics of double, triple, or quadruple dates with Binessa, Dullards, and wretched uterus/donkey face.
  21. This sounds terrible but perhaps a return to Danger America after the second baby will be good for them. Hold off the stoning for a sec. Jessa is smugly talking about a litter of kids. Easy to say and attempt with all the help she gets. Same goes for Anna. A good dose of real life parenthood without sister moms, no date nights, having to wake up and feed/change your own child, will break them both. Jilly will have a laundry room moment, and hopefully Derick will snap back to reality. He can then retrieve his spine, and testicles from Jill's underwear drawer. Time to grow up, be a true headship, and practice birth control.
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