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Everything posted by SMama

  1. Doll or baby Jana must be fed up holding kids by now. Their obsession with gender stereotypes disgusts me. How sad that JD and Jana are stuck at the TTH. At least JD gets to fly, Jana does housework and "invests" in her siblings' lives. Meanwhile her parents do whatever the hell they want. This includes putting the older 4 females through a hellish depo, not one of them is emotionally able to withstand.
  2. Where's Annonymous when you need them? I'm also waiting for them to release certain tax documents.
  3. Hell no, that greasy, bloated, child molester coward would not confess. Not until forced, like with AM.
  4. It saddens me that although married (Joy soon to be), Boob is the definite headship of the 3. Joy had to go along, the 3 not at all. I would have expected Jeremy to object, based on what further damage the exposure, depositions, etc. would cause his already fragile wife. Boob and Mullet are certainly despicable, reprehensible, amoral creatures.
  5. I am going straight to hell, but my jaded side wonders if the expected proceeds are to benefit Joshley and family. The 4 have continued to earn money (even if it goes to the family pot) after the scandals. Joshley is unemployable, and will continue to pop M kids like Pez. It would be the ultimate Boob snake move, to have the perpetrator of the abuse benefit from the lawsuit.
  6. Exactly,our daughter is ten and she still sits between us. If they lose ailtitude, and oxygen masks are deployed, Izzy's is SOL. Those two idiots would turn to each other, and forget their giant white blessing. UGH.
  7. Once again afterthought Izzy is off to the side, so the parents can remain glued to each other. It seriously bugs me.
  8. That tweet proves your assessment @Mollie. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I would never contemplate telling victims to be quiet. I also do not participate in a so called reality show, and would not do a televised interview to minimize what happened. All four are adults, they are able to say no more TV exposure. Instead they decide to go along on a cash grab. The fuck they are doing this for those abused.
  9. Well said @Absolom, scrap these through rose colored glasses views of this horrible cult. TLC and UP, how about growing a spine, and doing a reality show? Not the canned shit you are selling to the masses. How about a TLC looking back series. While we were filming this blah and counting special, Josh was molesting his sisters. Or how about the logistics of the PARENTS feeding/clothing/supervising all those blessings on their own? How about not sugar coating Lawson's financial contribution to the family? No fifteen year old should be feeding his able bodied, college educated parents. He fed his siblings as well, and gave loans to Zachary and Erin. UGH No man is an island, this applies to me as well. We have NO family support, but I do have an employed husband. I could not stay home without his income. But damn, enough with the fantasy. TLC does not have a problem exploiting families. Not a second thought when the families implode, they just move on to the next suckers. Evidently they are not above getting ratings for grotesque, voyeuristic displays of human frailty. Why are the Duggars so special?
  10. The Duggars/Bates can NOW afford their oversized families thanks to TLC and UP. The older kids went through serious financial hardship. The Duggar kids were fed by the food left at their doorstep. Lawson, for all his flaws, was buying groceries for the family. He was his parents' freaking ATM starting at age fifteen. I don't recall where I saw it, but Gil made a CD. IIRC the title was How to Support a Large Family Without an Incone. Who the fuck does that? The prospect of providing for our only child at home is always on our minds. How can these so called Christians pop them out like Pez, then cruelly neglect them is beyond me.
  11. Me mumbling while daughter did homework: WOW, eleven kids. My ten year old daughter without taking her eyes of her science homework: Well that's a tragedy. I'm setting her up for a lifetime in the prayer closet.
  12. I don't see gray hairs on either parent, so I'm guessing they cover the gray. There have to be some gray hairs, after the abysmal failure that is Joshley.
  13. Perhaps MEchelle was referring to Jilly Slow Muffin wearing that wild and crazy hat. Look at them, they are mouth breathers, who knows what constitutes humor there. Or MEchelle has read the positive comments about Kelly's birthday greetings. Grifter gotta grift, even if it requires making shit up. You know, for their "ministry."
  14. Why is Bin sitting on the steps like a child? Well he does belong to Boob and Mullet.
  15. Good for the Vuolos for staying home.
  16. Why should they visit his mother on Mother's Day. That is the one day of the year Ben removes his lips from Boob's buttocks, and firmly attaches them to MEchelle's.
  17. I wonder how Guinn feels about her son, barely out of his teen years, with two children, and no job. As a mother, it scares the hell out of me.
  18. Now the death trap ten seater makes sense. It was needed so JD could fly Joshley's family during his redemption tour. I can understand not wanting to spend a penny for Joshley's safety, but what have JD, Anna, and the M kids done to Boob?
  19. But how will they promote it? It doesn't matter if the molestations are not in the book. They can't stop the media from asking. Book signings? People will gladly wait in line then give him hell, call him a pedophile.
  20. We need to copy and paste @Aja's post, and mass email the shit out of it to TLC and advertisers. That is, with her permission, because I would never think of pulling an Ivanka.
  21. I agree they are all about marriage and pregnancies. But someone MUST do housework, cook, look after the littles, and the useless adult males. Michelle and Boob are not going to do it. I'm not as knowledgeable as others here, but I was under the impression fundies/culties hang on to a SAHD. I could also be pulling that non fact out of my ear.
  22. Their kryptonite is ratings, but there will always be leghumpers, and hate watchers.
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