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Everything posted by NoWhammies

  1. Methinks the "lady" doth protest too much.
  2. I think Kody's anger is consistent with narcissistic rage. Meri made a fool of him. Christine is refusing to be "obedient." So to me, it's just your normal, garden variety narcissistic rage.
  3. That was hard to watch for sure. I felt like Kody was completely gaslighting Gabe and Garrison, and Gabe especially seems like a sensitive young man who has been through so much. He desperately wants a relationship with his dad, so he's willing to believe what Kody tells him. My heart hurts for him.
  4. I got curious and looked up Lladro figurines...people actually pay in the thousands for those tchotchkes? Disclaimer: I HATE CLUTTER.
  5. I wouldn't like it if someone said they wanted to see my tits on display. To hell with the men in my life--they wouldn't be the ones being objectified. However, Whitney seemed fine with it, so I suppose no harm-no foul. Seth might want to rethink that strategy in the future however, because at some point he's going to objectify the wrong person and get an earful.
  6. I live in a community that has had a few severe floods in the past 20 years. The Mormons bussed in huge amounts of their people, who rolled up their sleeves and worked their tails off swamping out mud, cleaning, bringing supplies, and more. They simply worked and did not preach--I know because I was heavily involved in the volunteer effort since we live high and dry on a hill. They also brought truckloads of their prepper supplies...cleaning kits, toiletries, canned foods, freeze-dried foods, blankets and coats, etc, which they gave away to people who had lost everything in the floods. Contrast that to the other cult that showed up, the Scientologists. They didn't lift a finger. They set up a massage table in the flood command center and did some weird shit to try and convert people to Scientology under the guise of "helping people relax and destress." They did not bring supplies or put any boots on the ground to provide meaningful assistance. So at least in the few cases I've observed, the LDS volunteers were actually incredibly helpful. To summarize: Mormons...still a cult, but helpful following a natural disaster.
  7. If there was a video of young me doing that whacky wavy waving arm flailing inflatable tube man "dance" that Robyn was doing, I'm relatively certain it would never have seen the light of day if I knew it existed. But I'm glad Robyn's self-absorption and lack of self-awareness made it possible for us to view it. What an absolute twit she is. She and Kody really are perfect for each other. I bet somewhere he has a video of himself doing virtually the same thing.
  8. Makes me contemplate what wonders SuperNanny could work with Kodouche. Either SuperNanny or Cesar Milan. Not sure which would be more effective. I'm guessing the Dog Whisperer.
  9. We would also have to pay someone to follow him around with a camera so we can see the results of our work. Oh wait...
  10. Especially now given how hard employers are struggling to find employees.
  11. New business idea for Janelle. She should shill her services on Cameo. She can charge $100 bucks to create videos telling people to fuck off.
  12. I like to think that Robyn ran in the house with the box in her arms and an extra-wide mask firmly clamped across her extra-wide face, screamed, "You're on your own" to Kody and the nanny, and retired to her chamber for 14 days in an act of self-quarantine in order to abide by any and all rules she--oh excuse me, Kody--is imposing on the others. And in that 14 days of Robyn's self-sacrificing quarantine, Kody and the nanny fell in love, and the nanny is now taking Kody on as a brother-husband to her husband. Kody will be divorcing Robyn and asking Robyn to give up her parental rights so the nanny can adopt Robyn's children (all of them, including the adults) so they can stay with the famibly.
  13. mostly Kody - but there's definitely a case to be made for Robyn.
  14. Why the fuck is Meri lip synching this to someone else's voice? I assume it's a famous quote or something?
  15. Just watched this on Discovery+. There is no hope for this family. It has been an inevitable slow-motion trainwreck that everyone but the Browns saw coming from the minute Robyn came into the family. You can't build a functional family around a dysfunctional, narcissistic, unintelligent, angry, irresponsible twit.
  16. I think I can speak for my fellow Pacific Northwesterners to say this: "Portland neither wants nor needs Meri Brown."
  17. Janelle Brown: Cooking up Pink Drinks in the RV Sink. It's very Dr. Seuss.
  18. Yeah - I am going to guess there is definitely an E at the beginning of Kooty's Myers-Briggs type. I suspect he's an ENDA (extraverted narcissistic doofus asshole) type.
  19. I think he looks like a petulant child.
  20. If she is, that son should kick Kody out (or not let him in) because Kootie really should launch and be on his own by his age.
  21. Hunter has always been one of my favorite Brown kids. Actually Janelle's kids in general seem like great kids, as do most of Christine's kids (so basically anyone not named Mariah or Robyn's children - although Sol does seem like a sweet little boy). He seems so family-focused and genuinely kind. Somebody did something right with those kids.
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