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Everything posted by Anakerie

  1. OH God, not Connor. Please not Connor. Never, ever again. *rocks self and sobs*
  2. That baby had straight hair and this one has a whole mess of curls. I know kids can change quickly so I could be completely wrong. Can anyone verify if it's the same child?
  3. Alba totally broke my heart when she told Jane that her Mom died still not speaking to her. Ivonne Coll is always brilliant anyway, but you could feel the anguish there. I don't think that's something you can ever really get over, and while it's probably not fair to lay that all at her sister's feet, I can understand where her anger comes from. She might in theory be able to patch things up with the rest of the family, but her mother is gone for good. She'll never be able to get that closure. That also may be why she's always forgiven Xo no matter what she's done or how angry she's gotten with her. The men also sold the panic (as short-lived as it was) when Mateo wandered off. (I'm shallow, but I miss last year's Mateo. This one is cute, but the baby they had at the end of last season was so adorable I wanted to reach into my TV and abduct him.)
  4. I love this show more and more each week. Yeah, I'm shallow: I first started watching because Lucifer is hot (no pun intended). I never expected to find myself lusting over the devil, but there I was. In truth when I found it it was yet another procedural show I just sighed because I'm pretty sick of them. But I've been sucked into Hell and I have no intentions of trying to escape: the storytelling, the characters, everything just comes together. I guess I pictured the "kids" to have been formed up in Heaven fully grown. But this week has me thinking about Luci and Amen as children and Uriel trying to get them to play with/notice him. And Amen as the "first born" trying so had to be the good one and set an example for his siblings. Things I never really thought about before. Also loved Uriel's little Rube Goldberg methods of setting off event chains. But now the show has me wondering what Charlotte's kids think of Jesus, Dad's son by another woman. : )
  5. My favorite part was right before Emma asked Killian to move in with her, when she was just idly playing with the hair on the back of his neck. It was just somehow easy and realistic, besides being very sweet. It's nice to see a couple behaving like a couple. And way to go, show, for remembering this time that Alex is female. And not an infant.
  6. If Morph is indeed Baby Dumbbell, I can understand why he doesn't want his parents to get back together. He already had the late Douchefire as a brother: the poor boy has to be terrified of any additional spawn Rumple might create with Belle. He plans on making damn sure he's an only child.
  7. Re: the mentalist. I know that Google patented a type of contact lens with a camera in it. That's all I can think of, that they were both wearing the contacts and she was "seeing" through his eyes. There was something I read the other day about Simon. He said that having a child of his own made him think twice about ripping apart someone else's child on stage, because now he know what that would feel like. He does seem completely smitten with his little boy. Although I suspect he's going to get around this by, in a few years, trotting the child out as a judge and letting Junior rip people a new one. "Last time I smelled something that rotten, Nanny said I needed a new nappie!"
  8. Someone please tell me that Mr. Hyde brought Jareth the Goblin King along to SB. He can take Snowflake, Pistachio, and Henry back with him. Why not take Alex back with him as well since Cinderella can't remember if she gave birth to a boy or a girl? We could even do a layaway plan for the Baby in the Belle in the Box: he could make a down payment. I can't see why Jareth would want Henry, but he might make a cute goblin.
  9. Does it have to be book-books or can comic books count? Because I'd love to dump some Walkers in the middle of Storybrooke. So much wasted potential here: they could have a team comprised of Winnie the Pooh, Mr. Darcy, Harry Potter, Wonder Woman, Deadpool, Doctor Who, and Lassie verses Evil Vagi...errr...Regina and the Legions of the Undead.
  10. So if all these other fantasy characters have now shown up in Storybrooke, I know someone who would be perfect for a small town in Maine. Pennywise! "We all float down here, Henry!"
  11. Very disappointed that the episode did not include Rumple opening the box and yelling "Where's Belle and who put a DICK in here???"
  12. It was good to see Robbie again. That kid can really act. Certainly better than most of the older actors on the show. That tidbit of Pan in this episode wasn't enough.
  13. My biggest problem with Cora getting a free pass into Heaven? The fact that she knew her older daughter was living in an abusive situation and she sent her back there! She could have wiped out Zelena's memory and placed her somewhere else (not that I'm excusing that: I don't even like Zelena but watching her get dragged away screaming, begging her mother to accept her, was heartbreaking). But to purposely send her back to her adoptive father knowing what he was like: to me that's unforgivable.
  14. I have the most horrible mental image of Hades doing an infomercial on how well Auntie Em cleans floors. "Just look at that shine!" I mean, 'Auntie Em' is a great name for a cleaning product. "Oh, Toto, not again!" "YOU need Auntie Em!"
  15. Poor Mulan...always a bridesmaid... I hate you, Show. However, thank you for shutting Belle up for a while. Now can we just leave her like this forever?
  16. I know it's not Carl. But darn it, a girl can dream...
  17. Oh for...at this point I'm rooting for Hades to get his hands on Baby Blimp. Blimp has to be better off being raised by him than by his/her/its miserable excuse for parents. Fly free, little Blimp...
  18. After this, I'm on Team Negan. Whack them all, big guy. Except Daryl. Adopt him, bathe him, and raise him as your own.
  19. Such mixed feelings. I adore Sylvester. I completely ship Happy and Toby and love watching them together. But is it so much to ask that just one of these weekly disasters takes Walter and Paige out? Drown them, nuke them, boil them, send them to Oz...we can keep Ralph. Ralph is cute. But please either kill those two or gag them.
  20. You picked a fine time to cleave me, Lucille...while Rick's bein' useless and there's Walkers afield. I'm tired of these jackholes, don't know their ass from their elbows. Could have spared me from Negan's whole spiel. You picked a fine time to cleave me, Lucille...
  21. Hey, if I were Hades I'd want to get my hands on the Rumplette too. It'll be both evil and (to quote Sheldon's mother) 'dumb as soup'. In short, all the qualifications for a perfect minion. Those are hard to come by.
  22. I cracked up watching Damien the other night. For those who haven't watched, it has Barbara Hershey playing...well...Cora. Okay, the character's name is Ann, but she's Cora and she's trying to get Damien to embrace his evil self. The reason I laughed so hard is I picture Cora just giving up on Regina and trying to adopt someone who wants to be pure evil. "Hmmm...the Antichrist? Perfect!"
  23. I still rank the first two Omen movies as some of the scariest movies I've ever seen: when Damien's father is searching through his hair and sees the numbers...always sends a chill up my spine no matter how many times I watch. So I'm willing to give Damien a chance and see what they can do with this show. On the other hand? Damien, your real Dad is now running a nightclub in L.A. and in my opinion he's a lot hotter. (no pun intended). Damn it, now I want to see Dr. Phil bring on God, Lucifer and Damien for family counseling!
  24. Stewie's fears were surprisingly realistic: even with his advanced intelligence, it is a scary world out there. Especially when you're that little. There was something really deep there, more deep that Family Guy usually likes to go. That's not a complaint: it was a nice surprise to see.
  25. When Morgan's kidnapper said "I want him naked." I cannot be the only one who yelled at the TV "So do I!" False advertising, show!
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