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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. Didn’t Amy have Caryn fired? Now Caryn is the big boss lady. I wonder how Amy feels about that! Amy should be happy they allow her on the farm but I’m sure it’s all for the show! The show must go on!
  2. I can’t even imagine losing one of my children. And by my own hand…unimaginable. What they all must have gone through. I don’t think Moriah has anybody else to play keyboard. Olivia is it! Honestly unless Moriah has improved a whole lot this is going to be a disaster. She will certainly need a keyboard! Many times in relationships you have to give a little. Olivia and Ethan have drawn their line in the sand and they won’t even try and I think that’s what’s really eating at him. He wants his family. Moriah and Micah have both found their way back home with supporting, non judgemental bf/gf. Ethan has a big problem. Olivia! I’m really curious about the relationship Olivia has with her parents,siblings, friends.
  3. $24 bucks to walk around Roloff farms. LOL My old dentist once told me when I inquired about pricing..."Whatever the traffic will allow"! If they can get it..they will. If they can't get it they will regroup!
  4. Looking at the scenes with Olivia a year ago and now she looks like she's aged ten years. This hair color is very unflattering and way too much makeup. She is a young woman but looks much older. Olivia will love the drama of Kim pulling up with the kids at Moriah's gig. It's right up her alley. Kim is going to show Olivia she is not in charge of her family. I felt really sorry for Moriah when she had to tell Micah's friend her mother could not come to her gig because of Olivia and Olivia never once relented and said heck let them all come. Your mom and dad, brothers and sisters. Maybe something good could have come from it. Nope it's all about Olivia. She's playingkeyboard and she's got her walls up and this is all about her. She should be ashamed when she sees Moriah needs her on the keyboard but really wants her family there. It will be interesting to see Micah make an ass out of himself when he gives his own mother what is. It's all for show and all to show Olivia he's taking the reins. Uggg. A good person would never behave like that.
  5. What we have here are ten almost middle aged singles that despite numerous boyfriends/girlfriends and lots of hook ups and live in's could not find a spouse on their own. We are working with some damaged people here. Try and match them up and what do you have but two paired singles unable to find love on their own. And we wonder why this isn't working out. LOL
  6. Actually....California is sketchy! Lol
  7. I thought Catelyn was only working on Sunday and Tyler was asked if he could handle the kids that one day! 🧐
  8. It’s funny, strange to me how young adults like to blame their parents for every wrong in their life. Micah explaining to the woman how he doesn’t return emails because they didn’t have electronics growing up! Really Micah. You have them now and you’ve had them for a while. Lazy maybe?
  9. Nobody holds Amber accountable for anything she does. I agree about Gary not having Kristinas back with Amber. I always have to wonder if maybe Gary still loves Amber. Stranger things have happened. He’s always bent over backwards for her. The more out of control Amber is the more Gary seems to cater to her at the expense of Kristina!
  10. Hummm. I guess. Grandma always told me beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Synergy. Hummm. $$$$$$
  11. Kim’s trying to make things right between herself and her daughter. It seems the boyfriend Max and everybody watching the show says enough but Moriah keeps saying ‘it’s me being me’! Perhaps Kim has decided to save her breath to cool her soup! Olivia is so evil. She’s so happy getting this shot in where Kim and Barry can’t go and see their daughter sing and play. She’s in heaven over this latest cou!
  12. Thank heavens young Bentley has been given a reprieve from Maci exposing him ! Now we can hear how busy they are getting kids to games. Do they realize working parents do that all the time! What a joy to not have to see Ryan, Jen and Larry. Thank you Maci for that! Amber sure does look weird in the way she makes different facial expressions. She’s a strange one. Anybody think she’s using again? Catelyn looked kind of nice and proud of herself with something to do. Too bad it won’t last! I thought for sure Broncs was going to punch blonde in the nose! She was one lucky duck! I’m curious why Purdue University is letting Purdue Global use their good name? Amber is surely ripping it up!
  13. How did Tyra ever get this hosting job? Who does she know? Nobody seems to like her and I haven't watched an episode since she started.
  14. Heaven help us. Another Amy selfie. Looking good Amy, Keep up the beauty regime. It's working...well kinda. LOL
  15. I’m curious how the Pumpkin Season proceeds are divvied up? I wonder if Amy was able to worm her way into being an equal payday partner. Matt might have given in on that one just to get her off Roloff Farms! You give some you lose some! Amy is like the Roloff bee. Always there. Buzz, buzz 🐝
  16. Isn’t that a book title? “He’s Not That Into You”! Suggested reading for Big B!
  17. Tia! How did we ever get her. She's like a mushroom. She just sprung up and now here she is on reality tv drawing a paycheck! Ain't life grand!
  18. Poor Ray. Maybe momma is no pushover like her daughter! She’s got a bit of class and money! Could afford Ray a beautiful life. Ray is no sperm donor? We’ll then what is he? If he played his cards right he would offer up his sperm and he could stay home and babysit while momma and grandma make the bucks to support Rays chosen lifestyle of plenty! No restitution due from a non working gigelo!
  19. That was a moment! Especially since the whole car ride she was eyeing Daontes gold necklace. Was it real gold? Nicole is a real little dumb bunny. I hope she gets her hearts desire…new boobs!
  20. But the show must go on and this is B and M’s role in this disaster of a series! How can this ban of idiots even imagine running a sober living facility. They're all living on reality show money but are pretending to be Bill Gates I always hope nobody knows I watch such trash but darn I find myself looking forward to it every Friday evening! Oh judge away! Day after the show is Judgement day!!! Lol
  21. I'm thinking from what Ethan said he is supporting his wife. He bought the house and he pays the bills. At least last episode he said 'you aren't happy with what I have given you'. He's pretty darn handy fixing copy machines and able to repair and redo cars. That takes some talent that you don't need college to do. Everybody seems to think the end all is college but there are people making a very nice living in the trades. Ethan, Micha and Moriah are all free now. Free to pursue their own wants, desires and happiness. I watch the Bates and Dugger families and they are happy as can be except for that one bad apple in the bunch..Josh. They were all raised fundy and they survived. Those girls are beautiful and very ambitious and no college there on any of them except one or two of the SIL's. Believe me I have no dog in this race but I just felt like Kim and Barry were getting a black eye and wanted to speak up. Maybe we don't agree with their parenting but maybe they don't agree with ours either. Luckily all of us aren't appearing on a reality show so we aren't being torn to pieces for our parenting. I'll be concluding my support until next episode.
  22. So now Olivia is having the same problems with Ethan that his parents had. Strong willed and stubborn and will not take advice.
  23. Ryan might be surprised on decision day when Brett says no thank you! I'm pulling for you kiddo!
  24. Many kids tend to blame their parents for all of their lifes problems. Even though mom and dad warned about such a rushed marriage Ethan went full steam ahead. Now every problem he and Olivia encounter is mom and dad's fault. Barry and Kim are raising nine children according to their beliefs. Who are we to judge. College is available. Why don't they sign up? Nope it 's The parents fault! Maybe they're lazy kids. Micah hasn 't even been returning modeling calls. Mariah had to be a handful for most parents. The oldest daughter and the praying daughter seem to be living their faith. These kids need to get their own acts together and stop blaming parents raising their family according to their faith. If you want to read about dysfunction read The Glass Castle. There's some real shame in that game.
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