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Everything posted by Jeanne222

  1. I can't imagine it takes forever to ready an already filmed season. With social media as it is we're way ahead of the season happenings. Sister wives, LPBW, The Johnsons. They are all so stale when shown on tv!
  2. Kaitlyn is sure playing this one up! Marketing for sure! More hits than she's gotten in a long time. Giving her credit for making it pay. Not everyone can do that so well!
  3. Well then now she will be able to stay with her dead horse! See it all worked out for Faith in the end!
  4. I think Clare was expecting at the minimum Cameron to walk behind or with her and not rush ahead of her. Not sure with today's young men if they still open the door for their ladies and help with heavier luggage when traveling. Cameron failed miserably at everything! I don't think Cameron will want to return to New Zealand. I think he'll want to return to being single and riding his bike! He doesn't appear to have any idea of how to treat a wife, young woman! He's still just a boy!
  5. I think the Golden Bachelorette, if they have one, will be the blonde woman that went home early to her daughter. She has great stage presence and she's loved for caring for her daughter. She exceeds a Gerry! Moo of course!
  6. Maybe but didn’t Matt make promises to players he didn’t keep? That could come back to bite him.
  7. Aaa back when I watched but one episode and ‘felt bad’ for the parents! What a mess it all was. I think Ethan and Olivia were more in lust rather than in love. Sounds like they hardly knew one another. Kim is finding such joy telling her children ‘I’m dating”! Who cares. Go away. Moriah is just sad. I ask myself is she a wanna be porn star or a misunderstood child? This family would make a great case study for someone doing research on difunctional families!
  8. Yes and I just can't believe he walked into all this without forewarning. She's lovely but an unknown future. What if he married mostly for a partner and a family. I have tender feelings for both of them but many questions for the experts!
  9. Jag for the win! Definitely. He by far played the best game, made the best moves, chose the best allies. BJ hardly spoke. Just followed along happy with her choice to attach herself to Jag. Matt's just one neck of a nice guy but nice guys don't finish up first. He was a good friend, loyal and won when Jag needed him to do so! Yep Jag for the win!
  10. I liked Onion and his bride. They seem comfortable together. Partners. I'll be sad if this one doesn't work out. Bicycle guy is rude then bewildered. Maybe that's why other women didn't stay. Not sure about her. Does she expect too much or is he just rude? Surgery girl. Hum. I do wonder if he really understands what she faces every day. What their future might be like. Never been in a relationship girl seems all in on her handsome husband and him the same.
  11. If I was having seven of one gender please Lord let it be boys! I have 3 daughters and they are a handful! Lol
  12. I thought Tony was a banker and left banking to pursue investments? Looks like he's a stay at home dad and a gamer! If I walked into my bank and was presented with Tony....I'd take my money and run. He must have worked for a bank behind the scenes.
  13. I think Gerry will get down on one knee and propose with a beautiful diamond ring. That's what this Golden Bachelor season show needs and expects for the ending of a fan filled season! Then after the lights dim and we're getting hopped up for the next season it will be announced quietly they have gone their separate ways but remain best of friends and will always care for one another! Count on it!
  14. Maybe 'love' is different for Gerry. He's told two the three home dates he loves them too! I don't think anybody's getting married. They all have money and families to consider. Maybe love is blind but cash rules when your 70!
  15. So that was long and boring! Kody lied so much I thought his nose would start growing and fall off! I suspect some TLC money is going into the storyline carriage house. That's Meri's story. Christine dancing off into the sunset. Mikelti thinking she and Tony can take over the show with their twins! Lol Sometimes its hard for Tony to put together a sentence. Why is Janelle hanging around? Oh I bet until Savannah finishes school. Robyn dyed her hair. Not a fan of the darker color.
  16. She might be getting some child support and maybe other state aide for children. There are a lot of programs for women with lots of kids. Anybody happen to know if this current baby daddy works? She might get $$ from baby daddy's one and two. Nada from three and four and not sure on the last three! Am I missing one? Seems she has 8!
  17. So...perhaps an 'I love you' from a 70 year old on a reality show is a lot different than an 'I love you' from a 20 something year old. One Is full of passion and desire the other longing for care and companionship. Perhaps Gerry does feel comfort and home in several of them.
  18. I see they are saying they made a big decision on their latest YouTube video! I haven't watched it yet. It always takes me a moment with them!
  19. And she really looks happy! Its been a long time coming for Christine! 😍
  20. I don't think sleeping with somebody's wife pays much! What kind of street life is Zack involved in? Ill never understand why Cheyenne married that do nothing man! I don't think Cheyenne's fathers say much about anything. They all just love the $$$ the show delivers to them!
  21. I think a lot of what you see in Gerry is Indiana. It's pretty cold and a conservative state. I also think he's from way up north in Indiana perhaps close to the Amish. Faith is up in WA and Theresa in New Jersey. Leslie Minnesota. Theresa is maybe the one willing to relocate!
  22. Nope not much. Just pops in and out. He is also on a cooking show. Forget the name right now.
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