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  1. Well, I was a bit off about Ryland's being the mastermind, but she certainly was involved. Since there's no Season 3 Speculation/Spoiler topic yet, I'll put in here that I suspect that pretty boy Austin is involved up to his eyeballs. He was so ready to work with Kate to dump Trowbridge but miscalculated when the British public applauded the Lenkov death. Suddenly he's decided to be Trowbridge's bestie and dump Kate big time. IMO he's desperately trying to cover his a**.
  2. With Darren gone I don't see anybody but Jeff or Dan winning (barring accidents, illness or the like).
  3. Let's just call this season 'Naked and Afraid XL Jeff', starring Jeff, directed by Jeff, saturated with Jeff. It would be great to see him go sooner rather than later, but, sadly, I suspect that he'll stay almost to the end. Not sure, though, that I can stand to watch till that point. Does he REALLY bring in the ratings? So sad to see Lindsay go, also. And Dan - what on earth were you thinking?
  4. I'm trying to figure out how Kate was cast at all in light of her prior tapouts. Either no other woman was available, or maybe the producers figured she'd bring the tapout drama again and it would make for good TV. Anyhow, why did she take the hide and the knife with her? She could have given either or both to any other contestant(s), thereby helping out somebody else's game and/or screwing somebody else. Bitch.
  5. I don't trust Meg Ryland a bit, and wouldn't be surprised if she's behind the whole thing, the looming assassination of the bad guy in France and the bomb in the car at the end. She's setting up Trowbridge to take the blame for it all.
  6. Sorry if this info has been posted, but I looked back a bunch of pages and couldn't find it: who got VOY and ROY? Thanks!
  7. I also thought Dan had it; hopefully the judges weren't swayed by Danny's having a good story.
  8. Guy seemed astonished when the result of the Brooke/Kevin match was revealed. Is he in the dark, like viewers, until then? Nothing on the scorecard he reads from? And Justin is indeed looking fine. He was so cute last week when Mei Lin offered him a taste of her sauce and he said something like 'Wow! I'm being fed!' And his food knowledge is indeed, as Guy says, encyclopedic. Speaking of Mei Lin, she seems much more pleasant and relaxed than last season, and she's even smiled a time or two!
  9. When we're in Paris we always head for Angelina's on the Rue Rivoli for their classic Mont Blancs, which are heavenly, although over the years they've shrunk in size but not in price. And didn't Jesse say that they're a holiday, or winter, favorite? We've enjoyed them year round there.
  10. As long as it's minus Elaine!
  11. Remember, he's an 'image architect'! That means we're all supposed to bow down in awe, I guess.
  12. For me, the only downside to Jeff's 'flameout' (sorry, couldn't resist) is the possibility that he might show up the next season in some sort of redemption-like arc.
  13. Wes Gordon is the first guest judge in recent memory who saw problems, knew why, and explained them so clearly that even I understood. After looking at some of his designs online, I can honestly say 'I would wear that'.....actually, I'd wear everything.
  14. What kind of accident did Justin have...when, etc.?
  15. Einat bugged me in the previous round, but this time, after she snapped at Justin 'Don't stress me!' when he gave her the time (I think it was down to 3 minutes) no doubt in an effort to be helpful, I was done. Add that to her incredulity at losing......lady, I'm over you and your attitude.
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