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  1. Thanks for those links everyone! She has a makeup business. Ok. So her makeup looks like that on purpose? Hmmm. I’m learning so much.
  2. Thank you for sharing your story and experience. Your dress is gorgeous and looks beautiful on you! Shay was so obnoxious on the show but it’s actually nice to hear he is a professional in person. We all kind of figured his show-havior was bs but didn’t make it not annoying. LOL! New Jersey bride... I mean, just, no. Areola dress, her makeup.. just too much. Her sister seemed sane. She got a few eye rolls in. Can I just say it bugs me so much when women claim they “don’t do math” when it’s like BASIC arithmetic. Come on.
  3. Yeah, that made me go Hmmm. Her emotion for Randy does seem genuine to me, though. I wonder if fans of the show wanted to see a follow up with her and kept asking so they figured out a way to insert her to give an update. (Gawd, i'm so cynical!) Because we certainly didn't get the full episode treatment for her friend. They could've been strangers, ie maybe that lady was an actress. It was really pretty. And something different. I loved the textural element and I liked the shape of the top. It suited the wedding theme. Yay show! I was pissed/nervous when Diane trotted out the Pnina dress (has it been around 10 years? because it feels like it) i screamed NO! at the tv. I'm sort of shocked Pnina still sells it. I'd probably pull a Radiohead (they don't preform Creep anymore - supposedly) and stop making it. But it's probably a cash cow for her- a bejeweled cash cow. California bride. She was somewhat unpleasant but I thought her mom and sister were awful, so I just assume that's how she copes with them. Anyway. Her figure seemed more difficult to fit (larger rounded shoulder) - strapless looked odd but so did straps. The illusion was a good solve and looked nice on her. It was nice to see that Randy dress in white and lined. Looked so much better. And I agree with the bride in a way... If someone (and y'all did) showed me the blue "whipped cream boob" version unlined i would not be a fan and I was not. In white and lined it's still A LOT of look but it's better. So when her mom was gettin' all "i told you so" I sided with the bride, I couldn't visualize that and seemed like many here couldn't either so yeah. Gloat somewhere else please, lady.
  4. Found it - The conversation about them meeting before It comes at 44:03 in the episode. setting: on train to Machu Picchu Arie: It feels like it's been forever since I saw you step out of that limo Lauren: yeah Arie: And it's also funny like how it went by like that (snaps fingers). You know? Lauren: Yeah I agree. Like I can still picture the first day, like, everything that happened. Arie: yeah Lauren: Like, me walking up to you and you forgetting that you met me in Dallas (giggle) and like me tripping, going into the mansion Arie: (bending over laughing) yeah
  5. re: Lauren & Arie. I need to go back and rewatch to hear what she said but on their final date this episode I believe she said something to him like "you didn't remember meeting me in Dallas". So they'd apparently met before the show at some point? I'm going to find the exact minute of the episode and update my post but that is an interesting piece of information if it is as I heard it. Not to distract from all this other stuff but the way they've chosen to showcase/edit Lauren is so odd that if Lauren & Arie had some kind of history that might be important. Especially since he was kind of a last minute Bachelor switch. Ugh this show.
  6. I know the slope was icy, but did no one pole plant during the race? I haven’t skied in years but things can’t have changed that much. Has it always been this bad? I don’t think on BIP (and Batch) it was this, well, fugly.
  7. Ooof. Seriously. Arie pronounces “quirky” as “quarky”. This season has been so ..... zzzzzzzz
  8. Texas bride is not a good liar. She obviously has A dress at home, and just wanted to have an adventure in NY and be on tv. The smirk on her face (and her friends) was hard to ignore. I did like the final floral ball gown she tried on last though, It was a lot of flowers but pretty. The other brides were lovely.
  9. Those were possibly the most boring ideas for 1-on-1 dates ever. And I would’ve hated the cars too. I hate those stupid whiplash bumper car machine things. This is going to be a long season.
  10. Definitely is a different vibe with 3 hosts (+Mario) and I think theyre getting used to each talking more and basically all being in each segment. But I'm liking some of the newish segment ideas like Chew lab and Carla helping to fix people's baking fails. I do think an additional female would would be great. There's got to be a foodie woman that hasn't sold her soul to FN yet.
  11. Lots o' news out there but I'll pick this one http://www.etonline.com/exclusive-arie-luyendyk-jr-was-still-dating-someone-two-nights-ahead-bachelor-announcement-source It says a lot about this current recent crop that they had to go back to 2012 to find someone. Arie was quite well liked when Emily season aired, if I recall? Since I watch for the wrong reasons, and I don't find him that attractive I'll probably enjoy his season since my pure snark can come back. I really liked both Nick and Rachel so these back to back seasons have been hard for me. The feeling of sincerity! Ewwww!
  12. Loved Brandon's. I think Posen called it lyrical and that's a perfect word. It referenced music to me, also a piano kind of , in the tonality of color and the different pieces and those little button loops. It reads as subtle movement to me, but not so literally. Whereas Margaritas dress was more literally a dress for dance. A lot of great designs this week. I liked Kenyas a lot too.
  13. She may have been blacked out. Only she knows. Not something I enjoy admitting, but I've experienced a few, and they've been because I overdrank hard alcohol and its' scary. And it's embarrassing. Because you don't know when you're in the midst of one that you are having one. Your friends can't tell - I mean maybe if they know you really well they can associate very specific behaviors or appearances, but even then it's just a suspicion. But mostly the scary part is waking up and having no memory of what happened. I'm inclined to believe her on that. Because it sort of explains her behavior after, changing stories somewhat. Who do you trust to tell you the truth if you can't remember? People have bachelor "friends" but are they really? Maybe the booze+meds combo did it but I don't buy it, especially if it's a medication that builds up. That's where her tone changed and it felt untrue. Kind of BS that she throws her doctor & pharmacist under the bus too for her irresponsibility of overdrinking. Like I'm sure they're all "oh just this refill before you head to Paradise, make sure to wash it down with some tequila & champagne". No. She chose to ignore the combination warnings OR she drank so much that it had nothing to do with the meds. I'm also sick of this show treating it like its just about Demario & Corinne. There's almost no acknowledgement at all about the show or the producers responsibility. Dean & Christina, I just can't anymore. They're very frustrating. He's so aloof and acts so disengaged. She slept with him too soon, her hormones are screwed up now but she needs to snap out of it and disengage. He's mentally a little boy. eta: Technicality if he did with Christina but while they were on filming break, the statement could still be true. They could've had sex but it would not have been "in paradise" - in meaning during. Dean's vocab & grammar game can be strong, I'll give him that.
  14. I really like your theory!!! Thanks! So to expand on it ... they can't have a truly honest relationship while there is still The Lie . But once that's revealed and worked through their real compatibility would come through. Liza holds back with him, for obvious reasons. He holds back with Liza because he thinks she's so young and wouldn't understand his parental duties, separation, responsibilities or 40 year old stuff. Which obvs. she does but can't tell him. There's then the issue of the employer relationship but to me that's a manageable situation you figure out with an HR person advising. They wouldn't be the first to meet their spouse at work and continue to work with them. I feel like i talk about them like they're real. I know they're not.
  15. Does she have an "Annoying AF" sweatshirt too? Aaron or Brandon? With Brandon he buckles down. Works hard. Stays quiet. (He's a Millennial too, heh. )But more importantly, he designs to his strengths using pattern and color. I imagine that tailoring/ princess seams on a plus model would be hard for him but rarely are challenges that specific, and he works with what he knows. I liked last weeks top and the pants this week were really great. He's also done 2 crop tops, which could get one note but he has other thoughtful design elements that make up for that. I'm introverted so I'm a little biased to the joy of silence, but if Shawn would just stop talking for 10 minutes I think it would help her greatly in focus and calm.
  16. Here's a theory, "26 year old" Liza helps him get over his divorce. The real 40 year old Liza is the real love of his life.
  17. Ooooh. That never occurred to me and you're totally right. They don't know the order but they know the cast since presumably they saw them at the airport or something as they were leaving? I'm glad Lacey choose Diggy instead of Iggy. But the connection seems thin. And she's literally the 2nd Lacey you didn't remember cast on this Show. Maybe she was cast because she said she was into Daniel and no one else is. But they wanted him in the show (because he's entertaining) so why not?
  18. Wouldn't have thought I'd be enjoying Alexis's commentary but I am. Diggy: "you say yes to the dress". That was funny and lightness was needed. More Diggy! I feel like Dean has the potential to be a really good guy but his balls need to drop first. He's still very much a boy and wants everyone to like him. Or something. Bad strategy.
  19. I was too. He's interesting. Like OMG whoa -but interesting. Like Pop Culture Veal, raised indoors on Youtube, reality tv, cartoons, anime (and butter). I cut him some slack for the fat comment because he's not a native English speaker and body words are complicated if you speak the language, more so if you don't. Trying to describe a thin model with relatively bigger hips. Hmmm. I guess I'd use curvy ? Hippy? Pear? None is quite right. Love the different size models. But like others, Don't love their personal opinions of the clothes. They're not clients, this is their work. There's incentive to say good things. While I liked the winning dress, because it felt effortless, my favorite was Kentaro's.
  20. Erin did a collaboration with Spoonflower https://blog.spoonflower.com/2017/06/see-the-statement-piece-this-project-runway-winner-created-with-spoonflower/ The print has a social political message(s) which I like but it's busy. Though the scarf/tote size version is kind of cool and more accessible. And apparently she made a mini Erin doll out of the scrap fabric which I sincerely love.
  21. Doesn't she have a huge room sized closet? In an earlier episode they showed a huge closet, I interpreted that as an additional bedroom technically but converted into a massive closet? Am I imagining that? Watched too many episodes of Cribs? Last year I literally had to check IMDB because I thought it was the same actor playing Kelsey's various d-bag boyfriends. So nice to see less off the shoulder peasant tops this episode. I know they're the thing now for summer but I'm over them. I guess theyre slow burning this Charles/Liza thing... still makes me squeee.
  22. Worst final rose ceremony location ever. I think sequins were blowing off her dress. I never saw Bryan & Rachel challenge each other. I just saw them make out. And maybe it's me, but calling a relationship mature indicates to me it might not be. If it is, it is. (Reminds me of Phoebe Cates in Fast Times.) Good luck you two. Eyeroll.
  23. Ha. The funny thing is I don't disagree with your analysis but I still like him. But probably the biggest reason I like him is that Liza likes him and I like Liza. Is that called transference? He cares about his employees. That's another. I'm not sure I realized Empirical was only 75 employees until this episode. I thought it was bigger. I used to work for a family owned publisher that was about 75 FT employees and we had a few imprints. They weren't that separated day to day honestly. They shared most resources: design, marketing, accounting, fulfillment.It wasn't a formal place at that size either, there would be parties at personal residences (like when Diana did that higge thing), and though heirarchy existed it wasn't a thing that you felt. For better or worse. (Oh, Nor were our offices as nice.) But through that lens the relationships at Empirical make a lot more sense now that I know it's smaller. Even though, fiction. Of course.
  24. The text said: "We're closing tomorrow with L.L. Moore at 5.2 Million. Thanks." Thanks.! Blame may need to be spread then because why was Charles texting her that specific sensitive info? She was not a key part of the deal. She could've been in a bar and anyone interested could see it. And in person he never used a number. Now he starts? I know it's just a plot device, and he's as "old" but ugh.
  25. Oh, it's 4! Been here quietly shipping the whole time. Breaking out to say, FINALLY! Also, I don't understand how that guy supposedly stole their author. Did she get a txt with a $ figure? I couldn't read the text because non HD text on an hdtv is a mess. Help? I'm confused.
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