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  1. Court

    NFL Thread

    I'm a woman and the super bowl on Valentine's Day sounds perfect to me, lol.
  2. They do. My 17 year old loves game night. Teenagers have more of a child side than you'd expect. At least in my experience with my teen and his friends. It surprises me sometimes. They still do stupid teenage crap too.
  3. Well I was about to quit this show so I came to read the comments to see if I should try. With the A grade, I'm in for at least one more episode!
  4. While I agree Amy shouldn't have violated a DNR, it's a huge oversight that no one told her or Sonya about it until the patient coded. It wasn't even in his chart yet. Also, someone should have removed the parents. Also, Sonya also violated the other brother's patient rights when she told him about the spleen and such. He as just asked Amy who said she can't tell him. Both of them were wrong, imo, and I was annoyed Sonya on the show and here was getting you're wonderful edit. Parents and dying brother all needed a pysch consult.
  5. I was rooting for Gabby to die. She never takes any responsibility for her dumbass decisions. Always the victims. This show should lean into the friendship of Eve, Bode and Jake. I might be done with this show.
  6. Agreed. I suspect she is the one helping Sir. I suspected the foster mom immediately when she calmed Jordan down when there was no need to calm him down. My youngest has autism and if I tried to calm her down when there was no need, it likely would cause a meltdown.
  7. Court

    NFL Thread

    Ugh I hate this. He's one of my favorite players. Well not anymore!
  8. I really want to like this show but I barely made it through this episode.
  9. So I know how ridiculous this episode is but I enjoyed the absurdity of thr asteroid, bunker and gen z jackass. That's what I signed up for. I don't care about the rest of the crap. Jonah, cancer, ICE, etc. But hey Charles!
  10. Court

    NFL Thread

    Well damn.
  11. I put this on and maybe watched 15 minutes of it. My love for Nathan Fillion can no longer outweigh how bad this show is. I'm quitting it.
  12. I found this episode very funny. I agree with the above, it has so much potential.
  13. Is the Mexican place they showed where Trent met Rodriguez a real place in Atlanta? Because those food descriptions made me hungry.
  14. Cromwell? Yes because he got a text then sent him to get ice. I have him and the one guy both in on it.
  15. I loved the Buck story. My teens still trick or treat and the oldest is 17. I figure let them be kids. I also hated the Hen/Karen fight for a few reasons. 1. It's Halloween. That's not a huge deal or a some big important holiday. Take the kids to trunk or treats and I promise you they won't remember you weren't there the actual day. 2. You don't ask your firefighter wife to take off a holiday the day before! If it was that important, ask her at least a month in advance. 3. I also felt this massive guilt trip she kept giving Hen was very out of character for her. It felt forced
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