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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. I'm not surprised that we don't remember all of the details of the show - especially DD and GA. I mean, they had tons of lines to memorize, and they weren't intensely watching the final product, so they won't remember the actual result. I do laugh though that she forgot about the kid. That's how forgettable season 8 and 9 were - there was focus on William, and GA still forgot about him. Heh. Damn - back when it aired, I'm trying to remember what I thought about her being "fertile" again. I remember thinking that a chip that they implanted into Scully (the second one) was the one that reversed her not being able to have kids i.e. it allowed ovulation again. I think that's how I figured at the time. Then - Scully, knowing she didn't have to use birth control - slept with Mulder and ending up getting knocked up, because she didn't think she needed any BC. I also remember thinking with the episode all things, was that the pressures of being them finally became too much, and they had sex as a bit of an outlet for their frustrations. But I remember thinking it was a one-time thing. I don't remember any hint of alcohol being involved though. Man, CC and company can pretty much write whatever they want and ignore some of the details because no one can remember it. There will be a small portion of people with the means/time to rewatch the whole series, but most won't, so they can fudge some stuff.
  2. True, but I am also banking on the fact that some of those Monday viewers, who choose The Voice or Bachelor or Scorpion over SH (subsequently DVRing SH), will show up to live watch on Thursday and hopefully choose SH. Some may choose Scandal instead, but there is the potential for an increase. But there could be a small drop too. We'll see. It will depend on how the show does too - if SH improves (it can only improve, to be honest, after season 2) and gets some good buzz, and Scandal continues to not do so good (apparently people have commented it's declining in storyline, etc), then there is a chance for SH to grab some more Scandal viewers. I'm not worried (too much). Just give me a good season and keep it on the air. Don't tease me, AmandaPanda! *grin* about season 4. I really hope so, TBH. I didn't know that The Mindy Project wasn't owned by FOX. Just, with all of the renewal talk, people kept saying that even though ratings weren't that good, it would get renewed because it was one season away from syndication, so I just assumed it was owned by FOX. I would suspect though that production for SH is probably more expensive than TMP though, which is a factor. One thing about FOX though - they do not promote SH that much. It sucks. It's like their marketing department has been allocated $100 bucks and that's it. And with the success of Empire, they will be channeling as many funds as possible in that direction, so promotion may be less, if that's even possible. Ah well. We'll have to see. At this point though - just give me a good season 3. That's all I ask.
  3. I mentioned this a couple of episodes ago, but the show seems too modern at times, in terms of the behaviour and actions of the people. I doubt Andre would ever appear to any guest in a robe and half undone shirt. (not that I am complaining). Not sure if someone in the house would wander around naked, save for a hastily tied robe (not that I am complaining). I know not everyone was like this, but there was a formality in this time, to the point of many husband and wives sleeping together quite clothed and covered up. It feels like more modern clothing and behaviours with people who are dressed like those in the 18th century. Even with Peggy falling into bed with Andre (not like I would say no either), but for her, there is the risk of pregnancy of course and being caught, which would seriously damage her reputation and status, so it rang a bit false to me. Andre greeting a guest - especially a female guest - wearing what he was didn't ring true to me historically. Also, Peggy showing up at Andre's house alone, no escort and seemed to be there for a long time (overnight it seemed?), which doesn't ring true either. However, to be utterly shallow - I got JJ Feild looking hot as hell wearing almost nothing and dammit - he's a good looking man. *sigh*. My second shallow comment is that my god, Ksenia Solo is SKIN-EE. Her waist has got to be like 20 inches. She is so tiny and small and THIN. Where are her internal organs stored?? Does she corset train? Dammit. /end shallow comments. This episode wasn't as good as the previous ones, and the show still doesn't know what to do with the ladies. Judge Woodhull is an ass and didn't hesitate throwing around the insults, which was telling. I hate that they can only have the women be sexual objects for the men, but then, what else is new for the history of humanity?? I did feel for Simcoe - I like him, know he's an ass, but come on, Anna. One day you're clearly disgusted by Simcoe and insulting him, the next you're all flirty and sweet - dude's not fooled, hence the small smile after she left his room. I don't like him wanting to kill Hewlett, but like his determination and he's no fool. Hewlett, Ben and Caleb were sorely missed. Mary is a crazy pyro - terrible spy but dammit, imagine the insanity and damage she could cause if she put her mind to it!!
  4. Apparently discussions are happening.... Constantine - Negotiations ongoing with CW Save the show!! Put it on CW (wait, do I get that channel....???)
  5. Now that the networks have announced the cancellations/renewals, two more shows (IMO) to add to the list of "never got a fair shot". Forever and Constantine. Both awesome shows that should have been renewed. I liked that, they were well done and great actors leading them. *sigh*. And yet the Kardashians go on and on and on....
  6. In a group of people who already watch Scandal and watch SH, 100% of that audience is not going to live-watch Scandal and tape SH. Some will choose SH, some will choose Scandal, and DVR the other show. So the ratings will slightly shift up or down for each show (depending on how people choose), but for the most part, it will not have a major impact. blixie was saying she was worried about it, because it has the potential to hurt SH, and take away a lot of viewers (if I understood correctly). I personally think the impact will be negligible. That's what I was trying to get across. Hope that makes sense.
  7. Brought over from the media thread.... Fox Aims for Lighthearted Shows with Wide Appeal This is pretty much what I wrote in Media, but the SH relevant parts I'll paste here: Well now, this move to Thurs already makes a bit more sense already. SH audience is a mix, but probably skews much more toward woman (though I watch Gotham). If Gotham is mostly young guys, then that's not the lead-in SH needs. Funny - I don't even remember it paired with Bones - never watched the show. But I did mention in the Media thread that the Voice and DWTS (Bachelor and Scorpion also) have a huge audience. The competition on Thursday garners less, so that means there are more people who aren't watching something that now may watch SH. Basically, the people who could have watched SH live, watched Scorpion, DWTS, The Voice instead. Now some of those people can watch SH live now. The fact that FOX owns the show, and the 18 episode order again now makes sense. We all thought 13 episodes, but if they only have to get two more seasons out to syndicate, then there is incentive for the show. However, The Mindy Project also was there - it just needed one more season to syndicate, and FOX pulled the plug anyway. Honestly though - season 3 is the test. If it does well/improves, it gets season 4. If it can't recover, obviously it's done. blixie said in the Media Thread: I agree/disagree. I think FOX is banking on an audience split/shift. Basically some of the black female audience will stick with live-viewing Scandal, but some will shift to live-viewing Sleepy Hollow. I mean, we all saw that awesome campaign that some amazing fans pulled off to get it renewed. The campaigners were a mixed bag in terms of race, but there are a lot of WOC who are advocating for this show and - who like me - for some reason have found themselves just devoted and in love with this crazy-ass show (for no good reason). So like I said, I think FOX is thinking they can "split the difference" or at least balance. Some viewers who used to live watch Scandal will now live watch SH and tape Scandal. Some who lived watched SH will tape it now and live watch Scandal. It's all which show you love more. Regardless, FOX expects some viewer shifting and are going to be find with it, as long as the numbers balance in the end and are what they want.
  8. Fox Aims for Lighthearted Shows with Wide Appeal This is pretty much what I wrote above but the SH relevant parts I'll paste here: ETA: Crap, DearEvette is right - this discussion belongs HERE. (Link to my post)
  9. As I mentioned in the Media thread, we've got a premiere date!! “THE X-FILES” BEGINS ITS TWO-NIGHT PREMIERE EVENT, FOLLOWING NFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME SUNDAY, JANUARY 24 (2016)
  11. Called it - re: Time Jump. Sounds interesting actually, especially since it seems that we will see some of Abbie's personal life and focus on her career, and how Crane is coping and adjusting to the 21st century. I like it, TBH. Sleepy Hollow Season 3 Synopsis. It's a link to a PDF file, so I'll just paste in the text. Best part is the reaffirmation of no witchy wives and demonic sons. Though the lack of headless best friend sucks because I liked Neil Jackson. And YEAH - mention of Jenny /Lyndie Greenwood. Phew, she's still in. ETA: So far, SH is expected to come back in September. Thurs Night Football runs straight through from September all the way to end of December, so there will be overlap the entire time. But as I mentioned - it survived fine on Mondays during season 1, so it isn't an issue to me. Like I said - I would tape both, watch SH live, and flip back and forth to football during commercials, and also could fast forward through the commercials in football and stoppage in play. Same will apply with Thurs, because I am going to be taping so many shows. It's all good.
  12. How many of us watch live compared to DVRing and watching later. Personally, SH is the ONLY show I have ever made an effort to watch live - season 1 especially. Every other show, since I hate commercials, I would DVR it, and if I had time to watch, I would start about 20 minutes into it. Anyway...on Monday's, SH was going against Monday Night Football (which I watch), Scorpion, The Voice and The Bachelor - all ratings juggernauts. Also, Forever was in the same time slot for me as SH (Canadians got the broadcast Mondays), so that was something else that competed. On Thurs Feb 24th (SH season finale), the Voice got 14 million viewers, Scorpion about 10 mil, the Bachelor 9 mil. Those are big numbers. Also, Monday Night Football usually has really good games scheduled and gets huge ratings (I know, I tape and watch also). Thursdays, from looking at what was scheduled early December 2014, it would be in the same time slot as Reign, Two and a Half Men (which will end), Bad Judge. Major potential competing shows, scheduled for Thursdays between 9-10 pm, in February 2015 are The Blacklist, Scandal, Reign and Two and a Half Men (like I said, is over now). Blacklist got around 7 mil viewers, Scandal 8 million, Two and a Half Men 13 million. There is also Thursday Night Football, but the games are usually not the best team matchups. So the fact that SH was able to pull decent numbers, even against the Voice and Bachelor and Scorpion sucking up viewers is pretty good - especially after the mess of season 2. So Two Men is over, and CBS's replacement may suck. Other than that, there is lots of potential of SH to pick up major viewership. Honestly, this could be a very very good thing. Lots of potential to pick up viewers, so I can totally see why FOX made the change. Any other day would not be good. Thursday is a good TV day. And you know what? Monday's were a major TV watching day for me (Gotham, Forever, SH, Football). Now it will be SH, Elementary, How to Get Away with Murder and Big Bang Theory and if the Football game is good. Awesome awesome TV day, IMO. SH may also be able to pick up viewers, who will watch something before switching over to Elementary and HTGAWM, so this is really good in my view. Just my long winded analysis. Hopefully I am right.
  13. I don't think he replaced Corbin. There wasn't any time to replace him, to be honest. In the pilot episode, Corbin gets killed at night. Around the same time (later that same night), Crane is arrested and ends up in the jail. Both Irving and Abbie are at the station to interrogate him. So I always thought that the Captain headed the department, and Corbin was just a higher rank than Abbie, but reported directly to Irving. i think Irving was to have transferred to SH maybe a week or a bit more before everything in the pilot happened. He commented on his somewhere in the early episodes.
  14. Yeah, I saw that Agent Carter was renewed! Yes! Constantine and Forever were...not *CRIES* Oh wow, Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 pm. Fox Fall Schedule They put minority report after Gotham?? That's weird. This isnt a bad thing, IMO. Gotham is not doing so good either - raitngs are comparable about 4.5 million viewers - so it cannot be a decent lead-in. There are a ton of shows on Monday that SH had to compete with. The only thing that SH had to/will have to compete with is NFL Football, which airs on both of those days. It should be okay. However, honestly, if the show can't 'fix' itself and stay stable in ratings or improve slightly, it will only have it's third season and be cancelled. Still, I'm okay with it.
  15. Yes, but the irony is that the young demo are NOT the people who necessarily have the money. In this day and messed up age, the older baby boomers (the ones belonging above the 18-49) have the cash and financial stability because they were lucky to have lived in the right time period. The stupidity is that the advertisers still think that only young people have disposable income. Like Neilson ratings, they haven't caught up with the times. i.e. in real life, everyone DVRs so they can FFWD through commercials so live viewing numbers are BS, no one cares about stupid advertising, and watching TV shows on the internet is the thing to do and binge watching a show is de rigeur. I think advertisers and companies themselves need to do a 'paradigm' shift (shudders at the BS corporate word paradigm) and realize that the monied masses are the ones over 49. The politicians have already figured this out - why haven't the networks?
  16. According to someone in the know (Aaron Baiers - VP of TV development at Kurtzman/Orci), he was very vocal about getting the fans to show their love of the show and to get it renewed. After it was, he said that apparently a lot of the decision was due to the fan campaign. Whether this is true or not, we won't 100% know, but if there is any truth to that....man, rally the SH fans - they get things DONE!
  17. Same here. Really liked Agent Carter (gave it a chance on a whim) but no interest for Agent of Shield. Loved Forever, wanted it renewed, nothing. Same with Constantine, which also got cancelled. Ah well - at least Sleepy Hollow survived it's season 2 mess - I have that. And maybe Ioan Gruffudd can guest star on the show - I'd get two gorgeous Brits in one place and my life would be complete *grin*
  18. Aw man...Constantine was a really good show. Putting it on Friday late at night didn't help it at all. I really like this show too. Again, this sucks. :'(
  19. Very happy about this - congrats Agent Carter. Great show!!
  20. I think there will be a time jump...unless there is some newfangled machine that can auto-extension ones hair (work on this patent, someone out there). It was a brief glimpse, but it looks like the same actor who plays Ethan - and he hasn't aged a bit...Weird.
  21. Someone in the know (knows people who know a bit more of the background stuff) mentioned earlier (before season end) that Empire+SH was a possibility - something they were considering. However, with the ratings juggernaut that Empire is, I agree with you - they will pair it with something that fits more, something that has lots of possibility, and needs the pairing to show people the way (i.e. expose them to the show). SH + Gotham is my prediction (like last year). SH did well on Monday's considering Monday NIght Football, and a bunch of other stuff on that day. However, I could really see a SH + X-Files pairing for a bit. X-Files starts the writing sometime in the summer, so you are most likely correct, that X-Files will be a spring thing. We'll have to see.
  22. Am so sad and depressed about this...I really loved this show and on a different day and a different time slot, it would have maybe had a chance to improve. However, one annoying thing. Some people really like Galavant (ABC also). Both shows got the exact same ratings and demo. One was renewed, once was cancelled. I think ABC owned Galavant, and not Forever, and Forever may even have been more expensive of a show to produce, therefore chopsy! So depressed....
  23. Watch the final four episodes. ESPECIALLY the last two. Yeah they contain some wife, but this is where the rapid change in the show occurred, major things happened, storylines finished and episode 18 - IMO - is one of the best of the series. The rest is a mostly a waste of time, though there are a few decent ones throughout, but don't really have a connection to the final four (simply because the network stepped in and changed things). Watch the final four and if you really don't want to waste the time, watch the final two. Then you will be good to go for season 3 *grin*
  24. Not yet, but according to Tom Mison at a recent Comic Con, he was asked about the deaths. He answered that he was concerned that the deaths were people who were really "not dead", therefore the death itself lost it's impact (he's right), but then said that Henry and Katrina are really dead. Thank god. Otherwise bringing them back - her especially - would be a very very bad thing, even in flashbacks. Season 2 was that bad.
  25. Because I am lazy, I just copied and pasted my post from the Sleepy Hollow thread, since it relates to both. While I am waiting for news of all of my other shows to be cancelled *sob* (Agent Carter, Forever, Constantine officially), an interesting prediction by TVLine. They think that FOX will pair up the X-Files revival with Sleepy Hollow in the fall. Interesting!! My two favourite alien investigators with my two favourite Apocalypse fighters. Hell, I've referred to Ichabbie as the modern day M&S, so it makes sense. The only problem is that the revival for X-Files is 6 episodes long, and SH will be 18 episodes long. So what goes in it's place? Gotham? It was paired up like that this season.
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