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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. Who called it? Someone here called it! I remember someone here called it! John Noble as Sherlock's father!!! And he's a regular. Man, I have a bit of hesitancy due to another show, but I think this could be good. I can see JLM and JN working well together (sighs at what could have been...)
  2. Hmmm....according to Variety, the advertisers/sponsors said they pulled the money, but really haven't. Probably just hoping to things to blow over while pretending to be socially conscious. It's very possible that it's simply that the money was already committed and they cannot recoup what they've paid for far as per contract, but still.. You'd think these contracts would maybe have a clause in them.
  3. Simcoe and Hewett trading well mannered yet threatening barbs whilst calmly walking together. Aww....so polite. Love those two, and dammit, I can totally see our sweet Hewett doing some very bad things. Benedict Arnold was adorable with Peggy. "Peggy, I like you, I remember your letters, Lets Get Married!!" LOL. He wastes no time. Liked Townsend now helping the spies, but cannot believe it took Abe that long to clue into the fact that he wrote a message in invisible ink. *sigh* Ben seems to be able to skirt authority and seems to be on his own doing his own thing. I wish they showed him under the stresses of regular command, while trying to covertly deal with his side-spy ring. That's how that character should have been written. Still love Ben. I had no problem with Anna shooting that guy. Good. Disgusting guy. And Abe slipped her the knife he carries against his forearm. Oh Washington, you really think Bernard Lee is sincere in his apology, after he repeatedly badmouthed you?? I can see why Arnold is irritated. For the shallow record - the guy who plays Billy Lee - hot! Yum! So many hot men on this show. *sigh*. What kills me is that next week is the finale and I don't see the show being renewed, so it's really going to end and yet..nothing really happened. Again, we won't know how much influence the Culper Spy ring really had on the Patriots cause. We won't see what happens to Simcoe, Townsend, Abe, Tallmadge, Andre, et all.
  4. I don't know, man. It's getting a bit too hokey for me. Like, "Hardcase" riding that poor tiny burro, for chuckles, or that all the men can do is jive about women and food and nonsense, and all the women can do it look pretty and be an object for the men to paw at. I'm not looking for dark angst and bloody gore, but there seems to be too much jokey "light" also. This was a hard life, a hard time and there was lots of conflict and danger for everyone living at that time. All of the characters - except Deaf - seem to be caricatures. Too many goofy pratfalls. I don't know... I was waiting for the episode to end so I could get to watching Turn. Turn was much better.
  5. That's the one, Amethyst! I believe DAG played a guy named Tiny, who was in prison and referred to woman's "breastesses". For some reason, I still remember that after all these years. It wasn't from the Men on Film segment, jhlipton, but the Men On...was one of the most hilarious sketches ever. And Men on Cooking....my god, dead with laughter. Hilarious! Man, we should get back on topic. TV Line just announced that there will be a SH panel at this years San Diego Comic Con in July. Hopefully they will announce the premiere date for season 3 then. I am hoping it will be early September, but it all depends on how the writing and filming is going to go. Apparently they start filming in July.
  6. - I wasn't crazy about Jose Chung. It was fun but I haven't rewatched it for years, unlike a lot of other episodes. - I prefer the standalones than the mytharc episodes. - I could not care less about William, or that Scully was "barren". In fact, I cringed every time she said those words. - I liked Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man - felt bad for CSM everytime his manuscript was rejected. - Got tired of Mulder's obsession with his sister. - Thought it was unlikely that Mulder would be right about his crazy theories Every. Single. Time. Scully was correct maybe twice in the whole series. But then didn't think it was correct that Scully - even after years of working with Always!Right Mulder, she would still doubt him and still think him wrong. Foreplay perhaps?
  7. And that's the best part - The Receipts. Because the delusional Sandra's and Gavin's and whatevers are all suddenly changing their tune, and yet, we/you guys have the receipts and can say "you know what, asshole? - you're a dick, you were wrong, we were right, it's been proven. And for the record, you're disgusting comments have been documented. So don't even try to pretend otherwise or play the innocent. We know better." The Internet may be dangerous, but sometimes the non-invisibility pays off.
  8. That Gavin guy from Spoiler TV posted a season review of a ton of shows in one article. You remember Gavin, right? The one who loves the wife, and got into a comment war with a ton of people over his reviews (Deliverance and The Akeda stick out). Here is his season review for SH. The link includes a ton of shows. Really now Gavin? Deteriorate? Needs to be fixed? And you mention you like the Ichabbie relationship? That's certainly not what you wrote before. That's not what you said when a ton of comments came in saying the show was being destroyed by CFD, that the overall season was terrible, that Deliverance was absolute tripe and that K needs to be killed off? In fact, I remember you and one of your buddies deleting a ton of comment posts of those who dared to criticize K, dared to complain about CFD and ranted about the show's decline thanks to K and Goffman. In fact, I remember you going on and on about how good the show was since the focus was on you know who. My my, how times have changed. Seems like everyone who liked/loved season 2 and CFD are suddenly changing their tunes. I wonder why? *evil grin* He did write this paragraph somewhat vague, though, to not come off as a total hypocrite. And his sentences could be intrepreted in two different ways, but it still makes me laugh.
  9. You're probably not old enough to remember, but I stole it from a character David Alan Grier played in one of the sketches in a 90s show called In Living Colour. Hilarious hilarious show. Nothing like it today, unfortunately.
  10. Well, I've mentioned before that hubby loved the watch the show with me, but a few episodes into season 2, he bailed over the whole Katrina story BS. The heaving bosom and corset wasn't enough to keep him interested, however much the showrunner thought it would. In fact, for a few weeks after that, he kept asking me "have they killed her off yet?" He also bailed way before Deliverance, that's how much his disliked the storylines with K. And he was the one who introduced me to the show. So there you go. Basically, lots of people like the show, regardless of sex or skin colour or preferred genre! He hasn't seen the final two episodes yet and I have not told him the good news (dead K and H). Before season 3 starts, I'm going to force him to watch those two and see if I can get him back into the show. Thanks for the clarification. Knew it wasn't her, but wasn't going to Google to confirm cause who knows what I'd find! Thanks for risking it for us, SnarkyTart.
  11. Uh, I know you're dying to post boobage, jhlipton, but I don't think that picture is Lyndie Greenwood. The face doesn't look right and she definately does not have breastesess that big (thank god).
  12. No, not cynical - hopeful. Alas no though. JDM is playing a new character called JD Richter. Also, it was mentioned in an early article that John Woods
  13. Updated promos via SpoilerTV, as of May 27th.
  14. That's the one major thing missing, you are dead right Kabota. The audience has absolutely no idea how important the Culper Ring ended up being for the Patriots and Washington himself. We have yet to really see how the information provided influenced GW's decisions, thereby allowing the Patriots to decisively win battles and turn the tide of the war. We have two episodes left, so if the show doesn't get renewed, I doubt we'll really see any impact at all, except maybe the very end of the final episode.
  15. Smart ass.... Spoiler tag that, Haleth!!! *grin*
  16. Yeah, you know what? I posted that after the first two hour episode on Monday. By the end of the second (2-hour) episode, I was like....yeah, no.....I was wrong.... In fact, I was specifically thinking of my Monday post and thinking "yup, wrong...." *grin* Eh...what are you gonna do?
  17. Definitely not squeaky clean but then what politican is? He was known to be stubborn and arrogant but also merciful at times. At Brandywine, he ordered that his men NOT shoot the Patriots who were running away. One of those Patriots was George Washington. Also, he abolished slavery in the future Canada before the British and way way before the US. That's why that scene of Simcoe giving Jordan his freedom papers in a earlier episode was extra special. Nice nod to the real not-so-villanous Simcoe. Still, show!Simcoe is mustache-twirling awesome in his evilness! I agree. Gut wounds are deadly. But it's the same as Hewett surviving in the dead of winter with no clothes and only a blanket. He was there for at least two weeks if not more. No one could survive that.
  18. Apparently the show is TLC's biggest ratings draw, which is way they are hesitant to cancel it. The loss of enough advertisers is going to be the nail in the coffin for the show, but some of the companies are "waiting and seeing", i.e. waiting for the smoke to clear. TLC upper brass apparently knew about this years ago - during the Oprah scheduled appearance - but cash trumps ethics as usual (in all business). And as with all trainwrecks, scandals like this tend to bump up ratings and interest. Go figure.
  19. American Crime did just as bad in the ratings and was renewed. Galavant looks better in ratings but has less viewers overall and was renewed (everyone thought it would be cancelled). Galavant was also pegged to be cancelled and it was a surprise that it wasn't. It's a combo of ratings, does the network own the show (they own Galavant I believe and most likely American Crime), demo and cost to produce the show. So I suspect Forever was much more expensive, not worth the money. It's a business decision but still sucks thought.
  20. Apparently put it in a locket, actually. Many people would have a painted portraits of their love one or family, and a lock of hair with it as a memento. Later on, with the invention of tintypes and daguerreotypes, they could take a picture. They would include the hair in either a small frame to carry or a locket or a pocket watch. Quite common actually. The numbers are not very good since the move to Monday. Under a million viewers, 0.3-0.4 demo. Not good at all. *sad* And that's the one thing that bothered me. Two actually. First, there are no telephones or telegraph to send messages fast. It was all on ship (to ports), horse or foot. Therefore news would travel somewhat fast to heavily populated ports like NY or Philiadelphia, but not smaller places. So why didn't Rodgers keep that King's seal, in case he needed it for those who didn't know he was to be killed. Second - Rodgers was stupid for burning the wax seal before he got his money. Yeah, honour is important and many men at the time did keep to their word, but honestly, I wouldn't trust anyone. He should have kept the seal until he got payment. Yes, I know it was never to come, but I fully expect that to be the outcome of the whole plot. You don't burn your evidence before you get the reward. Yup he is. Quite an important figure in our country. I grew up near the city of Simcoe actually. Personally though, I love the depiction. He makes a great villian though I know it's artistic license. That face-off between Hewett and Simcoe - I almost thought of it as a strange stalemate. They both are thinking "bastard, you can't kill me" while alternately thinking "I will make an effort to kill you but I can't so openly". Remember, both belong to the same military, so it's one word against another. It's a stalemate. Decent episode. Still needs Moar Spy. Not enough Ben as always.
  21. Just a note - no one needs to use spoilers tags in here. The entire thread is spoiler tagged, so if you don't want to know about the book or read anything about actual events, don't read this thread!! The only place to spoiler tag for now is the episode threads, since we won't have two threads devoted per episodes. Again, thanks to everyone for your awesome, interesting and education posts!!
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