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Everything posted by HalcyonDays

  1. We're got one here - it fell onto the second page. The Mythological Twistory of Sleepy Hollow. And of course the Spoilers and Speculation thread. Just saw a screencap of when Pandora visited Abbie in the hospital. Her eyes look like serpents for a split second. Hmm....
  2. DS9 is hands down the best Trek for me and Avery Brooks as Sisko was absolutely brilliant. So complex and my favourite Captain too! Excellent. I assume they will just use the actor who Abbie actually took pictures of. Yeah, I'm shorter than my mom, but not my dad, but yeah, genetics are strange. Either way, this show does casting really well (90% of the time), so the person they choose will be really good. There is a fantastic theory that the tree Pandora is growing is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, that Ichabod and Abbie are Adam and Eve, and Pandora is the serpent of the Garden of Eden. At the very end of this episode, Pandora's face changes into something with very serpent like features.
  3. I don't know. 6'3" Michael Dorn as father to 5 foot even Abbie?? Of course on this show, anything is possible. What about LeVar Burton? Or even better, since there is so much crazy - Avery Brooks! (he's probably too tall too).
  4. Promo for the Bones/SH Crossover Episodes. This looks good actually. I'm actually looking forward to it. Q&A Interview with EPs Jonathan Collier & Clifton Campbell About BONES / SLEEPY HOLLOW Crossover
  5. I was on nitrous for my wisdom teeth removal, and I just remember it was like being drunk. The conversations the dentist/dental assistant had were a bit messed up, and I had some weird dreams too I think. For a guy whose never gone to the dentist, if I was Abbie, I would have told the dentist to put Crane completely under, just in case he freaks. True, true. There are those rare people out there with really strong enamel though, so they never get cavities no matter what, so it makes sense. They just naturally have good teeth. Lucky people. It does kinda makes sense to me. Crane has no insurance, so the less time in the hospital, the better. Abbie works for the FBI and most likely has medical insurance, therefore she can stay and receive treatment at the hospital. With the Dentist, if you know the right ones, she could submit the claim to her insurance as if she went there herself. It's also possible that she has a specific amount of money she can spend for dental benefits in a year, no matter for who or what. As a federal employee, I'm sure the benefits are very generous. At least that's what I've seen here. Not sure about the differences in benefit packages in the US.
  6. Heather V. Regnier. Make total sense. She wrote one of my absolute favourite episodes - The Midnight Ride. And can I tell you, even though I ship these two hard, I am actually really surprised. Truly. Last night, while mulling over the episode, I was like, "wait a minute..." I think I just decided deep down that nothing would come of it, it's (most likely) the last season, so whatever, let it go. It also feels very different to the ship-teasing the show was notorious for in the last two seasons. But there are so many parallels here that it's getting harder and harder to ignore. I hope I am right! Very happy Cliff Campbell is at the helm. It took a couple of episodes for the show to get it's new footing, but that excitement I had in season 1 is back. Very happy.
  7. Yup. But we know that Jenny was either in some foster home or some place she could get out of. She easily could have gotten the info, or escaped and travelled to wherever to get said info or artifact without anyone knowing. Jenny didn't reconnect with her sister until probably 1.5 years ago. And even then, trust issues, time issues, etc etc. Great Mills-Sister episode. So many questions.....
  8. /start ship I had to review it and analyze it, but there is a total purpose to this scene. It is a means to an end, and Ichabbie shippers will love it. What did BR say? Paraphrased - because I cannot remember the exact sentence - but basically Crane apologized to her for getting feelings for BR, because of the work they were doing. He developed 'feelings' - however deep or superficial - to her. Now, let's go back in time to Season 1 - specifically Necromancer, I believe. Crane and Abbie are in the Archives waiting and have a little conversation. Basically, Crane tells Abbie about how Katrina thought too that by mixing "business with pleasure" (I'm paraphrasing), that she was too "worried how their dalliance would affect their work for the cause (Washington/Rev War.)". Also notice who is the instigator in these cases (the woman). Hmm...So here we have Crane working with BR, thinks he needs to maintain work/personal separation, gets emotions for her anyway (maybe even a 'dalliance'). He basically tries to maintain business only, but caves. Same applies to Katrina. Work first, wife/lover later, but weak-willed man. Now I am sure people will apply this to Miss Corinth, and I am sure the show will try to point directly to her. But who is the OTHER character who Crane works with so well?? (well, Miss Jenny too, but the character who he REALLY is amazing with??) Miss Grace Abigail Mills. Now ask yourself, what was Crane's reaction when he thought Paul Revere had a thing to BR? Now contrast/compare Crane's reaction to these individuals interacting with Abbie: a) Luke in season one, b) Hawley in season 2 and c) Daniel in season three? Makes you think.... Now add the previously BR comment - that "one day, a woman would make him lose his stiff propriety..." A woman who he works with, in spy-ish adventures, and secret ambushes and basically saving the world. A woman who he can be himself with, goofy as fuck, propping his legs up on a couch, being all relaxed, playful and just himself. I believe that woman's name would be Grace Abbie Mills. (don't mistake the video game playing for laziness (no way) and whatever. He was relaxed there - not focused on propriety, stiff-upper-lipness, and being all appropriate behaved. Dude is relaxed and comfortable with Abbie. Big big thing. The comfort level between these two this season is amazing). Just saying. Then reading the next Bones/X-Crossover episode...yeah, it's gonna happen. /end ship ............... Okay, overall, have to say that I loved this episode. Really well done. First and foremost - is Shannon Sossaman not killing it - no, destroying it - as Pandora? She really is. Excellent casting. And remember, most of her scenes are her alone, acting against nothing, or just a subtle intro/exit to cause panic. Love it to death. Just her, as nurse, walking confidently down the hallways, you KNOW she's gonna cause problems. I will say - that Moloch was yes evil, but no where near as calculating, devious and just plain enjoyable as Pandora. Henry isn't even on the list for me, at this point. Well done, SS, and show. She deserves so much kudos. This is yet another example of great casting (IMO) and Shannon is doing a fantastic job. I'm very much looking forward to her interaction with Crane, but dammit, she has Abbie in her sights. She see Abbie in herself, I think, and relates, in a weird twisted way. Her telling Abbie snippets about her previous life/existance was heart-breaking. Is it wrong that I side with her? Now, Tooth Fairy. Okay, when I first read it as the villian a few weeks ago, I kinda cringed. Really, the Tooth Fairy? But this fairy tale/monster narrative was amazingly done. A monster that adults cannot see, but kids can? So totally explaining kids claiming a monster under the bed/in closet,yet the parents just "tut, tut" them. Perfect and creepy. And okay, that monster was creepy as hell and kinda - I don't know. Proboscis probing and straddling a kid - I don't know man, but that truly creeped me out. Like, this is allowed on TV type of shock, but yeah, well done show, because completely creepy. Just purely messed up. That was something I'd never thought I'd see on such a PG-determined show. But I love the transition from the way to eliminate the creature (silver coin/silver weapon/silver in general) to the current tradition of giving a kid money for losing a tooth. It is a seemless transition that does the SH twistory well. Loved it. Now - Jenny and Abbie. Personally, I simply LOVED Jenny admitting to Abbie, "Yeah, I found Dad 5 years ago." Shrug. LOVE THAT. Jenny is practical also, and I totally understand her POV. She didn't know her Dad, she had no relationship - so why the drama? This speaks personally to me, but what a contrast to last season - i.e. Crane doesn't know son, still angst's over him. Seriously, Jenny, you are the best!! It honestly is one of the most refreshing scenes I've seen on TV. To have a character not become a emotional mess or emotionally lost over simple logic. I didn't know him, the guy wasn't there. Simple. THIS is what bothered me about season 2, and the whole Crane, "my son, my son, BS." Jenny spoke what I believe and have always believed. I love you, Jennifer! And this episode had the much wanted (for me), Jenny/Crane scenes. Love those two together. Please give me some more! The goofy Crane scenes. I'm a little bit torn. I think Tom Mison is bloody gifted in general. This episode (and previous) he has showed us that he is awesome at comedy like this. I mean, we had the pratfalls, the goofy attempts at him being well, goofy, the drugged-up Crane, and he is bloody brilliant at it. Truly. Think about the contrast. Crusty, stiff-upper-lip, reserved Crane, Crane ranting about something, then you get loving vow-spouting Crane, then you get the goofball to the extreme, all in the same episode. It's (one of the reasons) why I admire Mison (besides his brains and snark). He can change into so many personas that it's ridiculous. Fantastic actor. But I hope they don't reduce Crane into a joke for this season. He's much more complex than this. A goofball yes in certain times, but he needs that complexity too (and no, season 2 did not provide that complexity). And I want someone to transcribe EXACTLY what Pandora told Abbie. Abbie in a hospital! My baby! But Pandora visiting her, and basically stating how different she is, from the others, and how her father is messing with her. I need a transcript because there was so much information in there, but the weird/yet effective editing kind of distorted. This was a good episode. Really good. Truly good. I quite enjoyed it. Oh, and you writers having Pandora call Abbie a "Sleepyhead...? Yeah, fuck off....But you know what (honestly)...I smiled at that. I really did. Yeah, I loved that to death. Seriously. Thank you. Nice touch, writers.
  9. ScreenSpy: Six Things to Know About Sleepy Hollow's Bones X-Over episode: Dead Men Tell no Tales. No, not a double or repeat post - this link referres to the actual SH episode itself. Hmm...Very interesting.... *grin* ETA: Very Interesting and long Salon Article about SH - Very focused on Nicole Beharie. Ichabod and Abbie still haven’t kissed: The best work marriage since Mulder and Scully is back on “Sleepy Hollow”
  10. It's a happy face, but not crying (in joy, or tears), or winking. Just a - yeah, it sounds like the episode will be decent. Not sure Mison would pick that, but Crane would. Too bad - I had hopes for something else...different. But keeps in character.
  11. Joe is dressed in scrubs that are covered in blood. He's either a Zombie doctor (can't tell from the face, if he's wearing zombie makeup), or just a surgeon who performed some bloody surgery. I like it, because he's supposed to be an EMT, so easy costume for that character. I'm very curious to what Crane shows up in. I have a feeling he'd just be in his full Rev War uniform, but I'd love to see him as a 1930's gangster, but I would get a kick out of a costume spin for him. Everyone wears "normal" clothing and dresses up for Halloween. His "costume" could be wearing simply jeans, T-shirt and regular shoes/boots. I'd love to know if the actors got to choose their costumes. ETA: ScreenSpy: Six Things to Know about Bones/SH X-over - The Resurrection in the Remains Interesting.... :')
  12. Wow Toronto Blue Jays. Why are you making it so hard for yourself and us by losing and losing then coming back. But you did awesome and if anything, have a flair for the dramatic! *crosses fingers for game 6*
  13. ^^^ OMG. Hilarious shots and Jenny does my Canadian heart proud! Love the shout out!
  14. What I struggle with is that all of this happened 200+ years ago. Yeah, so what? Why is this person holding a grudge for something that happened so long ago. I am sure that I could find out in my own family history some serious violence against a member, but I'm not gonna suddenly decide to gun for the ancestors of those people who hurt my family a century ago. Same with a scenario like someone in my family was killed in the American Civil War or Revolutionary War. Am I going to now hunt down the decendents of the person who fired the killing shot? The motivations are lost on me. They really are. The elaborate ruse and destruction rings hollow to me. The girl (Bridget) who was being mistreated by her "family" has real motivations to me. To flamethrow her brothers to death, not anything/one else. Like Selena said, she's a slave. That's not family - there is nothing in it for her. The most I could say is that she said she enjoyed the breakins - but is scared for her life, hurting anyone, etc. It's not worth it. I wish Selena told her to come live with her (I think that what she is doing now - the line about going home). Also - deciding to kill off a 14 year old kid as revenge against some BS that happened over 200-years ago. Hey Theo and Father Whatever, why don't you place the blame on the antiquated notions and reserved mentality of the society of THAT time, not some teenage boy from this time. I think I would have preferred the Wayne's to have deliberately stripped the Dumas' of their power and wealth, not just an arm. *sigh* Penguin, you are truly mad. Butch is your loyal bodyguard and Fixer. To most effectively perform his job, he kinda needs both hands do to it. You kinda screwed yourself. I just hope that Penguin gets some revenge on Galavan though. Serious revenge. Still hate that Penguin is so weak in general. His people around him keep him propped up, but again, he just lost the hand of his right man (pun-ish intended). Jim has no idea how much this is going to backfire on him, him asking Galavan for help. Nygma is interesting - I wonder what's gonna push him over the edge - losing Miss Kringle most like. He jsut seems a peripheral character now.
  15. Hey Everyone! Since this thread is supposed to be for specific episode 6 discussion, and we've have lots of time between season, I've got two new threads for you to discuss the show in! Season 2 Wish List - Plot and Zombies Please? - What you would like to see in season 2, your wish list, but with NO spoilers. Season 2 - Spoilers and Speculation - What you think will happen and want to see, based on spoilers you've read about. Thanks!!
  16. Here is your thread to discuss and speculate on all things about season two that you wish to see, or know we might see, or want to speculation on any news or spoilers that have been released. As stated - Here Be Spoilers. Beware. If you want to talk about what you'd like to see without being spoiled, please back out of this thread immediately and go here -------------> Season 2 Wish List
  17. Thanks for creating the thread, Ripley68. Excellent idea. This thread is available for anyone who wants to discuss all things about what they hope, anticipate or would like to see for season 2, and what they would like to see on the show (Gore? Walkers? Actual emotion? Decent Acting?). I've also created a thread called Season 2 - Spoilers and Speculation. This thread should be used for discussing or speculating on any news or spoilers or press releases or articles you have read about season 2. For this thread, please do not post spoilers about season 2 in here - just your wish list of what you would want to see on the show. If you absolutely have to, please spoiler tag. Some people want to avoid spoilers at all costs, but this wish list thread is a great idea! Thanks! Oh, and I stole your post for the thread title, Cthulhudrew. Thanks!
  18. Here is your Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat thread for your viewing and posting pleasure! The thread will open Friday night (the 23rd and close right after the episode airs on Sunday, after which you can head on over to the actual episode thread: ---------------------> S06.E03: Thank You DO NOT post Comic Spoilers, Fear the Walking Dead information or any discussion about the Talking Dead. We have threads for that. Please remember to be Civil and Respectful to your fellow posters, but always make sure you have fun!
  19. Here is your thread to discuss S06.E03: Thank You (You're welcome!) Yikes. That's an ominous episode description. Prior to the episode airing, you can live chat and speculate on the episode over here: ---> S06.E03: Thank You - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat This thread will open Sunday Oct 25th, at 10 pm. Remember - DO NOT post Comic Spoilers, Fear the Walking Dead information or any discussion about the Talking Dead. We have threads for that. Please remember to be Civil and Respectful to your fellow posters, but always make sure you have fun!
  20. Oh man, I thought the twin that left was the one who was physically stronger, excelled at the challenges but didn't want to be there. In the previous episode, she left, and said something like good luck trying to keep up or something to her sister. Then they cut to a scene, and the twin that stayed was struggling with something. Nimah is the one who wants to be there, but Raina is the one who doesn't, but excels at the training? Or the other way around. So confused!
  21. I thought the Billy the Kid one was the best too. The Victorian Grave Robber looked a bit cartoonish, but I did think that was was really well done too. The Rocker one was okay, but even the dead musician in the coffin wasn't scary at all, and the punk was very cartoonish. Still, these guys are doing amazing things with the sugar and cake work, and the pumpkin carving. So talented!! I love these shows.
  22. Honestly, as someone who hates my long hair in my face - in a zombie apocalypse, I'd be chopping my hair off ASAP, or growing it so long that I could just braid it back outta my face. Otherwise, I really don't get how those characters can tolerate hair in their face- even in peaceful mellow times.
  23. Excellent episode. I love that a Walking Dead episode can solely feature the "secondary" characters, and still comprise a fascinating episode. Carol - How do I love thee? I know many have had their complaints about Carol and her callous cold manner, but let's face it - she knows what needs to be done. Sentiment is pointless in the Walking Dead world. Fact is, one needs to be brutal to survive. Carol, wearing the hood and face covering scarf was the best - Even Morgan realized that sometimes you have to kill to survive. Carol knows that, and is brilliant for it!
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