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Everything posted by queenjen

  1. Good Lord. Ya'll are right! When DOES she sleep? I asked her on twitter yesterday, from Australia so must have been in the wee hours there, when and if the reunion had taped and did she go? I knew the answers, just wanted to see what would happen. She replied immediately. In caps and wounded 'i wasn't invited ' etc. Some of her 'haters' were also very quick to jump in. I really wanted to respond 'GO TO SLEEP ' or even better 'take a xaaaaanaaax ' but I am concerned about her mental health. Crazier than Rocky Dakota, unbelievable.
  2. I can't believe we've got this far into the season without a stew/ chef/deckhand love triangle. They've given us so much more though. So, given Ashton's accident has been described as 'life threatening ' and his foot was 'close to amputation ', doesn't this have to mean Rhylee promoted and a new deck hand brought in?
  3. Random thoughts : Single White LeeAnne asked Kam where she got the costume. I'm sure Kam said twice Dallas Vintage. it was a name with 'vintage ' in the title. What vintage store has multiple copies of outfits in multiple sizes. Kam's nasty eating is more evidence pointing to speech pathology. I believe this is why she speaks the way she does too. Although I suspect she's exaggerating it now, as it's become her schtick. My theory, I'm sticking to it. Cary handled LeeAnne like a pro. LeeAnne 'Ahm so alone! ' Cary (playing with her cocktail ) 'no you're not. I'm sitting right here beside you ' in that deadpan, 'and you're boring me to fck' voice has got to be as gifworthy as LeeAnne trying to turn into the D'Ampton Worm , but coming off as the Blue Racer. Stephanie's Party Planner looked like a slimmed down version of Travis. Why was Harvard spelled Harverd on Stephanie's t'shirt? I hope the foam didn't give those ducks a bellyache. I am always gobsmacked at how candid Steph is. Telling us she had sex on a frat house floor is 1 thing. Telling us it was the 2nd time with the boy she'd lost her virginity to and he got it 'all in' the 2nd time? Oooh cringe! Her sons aren't ever going to want to see this. Aside from that, I hope it needles Travis. I'm always surprised when Steph is casually vulgar, she looks like a nervous angel! LeeAnne is like Caroline Bedol with the bizarre behavior rooted in childhood misery. Kenya is another one. I love watching the psychosis in action. Not ONCE did LeeAnne acknowledge assaulting Brandi. She switched the script effortlessly to 'Brandi came for me. She started it. She had no business kicking me out'. After they parted to opposite ends of the party, it was obvious, LeAnne's glee at Steph coming over to her table . Everything LeeAnne does she does for an audience. She was shooting glances at wherever she thought Brandi might be 'see bitch? Here i am in the foam with Stephanie! See bitch? Here i am pushing Travis in'. There's just no level of insecurity LeeAnne hasn't plumbed. Kam better watch herself because D'Andra is correct that LeeAnne lives in a dark place. I think LeeAnne has had a lot of support from the cast and a lot of trust extended to her. Party of 1. I still think Brandi is mostly right and where she's instigating, it's out of something that's going on in her life. She's way oversensitive and her moods seem to swing. I love her genuine, as opposed to LeeAnne's, friendship with Steph. Cary earned her star or horns or whatever these hos hold for me just dealing with LeeAnne this episode. And why did Steph keep repeating 'stay back '? I couldn't see if it was one of the men about to get involved.
  4. Well, it would have allowed her to leave with decency and dignity given Kate and Josiah carried her through all the charters up til this point where Caroline got her share while bedresting. I think we only saw part of a long list of Transgressions Against Caroline by Her Interior Overlords AKA Kate and Josiah (all written in puffy pen in rainbow colours on the front of specially purchased binder ) when she spoke to Cpt Lee. He had to treat her complaint seriously and was probably weighing up Caroline's potential for future cray and ongoing litigation. I also believe Kate was well aware and her clamming up wasn't necessarily disrespect for Lee even going there, but unwillingness to commit any more than she had to on camera. Kate knows how to play the game because Kate knows exactly what she did. Some of it possibly was actionable. She denies everything. Caroline is indefensible, but Kate and Josiah were covertly alienating her and enjoying it from the jump. Like with their tres amusant little dance routines calculated to exclude the third wheel or make them look foolish trying to fit in. Kate is all about the teamwork except when excluding someone from the team is more captivating. I think Lee is well aware of Kate's capacity for malice but the trade off is her superhuman chief stew skills and she's great for tv. I mean, Hannah isn't in Kate's league, let alone ballpark.
  5. Wow, Tamara Tattles who has been staunch to the point of blindness supporting Kenya, has been to events at her house even is calling bullshit on her pregnancy. I didn't believe the '3 hour caesarean ' and the 3 week snapback body after the scooter pics and 'i can't walk ' and 'it's a massive recovery' but then is at a John Legend concert? I did NOT know that there is no one who has seen the actual baby. I thought maybe she was holding out for a paid shoot or protective of the baby's privacy but this is nuts. I actually believe she HAS a baby. From somewhere. But as reminded by Tamara Tattles, she was weird in her response at the reunion. She never said 'I'm pregnant ' it was 'there'll be a baby by the end of the year, a boy or a girl will be here '. That was strange. Sounds like she'll never be back on Bravo, she's really left on bad terms. She HAS to have a baby, right? What the hell kind of story is she intending to spread if she doesn't actually have a real baby? That'd be a way to get some attention, Kenya. Just not the kind healthy adult women would ever court. It's all too weird.
  6. I can't with Cynthia literally 'phoning it in' anymore. How many seasons of Facetiming has she given us now? She needs to go to 'FO'. And well she may. I've been devoting energy to why this season sucks so much and why Porsha of all people on the cast was chosen to anchor the first episode, why Lauren and Shamea are still floating around. It really looks like Bravo are aiming at a younger demographic to me. This leaves a lot of us long time OG viewers unhappy, but they don't care so much for us, apparently. Tamara Tattles recently blogged on this. Apparently TPTB are very happy with the numbers, despite the dramatic drop off because they have an increase in their preferred demographic, which is the 20s to 30s. These are the viewers the advertisers want. Also, I guess they have to think about where the franchise is going to be in another 10 years. I'm glad they are thinking about the future of some of my favorite shows, because they need to. But I'm not sure it's going to be smooth sailing for some of us. If this is what they are doing we are unlikely to see Kenya return (personally, I couldn't care less especially with her bullshit 'snapback' body 3 weeks after a 3 hour caesarean? Bitch, please. Something is always rotten in the buttermilk with everything Kenya Moore does ) and we are much more likely to see younger women cast. I just hope we lose Vicki Gunvalson in the new world order, if this is what's happening. And definitely '51 Cynt'. Ffs. Cynthia IS deadwood. Kandi is probably relevant enough to the target audience to be safe, Eva replaces Cynthia, Nene will be gone, Porsha will probably stay and possibly I Totally Wanted An Open Marriage with the Legend who can't sing lady. It does sadden me that all of this has resulted in far fewer posters here, on what used to be the most energetic of the forums i followed.
  7. With all the craziness of Caroline, the incompetence of Chandler and Rhylee's mouthiness, Chef Unicorn has been flying under the radar a little. He was a little jerk to Caroline while maintaining he was treating her 'professionally '. And now he's butthurt that a drunken fishing boat captain shoved a seat back at him and bans her from the galley? Sorry princess, but working with other humans, you are going to inevitably rub up constantly against people that don't chime with your individual sense of energy and harmony. The world doesn't work like that. He's super talented. I think he's shown us some deepseated mess though in his own psyche, like being a 'chubby kid' and the creepy comments he's made and tonight's little tantrum about the waterfall set up. But mostly his reaction to Caroline and Rhylee. I loved that Rhylee didn't even have a clue about this massive transgression she'd perpetrated. I think Adrian is another special snowflake. That definitely was Ashton going overboard. Wow . the look on his face just before he goes under was sheer terror and surprise. It was chilling. I'd hate that to be the last thing I felt. It looked like he has lines looped around his leg and got pulled in and down . Rhylee was on it immediately, calling it in and acting. You'd have minutes. He could end up chummed by the props. It is going to be terrifying viewing and I'm glad we know he survived it . No wonder Cpt Lee broke down. Not only is it life threatening and terrifying, I'm sure it's potentially career ending.
  8. Difference is, Rocky was highly entertaining. Totally nuts, but not the chest clutching victim Caroline proved to be. However. I still believe there is substance to what she was saying about her treatment at the hands of the Kate /Josiah clique. I mean even production picked it up and filmed it. Caroline tried to make nice with Josiah, out on the bow at the beginning. She was very alone on that boat. But 90% of Caroline's issues were Caroline and she's made it impossible to defend her with her subsequent behavior. I think Cpt Lee called Kate to the wheelhouse because the allegations Caroline made were serious and in writing, so they had to be addressed. I also believe Lee knows Kate is capable of this. On the surface, she DID handle Caroline with kid gloves. But at no stage did she do so out of real concern for Caroline. I'll be over here drinking alone on this one! So, may as well double down now and say that I believe Rhylee was firstly probably a bit hung over but also still frustrated with Chandler's treatment of her and more so that she wasn't immediately given more tasks under Ross. She was out of line, as usual, but I get it. Glad to see Ross early acknowledging her strengths and giving her the snorkeling activity, because Rhylee was really good with the guests when she was given the opportunity in the past. She's definitely across their safety and comfort. Ranking on Ross about forgetting the insect repellant for them wasn't the best approach, but ffs, they just had the charter from hell where they abandoned their guests, failed to 'disperse' the bags Rhylee had prepared and the bosun was fired as a result. She could learn to communicate a bit better, I'll say that.
  9. @car54 I was coming to post this too. This is why casita casita casita (stuffed with cushions and throws and motivational text art ) confused the hell out of me. Because prior to this it was 'Matt has his own room '. Why?! On one hand, Mom goes to the Casita but on the other, Dad lives in the house like he always has and has his own room. I'm in the 'Gina is Cray and getting Played' camp now officially. And I wonder if she's also enjoying having him there every weekend so as to curtail whatever time he might be spending with her replacement. I think Gina is living in a childhood fantasy state. All that froufy crap she was hauling into the casita and the endless nostalgia for the tchotchkes she'd pick up on vacation with Matt and the swimsuits with Matt and on..She's deluded. I did think the ladies all crash tackling her about her easy divorce was harsh and I was prepared to watch her do her own thing. But now I'm wondering if the cast are more aware of Gina's brand of crazy from physical proximity and just reacted viscerally. I've heard she had a pretty lame reunion showing. So maybe she'll be one and done. Emily apparently came to slay, with a binder with her name on it and Social Media receipts printed out! Can only pray the reunion has more life to it than this season. It's becoming a bit of a trend lately that reunions are more explosive, like Shahs of Sunset and the last Married to Medicine in particular, and heavily feature material that wasn't part of the season. Hmmm, Bravo.
  10. 3 words : Foam Party Steve. I'd rather not see repeat guests. Even Rocket Ship Towel dude was not that interesting 2nd go around. The crew this season are giving us enough drama without having to rely on famewhorey repeat clients, cos what else can they be, appearing again?
  11. Is this the same yacht charter broker woman that was on last season of Below Deck Med as one of Cpt Sandy's friends?
  12. I have a vague memory of this happening early. I also remember Danny being given a special tip that was then distributed amongst the rest of the crew. Lee has always said that the tips are divided evenly and if someone isn't pulling their weight, they get their last tip and a ticket home. Not so fast this season, probably because this isn't the Caribbean, but South Pacific. Or so we are being led to believe. I wonder also if some of the guests tip their favourite crew members on the DL. But it isn't fair, as there are plenty of people (including the First Mate and engineers that we only see briefly in the first episode) who are working their tails off also but aren't in the guests' faces.
  13. Actually, she hasn't been. Ashton was still on Chandler's 'blame Rhylee for everything' bus until last episode when Ross had a word with him. Cpt Lee is in such an elevated position, where he doesn't and shouldn't have to micromanage the crew, she may not realise how much he is actually seeing and hearing (we see him leaning over listening to what is going on, but she is probably unaware). Similarly, Cpt Lee specifically said to Chandler this episode that 'Rhylee did a great job getting the jet skis away' to which Chandler grunted dismissively. All of this is deliberate on Lee's part, he's assessing Chandler's attitude to Rhylee. We can see that Cpt Lee knows that Chandler has a 'hard on and not in a biblical way' for Rhylee, but she probably feels like she's unseen and unsupported. When Chandler had them all lined up after his dressing down by Cpt Lee, both Ross and Ashton made comments, Rhylee said nothing, nor was she asked. Because Chandler didn't listen to a word Ross and Ashton said either yet again about needing a game plan and to be on the same page. So she's learning there. Chandler has had deck crew meetings without Rhylee. He's put her down to the rest of the team. I see her (and Ross and Ashton) working their asses off and desperate for direction. Cpt Lee giving Kate control of the deck crew proved how well they will work with instruction. For the kind of transfers involved in Tahiti due to the steep sloping beaches and shallow reefs, Chandler should have created a set of procedures by now: how many deck crew to take the Intrepid to the emergency life boat (or whatever the small one is), then who transfers gear and who transfers guests. Checklists. Scoping out the site for hazards prior (like the slippery walkway) and creating safe alternatives. Who has the first aid kit. How it's all going to run in reverse. This is the kind of thing the deck crew have repeatedly asked him for since the season began. All they get is 'it's different every day and we need to run with whatever'. No. You have some basic environment specific procedures for common requests (like the ubiquitous beach party) and setting up toys organised. Those things don't change much. Lee has been on top of showing them how the environment in Tahiti is different and challenging, we've seen him show Chandler and Ross the reef map etc. That beach party went sideways because everyone was late. Lee had Plan B with vans on the backburner and went to it only when he had to 'call it' for being too dark. Probably next time it'll just be transfers from MY Seanna and vans back to the boat. Except with sufficient deckcrew left behind to break down the party, which is NOT interior's job, as Kate so clearly let us and Cpt Lee know. I couldn't believe that Chandler yet again ignored Lee's specific instruction to have all the toys out while they set up the beach party. We know that the slide on it's own if a behemoth of a job. I wonder if Chandler has worked for anyone other than Daddy. I also wonder what kind of 'solo stew' Caroline has ever been? Maybe she was a solo stew in a canoe she was paddling?
  14. Well now, if you stuck a gun to Caroline's head, she was originally keen on Chandler. Imagine if that dynamic was happening at this stage? i'm glad it's not, because then there'd always be the 'distracted because in a deck relationship' excuse. instead, we are seeing the both of them screw up all on their own, no excuses, just stunningly incompetent. Rhylee is going to take down Ashton like a lion on a wildebeest next episode. That'll be her in the van, because she 'can't be quiet'. And whoever that was, wasn't being quiet.
  15. Kate should get a magic marker and write 'less haste more speed' on Caroline's forehead until the next charter. Not that there should be a 'next charter' for Caroline. A stay somewhere nice and peaceful with a day program is probably advisable at this point. One thing though, apart from Rhylee talking to her in their cabin when they tag team with sleep, Caroline just didn't gel with anyone on this boat. Most times the chefs (apart from Leon, but he did like Rocky) are kind of an oasis from the drama. I agree with the poster above who said Adrian is not treating Caroline at all professionally. Refusing to tell her where the sugar is, or speak to her is only going to drive her faster into the abyss, which might be the best thing for everyone, including Caroline, because she is not a well girl. She was looking for physical ailments to excuse her from work she just can't do. A lot of people here were saying 'google the cocktails'. SHE WAS!!! And she still can't make a Bloody Mary or OJ. Production did catch Kate telling Josiah to make Caroline a list for morning service, I don't know if that was a problem for her. I feel at the reunion she is going to be vociferous about hostile work environment (no one speaking to her and worse from Adrian) and the at least 2 calls she made to not the deck crew but Cpt Lee about the broken glass. Still, basic safety (and common sense) states she needed to stay with it, although I'm not sure the guests were actually boarding the yacht when she dropped the glasses.
  16. No, it freaked me out as well! Caroline is such a quivering wreck, she overcompensates any time something ISN'T a complete disaster. She was right up in the kids' faces, first with Master Pearson after he cut his foot and then saying goodbye. There was something weird and neurotic about her behavior with the kids, like she WANTS to be that earthmothery, down with the kids fun aunty, but she has no real feeling of connection. She's mimicking. So she's now dry heaving and sometimes limping, clutching her back and dry heaving again. She must be around for next episode because i don't think we've seen her throaty productive cough and chest clutching yet? I've got lots of issues with Kate Chastain. She is a cliquey condescending cow sometimes, but DAMN. Here is why there'll never be another Chief Stew on Below Deck. Kate is the queen and will probably be the only Chief Stew who can continue to write her ticket for another 20 years when all the others have aged out at 30. She is phenomenal at her job. She and Lee are always going to be a team. The second he checked in with her in the galley and she told him something had to change, he was on it. He never questioned her and obviously has great respect for her judgement and her assessment of the guests' comfort. And giving her the Keystone Cops Deck Crew was the ultimate shade from Lee. The fact that Kate got it and Chandler still had no idea what this meant for them was hilarious. Especially as Ashton and Ross were obviously well aware and kept their heads down and washed dishes. What they weren't doing was warning Chandler like they might have done if he had managed to retain any respect whatsoever from his team. The douchery and the fckery of Chandler has become legion. He goes down in Below Deck history and that's a big deal considering Kelley and Nico and the one that screwed Rocky in the laundry and denied it. I thought Kate's assessment of this season as the best and most dramatic ever preseason was just more Bravo hype. This show is delivering way more than any of the current Housewives franchises for me.
  17. Is this definitely the last season? Maybe this is why Gage has been smiling the last couple of episodes. And we seem him actually one on one with Jeff having a meal. Did we see Munroe at all last episode? There hasn't been much of her either.
  18. Just caught up on the last 2 episodes and hallelujah I give thanks for this show. RHOA has become the pits, RHOC was really dull, BH looks like it'll be the same. Married to Med and Below Deck are saving me at present. Will Quad be gone next season? I can't see her married, I couldn't see it while she was with Dr G. So I doubt she'll be married to medicine by next season. Or a doctor. This episode was the warmest I felt toward Quad ever. And that was because she was finally giving us something other than fakery, evasion and really mangled English that she seems to think makes her look more intelligent. Like 'the dreadfulness I'm feeling about the divorce', which is Quad trying to bling up 'dread'. But mostly she just irritates me with the Miss Quad schtick that I'm glad Simone specifically called out in a flashback this episode. My only reservation about losing Quad is that it makes it easier for Mariah to maintain her slither back into the cast. She's been trying to ram herself in here for seasons and yet how many times does she walk out? I personally thought Heavenly was hilarious defacing Mariah's ridiculous glamour shot poster at last year's reunion. Mariah is fundamentally incapable of laughing at herself. And no one on the cast seems to genuinely like her. No one really cared when she and Aydin left. They didn't really care that they came back for the boat ride the next day either. Heavenly has been gold to this show. She's got no self control, a deeply suspicious and possessive nature and limited emotional intelligence. But she's still cunning as a shithouse rat. I'm in the 'Damon most likely cheated' camp, because Heavenly would forgive Daddy and go HAM on the woman who 'seduced' him. He's never properly denied it and Mariah didn't say he didn't do it. Mariah is such a spiteful piece of work. That apology was a carefully crafted 'fck you' to Heavenly. It wasn't "I'm sorry I lied on you because I was angry with your wife", it was "your family business is none of my business". As for nasty little stuff slug Aydin? Why is Mariah putting up with that? is it because she needs him to support her and her mother and their kids? I bet his family would happily pick him a bride in their network from the old country, that would turn a blind eye to anything he did outside the home. Maybe he's holding this over Mariah. He strikes me as an overentitled manchild who it suits to have a wife that can guide him as to the blingiest and showiest of everything, plus a connection to the entertainment industry. Mariah always looks wounded and constantly on guard. When Simone was explaining what was going to happen with the Shells of Uplifted Toilet Seats, Mariah looked like she was waiting for her to say 'and now we all throw them at the Huqs!'. She was definitely pissed about the loss of her Chanel shoes and suspicious enough of both her husband and next the group to make a comment about it? How paranoid is that? It wouldn't surprise me if this is the kind of thing Aydin gets off on, so Mariah HAS to blame someone else. Loved how production zoomed in on Heavenly when she made that comment. Unlike Leanne Locken cloning Brandi's phone, I doubt that Heavenly or anyone else in the group (with the exception of Quad who could be nuts enough to be a klepto) would steal Mariah's broke in shoes. They're probably a knock off anyway and she's afeared she'll be revealed. Why was Simone's hair a greasy limp mess at the final dinner, but she's made an effort with her outfit? Too much rum punch, perhaps and she lost steam. These women and their husbands and the dynamics we get to see in the friendships and married relationships keeps this show entertaining. I actually LIKE most of these people, especially Dr Jackie (who is on the next episode of Atlanta, which maybe the last one i watch just because Kandi goes to see Dr Jackie, otherwise I'd have quit LAST episode). If this was a housewives style show, Toyah wouldn't work for me. But seeing her with Eugene makes all the difference.
  19. YEs! Or it was just a hallway full o' shit. I can't make sense of the layout against Coltee's home tour when Larissa first arrived. It went upstairs, hallway, then Deb's bedroom and ensuite, Coltee's room and I'm still not sure if there is a main bathroom and another room that Coltee uses for his 'projects'. Maybe this is attached to Deb's room? Ick. It's all just wrong.
  20. What I got out of this exchange was Asuelu refusing to engage with her unless she spoke to him politely. I noticed he refused to speak to the angry sack of hair, or acknowledge her UNLESS she said 'please'. She fussed at him for not wearing a seatbelt, and he ignored her until she added 'please'. Same with arriving at the Utah house. He retrieved the luggage after she said 'please'. Meanwhile, Kalani is telling us how much Asuelu has to learn about 'having a kid' in America. Formula, diapers and school cost money, you can't just run out the back and get him a piece of pineapple, she said. What she isn't telling us, or what the dimbulb has missed completely, is that in Samoa, there'd be extended family loving on that little man and teaching him and looking out for him. Asuelu plugging his ears made him look childish to us, but he was really just telling her 'I'm not engaging with you until you speak to me respectfully'. It's Kalani that needs to do some learning here. Asuelu is at least proving willing and loving and commited.
  21. Did he really? It looked a lot like this ring and i'd absolutely believe it. After they barged into Deb's bedroom (along with a camera crew), she said that she was happy etc, but that Colt had 'spent a lot of money' not 'on it' but 'on Larissa'. it was meant to sound like he had spent a lot of money on the RING, but that's not what she really said. So, I'd definitely believe this is a several payments fakeass bit of glass. Maybe Larissa took it to a hock shop and this sparked one of the arrests when they laughed her out of the premises.
  22. I was shocked too, it said they moved into a gated community and it does seem odd considering they are barely settled into their new place. I am sure it will come up at the reunion. I also thought Eddie didn't look that well. I heard 2.1 million (Cut Fitness doing that well? I think not) and that it was because the neighbours weren't down with filming taking place there. Also, earlier this year, something about it being haunted and nothing but bad things happening since they moved in, like Eddie's health and some plumbing disaster that was very expensive and unexpected.
  23. I feel bad saying this. Her posture has bugged the fck out of me from the git. But is it her posture? Her body shape AND posture reminds me of a girl I went to school with who had cystic fibrosis. The barrel chest and stalky legs and there is some hunching going on too. She's also got a weird and unfortunate shaped satchel ass. None of this is helped by the casita full of tacky word art, the blue eye shadow and the constant babble about her husband that we are never going to see. Bye Gina.
  24. Shannon loves to double down on a patterned ensemble. Think poker night...
  25. Absolutely. I cannot wait for the Revenge (body) of Shannon Beadour. Inshallah. God Willing. Let it happen. And preferably without Vicki CSC Gunvalson, Emily and I don't think anyone would notice if Gina stayed or went. Kelly should stay (CAN'T believe I'm saying this after last season) and Tamra? She's an evil rat eyed monster, but she plays the game. Shannon is the only one I really care about at this point. I love her connection to Jeff Lewis, maybe he'll appear here again, especially if Flipping Out gets canned as the rumours have it.
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