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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. On 5/20/2018 at 3:39 AM, MatildaMoody said:

    ETA: Am I the only one who hates the fact that Austen never closes his mouth? I can just imagine him mouth breathing all over the place and just get grossed out by it. 

    I agree with all you said about the TRav and Kathryn learning to deal with him, onerous task that it is. 


    Austen is really a reptile, he unhinges his jaw in the potential presence of beer, nachos and women

    • Love 4
  2. 11 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

    She really IS a terrible dresser, but she is a stunningly beautiful woman.  

    I'm a massive Kathryn fan, despite her flaws or perhaps because of them and the growth I believe we are witnessing..


    but she has ZERO business styling anyone. She needs (WE need) some K Cooper Ray on speed dial for THIS gig at Wynns, God of Bravo, please bring him back..

    6 hours ago, fetching said:

    Anyone else think Craig might be gay and closeted? He said something about how he and his roommate were discussing getting a dog. First of all, why does he need a roommate? He's a grown man, with money, and housing isn't *that* expensive there, and why would you co-own a dog with someone unless you were together with them? I never saw any great chemistry  between he and Naomi and he seems generally uninterested in pursuing women. 

    this is apparently very much the rumour. NTTAWWT. Just, we'd like to be watching authentic relationships with out reality tv, please. We've had Whitney and his beards stuffed down our throats for the last 5 seasons too. It's becoming too much. My vote is for people behaving in their natural state. Why this is limited to privileged straight misogynists on this show escapes my understanding.

    • Love 3
  3. Do Victoria and Austen last? She's waaaaaaay too qualified for him.

    TRav is a skeevy lecher who seems impaired in every scene. Even the dinner with Kathryn, he had a glassy look to him. He was having difficulty forming vowels when he walked into Patricia's annual dinner party for the progress of women everywhere. Ashley should be happy she got the dresses (IF they weren't returned immediately), because she is so obviously another version of Whitney's various 'girlfriends' from Europe. Except TRav doesn't act as well as Whit. The horror on the men's faces when told they were having a vegan dinner. Especially Shep, who prides himself on being educated and forward thinking and open minded. These men are becoming more repulsive by the episode. 

    • Love 8
  4. Ramona's face was melting at Duff's book party! Wtf was that? While she was innocently inserting the word 'puppet' into Bethenny's mouth re Carole, her face and decolletage seemed to be separating. I don't know if it was poor highlighting/blending with that, but the face! The work mustn't be lasting as long as it used to. And she had big thick teenage eyebrows, unlike her TH (where she has been looking better), in a weird brown shade. That, and the ratty blonde hair. Fix it  Jesus.

    • Love 4
  5. 1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:

    It was kinda ridiculous but the over the top falling to the floor and caterwauling into his chest wasn't the worst of it to me. The cringe came into it for me with the dead flower bit. Telling him that she was keeping them until they got back together and then asking him if she should/could now throw them out. All the talk of her being light, fun and keeping it cute got napalmed

    I forgot to mention earlier on this topic: it was hard to see Tins' face during the ridiculousness of the rotting nosegay explanation to Scott. The whole thing was so extra, and she had her face at a slight angle (those flowers reeked), BUT the LOOK on her face was absolutely dead to rights psycho. She was mouthbreathing, hyperventilating and her eyes were scrunched together in the most unbecomng manner. It's worth a rewind.

    • Love 9
  6. Tinsley is a PEG permanently. How does that happen? She is Sonja in the making. One day, it's all going to be about her marriage out of school to Topper and the lifestyle (that she threw away) etc. Because I don't see her marrying and having children, I really don't see it happening.

    • Love 8
  7. 6 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

    Insult the folks working on ya?  You don't deserve to be showcased.  She bugs me.

    look what happene to Nene Leakes! SEASONS of payback from hair and makeup people making sure her highlighting was off and there was always a smear of something 'accidentally' left to wonk out her face in THs etc. You next, Dorit. 

    • Love 9
  8. Quote
    46 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

    If Erika were to leave they would have to bring on a larger than life person, if Dorit were to leave they would have to find someone willing to assume the villain role.  Teddi just shuts down if her feelings are hurt and they stop filming so I doubt she will be the one taking over Dorit's role.

    Heather Locklear keeps getting bandied around..I think the latest I saw was that her reps were saying 'no, taking the year off for health/recovery'. I think Camille should come back and I think that weird scene in the corridor between Camille and Dorit was just Camille babykissing for next year. She still hates Dorit. But Camille is putting herself on tape as 'works well with others' these days. And, if they really wanted to throw a grenade into this lacklustre but bedecked trench, they could always phone in Brandi again. I love Brandi. 

  9. there is no percentage in Erika's behavior, I don't get it. She better get smart fast and hire some PR to ameliorate her getting in her own way this season and especially at this reunion. It's like there has been some back and forth behind the scenes with Andy/production. He's asking her questions KNOWING he's not going to get an answer or any interaction with her and it's like he already knows and isn't bothering to fight it.

    If the rumours are true and she's leaving BH and the marriage with Tom is 'renegotiated', she will need to get her PR out and ahead and apologising for her behaviour whilst under this terrible emotional duress she couldn't share with us or the reunion. I HATED her attitude with respect to PETA and wearing fur. She actually deserves a backlash at this point, she's not all that. Further, today, I saw an article somewhere about 'all the hard stuff' she deliberately left out of her book and glad she was to leave it out. So glad I didn't buy it. I heard it was really lite and superficial. This is not why fans buy memoirs and they deserve your authenticity if you are a writer. But you go, girl! you do you. See where you are in a couple of years. She's making some really stupid mistakes and fans don't appreciate being sold short. Bye fool.

    • Love 23
  10. 1 hour ago, scrb said:
    2 hours ago, queenjen said:

    OMG Yes!!! And that would be right smack bang in the middle of TRav's most prolific 'playa' period, when Dana Delaney was a thing. So we're probably seeing one of his 'types' right here. Can't hold a candle to the flame haired one, that's for damn sure. And, i never liked Dana Delaney! Her career went about as far as Ashley's is going to in this saga. 

    I don't get this comparison.  Dana Delaney Has been a star who's had a long career.  She didn't get on TV through dating someone -- as far as I know.

    Ashley has only been on a few episodes of a relatively unknown reality show.  How is she like a TV star who's had a career which has lasted decades?

    I meant relatively speaking: like to me, Dana D didn't have a stellar career, she's not Jane Fonda or Kim Basinger. On this reality show, Ashley is a Dana. She'll be here for a bit, but won't endure. 

    • Love 1
  11. On 4/28/2018 at 2:21 AM, bichonblitz said:
    On 4/28/2018 at 2:06 AM, AnnieHeights said:

    Also her phone screen is cracked....I would think she is paid well enough and should have enough money to have these things fixed.  Especially on camera.  I also agree something seems off with her.    

    That phone was beat to hell! WTF? 

    I truly believe that Kathryn is playing a long game here. She's probably still talking to K Cooper Ray. It's like a David Lynch film. Every outfit, every prop choice is informed by the long game. Which is to be taken seriously as a responsible adult and allowed to parent her children fully, probably married to TRav. At the moment, we are getting the smashed phone screen on repeat because Kathryn wants us to know that her utilitarian apartment, chock full of TOYS for her CHILDREN, is her priority. Not her  nails, not her phone. And her hair and her makeup, all carefully constructed. I'm in total admiration of her turn around. She is smart as a whip and TRav is toast. I doubt we will ever see Kathryn reacting to another woman on this show like she did with Landon last season, she's learned much more sophisticated methods. I will always heart Kathryn Finger though...

    • Love 9
  12. On 4/28/2018 at 12:50 AM, esco1822 said:

    I have to say, Craig won major points from me for saying he didn't want to go out looking for other girls as long as there was still a possibility of him and Naomie getting back together. For all his faults, he at least doesn't seem like the rest of the man whores on this show. He seems to legitimately want to be settled down and not out prowling for women all the time, which I appreciate. I'm so used to seeing Craig be a jerk, this was a nice change of pace.

    As for Naomie, her age is definitely showing. If you don't want Craig, fine, let him go. Don't keep stalking him and threatening other women about him, it's misleading. No wonder Craig keeps thinking they'll get back together

    i also think Nomes has spent a whole season being Craig's sewing hating buzzkill bitch gfriend, focussed on doing nothing but studying at the library and getting her school work complete so she can get on in life. THIS season, we are seeing Nomes being the young party person she wouldn't permit herself to be last season. And yeah, I wouldn't (at my advanced age) take Mr Queenjen's phone and enable his wifi until infinity, because that stuff is a young person' s game. So we are seeing Nomes being present for her girlfriends and more multidimensional as a person. A young person. One who seems to be revelling in acting out her inner psycho. She does love Craig. And I wasn't really a Craig fan until this season (except for his support for Kathryn), when I can see that Naomie and Craig are both empathic, decent people. Naomi went straight to Craig after the Patricia debacle because Craig is the only one that would understand how important it was to be shut down trying to get a deserved 2nd chance for their friend. Craig not wanting to move on, and standing up for himself and not caving to the Charlston superannuated Peter Pan club trying to force women on him, shows how much Craig has changed from Season 1 also. I'm enjoying watching the cast (some of the cast) of the many reality tv shows I watch and have watched ACTUALLY evolve emotionally into potentially healthier adults. It's weird and unsettling. I'm loving this show more than any other at the moment because of this. 

    • Love 7
  13. 5 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Ashley on the other hand reminds me a lot of Dana Delaney.http://castle.wikia.com/wiki/Dana_Delany

    OMG Yes!!! And that would be right smack bang in the middle of TRav's most prolific 'playa' period, when Dana Delaney was a thing. So we're probably seeing one of his 'types' right here. Can't hold a candle to the flame haired one, that's for damn sure. And, i never liked Dana Delaney! Her career went about as far as Ashley's is going to in this saga. 

    • Love 3
  14. On 4/27/2018 at 1:32 PM, Panda Bear said:

    Kathryn, you're better than Thomas and his sad, fame-hungry girlfriend (who isn't much when she doesn't have her make-up spackled on). Stay strong. (And I know--you could easily make the case that Kathryn once was that same fame-hungry girl, but I give her more leeway because she was only 21 at the time. Ashley's what, 32? She should know better by now.) 

    Speaking of age, I don't think I realized how truly young Naomie still is until this season. She is going to be so embarrassed about her behavior someday, if she isn't already. I hope she and Craig truly do stay apart, because it isn't entertaining to

    Just watched this. Last week I said the same about Naomie. She's getting a really bad rap for her behavior, but we forget she's so young and inexperienced. I'm watching her make the mistakes I made. The women on this show are actually displaying signs of actual personal growth. Kathryn in particular. She's is making TRav look like the priveleged, Old Boys network, permanently personality stunted ass he is without raising her voice or an eyebrow. Ashley, and any other of TRav's 'for the show' consorts, don't stand a chance. I think at this moment, Kathryn is probably working on an endgame that sees her and TRav together and married. What I think MAY happen, is that Kathryn, through practising all this, developing conflict management skills and really appreciating having women as friends and support, instead of seeing them always through the prism of how much of a threat they are vis a vis TRav, I think she'll end up realising that she doesn't NEED or WANT TRav. Kathryn could be president, down the track. 

    • Love 8
  15. 3 hours ago, teapot said:

    I am the complete opposite.

    drink too much wine?  menopausal

    forget convo w/husband b/c of aforementioned wine drinkage?  menopause!

    jeans don't fit (probs b/c of wine bloat) menopause!

    misplace papers at work and find them w/the 2001 files?  menopause!

    who's gonna check me, boo???

    @teapot you're my spirit animal

    • Love 2
  16. 5 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    I'm not totally up on the back story.  Was that an honest mistake by Luann, or did she know he was the guy she was talking about at the reunion?

    And in that vein, Dorinda walking up right when Ramona said to those people, "Dorinda said..."  I almost had a vicarious panic attack.


    Oh lord, this was the EPITOME of Lu's narcissism. She really did NOT get/care/consider/know/remember anything about whoever the fck Bethenny is with, because it isn't about HER. Even though she claimed to know everything and took it to the reunion as ammo that long long night with the phonecalls and the living with his exwife etc. So...'ooooooh' indeed, Lu. She cracks me up just for being so unreconstructedly self obsessed.

    • Love 17
  17. 44 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

    Why does Sonja remind me of Lola from Barry Manilow's song "Copacabana"?  I can totally picture her, sitting in the corner, "in the dress she used to wear, faded feathers in her hair, and drinks herself half-blind".

    i hear ZZTop for Sonja '1930s movie star/with a long forgotten name/ she was a sexy mess in her beaded dress/still hanging onto fame" from Going Down to Mexico

    • Love 7
  18. 13 minutes ago, Higgins said:

    I love Boy George but he did not have anywhere near the success as John Mellencamp. It wasn't just Pink Houses and Jack and Diane

    What about 'Hurts So Good'? Erika WOULD KILL to reinterpret that with JCM. 

    Andy asked that question perfectly reasonably, it wasn't shade. Little Miss Say Yes to Everything could have answered in any number of gracious ways or ways that might even have seen the possiblity of such an unlikely collaboration actually occur (which is what the magic of 'saying yes' and positivity is all about), but instead, she stuck on her ever present stank face and acted like she was insulted to be asked. There is no percentage in NOT fangirling such a question. JCM would have seen it, and who knows? But instead, he sees this sulky pouty puss and thinks 'hilarious, she's so not interested/ or she must really hate my dated ass!'. Major mistep from the not so pretty mess tonight. 


    ***cos as some of us above seem to be realising, she may no longer be '2 people' for very much longer, only Erika Jayne may be left***

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