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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. 15 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    As Brooke was cleaning up after meal service I saw that she was making piles of glitter (?) that she could scrape back into their screw top container. What an annoyance. Are they really so cheap that they have to reuse sparkles?

    I just heard Kate Chastain commenting on this on the Watch What Crappens podcast: she said she wouldn't be doing it that way. The small stuff is impossible and time consuming  (as well as potentially a health issue, getting stuck on Brooke's chin, for example, you dont want it in the food) and should have been used 'in vases' with the larger stones  scattered round. Kate was a bit shady about Brooke's 'tablescaping'. She likes her 'tablescapes' to have 'some symmetry'. She also commented on Adam throwing the clam bake down on just newspaper because the table is extremely expensive and she didn't believe it was protected enough. also, were the guests just supposed to 'forage' for their seafood? I think this is what clam bakes are all about, so the guests were happy. Most interestingly, she called bullshit on Adam telling us that freezing an octopus would kill any guest slaying nasties. I tend to agree that this could be true. 

    • Love 3
  2. Just heard Kate on What What Crappens (reviewing the latest BDM) and she said that the season return is October 2nd 'don't quote her' and that this is her favourite season EVAAAAAH. Which could be just Kate drumming up the show, or not. Her preloved clothing store, with all proceeds going to a women's shelter, has become so popular it's moving over the street to larger premises, she also said. I've not been keeping up with her legal woes and they could be way behind her, but I suspect that this charitable venture may just be connected with rehabbing her image?

    • Love 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Jel said:
    2 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    All I remember from Heather's time on the show was when Bethenny couldn't eat her dinner because there was fish in it and Heather freaked out and started bawling. I've never thought about her since she left and I don't miss her. Yawn.

    that, plus something about meatballs. My most vivid memory of Heather was her storming in to someone's room, angrily pulling open the curtains while yelling at the women to get up.

    we've seen her twice this year, and I did come across an article from 2016 in which she said she'd be open to returning to the show. Maybe she will be carole's replacement next year.

    ah but this then led to the infamous 'don't be all..uncool' scene, and was 'eggs a la francaise' from this trip also?, so Heather contributed to that, plus Ramona throwing a glass at Kristen and all the women playing in the dirt at Heather's property.


    Dorinda and John: Dorinda said she'd been seeing John now for as long as she was married to Richard... wow. Dorinda sanctifies that marriage, I thought it went on a lot longer than 6 years. John does NOT seem in the same league through Dorinda's eyes.

    • Love 13
  4. Wow, this episode is packed. Compared to this week's Potomac and OC, again the NY hos show how it's done. Is this the first time we've seen John so far this season? Because it looks to me like Dorinda has pumped the brakes and is screening him for famewhoreitis. At the whole lunch with John scene, he keeps asking 'how am I doing so far', and I wonder if she's said he's not going to be on camera like he has been in the past and if he behaves, she might throw him a bone or bring him back in at the end of the season. 

    I could handle Heather back, I really could. 

    Lu going in on Ramona's house, that was some vitriol. But if anyone has earned it, Ramona has. Lu's places always look warm and cosesy. Her description of Ramona's as 'cold' literally represents the other end of the spectrum personal choice wise. I'm kind of with her though. Lu lives/lived in the Hamptons, Ramona visits. All that white and high ceilings in winter would be nightmarish. Ramona described it as a 'transitional' look made me snort my tea. Oh lord, this woman. She's heard that somewhere along the line and she thinks it is a thing. 'Transitional': like a doctor's waiting room? Like a bullet train stop? Nailed it Ramona. You're truly a maven of the Transitional School of Interior Design. 

    The adult diaper thing, no, Sonja. I don't know anyone who shucks their knickers before transit and gets into some Depends because they don't do the facilities. No. It's not 'a thing'. And it's gross. I don't want to know how bad all this smelled, there was way too much poo talk in this episode. Don't need to see yet another clip of Ramona's dog hunching over Dorinda's carpet either. Don't want to hear how the room towels smelled on the balcony between Ramona and Sonja either. Those poor room attendants. I really hope they got tipped well.

    • Love 16
  5. 21 hours ago, jaybird2 said:
    On 8/7/2018 at 1:56 PM, bichonblitz said:

    Meanwhile, she ordered a Grey Goose with soda and "fresh" lime juice. 

    i snickered about that and the slice pizza she ate.  don't know how this scene will go over with qvc.

    I caught all this too, but Shannon is saying that she is on a diet and then it all goes out the window. they showed her ordering the drink and asking for the pizza as she said this. Therefore, I think QVC should see it as weight loss realness: it's a struggle and Shannon's body the last few years is testimony. She needs to own this and use it in her QVC presentations because it makes her more relatable. For example, when I see early clips of skinny Shannon, I keep thinking it's Camille Grammar. Who would you rather buy weight loss food from - Camille or Shannon? I think I'd be buying from Shannon. She's looking much healthier now too. 

    • Love 6
  6. On 8/7/2018 at 12:52 PM, Kiki777 said:
    On 8/7/2018 at 12:20 PM, Mu Shu said:

    Emily looks like a very dumb and uncomfortable cow , which is no comment on her figure which is great.    

    I like her figure too.  She's not OC-skinny but kinda statuesque.  Other than that though I don't see anything interesting about her.  Boring kids, boring husband and filler up the wazoo.  Omg and her mom-in-law has a scary face.  She looks like that Wildenstein lady who got so much plastic surgery she looks like a cat.

    EMILY: Lipstick is NOT your friend! Try a nude.

    At the gym, my eyeballs got sprained fixating between Emily's lips and her mother-in-law's face. I kept thinking, did i see that right?! Is she the Persian Cat Lady (there's a great sobriquet in their somewhere, but I don't expect we'll be getting to know Emily for more than this season). And Emily's husband is so ...not hot. I can totally see how these 2 ended up married they way they said they got there: he was her boss and they were great friends and one day he said 'why don't we get married'. Nothing wrong with it, they obviously have the same aspirations: kids, family and it appears to be win win. She said she works 3 days a week, I think? Big burn that the gym was not Cut Fitness though.

    I'm already twitching to fast forward through Gina's scenes, but the 'Eileen Davidson Accord' (TM Brian Moylan) states that we must give a new ho 5 episodes before we pass judgement. And I agree with many others above: wtf Bravo? Our hos are supposed to be housewives (married) with an enviable lifestyle. Why are we getting Candiace and Robyn on Potomac and now Gina here? This franchise (and BH) has been pretty faithful to the original mission statement. Let's keep it that way. Gina's already showing signs of marital unrest with the phonecall at the zoo and the look on her face when she was talking about the disappointment she experienced moving from NY to OC. Her husband has sold her a bill of goods for some reason. Looks like he's stuck wifey in the family zone, out in the OC so he can access the carnal delights of LA from his apartment without feeling too guilty.

    And way too many little kids. I don't want to relive cardrives and outings with toddlers. Bad enough suffering through Vicki and her crewcut grandkids. Teenagers and adult children are bearable, but Bravo, your demographic is women my age and a lot of us are here trying to FORGET still. Or we're here to escape. 

    I'm pulling for Shannon. She's a kook but I think she is a warm person. I really hope she gets picked up by QVC and makes Rinna Stacks. I hope she starts reliving her rock chick youth and enjoying life again. David was a nasty piece of slime. I cannot hate on a woman who wants to get Naked Wasted in a hottub even though she hates the sight of her own body, so climbs in there with her spanks on, let's her equally wasted broken foot friend pull the spanks off and next she's clutching her poochy belly and CLAIMING it to Vicki Gunvalson. That was so liberating. And if Jeff Lewis likes her, she's got to be alright.

    • Love 18
  7. 44 minutes ago, LotusFlower said:

    So Sandy said the tip was $12,500, and they each got $1,041, which means it was split between 12 crew.  Since there are 8 crew/cast members, who are the other four?  I think we briefly got a glimpse of the engineer (maybe two of them?) on episode one, but that leaves two more mystery crew members.  Anyone?

    The people that actually keep the boat in mechanical repair...would you feel safe with this lot if there was trouble? I've seen 2 to 3 background engineers and a 'first mate' in previous seasons with Cpt Lee. They've certainly been less in view on this franchise. 

    I'm trying to find the right descriptor for Joao. Pig? Player? In the closet? Brooke 'won' Joao by sheer persistance. Kasey is who he is really 'attracted' to in that he seems to see her as a challenge and to me, they are more suited. I mean Joao is not a prize. He's a mess. Joao is currently functioning at about 'Chris Brown' level in my eyes (the previously Christian guy that became a deckie and got his marching orders from Lee). Joao and Kasey of the horribly orange blonde hair and traumatically dark eyebrows, who is busting all types of girl code taking selfies with Joao and letting him cross all sorts of off limits physical boundaries, knowing that Brooke is invested in this fool and girl code dictates that even though it is known he is a tool, and he led Kasey up all kinds of garden paths 2 minutes before he 'made a decision' and started nomming on Brooke, Kasey is still saying she is Brooke's friend. I think Brooke has what it takes to be a bit of a bunny boiler and definitely a clinger, wouldn't surprise me if she steamrolls him into marriage . She gives me bad fragrance choices teas.

    Like Hannah and Conrad, I really doubt that they've done the deed. Or if they have, it's been when Joao is somewhere between his aggro alcohol induced alter ego Jezabob and passing out, andit was one time and he regrets it. Brooke is already planning the names of the 3 kids they are going to have. When he's sober, it's very chaste. Body language speaks volumes. Brooke kept fishing for validation and security from Joao and he kept giving her the opposite. Joao knows he has let himself be pushed into this thing with Brooke. He now regrets it, but doesn't have the spine to dial it back down. instead, he is doing the nasty hurtful coward thing by continuing to flirt with Kasey. Uggh to all of it. Especially Brooke and Hannah's desperation. 

    Adam trying to rehab his image is cute. But I'm not really buying it. Sandy is though, so that's all that counts. 

    • Love 11
  8. GG married Shalom, they eloped. Shalom of the charging-the-camera-flipping-the-bird in New York for GG's perfomance in the Vagina Monologues, Shalom of the 'Shalom' tattoo that Gigi got in Israel last season, Shalom who gave her hell for kissing a man on stage while acting in the play, the dude that proposed to her with a lit up billboard thingy in Times Square ON the same night as he charged the cameras whilst walking out of her life again. That stable unit, that's Shalom. And he's got a face like a hatchet fish. That guy. She married him and now they are getting a divorce for reals. After the reunion, they were 'trying to work on it' but GG's body language was saying something entirely different. So, she's not yet divorced from him and now she is attracted to Nema who has a girlfriend, has been married and is heterosexual. My gaydar is going right off with Nema too, and it's not just the relationship he has with his sister, which would make more sense if he were gay, it's just him? I don't know why. Homeboy has game though, and those 2 really hit it off. I don't think they were faking. GG has pulled some stupid self centred crap in her time on the show, but I do really hope she finds someone to love her. And that she lays of her sister Laila, who doesnt' seem THAT bad. 

    • Love 3
  9. 3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:
    6 hours ago, missy jo said:

    I'm rewatching Sons of Anarchy so thanks for the Jax Teller reference! I don't think Mike could hack it in a motorcycle club! 

    Hee!  It was actually a Jax Taylor reference - as in Vanderpump Rules.  :-

    Sadly, @walnutqueen is correct...it is indeed and shamefully a Jax Taylor reference. Please tell me there isn't a fictional character out there in television land that behaves this way? 


    This show has held me for so long because these people: Reza, Mercedeh, Asa, GG, Mike and families plus Shervin and Sami and all the others, really do seem to have a bond. I love the insight into their culture, I had to pause this episode to try and work out the finger snapping thing and show the TOTALLY disinterested Mr Queenjen the clip of them all attempting it. Anyone remember the farsi word for it? I'm going to youtube it and get it down! And the food.. 

    MJ skiing was one of the most sensual things I've seen lately. Yes, she's allergic to exercise and you can tell she learned this young and she does it her own way. The difference between MJ's lazy serpentine action and GG's AK47 stance was hilarious and very telling as the show pointed out. I never felt MJ until I got to know her mother, Vida,  and now it makes sense. She's damaged and she's just trying to get by. I loved MJ and Reza sharing a bed together too. I will miss Adam and Asa's relationship. 

    And I'm pulling for GG despite years of her drama and the toxicity she seems to bring to her natal family. I do hope she finds love and I'm glad it's not with Shalom, he was creepy weird. She was very cute with Nema. I like her relationship with Sherv the perv too. Where was he again and what does he do? We've never been told what he does for reals, have we?

    • Love 7
  10. So, the whole Mike and Mona thing? That WAS just the conduit for Nema being introduced into the group, right? Cos there was no chemistry at the dinner where Mike looked at tofu like he'd never heard of it. And the way he described feeling awed by her, the fact she is educated, working and 'is a vegan'. I cannot buy why any woman would look at Mike as a good catch. He's approaching Jax Taylor territory. And he seemed furious with Mona in the kitchen, he's got to check that aggro stance he takes when someone (a woman) hasn't treated him like his dool is actually golden. He's done nothing, achieved nothing and continues to try to conceal that he is not over the clubbing and the young girls. My jaw dropped when after his second 'date' with Mona along with GG and Nemo, he friendzoned her on account of her principles not aligning with his. And then he gives one of his moral high horse THs about how he overlooked principles in the past if he was really into someone and refers to his marriage being one of these times. Jessica converted to Judaism for MIke! How much more can one person do to show their commitment to a shared ideal? Mike is a real problem. It's episode 1 and we're seeing a reel from only last season of Mike out partying as he tells us how during this time, he was out too late, drinking too much and hooking up. This was last season, and at the time during all the sequences they rolled this episode, Mike was saying  he wasn't interested in women. They even used the clip of the dancer with her ass in Mike's face and him recoiling to prove to us that he had turned a new leaf. This season he's already telling us that IN FACT his partying was out of control at that time. I've got no problem with people making mistakes, copping to them and learning from them, but Mike just hasn't stopped lying: GG in the hotel, Jessica etc. Something about his inauthenticity skeeves me out. He reminds me of Kim Richards serious drug addicts who are always 'doing really well now' when in fact, they're worse than ever.

    And Destiney seems like she's one cracked nail away from a full on melt down and she's holding herself together with dental floss and Lucy scarves, i get a highly anxious vibe from her. 

    • Love 11
  11. Hannah and Conrad aren't actually getting it on though, are they? I assume this has been discussed here, but I get the distinct impression that Conrad may be one of those people who is waiting for marriage, or off the boat or something. This would be enough to send needy Hannah, at this stage of their relationship, into a complete spin. Hence the 'panic attack' that was absolutely not related to a hangover. Everytime I see them in the cabin, it's so ... platonic. He's always got jeans on. I think I may have seen him once in shorts or boxers. Hannah, on the other hand, is always scantily clad. And she made that comment this episode when they got into the bunk about him being the man, so HE had to be the 'big spoon'. I really think spooning, or not much more than, is all that's happening and Hannah's brain is imploding. Adam may be right: she'd definitely be 'breaking his dick off' if he ever consents. 

    Brooke is possibly almost as needy as Hannah, which may be why they are not getting along. Because Brooke does everything else right as far as Hannah is concerned: deferential, hard working, friendly, no attitude. Joao has zero backbone. I wonder how humiliated Brooke is feeling now, after seeing his THs and visiting Zim?

    • Love 4
  12. Needy AF and deluded? I read somewhere that she actually DID go to Zim after the season too. I got the impression that she and Joao (sp? JWow is taken) are definitely no longer an item. Who saw that coming?!!!! She's at least honest about her delusion, saying that she goes after these inappropriate 'playa' type guys, hoping to be the one that 'changes' them. I think she'd have done much better with Colin, but homeboy has NO game 'if I could change the alphabet, i'd put 'i' next to 'u''...yup, he really said that to her. Dusting off the old primary/elementary school skills. But still, after the humiliation of being played off Kasey the spewin stew, she'd have been much better off with Colin. Or teaming up with Hannah and Kasey to take down Joao's irritating ass.

    • Love 3
  13. On 6/15/2018 at 7:49 AM, heatherchandler said:

    I actually really liked her dress!  Is that bad?  I thought it would be cute for work.  I have no style.

    I assumed, every time I've seen the footage of Luann in court, that she had spent the night in a cell, and this is the next day? She looks like she's slept in her dress and makeup. Her hair looks slept in also. I didn't compare the b&w footage of her in the police car with it though, and I'm sure someone here will know? Otherwise, maybe this dress was brought to her by her legal representative. It isn't so much the dress that's fugly in court, it's the whole presentation. Not Lu at all, she's usually put together. 

    • Love 3
  14. 1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

    Going wedding dress shopping when you're not even sure if you're in a relationship at the moment and there's no expectation of a ring coming anytime soon? Then crying over a picture of her egg

    I found that scene really creepy. The dynamic between Tinsley and her mother is what I'm talking about. Dale started with the tears, and Tinsley kept glancing at her while she summoned up some tears of her own. She kept glancing at her mother, for ..what? validation? a clue how to behave? In the wedding shop infomercial (seriously, does ANYONE believe Tinsley would be wearing a wedding dress at her wedding with a price point of only 5 to 6K?) I noticed that her body shape is already looking like the early signs of osteoporosis. She has that bowed torso, hunched shoulder look. I don't really know why I am hating so much on Tinsley. She just isn't delivering. If I was into such things, I'd be doing a shot every time she screeches 'Oh my Gaaaad!' 

  15. 7 hours ago, rideashire said:

    Not trying to body shame anyone, I swear....but....is Carol really that thin or does she just have no ass? Half the time I'm concerned and the other half I'm not quite sure. She's confusing me.

    good grief yes, those 90s acid washed jeans with the balloony legs made her ass look wasted. She really needs to stay in the tighter styles, that was awful. I'm so sick of Carole and her 'fear of deadlines', so many writers would jump at the paid chance for an audience in Cosmo. Carole comes off really arrogant. In her treatment of the editors and her readers. Get a life, Carole. 

    Dale wants Tinsley to have a baby, regardless of Scott. I have always thought Tinsley has a mean mouth. When she was furious with Dale in the hotel bar, we got to see her in psycho mode, it's not a pretty sight. And ffs, GET A STYLIST. Stop dressing like a 5 year old's princess dreams. Every skirt she wears has an underskirt, so it looks like a collapsed tutu. And frills. And bows. I can't with Tinsley. 


    I hope Jill comes back. Not a popular opinion at times, but I did love what Jill brought. All the hurt feelings and emotional distress. And Bobby. She even made Ramona relatable this episode.

    • Love 10
  16. 4 minutes ago, lgprimes said:

    Am I the only one on here PRAYING for Scott to break up with Tinsley? 

    You don't need to waste your prayers. I'm pretty sure Tinsley has it covered all on her own. The look on Scott's face when she fell to the ground into the foetal position a couple of episodes back.. sadly, until Tinsley starts acting and dressing and speaking like she's out of primary school, she's going to continue to present as everyone's future PEG.


    Bethenny just can't interact emotionally with anyone without processing it via her own experience. We all do this, but Bethenny can't seem to stop herself actually verbalizing it and looking like a complete asshole. She DID love Bobby. but it's like the whole Dorinda versus Sonja thing. Jason is still walking (stalking) around on the planet. Bobby Z is gone.

    • Love 21
  17. Rumours that TRav will not be at the reunion and definitely not next season on Tamara Tattles. There is speculation that he may be sacked before the reunion, something that has never happened before, apparently. He seems to be spiraling, I've never seen uglier images of him and so many as this episode, comparable to his rage dinner when he chased the golf cart. 

    • Love 12
  18. Only just caught this episode....I don't get the Craig love/ Naomie hate. this episode kind of nailed it for me re Craig. He revealed himself here as firmly in the same camp as all the other males on this show: white, privileged, misogynist, entitled. His talk on the golf course with TRav about 'how much' these women cost TRav? And then the comments about Ashley being a gold digger, the past clip of him telling TRav to keep 'his guard' up with Kathryn becasue she's bad news, then the ABSOLUTE nail for me, which was the comment he made about both Ashley and Kathryn and babies, ie. that Ashley couldn't even count on keeping TRav if she got pregnant because Kathryn 'TRIED THAT TWICE' and he left her. Oh My Freakin God. There's the real Craig, right there. 'tried that twice'. Like all women are scheming manipulators out to sponge off noble well meaning big hearted paragons of southern manhood, like this lot. Craig is no different than Trav, Whit and JD.

    One look at Craig's 'property' with the frat boy demo party living room, the mattress on the floor with Craig's laundry, the unpacked boxes how many weeks/months after moving in? The fact that Craig cut a tendon in his hand by trying to penetrate his own lounge room wall with a butter knife alone has to shed light on some of Naomie's fury and irritation with Craig. He has been given a pass for too long as the loveable kooky laid back dude who just wants to move at his own pace and chill and be creative. he's made Naomie look and feel like a martinet, when she has just been studying and growing up like everyone else her age. I'd be furious too. Craig DOES have some good points, but bottom line, he's one of them and Naomie is 'one of us'. I don't care what Gizmo says at the moment, Gizmo will tire of the frat house in about 3 hours. 

    What I LOVE about this season is the sisterhood. That comment made by Kathryn, I think, as this superannuated shambolic group of menchildren approached their table was so prescient: they are all our exes, she says glumly, as Naomie says 'what were we thinking'? Indeed. These girls have all gone round the dance floor with one or other of these charmers, some a couple of times with a few of them, and they are all now united and it's beautiful.

    • Love 15
  19. On 5/26/2018 at 6:36 AM, Nancybeth said:

    I felt bad for Hannah...first charter, down a stew and she has these guests to deal with?  It doesn't seem like it's going to be a great season for her, based on the previews

    Isn't this the stock standard beginning for every Below Deck season? There's always someone who can't do the job/ hasn't done the job/ is from another planet (Rocky)?

    • Love 6
  20. 16 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

    Bethenney seemed to be either manic or on some kind of upper early on. Jeebus, is that really her? When she first entered Dorinda's and went on and on about the Nutcracker? Find it for me, nay, find ALL of them for me, and I will buy them! I will buy ALL of them! We get it, Beth, you a rich bish.

    I've been trying to figure Bethenny's weird affect during this episode. I think she came into this trip knowing she's friendless pretty much, or at least without the anchor of a 'bestie' like Carole. Worse, Carole is spending all her time with Tinsley. I think we are seeing Bethenny's abandonment issues bigtime. She reverts to her lowest self. When she rolled in, she was definitely manic sounding. That's nervousness. Dorinda is a great host, but Dorinda is also stirring the pot, as seen with Ramona and Carole the night before at the restaurant. And what kind of a weird coupling was that? Ramona and Carole the honoured 'early arrivers' at the Berzerkshires? So, Bethenny was talking a mile a minute and overreacting because she isn't sure of herself and she HATES feeling out of control. Then at the table with Carole, it's all her worst childhood nightmares: public abandonment, no one 'on her team'. I'm not a Bethenny apologist. Like we've all said or thought through the seasons, watching Bethenny Frankel, money may possibly buy you class, but it won't buy you love. 

    • Love 17
  21. 6 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

    I'm not even a Team Carole person, but I did think she did a really good job at diffusing a lot of the tactics that Bethenny/other housewives use as a way to distract from the point at hand. Bethenny likes to trot out "you're freaking me out" or "You're being loud" as a way to change how people are receiving the conversation. It's a classic Housewives move to try to make the other person look crazy.

    Gaslighting is what this is. Bethenny shot Carole a couple of looks that seemed to plead not to go there, or not now. Seeing Bethenny reduced to such desperate argument tactics with Carole makes me think that whatever the issue is, it really means a lot to her. Probably she felt she had a genuine friendship with Carole, or that Carole knows where too many of the bodies are buried, stuff about her and Jason and Brynn, who knows? But Carole reduced Bethenny to her child ego state during this exchange.

    • Love 13
  22. 15 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    I could never not go without a daily shower by choice.  Just couldn't do it. I may not have to 'scrub' my body but those private parts needs some soap.   I could go deeper into the subject but....  Yeah, no.

    I also cannot go to bed without washing my face, flossing, and brushing my teeth.  And that can be at four o'clock in the morning no matter how dead tired I am.  Ok.  Others may disagree

    I'll share a bathroom with you next housewive's trip.

    Where i live in Australia, bathing every day is not optional in summer, which is hot and humid most of the year. I get that people in cooler climes may not necessarilly do so, and it still creeps me out. 'Clean bodies in clean beds' was the mantra at my house, not to mention 'cleanliness is next to sexiness'. No offense to anyone with skin issues, I get that. 

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