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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. We need to keep in mind that LeeAnne, in her TH, straight up declared that  D'Andra had struggled with alcohol in the past. Then, when D'Andra collapsed with Stephanie, Brandie, Carey and Kam (?), one of them straight out asked D'Andra if she had issues with drinking. And D'Andra gave a firm 'NO'. So. Either way, LeeAnne is coming really hard for D'Andra. She has either spilled a secret that she would have known in confidence (and therefore taken a wrecking ball to their friendship), or she is straight up lying to all of us out here in reality tv land.  D'Andra is going to have a conniption when she sees this TH. She's fundamentally unable to cope with loss of social esteem. It's either going to explode over the next few episodes, or it's going to be major reunion material. 

    The ONLY way I see LeeAnne wriggling out of this one, is if I got her words correct above and she said that D'Andra had 'struggled with alcohol in the past'. And when she's questioned (it's going to be an attack, D'andra is going to utterly lose her shit), LeeAnne's spin is going to be 'I meant her father. His alcoholism and death were things D'Andra struggled with in the past! Ah would NEVAH slur someone's sobriety!'. LeeAnne's reaction to abandonment, or perceived abandonment, has always been swift and scorched earth. LeeAnne sees D'andra slipping away over to Brandi. These women! 

    • Love 12
  2. No wonder Momma Dee loves LeeAnn: she recognises the same ability and willingness to mess with D'Andra's soft head in LeeAnn. And why was D'Andra in kabuki tonight? LeeAnn is just ruthless and masterful with the psy ops when she's attacked. I believe LeeAnne is mostly wrong here. She's actively messing with D'Andra and Brandi under the guise of speaking honestly and false concern. Again, ALL D'Andra had to do, and I counseled this 2 episodes ago, is 'never apologise, never explain'. If she'd just refused to continue the discussion with LeeAnne, she'd have been speaking a language LeeAnne respects. But D'Andra just can't help herself. It was the same with the '$200 bank balance'. She's her own worst enemy because she's desperately insecure and needy for approval. I think Kam was trying to play nice on this topic, btw, by making the comment about D'Andra shopping at Net A Porter, which means she needs a lot more than $200 in her bank account. It's the first time in 2 seasons that my blood was not completely cold enduring Kameron.

    Really not interested in Carey's new laser place. We'd all been speculating about the absence of Brian and bingo, here he is. In all his toned down douchery. Loved seeing that clip of him flying the full douche flag we know he's still capable of, though.

    I heart poor Stephanie so much. Brandi is so blinded in her own issues with being branded 'low class' that I don't think she even considered the effect of her words on Stephanie regarding LeeAnne's friendship. I don't trust LeeAnne with Stephanie for a second, but Steph has to figure that out for herself. She seemed genuinely heartbroken that her best friend doesn't think she could possibly be deserving of friendship on her own merits. I think Brandi is really stretched thin at present, her judgement is all out of whack. 

    • Love 8
  3. @dosodog, hear hear. I really wondered about the absence of mention of this cat and I hope you are right. With respect to wolf hybrids, i'll never forget an episode on Cesar Milan's show devoted to them, first I'd heard about them. A guest expert that Cesar had to speak to the 'not having them as pets' side of the argument, simply looked the camera right in the eye and said with great emphasis 'nature. does not. belong. in a cage'. He had them, but they were not treated like domestic canines. I'd love to see a real wolf. We don't have them here.

    • Love 3
  4. On 10/14/2018 at 2:16 AM, gingerella said:

    I know t( editing monkeys are trying to do a switch and bait on it being Rhylee or Caroline who is kicked off the boat...do we have a betting pool going on this yet....or could it actually be Chandler instead???

    I wondered this also because of  the much played clip of Kate and Josiah standing outside knocking, while Kate says something like 'you need to be off the boat in an hour' it looked to me like Chandler's room, just off the staff kitchen, where he's erupted from to tell everyone to keep it down. Wouldn't it be funny if it was Adrian?

    • Love 2
  5. Josiah is about as comforting as asbestos and Kate has never been the tender type, good luck Caroline

    Also, touchy subject, but it seems that we have had a disproportionate amount of 'bad news from home' with this franchise. Chef Adrian lost his Dad 2 months ago. Nico lost his brother. Someone else (female stew) lost a grandmother during a charter and I am pretty sure I remember another female stew having lost someone during a charter in the early days. Just sayin. 

    • Love 10
  6. 17 hours ago, terrymct said:

    Were those ads for his business(es) on his hat and robes?  Good grief, who would patronize something that man promoted?

    I don't think we need to see Steve for the 3rd time on Below Deck. He's a fame whore. Those robes he had were not only embroidered with his business name "Mexican Mansions, Acapulco" but also 'Foam Man' and underneath that, on the back of his robe 'Tahitian Yachting Adventure'. Not only this, he made some of his guest wear them too. And he had caps. And most of all, none of the guests he brought wanted anything to do with him. There was one guy Steve was blithering to after the jetski and before breakfast who just tuned him out. There was no partying late. No one at the foam party. So I guess these friends are going to be fired. Also, if your friend/boss takes you on a trip like this, couldn't you just put yourself out a little bit and pretend to enjoy his company? I don't know what was going on here, whether they were friends or just his 21 year old fiancee and a bunch of his employees, because when they disembarked, they appeared to be wearing uniforms? 

    Edited to add: they were indeed wearing white shorts and aqua collared shirts when they disembarked. Over the right breast was 'MV Seanna' and Steve had 'Foam Man' again on the back of his cap. The backs of the shirts were his Mexican Mansions Acapulco script and probably 'Tahitian Adventure'. At least 2 of the other guests were wearing them also. He referred to one of the women the night before as 'Cuz' and she wasn't in a uniform, so perhaps she is his sober living coach.

    Tahiti is definitely not the Caribbean. I thought about this when I was trying to work out why they all had to stay until Ashton had decided to finish his night. I think that they were a long way from the bar/restaurant precinct they went to. I think it may have been like a 20 minute ride at least through palm trees until civilisation. It's not like they dock just below an historic European city like they do in BDMed or the islands in the Caribbean that cater to these yachts. 

    • Love 5
  7. On 10/12/2018 at 9:06 AM, morgan459 said:

    (I do remember Captain Lee giving group curfews and boatswains telling drunk/belligerent people to go to bed once they're already back on the boat)

    Captain Lee definitely put someone on 'anchor watch' for idiocy and they missed a night out? (pretty sure it was Kelly)  And he confiscated Danny's phone for inappropriate mingling and sent him home. But I also don't ever recall a bosun messing with an underlling's night off or laying down any punishment specific to one person. And Chandler pulls this shit on Charter 1. It had the opposite intended effect: instead of him looking strong and garnering respect from his crew, he's alienated the entire boat and looks like a petty despot. Take an internet course in human resources, Chandler when you get your ticket home. Also, take an advanced internet course in 'fixing my overt hatred for women at least in the workplace'. That'd be good too. And you got crazy eyes for a reason.

    • Love 10
  8. This from a forum question about a Bengal cat described as 'unmanageable':

    " Your cat will "calm down" when, instead of just feeding her, prior to feeding time, you play with her for about 20 minutes with a fishing pole toy such as "Da Bird". Drag it along the floor and get her to chase it. Then pull it up in the air so she'll jump after it." Bengals have a pronounced 'hunt/eat/sleep cycle and his is exactly what we are seeing Gigi addressing with her cat. Using the 'rod' with the object on the end for the cat to chase and catch. It looks like Gigi knows about the breed, because there are so many towers around also, and these cats are 'arboreal' ie. like to be up high. It really confuses me why she's not even referred to the breed. 

    • Love 1
  9. 9 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

    I guess I'll have to choose GG, because she was mean to her cat.

    I've been meaning to say this about GG's cat, maybe it's been said? I'm surprised that there hasn't been  more SL made of it by GG.


    That cat, I believe is a Bengal. They are a shitshow to own. I've met one in person once myself. It was the day of my son's father's funeral. We'd had the wake at the huge nursery the family owned and outside in the carpark, waiting for a cab home, there appeared this sensational cat. They are amazing to behold with their sleek bright markings and incredible eyes. On enquiry, as this wasn't a residential area, I learned that the cat had adopted the nursery, that sometimes it slept in certain 'locked'equiptment sheds and that it had attacked a worker already who had tried to feed it. I mean ATTACKED. Flew at a human at head height that it perceived was a threat. i love cats and freaks (I have polydactyl maine coons when I have cats), so I wanted to take it home. But the nursery had collectively recognised it as a 'wild thing' and sort of adopted it and its fiest as a kind of mascot. in another situation, this cat would have been removed and destroyed. They don't do well as pets. It's a fact. This one had run away from a domestic situation as they are rare here. 

    I'm SURPRISED Gigi hasn't made a big deal of having a 'wild' cat cos she's a wild girl. On a sadder note, the other Bengal that I know of was given to a 'no kill' shelter.  It was the only cat they ever destroyed when it pulled the same move as the cat from the nursery. It needed help and flew repeatedly at the shelter owner's head when she tried to enter the enclosure. That cat was shot. I would not be surprised to suddenly stop seeing Gigi's cat next season. They are hard work and they're not tame. I think this is why so much footage has been recorded of the cat because production have probably seen or heard it in action. 

    • Love 4
  10. 1 hour ago, nexxie said:

    Had a phone call and had to mute Mike’s meltdown - what was he crying about?!

    Oh, please can i take this? So, would you guess that Mike was letting us in on the fact that he has been in SO MUCH PAIN since his divorce and he is JUST NOT READY for a relationship and all this pressure from all the people he has let down like his family and Jessica and Jessica's family and the tiny bit of Mike that died inside of him while he was screwing club hos while he was married to a woman who converted to Judaism for him. That was about it and it basically gives Mike a pass to do nothing but club and party with bronzered blondes until he is 65. If any of the group says anything, he'll reference this moment with Reza where Reza said he'd support Mike's decision. Why is there a dirty taste in my eyeballs? It was heinous. 

    • Love 13
  11. I feel like the best part of this episode happened in next week's preview, where this episode was summed up with no irony whatsoever by Golnesa: 'I wasn't prepared for this'. I really feel for her sister now. Gigi has never had any intention of working and it must have been a hell that continues to this day, dealing with her as a sister and doing ALL THE WORK on that ridic hair line they were Gigi's sister was actually running with money from their parents. Some daughter's would be extremely conscious of failing and tipping the family money down the drain. Gigi's worse than Porscha with her sister. And the literal underground railway. She's worse than Teresa Giudice sitting on a yoga mat going 'Ommm' with her index and thumb together. It's stunning. It's wilful ignorance. 

    What I am LIVING for is Mike getting kicked to the kerb by his 20 whatever year old human can of hairspray and fleekly eyebrowed Morgan. I loved Morgan's commitment to creating a Jewish High Holiday meal from nothing but what was in Mike's cupboards and access to her cell phone. I think Morgan will go places. Fortunately, not with Mike. 

    I hope MJ is happy on her wedding day but Vida called that dress correctly. Cheesey. It seems to have a lot of fashion baubles slapped onto it from skin coloured mesh or invisiflesh or whatever it's actual name is, to that strange lattice feature at the front and the mermaidy train. She'd look so fckn elegant in a simple ivory or off white, with maybe a hint of gold to personalise it. I do love Tommy and MJ together, they seem to have a great rapport and trust. 

    This episode tempted us to feel sympathy for 2 characters and I see you, production. But Mike is still an unreconstructed woman hating narcissist and Golnesa is an entitled ignorant princess. She gets points for trying and for undiagnosed hearing issues that have perhaps contributed to her acting like Helen Keller before Annie Sullivan turned up. And Reza loses points for gratuitous and awkward use of 'turnt', 'turnt up' and 'hunty'. Although he did deploy 'hunty' when he was trying to make MJ feel beautiful after her mother went for the dress. 

    • Love 11
  12. 1 hour ago, Texasmom1970 said:

    So  Brandi can badger LeeAnne about her relationship and not telling the truth. LeeAnne makes an off the cuff comment to illustrate to Brandi being nosy and making inappropriate comments and assumptions and OMG LeeAnne has gone too far. Brandi dont dish it up if you cant take it.

    Yeah. Brandi lost me here too. She's right about all of this. LeeAnne is an on camera recorded lying liar that Brandi got too close to last year. But Brandi's sensitivity to being judged as 'less than' or 'lower class' by the likes of Kam and D'Andra is going to fuel this ridiculousness and ultimately detract from the fact that everything Brandi said to LeeAnne about her 'warning' others away from Brandi is true. BRANDI knew she'd totally sabotaged her own argument too, as evidenced by her saying that LeeAnne always 'twists' things and deflects. in this case, LeeAnne really only created a simile about Brandi adopting Bruin to save her marriage. She was doing this to say that the rumour about her and Rich living 'separate lives' is as ludicrous as someone saying that about Brandi. I don't believe for a second that LeeAnne believes that or had even thought about what it's like to have a newborn prior to this conversation. Brandi's judgement gets impaired when she feels she's being excluded for being 'less than'.

    Again, I loved Brandi and Stephanie's friendship. It gives me heart. It's the truest and most enjoyable friendship I think I've seen on any HW franchise. They build each other up, those two and it's refreshing.

    D'Andra on the other hand...I have to say that it's not until now that i see the value of D'Andra. She is a fckn unit. Production should get an award. She is has been Momma Dee's child star hostage all her life. She is emotionally still in elementary school. She has no survival skills and is genuinely horrified, at a visceral level, that people could think she only has 200 dollars in her bank account. Everything she's learned in adulthood about friendship has been from a tv series (D'Andra's sudden empassioned screaming at LeeAnne about being engaged and not married, for example, was so out of left field for a neurotypical human). Being 'chosen' by Brandi made D'Andra so happy that she still brings up 'Spitfire' hoping Brandi will give her a secret handshake. Poor D'Andra, she's totally inadequately loaded for life. 

    • Love 13
  13. Women do know that laser surgery isn't the answer, or at least not the ONLY answer and very much a 'johnny come lately' answer (does research support it?) to a problem that's occurred for as long as there have been women? Right? Why isn't Stephanie whose life 'is ruled by my bladder', doing Kegel exercises or working with a Yoni egg? Apparently, these post natal exercises (Kegel) are just du jour in France, and women don't have these incontinence problems. And this is NOT just about incontinence. This is about, as Carey said (but probably not for the right reasons) 'if down there is happy, you're happy'. It's about better and more intense orgasms and overall more healthy reproductive system. A lot of us Western women seem to be utterly unaware of the value of exercising our vaginas. There's some incredibly mind blowing stuff available for free on the internet that just involves a little bit of focus and some exercises. I'm telling ya, it works WAY better than psychotherapy, drugs, LASER therapy or the cost of dealing with intermittent incontinence after babies or just with age. 

    Basically, if you are peeing your pants when you sneeze like Stephanie is at her age, it is because your vagina is literally atrophying for lack of minimun exercise. I hate that laser is being used and touted as some kind of marvel solution. By male doctors. I wish I could send Stephanie (and LeeAnne) some links and info. There's no need to be experiencing this in the majority of cases.

    • Love 9
  14. oh god, these women. D'Andra is wearing the exact same (I'm sure) butt ball earrings that Kam had on last week. I commented then that they looked like one of Kam's kids glued them together. And then she did her TH with the condom earrings and it was all too much. But seriously? Is the 'real wealth' scene in Dallas SO incestuous and covetous that you MUST have certain articles of apparel? i know we see ubiquitous Hermes and Gucci belts and Hermes throws, and everyone in OC last season and Potomac has a thing for the Chanel logo in earrings, pendants, brooches (Karen Huger sporting a Chanel brooch with a Gucci beltbuckle on a camo pantsuit is FOREVER emblazoned in my forebrain), but what is the attraction with these glitter ball earrings??? Bueller?

    • Love 4
  15. 12 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

    Loving Ross. I wonder if he is Maori?

    he's Polynesian for sure. he said he's from New Zealand, so he's most likely Maori, but he could be from Samoa (or any of the other islands) and family lives in NZ which is the biggest Western country in Polynesia. We've got a lot of Polynesians living in Australia, which is the next country over from NZ. 

    • Love 4
  16. 21 hours ago, biakbiak said:

    Caroline reminds me of Ellie Kemper.

    if I close my eyes, Caroline's voice reminds me of ROCKY. This augurs very well for us students of the Reality Arts and Sciences.

    21 hours ago, Irritable said:

    i would love more footage to help give me a clearer idea of how big this Yacht is, and what it looks like all over. I don’t pick up much from quick flash shots, which makes watching previews for almost any show nearly useless to me. I need to see something for a good two seconds to really know what I saw.

    THIS. I'm not the only one thinking this yacht, that Cpt Lee and Kate have been vociferously telling us is HUGE, looks kind of way smaller than previous yachts on this franchise? I get that we are definitely seeing more cramped crew conditions and this sways us, but if space in crew quarters and work areas have been sacrificed shouldn't this be translating to more spectacular square footage? I'm not seeing a helipad or another guest deck or a swimming pool or a disco, so I'm thinking this boat isn't in reality as big as we've been told. 

    • Love 8
  17. I can see where this is going. Given we have a full deck of assholes, personality disorders, strippers and butlers this season, it's really easy to miss some of the less stunning occurrences on these episodes. I haven't read the comments yet, but I'm seeing Josiah (that's Messiah with a J) getting away with some real bitchery. The word I'd prefer to use is the one Erika Jayne wore around her neck to the collective shock of nobody important. Caroline is 3rd stew for sure and delirously unbalanced, she's not going to really deserve what happens once the Heathers train of Kate and Jessiah leaves the station. Kate is incapable of not forming a clique. I guess this is why this works for us. Sensitive Caroline is going to be cannon fodder. Josiah is a mean girl. He knows what he's doing and it's unnecessary.

    Chandler telling us straightfaced that 'the behaviour of the deck crew reflects my leadership' made me snort laughing given the utter Charlie Foxtrot the first night out became. AND IT WAS ALL CHANDLER'S FAULT. FFS. Dude. People got drunk at a place of drunkery on their night off. What the hell did you expect to happen and why are you punishing them for it? (Because Bravo? maybe Chandler is, in Kelly Dodd's words, 'the puppet' after all and everyone else is the 'puppet master'). Any other bosun from every other season would have turned this into an hilarious anecdote to be recounted whilst swabbing the ship the next morning. We've had Chris Brown, we've had Adam throwing punches, we've had Joao, Conrad and Hannah on a bad night, how was Ashton getting happy drunk the catalyst for the destruction of all crew morale? Good job, Bosun.

    Onto who WILL be bosun in the next couple of episodes, ROSS. OMG. Ross represents the best in Kiwi men. He's got that great 'feminine energy' that men in Australia, where i come from, just don't have. He can talk to anyone, he's so laid back and easy going you'd be forgiven for thinking he's not paying attention, and his attention to detail, including interpersonal detail, is fine tuned and comes from a good place. I will fault him for sniggering about Riley, that doens't make sense to me and I think we missed something when we were seeing her asking her boss all those questions on the first outing of her new job. No wonder she's pissed with Chandler, I don't blame her. Also, Ross could have handled her better when he was taking one for the team with sulky ass Chandler, who definitely had his drunk on too, btw, because surely all of those lapses in professional judgement didn't just occur out of his natural sober personality? Anyway, Ross was doing his BEST to get Chandler to back down on the ridiculous 6am start time. And he nearly got him there too. This is where we see who Chandler really is when he mutinously sticks to his 6am declaration of war after Ross gives him a perfectly plausible FACE SAVING exit strategy. It was unfortunate that Riley came barging in then but I don't think Ross handled her disrespectfully, just firmly.

    This night could have ended so much more happily if Riley and Ashton were permitted to get into the same mini bus home. They have the hots for one another, we know they get it on, we saw Riley getting into a bus with or around drunk Ashton, so why weren't they sitting together going home? 

    I think Adrian, who is going to be a fan favorite, is not so innocent with respect to the drama either. That comment to Caroline hit DEEP and i'm pretty sure he knew what he was doing. It was nice he hugged her, but ... dude.

    Adrian needs to make a pass at Caroline for the good of humanity. 

    • Love 7
  18. Can't paste the link I just found, but the woman from The Anger Room was murdered by her ex. I'm not sure if it's the same woman that appeared with a chyron with her name on it when she was giving the ladies their safety talk before LeeAnne's 'smash party', but I have a horrible feeling it is. She was very intense, I thought at the time, about how anger is going to come up when you start 'smashing stuff' and if this poor soul is her, dealing with an ex like that I can see why. 

    • Love 1
  19. You guys have probably saved me from going back and looking again. I agree @biakbiak, Stassi is a all about the cameras, so that was the thing that made me wonder too. But I also found it interesting that the 3 or so times they panned from Mike and Shervin, then back over to Nema, we'd see blonde hair and part of her face and what he was saying, and then someone's body would block the rest of her face. I was wondering if she might be there on the DL. Unlikely. I know. I probably haven't watched enough of the Stassi years of VPR to get a true feel. Also, we didn't see what Golnesa was up to once MJ retired with her gayntourage, or whatever version of 'my gays' is being propagated on Bravo at this moment. blech. 

    • Love 1
  20. It REALLY looked like Nema was talking to Stassi Schroeder in the club after MJ left. The cameras would get close, but then someone would block her face. Is Stassi with someone at the moment? Because Nema was asking her (Stassi, or lookalike) if the guy she was with at the moment was her 'soulmate'. 

    • Love 2
  21. Oh this has to be recorded. Mike's 'words of wisdom' to Golnesa about Shalom, who is stalking and harrassing her about the ring (valued at 165k in an earlier episode). Golnesa says she's had to block Shalom on social media because he's harrassing her. She describes this and 'back to back' texts. Rabbi Mike mansplains that he went through EXACTLY this with Jessica. He blocked Jessica on SM because she'd blocked him (because in Rabbi Mike's book, this is the mature thing to do). Golnesa then explains she had to block Shalom because of harrassment. Mike then continues to mansplain  to Gigi that what she is ACTUALLY FEELING, IS NOT WHAT SHE HAS JUST TOLD HIM SHE IS FEELING ie. that what she sees as 'harrassment' is  actually just his deep rooted LOVE for her and what she's doing WITH HIS ring. Gigi is just too dumb and female (my little sister crap) to understand. This. Guy. That ring was an engagement ring. If you give one, you don't expect it back. They got married as well, so even more so. Mike's description of it as 'his ring' illuminates just what this trogolodyte is: an unreconstructured misogynist and a massive hypocrite. 

    And this little exchange was preceded by Mike ordering Mona to stop packing! Get a drink! Now! You're being timed! It really didn't come across as that light hearted. He's a really controlling creep. Mona looked like a scared rabbit. She stopped moving like you do when you're not sure if someone is joking or not, and 'not' is scary. 

    Mike is out of control. He is also an easy read. The way he told Reza that he'd split up with Morgan by first making a comment about how many girls had 'hit him up' since getting to Vegas. Then he pulls back and says 'I ignored them all'. Then he creeps a little further toward the truth 'even though I'm single'. Still Reza isn't paying him attention. So Mike adds in Farsi that 'she got angry and left'. Finally Reza wakes up and says 'who?' and Mike, great souled human with only the comfort of others on his mind, responds 'Morgan, but I don't want them (his friends) to know right now). As usual, this is all bullshit. She may have 'got angry' and left, but only after Mike banned her from coming to Vegas. I just cannot with his bs selfsacrificing 'i'm only protecting my parents' schtick. Mike should be keeping the lessons of TRav and Michael Darby at the forefront of his lizard brain, because something like this is coming for Mike. He hates women. 

    • Love 13
  22. 8 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

    Having a new baby in the house IS stressful but Brandi seems like she is upset about something else

    Brandi's BIG ISSUE:  Remember last season when there were snipey comments from Kameron about living in a certain suburb/s? D'Andra and Kam were there and Stephanie moved there too when Travis decided the lustre of living on the final hole of the golf course wore off (sad 'Brah!') and found a place with a pool in the living room (happy 'Brah')? Brandi doesn't live in this old rich neighbourhood. Plus, we started getting comments from Kam about Brandi being offensive and low class. Class is the word with Brandi. She is really sensitive about being made to feel like one of the Mud People aka The Poor and a 'bad person'. Brandi wearing that dog shit hat in season 1 to the charity event  was her expressing her disdain for Society. She and Stephanie both come from similar backgrounds and though Stephanie always has Brandi's back and urges her on in her own way, Stephanie does not have the personality Brandi has. I think Steph admires Brandi's spirit, because she'd never dare to behave the way Brandi does. Now that Bruin has come along and she's getting no sleep, everything is raw and amplified with Brandi. She IS I think genuinely worried that the opinions of morons like Kam may actually affect her in her vulnerability.

    So Brandi's Big Issue is class. Women from the class D'Andra and Kameron come from, the old money names, look down their noses at people like Brandi and Steph. They only associate with them because of their husband's $$$$$. The charity world, and feeding those $$$$ into it, is the only time that Old money society overlaps with New money society and potentially, if your family's money keeps coming and you behave yourself and get seen in the right clothes (Stephanie), you may one day be accepted into their rarefied bubble. Most of us, like Brandi, to use Dee Simmons words, couldn't 'give a rip' about kowtowing to this BS. I think Brandi has been checked by Bryan possibly as well. Maybe not. Perhaps he's always off round the country building marinas to make the world a better place and hooking up with Travis when he can get away from Dallas, to really care. Brandi has kind of called BS on Dallas society and now she's kind of stuck alone at their mercy at this difficult time. I feel sorry for her. I think she's down to earth and sweet and can really have a good time. I love watching her and Steph together. 

    Basically, Brandi believes being a good person and friend is enough. It's not enough in some circles, when it should be. 

    • Love 15
  23. Kameron's earrings! When she was talking to her husband about the GLOBBLE PeddEXpo, she had these things on that looked like one of her kids craft projects. To me they literally looked like those little foam balls from the craft shop that you can roll in glitter and glue to make tree ornaments. She had 3 or 4 in descending size hanging from her earlobes. Fair enough. Then they showed her TH with the condom earrings and I thought 'anal beads'. She's talking to Kourtt about being an entrepeneur with butt beads dangling from her head. i wonder if Kameron needs to be rescued? is she sending us some kind of SOS?

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