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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. I keep forgetting to ask, cos we don't have them here: WHAT in the evahluving fck is a 'CASITA', anyway? It sounds like the sheltered patio thing you'd have by the pool. Or a miniature house. Do they have Casitas in Long Island? I'm surprised Gina hasn't told us. It's burned into my head like a branding exercise casita casita casita. I need to know. Help?

    • Love 1
  2. Today, Tamara Tattles has more on her site from her BH source. Interestingly, when I was listening to Brian Moylan on BitchSesh, he kept using the word 'producing' and 'producer', but he didn't spill this added tea from TT today, which is that the production team for BH has changed. A lot of them have moved over to another show. As a result, LVP's old producers, that apparently 'coddled' her a bit are gone. Replaced with strangers that don't know her at all. She's perhaps not getting the treatment she feels she should be getting, or new eyes are giving her their own edit. Whatever it is, this is also pissing her off. This makes sense to me, because for SEASONS we've had Kyle and Erika and others saying she's a 'sniper from the side' and that she meddles with the media and tries to influence SLs. Maybe their problematic 4th wall complaints make more sense now, if this is true. It sounds like those with grievances against LVP are throwing up their hands and shrieking 'FINALLY', and the pile on begins. TT also said that Bravo is unwilling to step in and make LVP work to her contract where there have been complaints or violations this season. I imagine that means her refusal to film with the cast or be photographed with them?

    • Love 5
  3. I forgot the best news of all! Brian Moylan has been tapped to write the BOOK on the housewives. He's hoping to get it done in 2 years, due to whether or not the franchises will start to putter out. There was a lot of talk about how OC was getting past it, but Bravo are kind of frightened about pulling the pin in case it starts a landslide. Probably why they are working on more varied shows.

    Of course, given what we've just seen with Flipping Out prior to the season, there is always some drama like this to pump up the audience, so who knows about LVP. 

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  4. Oh my. I'm listening to Bitch Sesh podcast and they have Brian Moylan on as a guest, and the TEA!! He was just at Erika Jayne's performance, where the possible BH finale was being filmed. All the hos were there, including Denise Richards, with the exception of LVP. He is being asked about what is really going on and this is what he said: 'there IS some dog drama!' - that's the Dorit puppy saga. But also, he said that the rest of the cast don't want to film with her. As opposed to her choosing not to film with them. He said also that this has been bubbling for some seasons and it's about LVP 'producing' behind the scenes. He referenced the magazines in Kyle's bag (was it Kyle?) when they went on that holiday and some of the fights with Kyle (who IS an EP). The feeling is that she is behind a lot of the drama and won't 'own it' in Rinna's words. Also, Rinna had this ridiculously long ponytail at this performance. I think that was probably an homage to Erika Jayne. (Brian Moylan 'ghost wrote' Erika's book, for those that don't know).

    • Love 6
  5. 1 hour ago, Emmeline said:

    The number of Cartier Love Bracelets he has on at $6000 a pop, probably all purchased by himself.

    Oh lord!! I noticed! I looked them up a few episodes ago when we were talking about them here and they've MULTIPLIED across the cast since he gifted one to MJ. He's of course flaunting one of the REALLY expensive ones. Adam had on the simple 'gold nail' that encircles the wrist (I'm going to get a real nail and do the same, I like the industrial feel, but not gold), Reza, on the other hand, has the one that goes around your wrist numerous times at an accordingly much higher price point. I didn't look too closely, but it could have been adorned with diamonds, all those options exist over at Cartier. I saw one I'm pretty sure, also on GG's wrist when she was in the car with Shervin and moving Shalom's rented engagement ring around. What's the vig on $165k? Shalom is probably going to end up dead in a ditch over this. 

    Erk. MJ and her boob sweat. It looked like she was in polyester. Not pretty. 

    I got my Morgan sighting! I still don't know what they did with the footage they were supposed to show last week where Mike and Morgan are sitting outside a cafe and Morgan kicks him to the kerb. I hope Morgan got paid. 

    Nothing much else happening. MJ's wedding and the death of her father have pretty much made this one the season of MJ and much as I like her on this show, it's not enough. Destiney and her lost Dad story is about as interesting as Cary Deuber's current SL on Dallas about 'reconnecting with her Dad'. Nema and GG aren't really giving me couple tease at all, for all the talk of their chemistry. Mike is a nagging stain that won't go away, Morgan at least temporarily added some glitter to Mike. Reza and Adam are also ho hum with the lame baby SL.

    Cos it was so boring, I thought this: What if Jeff Lewis and Reza wife swapped Gage and Adam. Would it work?! 

    • Love 8
  6. 13 hours ago, iloveit said:

    Court always looks miserable.

    I think Courtt looks peculiar all the time. He does not look a healthy human specimen to me. Then I saw 'Jimmy' and the layers and layers of fillers and plastic accreting to make her face look like  a Halloween mask of George W Bush. She's hiding something, or fixing something. It was too much. When she turns her head, it's the WORST. It literally looks like her bone structure moves before all the junk she's had injected over the top of it. All this bulk sticking out of her face.

    And when Courtt came into the bar behind Kam, at Jeremy's photo thing, his HAIR!!! It was absolutely flat across the top of his head, like a mortar board. No wonder he looks miserable. I really believe the Westcotts send out scouts to the colleges looking for fresh blood to reinvigorate their family line. Hence Kameron: blonde, some height, major or degree in art history etc. Cos Courtt is also a shortass. 

    • Love 9
  7. Tamara Tattles is saying that the rumour is that LVP has not filmed with the cast for the last 6 weeks, that includes Camille's wedding (although not all the cast went - it was Rinna, Dorit, Kyle and Mauricio). No one knows why, but it looks like the cast has turned on her. TT pointed out this has nothing to do with her brother's suicide, as she's filmed all of VPR prior. I've also heard that the only cast member she's currently speaking to is Denise Richards because apparently she gets on with everyone. Rinna is saying 'own it' to her, I saw an Instagram of her and Erika at the cast photos shoot where there was a 'hold out'. Rinna was filming with her phone beside Erika and Rinna did all the talking along the lines of 'we've been sitting here sequestered for x hours/minutes because there is a hold out! Who could it be!!' etc etc, but the hint was LVP. 

    • Love 4
  8. 2 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

    The previews were misleading.  Kate and Josiah’s harsh comments were about Rhylee, not Caroline.  Plus, they were both hammered, and In the privacy of their own room.  Caroline was essentially eavesdropping, which is really stupid for someone as insecure as she to be doing.

    They definitely were misleading, and I hadn't even thought about whether or not Caroline would repeat what she heard to Rhylee. Not that there'd be much impact as they are different departments. We were led to believe that Kate and Josiah's voices were loud and drunk enough to be heard clearly from the hallway that all the crew berths are in. It looked like Caroline heard it, didn't like what she was hearing, but instead of slinking away and stewing, she really did the only thing you can do and come out feeling right: she confronted them. How hard would that have been?! She may be sensitive, but she's got cojones.

    And it wasn't the first time this episode. Caroline knows the score on this: Kate and Josiah are only going to get tighter and more distant to her unless she steps in and makes herself heard. She has. Repeatedly. And not in an offensive manner like many stews past. Caroline is really taking it straight back to Kate in a way that I haven't  seen Kate deal with before. Maybe it's because Caroline is right. I also think back to episode one where Kate noted that Caroline had been a solo stew and this was a big plus because she'd worked alone in the job doing everything before. Now she's in a team of 3 and still being left alone. Suits Kate at the moment. Caroline may be highly strung with a lot of personal stuff going on in the background, but she's made nothing but good interpersonal decisions, I think, in an environment that is becoming increasingly hostile for her. I'm kinda leaning Team Ginger this season.

    • Love 21
  9. 1 hour ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    Bethenny might also be the only housewife that is more miserable than Shannon.  I haven't put a lot of thought into that though, so I might be forgetting one.

    Also, possibly Lisa Vanderpump, if the rumours of her not filming with the cast for the last 6 weeks are true. But no, apart from Taylor Armstrong earlier on BH, I've gone through the franchises mentally and I can't think of anyone. New Jersey is a swamp to me, so there could be Shannon level misery there in the past...maybe Mad Jack Laurito at times? But no, nothing I think like Shannon Beador/Bethenny Frankel levels of misery and a genuine inability to understand why the are never happy and what's wrong with the world?!!!!

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  10. 11 hours ago, langford peel said:

    Shannon should be smart enough to realize that. The only reason she is on the show is because she is a circus float of crazy from Day One. In fact I think you would be hard pressed to find a Housewives in any of the Franchises who are as big a mess as her. 

    Bethenny Frankel. She's just more successful.

    • Love 6
  11. 12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    When Shannon, Tamra, and Vicki went away at the beginning of the season, Vicki was very restrained (by her standards). She even mentioned Steve not liking it when she gets too wild. I wonder what changed? Or if she's only able to hold her nastiness in for so long?

    Did you catch that Vicki made some kind of statement about Steve 'not liking' the way she behaves, or being bothered by his potential judgement in the last episode when she was having a pity party at the bar with the only person that would listen to her, the bar girl? I think Vicki is SCARED of everything he is going to say and therefore losing him. I think she's worried about her macrame get up and the twerking. I think Vicki is bored shitless with Steve and does not know what to do. So I dont think anything has changed. I think it's constantly on her mind and she's torn between being herself and ensuring that Bravo income stream and marrying Steve the fake Latino ex cop wannabe politician. 

    • Love 8
  12. 5 hours ago, langford peel said:

    Shannon's response to an argument with co-workers was to drink a big stiff vodka. Alone

    In Shannon's defence here, I think she DOES like a drink or 3 and she'd said earlier that this was her last night of drinking prior to surgery next week. So I get her downing a big nasty vodka before bed, if that's where she's coming from. I don't think she has a 'drinking problem' per se. I think she's drinking because she's miserable and going through menopause and learning to deal with being alone. She howls a lot about everything and now the others think she is crazy too. It must be very frustrating for Shannon. I say that from the heart, i know it's 'first world problems', but she's really NOT where she wants to be or expected to be in life and she's mad. And hurt and scared. 

    • Love 17
  13. On 10/23/2018 at 2:04 PM, Talktolaura said:

    RIGHT??!! I can't believe they have been such good sports about the no air-conditioning situation!!! My hair has been frizzing just watching them! WTF?? I would have been out of that suite or hotel in 15 minutes if they hadn't addressed situation. AND they would have moved my stuff! (But I wouldn't make them hang it up for me like Ramona?)

    Here's my theory from a computer that's not allowing me to participate as much as I normally would (so forgive me if this has already been said): This season has not delivered. Until now. What do you do? You put 6 women, 3 of whom at least are in menopause or fast approaching, fly them to a tropical paradise (!), put them up in 2 rooms AND TURN THE AIR OFF. 

    Seriously production? If this was NYC, Ramona and Sonja would have bailed to the nearest Hilton and home. It would not have happened. This was way too hinky. They are in the Presidential suites ffs. No air? 

    As a fellow sufferer, the heat and humidity (which i live in permanently) will guarantee The Crazy in a menopausal woman. Add some alcohol, jet lag, light fractures in the group and bingo. This is why it's Vicki and Shannon affected the most. They are also carrying a little more weight than the dessicated Tamra and that stuff is even HEAVIER and sweatier and more crazy making in the tropics. 

    I think last episode and this episode, where Vicki's face literally melted, will go down in Housewife history. I also think that cutting off the air, or corralling these women into physically heated situations will become a device we see more often. 

    • Love 10
  14. I just realised we didn't see the Mike and Morgan breakup scene! Unless the previews at the end of the episode before this were 'the rest of the season' and not just 'next episode', we had Morgan and Mike sitting at a table outside a coffee shop or restaurant and Morgan kicking him to the kerb. It couldn't be inside, because Mikey would have weighed up where to have this meeting with as few witnesses as possible and people walking past are less likely to take an interest than those serving or eating inside. I NEED TO SEE THIS SCENE!!!

  15. I agree, Ben became quited the diva, and his food was very good, but Adrian appears to be on another level again. Breakfast isn't his 'slack off' meal, he's really hitting it hard with lobster quiche and those eggs benedict in the little bread bowls. I've seen many par cooked pastries slammed into ovens and served with fruit and bacon and eggs on these charters. Not with Adrian though. 


    Imagine, for a moment if you will, if it was RHYLEE and not ASHTON refusing to return from the club and telling her superiors to 'Fuck Off' (as Ashton did at one stage when asked to leave by Chandler and Ross). Imagine that. No one questioned Ashton about his dickishness. If Rhylee had used those words, and been the source of the holdups, Chandler would have blown a gasket immediately with Ross and Ashton cheering him on. Major double standard.

    • Love 16
  16. 6 hours ago, stcroix said:
    6 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

    No joke.  Some of the best Mac and cheese I have ever had (and I’m Southern) was at the Four Seasons in Doha, Qatar. 


    I eat like a four year old.  A yacht would be wasted on me. 

    Me,too.  We vacation on St Croix part of the year where some of the main restaurants are getting to be pretty well known for their chefs and food.  My friends love the adventurous meals-- the weirder the better (or at least the food's weird in my mind!)  Just give me a good steak, baked potato and salad and I'm good.  I don't look at their food and gag or anything like that, I mean I like that they're enjoying it, and they know I laughingly admit I don't have a sophisticated pallet.  The food on a luxury yacht would be wasted on me,too.  Sadly.

    Well then why not have on your preference sheet that you want a breakfast buffet of your favourite pancakes, waffles and huevos ranchos or whatever, plus pasta soup salad sliders, just piles and piles of different 'comfort foods'. And a chocolate fountain with raspberries. I love amazing food, but sometimes, when you want a really great time, it's nice to just go with what you love no matter what that is. It doesn't surprise me at all to hear the Qatar had the best mac and cheese. These countries understand their guests. I was blown away at the Burj Al Arab and how they cater to so many cultures extensively with their room service menu. So many breakfast options, so little time (and not enough money)

    • Love 6
  17. 14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    This is a good point. She seems to lash out at anyone who she perceives as slighting her. Major persecution complex. Maybe Borderline Personality Disorder?

    Actually, she pretty much admitted immediately that Kate was kind of collateral damage to her blow up about Chandler accusing her of blowing up. She said she regretted pissing Kate off. Too little, too late with Kate, though. All of those guys, even Ross, were jerks about and to her. I don't understand how she ends up sleeping with Ashton, because he is also being a condescending mansplaining misogynist. I think Rhylee was much calmer under pressure during the entire Tender ride which Ross 'called' totally wrongly and then left the wheel without communicating with her. The old 'calm down' gambit usually guarantees a blow up from someone being gaslit and it's one of the most frustrating and demeaning and hateful things these men pull. She's a loudmouth, she's not going to be shut down or shut up and she's frustrated as heck because she knows she can do this, she just wants to understand the job so she CAN do it and be useful. And who is the one throwing the life vest to the nong who went overboard? Rhylee's crime is being mouthy in a hostile work environment.

    • Love 15
  18. I just got finished saying that i'm mentioning Made in Mexico (on the Shahs of Sunset forum) because there isn't anywhere to discuss it yet. So THANKYOU. I am really impressed by this show. It certainly went left with Hannah in an unexpected way, and I get the strong impression that Hannah and her bullet points and life goals and bucket list, doesn't do anything without an agenda. I do feel sorry for her. Kitzia is a strong woman. I like the love and inclusion Roby gets in her home. I haven't finished watching the season yet. I'm hoping very much there'll be another one though and I'm about at episode 5.

    • Love 1
  19. 2 hours ago, Emmeline said:

    I’m off to Netflix.

    Made in Mexico is awesome. It's like a Mexican Southern Charm. It's mostly subtitled in Spanish, but there are a couple of gringas in the cast, which gives them the opportunity to also have a lot of dialogue in English, which these people can do effortlessly because they are really educated and interesting, for the most part.  I'm only digressing from the topic at hand because there doesn't appear to be a place to discuss Made in Mexico. I hope there are more like it from Netflix....[edited to add that since I last checked, there is indeed a Made in Mexico thread! Thanks @OnceSane)

    And to make this post relevant: this was a complete wash of an episode. Obviously Morgan's lease was up and we won't see her again. It's too late for Asa. Destiney is so wet. I have vague compassion for her SL, but it just isn't intriguing with her melting with tears everytime the topic comes up. Who is Destiney? What does she do? The 'Party Planner' Destiney with the interest in vintage cars was kind of intriguing, but the reality? Not at all. 

    We were told episodes ago that MJ's wedding was in 2 weeks. Apart from Vegas, so much of this is filler. Even Mike managed to dial down his vilery and hypocrisy this episode, mainly because he didn't get much screentime outside of the scene with his Dad, where he is going to behave. Was MJs prenup scene just comic relief? I'm glad Tommy saw the humour in it.

    Tommy was the star of this very lame episode.


    ps. i take it that Golnesa's crowd were rented by Nema? Because her ascent from COO to CEO didn't make sense, as she again did not pitch, explain or mention her product on stage. And the 'Green???' people inviting her to take it to the next level? Inviting her to invest another 100+k, more like it. Also, I am in total agreement with Tamara Tattles: the isssue with this ring is that it is hired or leased. It never made sense that flaky Shalom could afford a $165k ring for his 2nd wife and most importantly, it's her wedding and engagement rings. They do NOT go back to the man at divorce. I thought the 'men' in this show were just being their usual misogynist loser selfs, trying to talk her into 'giving it back' and 'stop tormenting' Shalom. If this ring is leased, then yeah, I can see GG putting him through 7 hells refusing to return it and knowing how humiliated he should be feeling. NOT taking Shalom's side here, but this is the only story that makes sense to me: the ring being hired. 

    • Love 2
  20. mic drop @walnutqueen and omg, the famous crap in a basket! How did this escape me?!

    LeeAnne's instincts, honed since carny days, have her picking off the weak. These are currently D'Andra (no social skills and a quivering wreck if she thinks anyone thinks badly of her and with a mother who seems bent on destroying her only daughter and who is in league with LeeAnne), Brandi (unbalanced due to lack of sleep, Brian, or something undisclosed) AND Stephanie, her new 'friend' and conduit through which will inevitably pass LeeAnne's steady drip feed of bile against Brandi. Notice she's not messing with Carey at the moment and she'd never go for Kam because of her elevated social position. 

    • Love 8
  21. D'andra is going to start losing her mind as rumours of her 'past struggles with alcohol' leak into the public domain. The Vulture recap refers to D'andra struggling with alcohol. D'andra has gone to the trouble in her blog to tell us she does indeed struggle with her father's death from alcoholism and that she has had non specified but not alcohol related 'struggles' of her own. In the past. This is LeeAnne going scorched earth on D'Andra: LeeAnne may be able to wriggle out of responsibiity for implying D'andra is or was an alcoholic, but the damage has been done. People are getting the message that D'andra Simmons has a drinking problem. 



    • Love 4
  22. 6 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

    I do take great offense at what LeeAnne told Rich about Brandi and me being drinking buddies and not trusting someone who drinks. I’m sorry, did IQs just suddenly drop from the last episode? I had one lunch in three months with Brandi…yes…you read that correctly—one lunch! We are NOT drinking buddies and have NEVER been drinking buddies. Neither one of us has time to sit around and drink as we have careers and/or families to attend to! Meanwhile, LeeAnne is sipping a margarita at lunch with Rich as she so pointedly makes this revelation??   ....."When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you by using misinformation about you".................................YESSSSSSSS see this is what I posted earlier about LeeAnne talking out both sides of her mouth ***sips cocktail***

    There she goes again. D'andra needs a plaque by her desk, just like Momma Dee's that says 'NEVER APOLOGISE, NEVER EXPLAIN'. I said it above, it's the same with the $200 rumour. D'Andra giving a dozen different versions about why she isn't an alcoholic and why she made that comment about $200 makes her look either crazy or as if she prostest too much. 

    Absolutely agree about LeeAnne and her deepseated manipulative behaviour. She can't help herself. Brandi is right, but she's not doing herself any favours by engaging with LeeAnne at this point either. I still think Brandi is unbalanced due to the baby, lack of sleep, Brian or whatever and over reacting, which is a wet dream for LeeAnne and her plans for world domination.

    I'm going to watch the scene between LeeAnne and D'Andra again. Because that was some weapon grade gaslighting from LeeAnne. She implys D'Andra is drinking too much. With Brandi. At events etc. By the end of the conversation, you could see D'andra was beginning to doubt her self 'AM i drinking too much?', 'Worse, does it LOOK like I'm drinking too much to 'Dallas society'?" "Do people think I'm a drunk and I'm the only one that can't see it!!!!!". And of course, all of this undermined Brandi also. LeeAnne is nothing if not effective.

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