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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. 7 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

    It really did feel like a con.  There was a weird look in the eyes of the couple.  He said they are 50/50 - so this hair crap costs a million dollars to create?  Either this was all set up for the show, or there is some BS going on...

    You know where I feel like I'm going to see the Funcsches ( or whatever their name is) next? Being assholes on a Below Deck yacht.

    • Love 8
  2. Wow. I felt like we just watched Reza self sabotage his life with investing 500k with those charlatans. It felt like a con. Either we were being conned and this is all scripted or Reza is being conned. Who goes to all that development expense for a partner that hasn't committed to investing or participating? But if it is actually for real, I worry for Adam. I hope the hair thing takes off and does what Reza explained it will do: passive income while they bring up their twins, but I don't know if he was justifying after the fact. It certainly feels like it.

    MJ in a bathing suit was a lot. I love MJ and I totally understand her dissociated behavior at this time, having just lost my own father. I wonder how much of  this she will remember though because she really looks like she's mixing anti anxiety stuff with alcohol MORE than usual to me. Especially during the gift opening when the argument with Tommy started and she just drifted off with "I'm a woman that can stand on my own two feet" and threatening to pull the wedding. There was a collective gasp from the room, but she just wafted past that emotion. I like that Tommy seems to get her and what's happening and remains calm. You could tell he authentically doesn't want to wear a ring because it will bother him and not because it signifies he is married. He was perfectly happy to get a tattoo instead. Somehow she turned that into a fight as well.

    Vida looked like she'd used eye liner on her lower lip. I REALLY enjoyed Vida ticking off the young uns for their phone addiction. And later for objecting to them all making a big deal of the gift from Golnesa. It was hilarious that they all piled on Sherv the perv as the one responsible for this outrage. 

    Nema looked weedy in the pool. And smitten with Golnessa. I still think Mona has a weird affect, similar to Mike's new boo. She should run. Girl should have driven Mike's car off when he asked her to wait in it. It's Mike. Anyone should run.

    • Love 6
  3. 7 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

    No one on this show can do their makeup. It is literally the worst. It's odd because the more seasons housewives film, the better and more polished they tend to look. These women are regressing.

    I think you're right, except for LeeAnne: I'm still thankful to whatever stylist convinced her to stop with the great big rouge apples on her cheeks. She needs to lose the black hair, it's ageing, so does D'Andra. Both of them look 'hard'. I HAVE to see this episode again for the montage of LeeAnne's pageant pictures, that was some Reality Academy of Arts and Sciences gold there, they need to be framed in LeeAnne's hall of fame. I think I caught an ash blond perm? 

    • Love 2
  4. I'm finding Carey's affect quite intriguing: she's obviously more don't give a fk this season, but in this episode, I can see a future where she leaves Mark, runs off with Zuri's tennis coach (female) and opens a chain of bikram yoga/botox bars. Also, she looks like a guppy to me sometimes. Had to get that out. She's really feeling her physicality with the skiing and practical drink making (and foraging) skills and nothing phases her, she can glue your eyelashes back to your sweaty crying face and mediate a pageant and lay down boundaries with D'Andra. I see her mentally dusting her hands off everytime she pulls one of these feats off. Something is going on with her. Mark was horrific last season, but one thing he said stuck with me 'you won't last ?? as a stay at home mom, it'll drive you crazy" or something. It stuck with me because I think Carey is a lot more driven and a lot less superficial than many of the others. I could see a life for her where marriage to Mark and expanding their business is just one of many stages to her life. 

    I believe D'Andra regarding LeeAnn too. It's Rich dragging his feet and there is more to the story. I totally endorse her dropping the subject though when she could have kept BADGERING. Hopefully that's an object lesson for Kam at some stage in the future when she sees herself on the show.

    6 hours ago, dosodog said:

    I worry for LeeAnne.  I feel like she's going to get ganged up again this season. With Brandi being the leader.  

    Absolutely, me too. i totally felt that when she made the comment about being there for D'Andra 'when it all goes left' with Brandi, though she wishes them the best and hopes they are BFFs for life (through gritted teeth, hands hardening into cold steel..). I do feel sorry for her too, she obviously has abandonment issues and this pressure with Rich will tell no matter how many bowls she bongs.

    • Love 7
  5. Carey's eye shadow, WHAT is that? It looked like she let her daughter apply it, she didn't even look like Carey. Maybe that's the 'i have no fcks to give this season' look  for her. also, I actually liked D'andra's TH look with the flamenco-ey colours, she knows how to dress. Sometimes. There was another D'andra look this episode, might not have been a TH, but HER eyeshadow and her choice of colour in her outfit really made her blue eyes sparkle. Kam is such a Tinsley M type twat for fastening on 'pink' as her lifelong fashion theme. Kam could look so sophisticated in caramels or taupes, imagine her in a riding outfit? Instead of looking like a big pink candy cane permanently because of a pinky swear she made to herself in junior high. Moron. And all the kvetching about being in a snowmobile suit. She really must have a thing for whining, because all the women look like they are totally over this aspect of her personality and we are only into the 3rd episode of this season. 

    • Love 12
  6. 4 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    Ben played along just enough to not face her wrath on his season.  I think maybe it was that season that she threw herself at Bobby briefly, probably to make Ben jealous,

    Ben was smarter than the average bear (his Dad is a really popular crime fiction author, so I think Ben has both brains and education), I clearly recall the most cringe inducing scene between Ben and drunk Hannah, where Hannah is leaning into Ben and slurring "there'll always be a place in my heart for yeeeeewwwww", it was so uncomfortable to watch. Adam also rebuffed her and lived to tell the tale last season when he and Malia (possibly trumping Hannah with her sociopathy to Hannah's garden variety narcissism) were outed for knowing one another pre season in the penthouse at Positano or whatever it was they kept replaying Adam saying. Adam just managed to keep her at bay, Hannah was embarrassing pursuing him as well. Colin's raptor Hannah impersonation was dead on, she gets this look on her face when she's honing in on some guy and she will not stop. But this season, I didn't believe the anxiety thing for an instant (or perhaps if it was triggered by being munted the night before and too hungover to work) and I do believe she's lazy too. I think Brooke followed Bugsy in calling her out on it. Maybe production loves Kate more than Hannah, because I don't get Kate being lazy, and Kate seems to be across everything that's going on. That last top Hannah had on was fugly. It must have been a designer label because why else would she be wearing it? It was all nacre like and shiny and pastel coloured from what I saw and I usually don't notice what people are wearing unless there is something particularly....striking about it.

    • Love 6
  7. And Conrad hiding in the guest room: Hannah SAID '6 weeks without sex or a blowjob", right? So, I've said since the get that I don't believe they are actually having sex. Conrad always wears so many clothes when he is in her bunk. Does this mean that drunk Hannah and Conrad, broken up, actually finally got it on? I hope Hannah watches this season and sees how she comes across, because it isn't pretty.

    As for Casey: you don't keep flirting with the dude that chose another woman over you, someone who you call 'friend'. Casey is as bad as Brooke and Joao. Every time they go out to eat or they're at a tip meeting, he's got Casey on one side - usually it's them sat down first - and Brooke on the other. Joao is one of those guys that gets off on the 'bitches' fighting over him. While he subtly orchestrates the whole thing. Brooke's got problems because she has a history of going for guys like this and Casey behaves like she's 14 years old. He's manipulative. I do agree with Hannah's assessment of him as a sexist pig, but then Hannah is just as bad, trying to drag poor Jaime into it, telling him that "Jaime thinks so too". Birds of a feather, Joao and Hannah and they both have a Zimbabwe connection. I think they 'saw each other' after a couple of hours together at the beginning of the season.

    • Love 15
  8. @sATL and @ZaldamoWilder I don't get the sink full of rocks thing. That was her ensuite wasn't it? Does she brush her teeth over the toilet? What's with the ROCKS??!! I really need to know. 

    The get your sexy back party was very sad. I love this show, I hope they are just having a flat moment. I didn't pay attention to the opening credits, but is Mariah back AGAIN already? She's a clinger, that one. It took her half way through last season to slither in, New Orleans I think, via Toya. I don't think there is ever going to be room on this show for both Mariah and Quad. And if Quad is going to go to her special place because she has too much pride to be around her non real friends over the Greg situation, then she's basically just laid down and let Mariah back in. I think I prefer Quad to Mariah.

    • Love 3
  9. 23 minutes ago, dosodog said:

    Hannah makes my skin crawl.  All season she has been gross.

    I can't with Hannah. As a fellow Australian, I cannot handle the way her accent changes all the time, she's like fckn DORIT from BH. The 'Thank yeerrrr's and some of her talking heads are just so pretentious. I know her parents are also from Zimbabwe, and I figured it was just this coming out when she was drinking, but she does it during services also. Somehow Kate Chastain pulls off being a label ho less ostentatiously than Hannah does. Also, Kate is always busy. Kate is extremely detail oriented, like on an OCD level. Hannah CLAIMS to be, but in reality she just seems lazy and scared of being so much older than the rest of her team. I still don't believe she and Conrad were actually having carnal relations. He was always overdressed: getting into her bunk in jeans still while Hannah is in her underwear. This wasn't the best season for intrigue. A lot of it was manufactured. I just wish Colin had got some action, and he'd be a much better fit for Brooke. Pity she would never have considered him, she's going to get in her own way until she works it out. Joao continues to humiliate her and she continues to accept it. NOT a good look, Brooke.

    • Love 12
  10. On 8/31/2018 at 3:46 AM, heatherchandler said:

    I don't really like Brandi but OH MY GOD when she made that prank phone call I actually burst out laughing.  When they showed it again last night, I laughed again.  It was funny.  Also unexpected - I did not expect to hear that voice from her!!

    And compare Brandi's voice there with LeeAnn's 'they're just.................hands' voice from behind closed doors. That's the entertainment we've grown to love: grown women prank calling using their best demon voice and a grown woman with an actual demon speaking out of her face (behind doors. possibly production auto tuned, but it was creepy).

    And also: DeeAndra's neck. What is going on there? Her face doesn't move much at all, I'm surprised that she seems to have drawn the line and put her foot down about her throat. 

    • Love 6
  11. On 8/30/2018 at 8:00 PM, Jets4274 said:

    Kameron is as annoying AF.  Can't stand to hear her talk.  She reminds me of Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde."  From seeing the Beaver Creek mansion, I can now see why she married her husband.  She needs to find a sense of humor.   And why be so upset about not knowing about Brandi's new baby?  Hate how she's making it all about her and nice way to ruin a fun evening.  Total bitch.

    Unfortunately, you just made Kam's day. She describes herself as the 'real life' Elle Woods, or her friends say she is. And she was told that 'we aren't going to bash her for adopting a baby' so maybe she has hearing issues because she then kept ranting about how offended she was! She'd NEVER bash a baby! Let alone an adopted baby! Stephanie needs to get out of her house! ...WTF. 

    • Love 3
  12. 9 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

    I'm assuming the Adderall use in question is for those women who don't need it but have a prescription just to keep weight off. Since Brandi isn't insect thin, I hardly think D'Andra was throwing shade at her. She may have mentioned offsides to Cary that Brandi had a prescription too, but we can all see that Brandi isn't abusing it to stay super skinny.

    I wouldn't think so either for the same reasons. But then I remember that Brandy had a body lift procedure after the girls were born and she broke down about this last season because she blamed it for the miscarriage. So, that had me wondering if she does have some body image issues. I think she always looks beautiful and her weight seems pretty stable, but who knows what goes on in people's heads? Especially after being a Cowboys cheerleader. This is NOT me giving credence to her abusing that drug, I just remember being shocked that she had felt the need to have a body lift or full body lift or whatever it was. I remember the woman from Mob Wives, Renee, having one that was a disaster and it looked absolutely ghastly. It's a big deal surgery.

    • Love 3
  13. Dallas and Potomac are delivering better value than most of the big time franchises, IMO. I recall being irritated by Brandy and Stephanie and their poop and  'jesus juice' routine in the first episodes, but they are now my favourite friends on any housewife show. Stephanie in particular I'm impressed with. I love her gentle composed demeanour and how that is juxtaposed with both her active kindness (helping Brandy with the adoption because she has a social work background, plus the bone marrow thing @AttackTurtle mentioned above) but also because she's no walk over. She contends with Travis and his 'to do lists' and his birthday party and his unilateral decision to buy a massive house with a massive tacky pool in the living area. She doesn't seem to sulk, or flip out, but sure as eggs, later on we see the home she has renovated with pool conspicuously absent, for example. Watching Travis try to play along with the story that it was he and Stephanie with the surrogate was amusing too. She and Brandy are not to be underestimated. 

    LeeAnn's fiancee reminds me more and more of Vicki's Steve. It's obvious both men are dragging their feet about walking down the aisle. LeeAnn also reminds me of Kelly Dodd, in that they have both been vocal about becoming 'third wheels' in a friendship: LeeAnn after Brandy and Stephanie made up, and Kelly once Vicki wormed her way back into Tamra and Shannon's company. So glad LeeAnn has a stylist and has lost the huge rouge carny kandy apples on her cheeks, for one. 

    As for Kam, she really doesn't seem to be making much of an impact. She feels like she's only been on the show for a couple of episodes and this is her 2nd season. She's certainly bringing the lifestyle, but despite all the pink and the sparkles and the vocal fry, I don't think there's a lot going on with her. Her value at the moment is in being the target for Brandy and Stephanie. Carey's reaction to her at dinner suggests to me that some of the ladies are already finding her scratched record routine with grievances a major buzzkill. And the whole 'I don't want Stephanie in my house' routine that production is foreshadowing was a safe drama bet for Kam, as Steph already had to leave for Italy in the middle of this trip. It'd be way more dramatic if Brandy left as well, but if I was Brandy, I'd stick it out for some adult fun: having a newborn is all consuming and I was pleasantly surprised she went on this trip at all.

    • Love 12
  14. 4 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Huh.  I didn't notice what she was wearing.  Maybe she didn't want to appear too "to the manor born" as she served?

    She took it too far. As usual. Kelly is a little tone deaf. She was wearing a very 'distressed' sweater (looked like it was moth eaten, there were literally holes all over it) and a big stupid beanie with a pom pom on the top. she didn't take it off while they were preparing food WHY WASN'T EVERYONE IN HAIR NETS!!!!!!! I was so entranced by this I didn't even look for gloves, I don't think they were wearing gloves either, though the woman who was supervising them  did ask them to wash their hands and put on aprons. I'm not a fan of kids on these shows, but this time it was nice to see Jolie thank her mother for the experience in a genuine manner, and suggest that they volunteer there again. I get Kelly 'dressing down' for the occasion, but she seemed to think that this meant dressing up in her version of homeless. 

    • Love 10
  15. I'm a big long term fan of Sue Grafton (Vale), who did the 'alphabet series' featuring Private Investigator Kinsey Milhone. Leanne's dress reminds me of the one dress that Kinsey owned because it functioned as business/formal or cocktail and it could be crushed up and stuffed in her travel bag. And maybe if Kinsey ever lost that dress, LeeAnn's would have appealed to her on practical grounds, but it would depend on the price point.


    The alphabet will always end with Y....

    • Love 6
  16. On 8/25/2018 at 6:01 AM, smores said:

    I think the problem with Kameron's mouth is that she basically has no lips.  To correct this, she gets lip injections, but, when you don't have lips to begin with, there's no place for the injection to go but straight out.  If you look at someone like Snooki, she's gone too far with the lip injections, but she didn't have super tiny lips before, so, if she'd gone with a more moderate amount, she'd have just had some fullness, but, now, they're full, but also protrude horizontally out from her face, like she stuffed something behind them.  Kameron didn't have that much "lip" to begin with, so hers just go "out" rather than coming "up" and being fuller.

    I love you @smores because you have just solved the mystery of Tinsley Mortimer's face for me as well. I always wondered why Tinsley didn't have obvious poofy lips, given her mouth is all I can look at. Kameron has a larger mouth, she's lucky. Tinsley looks permanently PO'd and liable to get mean IMO.

    I have to say, I am in awe of D'Andra's dealings with her mother. Dee seems to regard herself as a fixture on the Texas scene. Like a character from Dallas or Dynasty back in the day. She reminds me of the main character in those 'sex and shopping' novels by authors like Danielle Steele, where a poor girl builds a cosmetics company/department store from scratch and creates an empire, or dare i say, a legacy. I mean, D'Andra's name has Dee in it. It's all about Dee. Dee is the figurehead for her company. I don't know if it is particularly big, or successful, from where I sit on the other side of the world, but I'm guessing Dee's been a fixture as a guest on morning television and has probably done her share of informercials as well.  I don't know if I'd go so far as to say she looks good, she certainly looks well preserved. The glimpses we get of their relationship look hellacious, like D'Andra saying everyone wants Dee to be their mother which is usually a red flag about how she treats her actual progeny. D'Andra handles these horrible interactions with her mother with masterful conflict resolution skills. Maybe she does get 'verbally abusive' off camera, or maybe Dee made that comment out of her frustration at her own inability to get a rise out of her daughter. From what I've seen though, which is all I can go on, D'Andra never escalates and she stays assertive and removed. But then, we have Brandi's issue with her spreading rumours about Adderall and production showed the receipts (just that the comments were attributed to D'Andra). If D'Andra did make these comments and kept the rumour circulating, then the D'Andra we see on the show may not resemble real life D'Andra at all and i don't know who the psycho is in the mother/daughter struggle we are being presented with. I CAN say that I don't envy D'Andra.  

    • Love 5
  17. On 8/23/2018 at 10:25 PM, ghoulina said:

    I am not sure what to think about LeeAnn's choose-your-own-adventure dress. It's different....?

    It's just so LeeAnn. She's going to cop all kinds of hell for this too. This dress concept, now that she's telling us how interested in fashion she is, is the fashion equivalent of all those plastic 'sold on tv' kitchen gadgets. It's not high fashion. It sounds like a good idea, but those 'wear it 38 different ways' outfits get bought on a whim and languish in the back of closets. I really hope for the sake of LeeAnn's fragile self, that she is hard nosed about this and isn't thinking that she is in Cary's league because she 'visualised/dreamed' this up and now it's here! I visualised Cary and Mark splitting their sides and turning LeeAnn's WundaDress into a running gag everytime Cary tries something on for her husband. Poor LeeAnn. You can take the kid out of the carnie, etc. Bless her heart.

    • Love 4
  18. On 8/23/2018 at 12:15 PM, Sterling said:

    Andy shot a look at Carol when her phone went off, and I paused it.  It was a look that said he was done with her.  Very scolding.  I don't blame him, I mean come on, they were filming, and he was in the middle of a heartfelt speech about Bobby's passing, and non-self aware Carol forgot to switch her phone off.  Why did she need her phone there anyway?

    I don't get why they are even allowed to bring phones to reunions. I remember a Shahs reunion not so long ago when Mike constantly fiddled with his phone. Andy should make the couches phone free zones, though a lotta 'receipts' have been pulled via the phone...

    Everytime Carole and Dorinda muttered together, which was every time Bethenny was speaking, the look on B's face was PAIN. Bethenny is HURTING. She doesn't get why women don't like her. Bethenny has a big dark void inside of her, I feel pity for her because she really doesn't get why she alienates people and why she is constantly alone. Carole understands this, which is why I think Carole is exceptionally cruel. She has never been so physical on the show as she was this reunion with Dorinda: it wasn't just the muttering, it was the little touches and cuddles etc. i believe Carole was pulling every weapon in her arsenal to hurt Bethenny and B being B, she succeeded. Not going to miss Carole.

    I haven't read the all the spectacular 14 pages on this episode, but Luann's absence has made this Bethenny pile on even more excessive and ridiculous. I think Lu would have balanced it somewhat. And Tinsley I thought was really showing her age. Her throat is more wrinkled than mine is. Made me wonder if frozen eggs or no, she'd be capable of a pregnancy, not that I think she REALLY wants kids. She just wants to be 'wifey' as she clearly stated in Cartagena to Ramona NTHAWWT, according to Ramones  (derisive snort). Ramones looked a bit thick around the midriff, I thought too and Dorinda's hair...NO. Just no. Dorinda is not classically beautiful like Luanne or Sonja, but she is striking. Her short do should be her trademark. Glad to see Tinsley finally doing something slightly different with her hair, but her gown is pure Tinsley frou frou. Fortunately for us the memo was black gold and cream or we'd have been exposed to another of Tinsley's fairy dresses. 

    • Love 11
  19. so Mona isn't a cast member! hooray for this at least. She looks like she's trapped in an elevator where someone has farted, it's a permanent expression. Given the company she's been invited into, I suppose that's not so surprising. I'm glad the cast brought up the weird dynamic she has with Nema. 

    So tell me. Is there ONE persian man that's been on this show that is marriage material? Even the fathers of cast, like Reza's dad and Sham, MJ's Dad, all stepped out on their wives. Only Asa and GG and Mike, I guess, have parents who seem to love one another still. 

    Mike continues to skeeve me out. That put on earnestness he adopts when he's trying to con someone else into believing something patently absurd was picked up by production this episode when they muted him out when he was raving about his new boo. The one he ditched for Mona briefly before he realised their 'philosophies' didn't align. And she's 25 to his Jax Taylor almost 40. Like when he's babbling about his house being a future house for the family and kids he wants. Or how the big money is in...wait for it...BABY SHOES. One of the cast commented this episode on how Mike needs constant attention and flattery. Mike is a narcissist. His Mum needed to straight up kick him in the ass when he was a teenager because it looks like Mikey Joon can do no wrong. Sherv the perv isn't far behind Mike either, in my book. He thinks he's all on the DL, but you can pick his creepiness at 100 paces. These straight Persian males live for clubbing and picking up the kind of woman Reza described (not that Reza can talk, and I fear for Adam sometimes).

    When Destiney interrupted Vida and MJ, I got the feeling MJ was about to give her mother an ultimatum. Like: if you aren't going to be 100% supportive of my marriage to Tommy, stay out of the wedding. I'm glad Tommy and MJ are married and I think they'll last longer than Mike and Jessica did for sure. One thing you can't say about MJ is that she is secretive about her life. She seems to put it all out there, warts and all. I cannot unsee the anal bleaching from a while ago. I do get her complaint about Asa. But I don't think Asa is the devil. i think Asa is too highly evolved to be on this show. 

    • Love 1
  20. 4 hours ago, jaync said:

    Why did Dorinda act like an ice maker was some elusive purchase available to only a select few?

    I'm guessing from living off grid in the bush, but isn't it all about space in NYC? We saw the ice maker and that was a hefty appliance. It would take up a whole desk worth of space in Carole's kitchen, so I guess if you are really #winning, you can afford to devote space to an appliance that is exclusively devoted to your drinking habits? Someone up thread said the real test is whether an apartment has a functional laundry room with a tub big enough to bathe a dog in. These criteria are void in places like OC, it's all about the space.

    • Love 8
  21. 9 hours ago, dleighg said:

    I would be seriously pissed off if the chef wasn't feeding me, if that's part of his duties. I will say though that he (eventually) cooked a nice looking piece of steak for the crew. 

    Kate also called this bit of drama out on the podcast. She said that there is a huge amount of food available to the crew at all times. There is a selection of deli meats in the fridge, he could have made himself a sandwich, plus lots and lots of containers of yesterday's leftovers. That said, it IS part of his job description to feed the crew and Joao wasn't wrong about needing a good feed after long physical days. As Jamie said, chocolate milk isn't cutting it at a certain point.

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