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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. We will be seeing Alex Perry with his sunglasses glued to his head for the 5th year in a row. This is a fashion designer who judges ATM and Project Runway Australia (when we still had that, vale), so sad. The reunion will again be a shitshow with Oldfield and Athena screaming and swearing like early high schoolers. They have basically guaranteed that there won't BE a 2nd season, idiots. I can only hope those 2 at least get canned and I too can easily go without Victoria's beyond irritating vocal fry. 

    • Love 1
  2. I believe that Oldfield is deliberately disrupting this show. I'm not sure why, I opened up another thread to show examples of her famewhoring and bizarre behavior and ridiculous stories as reported in the local online media here. The first season has finished and there are no ongoing storylines. Why? because every single episode has been hijacked by Lisa and Athena screaming and swearing. It's just nonsensical. Way to go. I doubt there will be a second season due to these two fruitbats. I do believe that Athena is a genuine narcissistic nutcase, but Oldfield teamed up with her later in the season and, like  Phaedra loading Porsha for bear, Oldfield used Athena also to disrupt. There is no reason.

    9 hours ago, Diane Mars said:


    What the F#ck did I just watch ?!? Athena and Lisa are totally batshit crazy !!!


    • Love 2
  3. I see a time in the future, 20 years from now or so, when this footage will be shown to bring Phaedra down after pulling another shady scam. I see her going into politics or religion and doing exactly what she's been doing with Porsha to get at Kandi. And she will sit there and dissimulate just like she is on this reunion. 

    I think Kandi pulled MJ after the stupid scene with her dressed up in 'disguise' to see an attorney about Phaedra's marriage. Last season and before, we got MJ all the way. I don't like her, so I was happy when she stopped showing up every episode. I have more respect for Kandi now that this is all out and it looks like she was sensible enough to pull her mother up by choking off her oxygen (tv appearances) but I bet MJ demanded compensation (and got it) from Kandi for not filming. 

    FINALLY the Anglea Stanton stuff is being brought up. Tamara Tattles has the whole story, there is a lot of it, in real time. Phaedra did NOT win that law suit against Angela Stanton either. Literally, this reunion is like the day hell froze over. It's all coming out. Adios Phaedra. (i wish she'd take Kenya with her though).

    • Love 10
  4. Utterly idiotic and insulting to the cause for gay marriage. Marrying a cat and a dog is like marrying a human and a canetoad. Nothing to do with the issuea and it diminishes it. I discovered that Victoria agrees with me, but that was probably just her excuse for coming late. The Billichs seem to be famewhores when it comes to the RH. Charles walked Gamble down the aisle in the wedding episode and Gamble took the girls from RHoMelb to this same gallery when they visited Sydney. Christa Billich is about 97 years old, vagina rejuvenation is the least of it, but as Joan Rivers agreed, you can't do much about the upper arms, 

    Lisa Oldfield and Athena have ruined this franchise. It's just endless fighting and swearing. We've seen aerial yoga before, Carole went to a dog wedding RHNYC, so this is all so passe. Typical of Australian tv. And we have our awesome fashion designer to the stars Alex Perry as reunion host with his sunglasses glued to his bald dome for the 5th year in a row? Is this all we got, Australia, really???!!!

    • Love 2
  5. 3 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    So she appeared to expect each HW to then round up  8-9 (depending on if they had a hubby attending) of their friends to spend $2500 each to make up a table. All because Kara is such a wonderful person that they would want to do that. Lol.  That is one thing I find about charities and who donates to what - just because it is important to you, doesn't mean it is important to everyone. Most people have their own causes/charities that they champion. 

    Sorry, I didn't realise you were being snarky/tongue in cheek! Anyway, this is just more evidence of how absolutely deluded this woman is. It's almost like she was throwing down the gauntlet, and if her fellow housewives didn't/couldn't buy tickets/tables, she could always take comfort in telling herself they couldn't afford to and just aren't on her social level. I found it hinky also, especially when Aretha Franklin dropped out and the whole 'ambi gala raised money for local charities'. WHICH local charities? it always seemed very vague.

    I know all these women are label whores, especially Roxy and Kara, but I am sick of being able to predict Kara's spiel everytime she gets to label drop 'he/she dresses ALL the divas: Rihanna, Katy Perry, Beyonce' blah blah blah. Didn't she say she snatched a dress/bag that was going to Beyonce? What a load of crap. And she may as well be wearing a polyester potato sack, because her spongebob torso and twig arms and horse face aren't improved by thousands of dollars of couture. 

    I also get the feeling that Joan is the 'real money' society on this show. Money talks (Kara) Wealth whispers (Joan). And the fact that all 3 women offended Kara equally at her dinner party, but she developed a total hard on for Joan: Joan is the one that Kara is most envious of and feels threatened by. Lets not forget her attempt to humiliate Jana also at her pop up shop for the designer she never wore to the gala also. If I was that designer, i'd be blacklisting Kara now. Nasty shrivelled old troll she is. 

    • Love 3
  6. On 5/3/2017 at 4:45 PM, AntManBee said:

    Can we also talk about how Ru looks?  How rumors are abound that Mathu Anderson is not doing her looks anymore, and that Raven (makeup) and Delta Work (hair) have replaced him?

    Yes please, can we? The move away to VH1 (is it? I'm in Australia, so we get everything mashed together on 1 station) has definitely made an impact. And what happened to Wendy Williams? Glad she's not here, but ... things are not the same as in previous seasons. I'm HOPING it is temporary and due to Ru being in a happy place emotionally? 

    • Love 1
  7. 20 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

    I am surprised that Kara was so upset that Joan did not buy a ticket - or a table - to the Ambi gala. With all the fuss she had made over Joan's actions at her dinner party, would she not be worried about a repeat performance? 

    Kara was so upset because she really really wanted the kudos with the Ambi people for raising a crapload of money for their gala. I bet there were incentives attached to that also, like sell x amount, receive x free tickets/holiday to resort etc. She assumed that she could absolutely count on Joan and the others, due to their social standing and wealth, it would look mean of them NOT to attend and because of its exclusivity, they would be gagging to attend. If the event was as exclusive as Kara claimed and I was Joan and still really wanted to go, I'd approach the Ambi people directly and say 'listen, I've been asked to buy tickets to your event, but I'm just not comfortable purchasing them from the agent offering them, are there other agents/can i buy them direct'. That's what I'd do.

    Jana's instincts are spot on. After the whole 'pop up shop' at my house by fashion designer Blah (can't remember his name), Kara was wearing ANOTHER local fashion designer to the gala! She'd kind of tied the 2 things together on the show for us and that hideous pink dress Anne was wearing (hopefully ironically, being Anne it is possible) I'm pretty sure was one of the Pop Up designer's dresses. And Kara deliberately set out to humiliate Roxy with that designer also. Just like she did with the flown in from Italy cookbooks on Roxy's birthday. The designer can't afford to have wealthy women write him off as part of some cow's reindeer games. I really felt for Roxy standing there awkwardly, knowing she couldn't possibly even try something on. Kara approaching her and urging her to try on 'the red dress' was just nasty. The designer was really sweet, spending time with her and trying to undo the damage Kara had done. Kara is a vicious little troll who can't help getting in her own way. 

    So we have another pantygate over Kara being her usual buzzkill self. 'I enjoy wine!!!' 'my somellier and i chose all the wines to go with the courses' yet, once the women, especially Joan, start to enjoy the wine, Kara becomes angrier and angrier. Joan has given Kara every pass in the book and Kara keeps coming at her. If I was Joan before Grego's party, I would have just switched it up on Kara and got to the bottom of it: why do you hate other people enjoying themselves? When I'm among my close friends, we like to let our hair down etc. Kara's problem is she wants to brag and skite and control every aspect of an event, including her guests and friends' behavior. Then she gets hurt when she drives people away and becomes even more vicious. Malevolent little troll.

    • Love 2
  8. I've just watched episode 4: Kara's poisonous dinner party followed by her 'revenge' water weenie ride...apart from her obvious physical issues, she's totally deranged. I thought Jana, Grego and Joan were so poised and gracious and fun the next day. The harder Kara tried the worse she looked.

    We all had a Kara in primary school. The bossy little beeyatch that had to be in control of everything, had all the latest clothes and gadgets and made sure you knew, but ended up alone and crying at her own birthday party. Kara hasn't evolved since she was 11 years old, when she also stopped growing physically. so, every dinner party is all about the impression it makes on other people and how it reflects on Kara. Her face just melted more and more as the women ACTUALLY enjoyed the 'fine wines' her sommelier and she had selected with the food. By firework time, she was really ready to throw a fit and tell everyone the party is over,dammit.

    It's so sad, because everyone DID enjoy the dinner party (in spite of Kara being a weird weenie) and the only one that didn't was Kara. Ditto the brunch the next day where she was carrying Joan's knickers in her handbag and hoping everyone was about to 'spew their cookies' when she deliberately bounced them around on her 'water weenie'. I'm betting that when the girls called the g rated 'banana' ride a 'water weenie' she was utterly horrified and that was the first time she'd heard it referred to like that. Poor Kara, the joke is always on her. She doesn't get it. She's a good Christian woman, why aren't these evil funsters being punished and why is Kara always the one on the outs with everyone?

    She was really vicious to Roxy, though and I do love Roxy. The 'Dear Salvatore' cookbook gift was plain malicious. If all those books had a personal message and were flown over, there is no way this could have happened. If it did, it's an easy fix: It's Roxy's birthday, switch her gift with something special like a lunch together. Kara is a malevolent little gnome. I'm betting that in episode 5, she fakes broken ribs OR she tells us that she has a preexisting brittle bones condition. There is definitely something physically off with her.

    • Love 6
  9. 4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Did that new chef Adam throw a frozen leg of something (lamb?) into the garbage? 

    Ahoy there! I caught that too?! He was either a. really impressed with a great cut of meat and happy to be working with it or b. he was being snarky and ditched it.

    Bobby's back with braces! He's such. a. tool. He reminds me of a big bouncy drooling labrador that will endlessly fetch with a playbone. Cute, loyal but totally friendzoned. 

    Hannah, my countryperson, is already gunning for Cpt Sandy. You can always tell when Hannah is drunk, because she over enunciates and speaks very carefully. I cannot look at her without remembering drunk Hannah telling Ben (now with rabbity Emily) how he will 'always have a piece of my heart' whilst practically dry humping him. She was an embarrassment. I predict she is again going to fall for the Chef in a big way and create a super awkward working dynamic with all the stews in the Galley. Again.

    Can i just take a moment to thank the reality tv gods for the return of this franchise. Since the end of the last BD, I have had to watch that dreadful Joey Gibbons BD rip off in the snow. Can't remember what it is called now, but 2nd time around. 

    I'm happy to see a new captain. It can't alway be about Cpt Lee (outstanding though he is), rickety Kate and Ben. 

    Bugsy is this season's Emily. Just saying.

    • Love 4
  10. 8 hours ago, Jajamac said:

    I cringe every time Landon opens her mouth, especially the "thank yooooooooos"!!!

    thennnkyeeewoooohaaargh. That's how it went (I still have the headache, the next morning) after the convuluted and ostentatious and thoroughly wanky drink order. I loved the production shade after Landon said 'it's so beautiful here' to TRav and they panned over what looked to me to be swamp and grass. 

    • Love 5
  11. the only thing of interest i found on the now renamed Trovare website, apart from nothing written by Landon, is this picture which appears to be a car full of Austens. 

    Is it? Landon and Craig have the same attitude: they expect a great deal in exchange for extremely little


    • Love 8
  12. 8 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

    Now that Craig has passed the bar, it will be interesting to see how he manages to avoid working.

    Absolutely. Craig is arrogant. Craig told us all tonight what a catch he is, he's a good guy? right? He's a rom com guy? Naomi should appreciate him. While he does sweet fanny adams. Basically, Craig is behaving like he is retired. He moved to Charleston to study, met a group of guys who live off mailbox money and has figured that this is going to be his dream also. In all the obvious ways. A clothing line: how is Rob Kardashian's sock company going, I wonder? Or, an investment property - Cameran was looking at one for him that was 200+k. That means rental income will probably be $200-300 a week, minus all the attendant taxes and expenses, especially with a management company.

    Craig expects not just a living, but to live in luxury in return for his existence on the planet. He MIGHT have lucked out with Naomi, she's obviously a hard worker from a wealthy family (unlike Craig) and maybe she just wants a good looking (and I don't think Craig is good looking and he needs  his adenoids removed) house husband to squire her around to events while she CEOs a company during the day. Or maybe not. It might just be a phase and a couple years down the track, she'll wake up and kick his lazy arse to the curb. 

    What Craig is signing up for is depression. If he continues to actively avoid working and continues to flit from idea to idea and leave things to the last minute, he'll be left with nothing but the memory of his potential and his youth. He won't have any actual real experience in anything and he'll be just another broke skeevy old guy. As Naomi says, people are judging him by his actions now, not by what he says. Craig is essentially frittering away his time and trying to avoid a real job. He's arrogant. 

    • Love 12
  13. 5 hours ago, Missmissie173 said:

    Just one more thing.  Sorry this was from last week, but I think it is such a Non Sequiter - Why would Whitney yell "Tits Ahoy" before boarding the Shep Express?  God, that is weird...

    Because Whitney NEVER misses an opportunity to make an awkward attempt to appear heterosexual. I thought he said 'twat', but whatever. After waiting over an hour for his main crush to turn up for his date tonight, he could barely keep from whining at TRav. He'd made his 'darling, I'm home' drink all perfect and everything, bourbon with just a SPLASH of co-cola, not to mention that oyster and seafood spread that sat waiting. Then we got the uncomfortable conversation about Thomas' trousers losing their mojo and Whitney's super extended metaphor about in cabin baggage, when all Whitney wanted was for TRav to take him out back and glory be. Poor Whit. If he just came out, we'd all adore him, instead he wallows in the worst misogynist garbage on any reality tv show, pretending to be totally straight. Like, I'm the guitarist in a band called Renob, because that's Boner backwards, straight. (even if he does play a Chanel guitar totally without any irony whatsoever).

    • Love 24
  14. i'm not even through the episode yet, but I have to weigh in on Shep. Who is he sleeping with? Who finds this ageing twig armed flabby bodied floppy headed manchild attractive?!! (apart from Whitney). And Austen is not much better, or Craig. Of all the reality shows I've had the pleasure of perusing, THESE guys get off the easiest as far as self maintenance is concerned. All they are is a semi attractive head in a gingham shirt and khakis and deck shoes. Under all that, it's flab and bone. There is no muscle. I can make THIS prediction about all the boys on Southern Charm. Once they hit 40, it'll be brewers droop all the way. That won't stop them attempting to pick up the laydeez, though. It'll just mean an ugly scene in the bedroom. (TRav already, hence the coke, no doubt). This kind of man loves to blame his attempted conquest for his inability to do the deed. Shep better be very careful with his health, because heart problems will also mess with his 'love life' bigtime. 

    Landon is an abysmal twat. Few are hated more than bogus food critics skiving free food/booze. She just outed herself to every hospitality worker in the country, along with the whole Yacht hook up crowd. I'm glad about that, I hope it translates to food borne hepatitis for Landon within 6 months. She is utterly unbearable. I wonder if this 'seasoned traveller' could tell me the capital of Switzerland? Or Poland? Or Canada? I doubt it. 

    • Love 23
  15. 5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

    Peter probably realizes it's going to be his last hurrah at one of these reunions. 

    OMG. I was loving the pair of shoes and the Gladstone bag sitting on the shelf under the mirror during Peter's mic'd up tanty in the gents toilet. He didn't even rate a dressing room? 

    And I was also living for Cynthia, in the preview for next week, in slippers, talking to Kenya who was slumped on a couch with her mobile out, while a set minion held Cynthia's green velvet train up for her.

    Sources that were confident Phaedra was gone next season are now backing down on that claim. I'm really  hoping that Shamea gets a peach. She's even got herself married! And it'd be worth it just to imagine Marlo's fury at being overlooked for the....how many seasons has Marlo been thirsty now?

    • Love 12
  16. On 3/23/2017 at 2:58 PM, bagatelle said:

    Oh, the blonde who lives in King City... she has the worst bunny lines. Her face is so frozen, those bunny lines appear even when she's not smiling.  I find it very distracting.

    So happy to have found this series. Does Kara have a form of dwarfism? There's a proportion thing between her body and head going on, apart from the fact that she is skeletal. Is she modelling her family on the Flanders, because her 2 oldest boys, 17 and 20 were dressed like dorks. No other word. I've only seen the first episode, and I'm so glad to have found this branch of the franchise, because Sydney is just ridiculous. I'm ashamed. 

    I know it's only episode one but I ADORE Roxy. It is just the best to see a non size negative woman owning her beauty and not 'taking the hint' given by all the designers to go die in a dark room if you can't fit into clothes your preschool age child can (looking at you, Bethenny Frankel). She's a bit over the top, but this is the RH. And she's young. I hope I don't end up hating her by the end of the 2nd episode, but regardless, I think this is the ONLY franchise EVER to have a woman who can't fit sample sizes. (apart from OC season 1 maybe).

    Loving it so far, I adore learning about a city I've never been to and they're going to Barcelona?! Did I hear that correctly? Outstanding. 

    • Love 1
  17. And watching Luann with the hula hoop: WHAT a difference between the beginning of last season, where we had desperate, rooming with Sonja, paid by appearance Lu, compared to the triumphant "can you believe it?!!!" about to be married Lu. Last season, she arrived at that party with the stupid hula hoop as a lame gift for Queen B, then there was the breakdown at Ramona's birthday party where she begged B to go easy on her, times had been hard...I'm more happy that B's star is on the wane as Lu's star rises again, I think. Lu managed to make the season SL all about her and B ended up looking like the grinch that stole Christmas. From what I saw this episode, B better watch herself. These girls: Lu, Dorinda, Ramona (always with an eye on the main chance and the right clique) and even Sonja, seem to be more than able to carry this franchise without big bucks Bethenny in every scene.

    Bethenny squirming around in her car outside Ramona's place while the drama went down was delicious. More so was her minion Carole telling her she'd be 10 minutes: Bethenny could NOT even say the words "I'll wait". It was priceless. You could see the wheels turning in her head when she realised she was being put on hold while the drama went on without her and she simply doesn't have the tools to acknowledge that she isnt the centre of the universe.

    • Love 15
  18. I love the partial neck roll going on during the crazy eyes walk, in rhythm with her steps. So she has got some rhythm. Just not when she's dancing in a brown dress against a timber background while holding onto her skirt on a yacht. Why, for the love of god, why? Maybe she needed a noodle. 

    I've become partial to Ramona also. I'm torn between wishing she were the OG, because then Vicki wouldn't be, and glad she's not because insufferable. I also feel sorry for her. Ramona is lonely and she wants to be married, she's really not comfortable not being married. It brings out the protective instinct. Also, we all have those bad taste outdated tchotchkes around the house (maybe from the 80s) that somehow end up becoming talismans we'd never part with just because they've endured and outlasted: Ramona. 

    • Love 6
  19. I don't know if we've talked about Dorinda also flipping out, almost, on Luann at her breakfast the next day. Luann is trying to calm Dorinda down, saying Sonja pushed her to it, what a shame, Dorinda is such an elegant woman and ... Dorinda is NOT having it. She snaps right back at Luann. I do admire that in Dorinda. THe refusal to take the easy option lifeline when it's offered, which was what Luann was trying to do. 

    AND Ramona in another of her resort wear crocheted pieces we've all come to know and ...recognise, also at Luann's brunch. Why? It really looked like a coverup for one of her crocheted bikinis. Ramona really has a hard on for crocheted clothing. They looked so weird together, especially with Sonja and the Tinz wearing similar hat, kneeboots exactly the same length, jeans etc. Sonja's leather jeans with the horizontal zippers at the  hips were outstanding. She does look great for  her age. I'm rewatching and Sonja really stands up for herself this episode, it's impressive. Even when she's delusional. She uses her words and she's  not afraid to admit to being in her feelings.

    • Love 4
  20. 8 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

    I heard this too and was taken aback... 

    Me also. Suddenly, Sonja went into a spiel about how close she used to be with Luann, practically part of the family! Can you believe it?! Staying there with th kids and the Count when Luann was absent. Oh Sonja. You just can't help but stick your foot in your deluded mouth. Or does she really know what she's saying and the subtext, all along, and is just pretending to be oblivious. Luann is going to throttle her one day. She still got in a dig about Tom this episoed also. If she wants a relationship with Lu in the future, she is going to have to go along with Lu's delusions, and stop alluding to Tom ever being her lover. Being 'friends' is all about reinforcing one anothers delusions at this point!

    • Love 2
  21. 10 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

    So  you do your business use toilet paper then stand up and move to another porcelain seat and use paper again ?  ?  Don't get me wrong I think it's a great concept just didn't know the mechanics of it.

    You use the toilet in the usual way, then you crab walk across to the bidet (you better have used toilet paper, or you'd be dripping/dropping!) and then you rinse. Also, after sex or, and this is contentious, Australians like to throw shade at Europeans for using their bidets as an alternative to proper showering/bathing: just rinse your privates and you're good to go. Not me, or anything, just reporting a cultural stereotyping that may be unique to this country. Places I've travelled in Asia, you get no toilet paper and some system, often a piece of hose, or a jug of water. Sometimes a western toilet, more often a squat toilet. We are so close to S/E Asia here, that we have signs in some of our public restrooms, diagrams, of someone squatting with their feet on the toilet seat with a big cross over it! I made sure I had kleenex with me travelling, and I wondered about people walking around with poo water running down their legs. I guess you have to learn to clean yourself in this manner as a child. Bidets were a rarity in this country 20 years ago. More common now, but still not widely accepted. Very continental, Sonja loves to show hers off, which other housewife can we say has one?

    ETA: The bidet in my bathroom had it's own towel rack. But seriously? Who's going to wipe down their privates and PUT THE TOWEL BACK??? This always blew my mind, the design problem.

    Also, we ARE seeing housewives like Luann this episode with the 'Rolls Royce of Toilets' which apparently costs a bomb and has the bidet function built in. Much better idea. There was one on the last season of Below Deck also, and Andy Cohen is supposed to have one. I've seen them on Million Dollar Listing too.

    • Love 3
  22. 1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

    I used mine to wash my feet too.  LOL.  I live in the desert and the floors get filthy if not swept and mopped daily (and even then they aren't always great depending on the build quality). Culturally shoes aren't worn in the house so it was a lot of dirty feet at the end of the day.

    Woo, sister, i was in the desert too in a no shoe home when bidets graced my bathroom! Dusty and ashy took turns in the bidet, but never my smalls. I was more appalled by Sonja dropping her lacey underthings on the toilet rug. Just not done. how dreadful.

    • Love 1
  23. 19 minutes ago, diadochokinesis said:

    Not everyone uses their bidet.  I've had them in two homes now and I've never used mine for the intended purpose.  One of my friends uses her bidet for mopping. 

    i used mine to wash my feet. 

    Regarding Carole's use of terms like 'dumbass' when debating politics: I think the nature of the forum ie. Twitter may have something to do with it. Just saying. Unpleasant, but users become familiar with all sorts of shorthand when dealing with character limit.

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