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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. This preview is priceless. A distillation of everything we value in a Housewives franchise! I could lose Lisar in the blue dress on the boat, however. I don't need to see this freakish ghoul feel herself up. 

    and here we have Dorit ingratiating herself (?) with the OC ladies. She managed to pick the one ho on this franchise that will see everyone come after her though: 



    • Love 1
  2. In a shorter blog this week, Eden has used 10 hashtags, 6 exclamation points and weirdly, she has decided that using multiple quotation marks will better relay her hashtagTruth. She used 5 of those and 1 of those irritating 'notes to self' at the end. Eden Sassoon: Sober Woman!! Currently being outed on one of the reality blogs for being the head of a lesbian cult amongst her Twitter followers. I've seen the tweets, they are definitely strange. 

    • Love 12
  3. I dont think Vicki has the fans that Nene, Bethenny and Teresa have either. I don't think she has the fan following that Kenya Moore or LVP has. I think she's fortunate that she is 'the OG of the OC' and the longest surviving ho at this point in time and at this point in time, Andy seems to be superstitiously attached to keeping her. That's the only justification I can come up with for her seemingly untouchable status on this show.

    She certainly has had her moments. I get her appeal as the 'WooHooing' tequila beast from Season 8 'I wanna go to Andales!!!' That was fun. And it was a really dramatic season. But 4 seasons forward, she's scammed cancer and she's not sorry. I'm tired of seeing her retreat into this sullen hateful woman when she's questioned and I'm tired of her entitled attitude. I think a lot of viewers feel the same way and want fresh faces and new houses and women having fun together. 

    • Love 9
  4. 1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

    I have a feeling next season is going to be really ugly, given how Heather and Meghan's departures will affect the dynamic of the show. Shannon needs to watch her back...

    This choice of cast sheds light on the way Bravo want this franchise to go forward and what they think of their viewing audience. We  have cancer scamming Vicki, classless, vulgar Kelly, somewhat equally classless Tamra, a blow in from Atlanta plus Shannon and Lydia.

    Shannon is going to end up wheeled out on a gurney. Especially when Tamra turns on her and teams up with Vicki again. Poor Shannon. I can't see her ever being comfortable with Vicki, so she's going to be relying on Tamra and I think the producers know this and are anticipating it. They've cast around Vicki by keeping Kelly, one of the most hated and derided new housewives in the history of the show and adding Brianna (who is going to be introduced as 'Kelly's friend' despite actually having some connection with Vicki from what I can see). If the morally flexible Tamra feels she's missing out on camera time because of her stance on Vicki, she'll change her stance. That might leave Lydia and Shannon together, but these 2 alone feel pretty lukewarm. And I don't think Shannon will cope with betrayal from Tamra. A LOT of people are saying they're switching off. I'm thinking about it. Kelly's face and disgusting behavior turned my stomach. It wasn't clever, it wasn't interesting and it didn't add anything to this show. I guess they're sticking with Vicki as the show crashes and burns around them. What a shame.

    • Love 6
  5. Rumours are starting that Heather and Terry are getting their own family show. Which contradicts Heather in an interview recently where she cites her oldest children becoming teenagers as one of the reasons she won't be continuing as a ho. This new show may air on E as opposed to Bravo also, which is supposed to be a slap in Andy's face. But Bravo and E are owned by the same company and Botched is on E, so I don't really see that. 

    • Love 5
  6. I just sat through this 12 minute clip from Brianna's The Premier Life, this is the one with Vicki. Brianna goes to LA, meets Vicki for dinner at Craigs in West Hollywood. I've learned that Brian and Brianna have been looking for a reality show. Brian goes by 'The Lord of Beauty' (because, Scott Disick) and I am predicting that Brian swiftly becomes as annoying and fame whorish as Slade. In fact, Brianna reminds me of a better marketed Gretchen. 

    Vicki appears at about the 6 minute mark, where she tells us what she is wearing and after dinner, answers some pap questions about Glamis and the cast. I found myself bitchily thinking that Brianna and Brian fly all the way to Hollywood and the biggest celebrity they can net is Vicky Gunvalson? I thought this when I saw that Craigs is in West Hollywood, right in Pump territory. Big difference between hos from the OC and BH, big step up to BH, Brianna.


    This pair love their labels and they love conspicuous consumption. Brian is ostentatiously drinking some 100 year old liquor that has to be decanted using a special instrument that looks like a telescope and costs over 100 bucks for a couple of ounces. He downs it like a shot. And it's only breakfast. At the end of the video, Brianna is 'angry' with Brian in their hotel room and they start messing with the staff. Videoing them, making stupid irritating requests (like can this room attendant bring some blankets because Brian has to sleep on the couch, can she make the couch up for him, can she tuck him in and give him a kiss). I hate people like this. I hope the room attendants polished their past midnight wine glasses with saliva....

    And the season hasn't even started.

    • Love 3
  7. I'm just searching around for Brianna Stanko, finding rumours of her joining the cast floating for months (now that I'm looking). Including Vicki herself in December, saying that a. they were already filming OC season 12 and b. Brianna is filming with them. She and her husband Brian flog beauty products via blog out of Atlanta, their site or whatever is called 'Premier Look'. Brianna makes a lot of beauty videos. She is botoxed, injected, inflated and blonde. Just for something completely different. I saw a blog post that references Brianna, Brian and Vicki (and her 'man') eating out at restaurant called 'Craigs' from last September also. So far, nothing with Kelly even though she is apparently going to be introduced as a friend of Kelly's. We all know Kelly has no friends. She has AVOs. And if Kelly knew a beauty blogger, she wouldn't look like Kelly.

    I can't believe either that Vicki is again cast immediately with seemingly no consequence for fan backlash and no interest in fan opinion. AND they've burdened us with the vulgar classless talentless Kelly. Kelly has nothing going on that adds to this cast. This obviously doesn't auger well for franchises like NJ. If they're keeping Vicki for yet another year, I guess that means same for Teresa Giudice. But at least they're shaking it up somewhat by bringing back Danielle Staub. But probably only because she and Teresa are making nice (prostitution whore no more?). 

    I think casting Lydia again, she who walked away with her dignity still intact is JUST WEIRD. I warmed to Lydia, but I wasn't sorry to see her go. Apparently we are going to be getting Gretchen as well. Gretchen has been posting a lot on Twitter etc supporting Vicki and Kelly and many pics of her and Vicki. Gretchen will still do anything to get her orange back. If I felt Gretchen could bring it with Tamra, I'd be excited, but she can't. Lydia isn't really anyone's natural ally either. They've stacked the cast for Vicki's comfort.

    • Love 2
  8. Tamara Tattles is now saying that sources are confirming Lydia and they are bringing in a new housewife, Brianna Stanko. From the article, it would appear she's a blow in from Atlanta, only living in OC for a couple of months. And it does sound like Shannon is very much going to be on the outside. 

    Vicki, Kelly (UGH!), Brianna, Lydia, Tamra, Shannon, with possible friend of appearances by Jeanna Keogh and Gretchen (!)


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  9. 11 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

    Everyone knows that you make the BEST FUCKING pie crusts with real, cold butter.


    I call bullshit on HH's pie making skill and challenge him to make bread from scratch.

    FROM SCRATCH!!!!!!!

    hell to the yeah. Harry handling the pie dough, rolling it around in his hot hands..pie dough hates that. Got to keep it COLD, or it'll be flat and greasy and tough. Looked like he was just doing the pie tops, though, bottoms looked premade.

    Bread is a tougher bird than pie crust, you can handle bread dough a lot more roughly.

    • Love 3
  10. 5 hours ago, steelcitysister said:

    Yup, Bravo periodically checks in with former cast (and cast offs), so I imagine Heather will agree to a viewing of Chateau Dubreau, especially if she doesn't have to share the spotlight with the HWs hoi polloi.

    I got this figured. No way was Heather going to reveal that thing for chump change. She and Terry will be trying to negotiate a one off special for huge dough, like the auction that happens when Kim K or Angelina has a new baby. 


    On 1/31/2017 at 6:06 PM, lunastartron said:

    Andy seemed to finally get over his vendetta against her religious beliefs.

    He must have when they recruited Lydia, who is Jesus Jugs x 1000. But Lydia doesn't screech histrionically like Alexis does. Tamra will be back to Vicki in a heartbeat, she's like Gretchen, always has her eye on the main chance. Shannon will need something a lot stronger than Dr Moon's lemons by the time this crew gets through with her. Poor Shannon.

    • Love 2
  11. I'm gutted that Kelly Mega Dudd is returning and the intel being that they are considering casting around her. I actually do understand Lydia coming back because Lydia really did stand up to Vicki and to anyone else (Brooks). In a way, Lydia could go some way to sorting these heifers out. I suspect Tamra won't like it. I hope it won't be Lizzie, I just found her bland. I'm surprised to hear Meghan will be making appearances. I hope, given it's being said that Vicki (sigh), Shannon and Tamra are signed already, that Shannon at least brings up some Jeff Lewis crossover. 

    If I can watch. Because Kelly is a disgusting pig. I can't stand her limp hair and vag face. And she was borderline rude to Andy at the reunion. Although that was overshadowed with Vicki claiming it is 'her show'. Maybe Andy likes a bit of rough from his hos?

    • Love 2
  12. 2 hours ago, AndySmith said:

    the trick is Bravo needs to make sure to get the right set of women each season.

    My expectation of this show is that it will be cast with women who live a glamorous high end lifestyle in their particular city. That's the bill of goods we were sold once they refined OC. It was supposed to be 'behind the gates' of the gated communities. Obviously the immediate problem is that real wealth whispers and society women are not going to expose themselves in such a vulgar manner as to appear on the stage participate in a reality tv show, a woman should have her name in the paper only 3 times: when she's born/married and dies (I may have misquoted that).

    BH is different in that it is a show business community. The wealth was traditionally built around the industry. So Eileen and yes, to a lesser extent, Rinna (I HATE admitting that) and Kyle are show business royalty in that town. LVP has her restaurants, Eden's father was Vidal, Erika is a performer and married to a litigator, Camille married to Kelsey (not for long) and also a producer. BH is authentic in that respect. Rinna is the neediest and thirstiest of the bunch, though. 

    Tinsley Mortimer is a cautionary tale. She was a legitimate member of NYC high society and was shunned after she starred in a reality show about her life. She lost her husband, her friends, her position in society and has recently been in the papers in Miami because of a bad relationship with an abusive boyfriend. How dreadful. And next season of RHONYC, she's Sonja's roomie and the new ho on the show. 

    I agree with what you originally said and were getting at: the women they are casting now are doing it because they are schilling something, whether it's themselves, a product or a brand. So as an audience, we don't feel we are authentically being given that glimpse behind the curtain that was the original concept. Atlanta has got way out of hand and is now so improbable it's got to be scripted and in some cases, we are actually being misinformed (Kenya's fake boyfriends, Sheree's uninhabited 'chateau' etc). The key is the 'Real' in 'Real Housewives'.

    • Love 14
  13. 3 hours ago, tabloidlover said:

    Eden's new addiction -- hashtags

    12 hashtags this episode to add to last week's total on the hashtag counter (I kept count last week, I'll add them)

    Did you know that before hashtags became a hashtagThing, Eden Sassoon was addicted to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's one of those people. I'm counting them also. Eden is very frustrated in this blog post, so she's reverted for emphasis to adding exclamation marks. There are 13 of those in this blog post alone. 

    Did you know that Eden has 'mad respect' for LVP. We'll see...

    • Love 6
  14. 3 hours ago, Thumper said:

    Okay, I don't read the blogs but I too wonder if Eden is for real.  Did the producers send her in as a plant to stir up trouble?  Otherwise, I can't believe how clueless she is in reading the room.

    This is exactly what I asked last week. It's looking more and more obvious, she has no organic friendship with any of the hos, she's down as being Lisar's friend, but they hadnt met before we saw them at the loopy lunch when we first met Eden. Why can't we get another ballsy Adrienne Maloof type ho on this show, they must be a dime a dollar in BH?

    • Love 3
  15. 3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Kathy Hilton mentioned consulting a lawyer this week in a tweet with respect to Eden's comments about Kim. I heard before this season that one of the women ends up being hated by everyone. I cant stand Dorit, so it seemed obvious at first, but now I'm seeing the light. It's Eden

    • Love 16
  16. 3 hours ago, ivygirl said:

    hat party looked like so much fun. Everyone looked great. Kim actually looked ok and seemed better than I've seen her.

    The first thing I thought when I saw Kim was 1. she just threw on a frock and wacked on a headband for this party and 2. She's had work done recently and 3. that sore leg is getting a lot of scripts mileage, given last week there was a full moon and this week there is hardly any moon.

    Haven't read the comments yet, but Kim also mentioned to Camille that she was going somewhere next week (god FORBID Mexico, please don't let her be on the trip, she didn't say Mexico, she said rehab, right?!) and that explains the shiny puffy face and her hair just hanging around it for her sister's bigdeal Gatsby party.

    Eden continues to be an intrusive flake with no SL except her overinvestment in the Richard's sisters and I hope all that hits Lisar upside the head very soon. Eden is responsible (along with Lisar) for reanimating Kim and I hope she likes the reception she's getting for it from fans of the franchise. Go away Eden, glad Kim called her out for deviating from the responsible recovery plan. I don't want to hear 'Kim's behavior' ever come out of Eden's face again. Or anyone's. 

    Again, LVP doesn't seem to be filming at all except for group settings and the obligatory meet and greet one on one with the new hos. But she's making sure we all know she's Kyle's bestie. Interesting. 

    • Love 6
  17. I think it's appalling that another wedding is going ahead, when there's a cautionary tale in the midst of this group already. These people really believe that The Wedding is the golden ring. And there is an industry all around them happy to keep blowing smoke up their jaxies. Like the flower guy this episode '6k?! Ooooh, a small wedding' and Katie's face falls and they will be spending more than 6k. I don't think either of them have a clue about what the prenup is actually for, because neither of them have visualised past The Big Day!!!!!! So, when the debts start cascading, they probably better have a prenup in place. Even though this is a Wedding by Bravo, I suspect that the bride (and possibly the groom too) really like to spend whatever ephemeral dough comes in. It's sad because they have no marketable skills outside being waitstaff and the couple of years being on this show that's left to them. 

    Katie is really loving lording it over those nasty girls in her circle. She gets this look in her eyes when she's about to make a mean girl ruling, like she did between Stassi and Ariana. Her fiancee needs to run, but he isn't going to. I perked up a little bit when he called her a bitch last episode, but she swiftly yanked his chain and it's back to 'bubba this' and 'bubba that'. This isn't how adults have a relationship!! I'm finding the fixation with weddings on this show really disturbing. Everytime I look at the terror in Scheanna's face as she tries to find meaning in her postmarriage life, it reminds me. Given this whole season seems to be based around the wedding, it can't be avoided. 

    1 minute ago, bichonblitz said:

    And they were in Beverly Hills no less! Maybe that's the best Katie and Schwartz could afford. Although, you would think Lisa, with all her connections, could refer them to the best lawyer in town.

    They did, that guy had a SAG card for sure! What a mess. 

    • Love 9
  18. 5 minutes ago, swankie said:

    Shamea made the allegation that Phaedra tried to get with her ex husband first which at the time she said it made me think she was very immature.  That's the only reason Phaedra said what she did about Shamea.  They're both immature with that bullshit.

    When was this? I heard Shamea's response this episode to the 'you slept with all the husbands in Atlanta' and she said, 'i didn't sleep with Apollo, and he hit on me enough times'. Are you talking earlier? I was just thinking how nasty it was for Shamea to be confronted with this stuff at an event celebrating her engagement!! And yes, it's incredibly immature and potentially really destructive also. I was shocked that Phaedra said what she said at the table about Kandi and Shamea. And it was really offensive watching Shamea mime oral sex in this episode with regard to Phaedra and the 'Head Doctor' rumours.

    Shameless. None of these heifers have any shame or sense of dignity!

  19. Indulge me on this just a little longer. WHY is Phaedra now dressing so super conservatively? THs with that fugly churchy pirate shirt and more fugly white church attire this episode.

    When you imagine Frick and Frack on vacay, what image pops into your mind????


    frick and frack.jpg

    Thought so. It's a very far cry from the sober, earnest 'save the children' Phaedra we've seen so far this season. Is this why she's distancing herself from Porsha? Because the producers and audience expect to see more 'Frick and Frack' on vacay and Phaedra needs to stay conservative? I'd prefer Frick and Frack, they were harmless and one thing I liked about Phaedra was how she owned her carnal side. Even with Pastor Regina and a conservative upbringing and claiming to be a Southern Belle, Phaedra has had no problem in the past with defending adult entertainers and 'enjoying the human body'. I like Frack a hell of a lot less without Frick.

    • Love 5
  20. 3 hours ago, swankie said:

    To me, if my friend has a friend that I'm not necessarily friends with, I'm not going to trash talk about that friend and make my friend uncomfortable which is what Shamea keeps doing about Phaedra.  It's clear Phaedra and Shamea don't like each other and I'm wondering if that has anything to do with why all of a sudden Shamea is Kandi's good friend. 

    Interesting how we're discussing Porsha and Shamea and under the radar as usual is Phaedra who was the source of the 'Shamea sleeps with Kandi/and all the husbands of Atlanta'. That's probably one of the harshest allegations I've heard on a HWs show, and Ms Parks isn't being interrogated. Phaedra went for Kandi and Shamea. Hard. And what further beggars belief is Phaedra hanging out with (in her own words) Kenya Moore Whore, the woman who was accused of soliciting her husband and who, on tape, was most definitely flirting entirely inappropriately with him. I couldn't get over that, even if a couple years later down the track, the lying liar who's lying ass is now back in the pokey, retracts the statement. I might reluctantly apologise if I believed him, but I couldn't get over what I saw with my own eyes and how that made me feel: total humiliation. And then he locked her out of the room for 40 mins and she sat on the steps. We've all experienced something approaching this ridiculousness in our lives and you don't forget it.

    phaedra kenya.jpg

    So, all I've got is that Phaedra is working hard to rehab her image into some sort of political activism. She appears to be ditching Porsha and befriending Kenya. I got it in the Flint episode, because Kenya had some juice in the area. I wouldn't expect her to turn on Kenya immediately after, either, that's not gracious. But Frick is hurt and Frack doesn't appear to care too much. Phaedra must be aware of Porsha's hurt and traditionally, when they go somewhere, it's Frick and Frack ride again. Phaedra is kind of limply standing up for Porsha, but it feels like lip service. Porsha obviously feels very alone and vulnerable, because Lauren has been hauled in so that she can film. Something is up with Phaedra. I'm wondering if down the track, she'll use her experience with Apollo as mileage for more political campaigning, because then she could also get more mileage out of Kenya on a domestic violence platform, if she keeps her onside. She didn't really seem to enjoy her time with Kenya, but she's putting in the time. Why?. Something's weird with Phaedra. (and i do NOT endorse Kenya ever speaking on DV, either, after she's manipulated this relationship, she needs to take a seat on this).

    1 hour ago, AndySmith said:

    So it seems like while being a Friend of means they didn't impress Andy and Bravo enough to join the main cast, they don't mind bringing these women back as Guests for a few episodes in later seasons, as long they bring some drama. So Marlo, Shamea, and others can act as thirsty as they want, but the odds of them getting a peach aren't in their favor.

    Nene was asked by Andy on WWHL if Marlo should get a peach, and Nene said 'If you wanted to give her one, you would have by now'. Marlo is retweeting HARD anything that suggests she could get a peach. In Nene's words, 'the thirst is real'. They also said Nene would be appearing at the end of this season, so brace yourselves!

    • Love 5
  21. Sheree, from what I've read, still doesn't have a certificate of occupancy And that would be fine, if she wasn't claiming to everyone that she is living in the property. One minute she says 'wait until the end of the season' (when there is a housewarming party) and the next she claims to be living there full time. There are no appliances in the kitchen, none of the photos she's posted prove the house is actually lived in. It certainly didn't look lived in this episode. She has no aircon. This season has been so badly produced in this respect. If they film 'at Sheree's' why is none of the cast asking why they can't go inside? Instead, Marlo and Sheree get in the car to drink in the aircon? The audience also wants to know. This is just one issue I'm having with continuity. There's way too much reliance on the housewives version of deux ex machina: in this case it's things happening offscreen, like the Shamea/Porsha/Kandi friendship, which we are just expected to accept without question.

    I understand that they film a number of potential housewives and edit once the season is through. This is why we are seeing Lena, Shemea, Hazel, Marlo and there's another woman as well, I think all her footage got cut. Working it out as they go must have drawbacks, like the audience wondering who these unexplained women are and why they are on this show.

    Sheree competed this way for her peach. No one knew she was getting 1 until just before the season began. Just that she too would be filming. So Sheree's SL was the winner here?

    Production seems to be getting a bit lackadaisical.

    • Love 2
  22. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    One more thing, HDTV is NOT Kenya Moore's friend.  My TV isn't HD but my computer is and that first scene with Phaedra and Kenya in that camping store, OMG, Kenya's face looked busted.

    I watch all of these on my computer. Kenya's huge open pores and scarring were a real issue for me this episode. I think it was the scene at the dock with Cynthia, because in other scenes it wasn't as obvious. HDTV AND filming with Cynthia Bailey are not Kenya's friends! 

    Kenya was also again so socially awkward with Cynthia at the dock. She lets her animals crap in the yard first. But when they are locked up and Cynthia takes her for a walk to the water, Kenya starts twirling and shrieking. Just like she got down on the ground and pretended to be a frog or a duck last episode. 

    I don't think she does very well with women friends. She's immediately competitive. Her nasty (british humour?) cracks at people, like referring jokingly to Phaedra as an 'old woman' and calling out the women's fitness walking up her nasty driveway, last week screaming 'I was Miss USA/America' at the campers...awkward. Makes others feel awkward. And can you imagine Kenya coping with hearing Phaedra jokingly say "i'm looking for an old woman' in the camping shop?

    And she pretty much does live in a swamp. She certainly behaves that way.

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