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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. Coke sharer is I think how he likes to represent himself and his jail term and loss of State Treasurer position!

    Where was Eliza this episode? She'd be a far better candidate to oversee Thomas' polo event than the Dolphin. I'm actually wondering if the Dolphin is a little slow. Her and Craig together throwing themselves a pity party over Shep's criticism and a big plate of mixed meats was priceless. And her whining about not needing 'tough love. Just love'? Get. A. Real. Job. I've also noticed that she likes to surround herself with girls who have issues with the eyebrow pencil: her sister 'Bam' and the poor sap who actually does the work in any venture that Landon is supposed to be responsible for (Roam was offline last time I looked and it's never been available as anything other than a webpage with a title and a 'coming soon, email us' message, and I've been checking those damn receipts since Landon first mooted this venture!). I can't abide this snowflake. Or the SL that TRav is considering her as step parenting material for his loinfruit. Maybe he could send her to the Montessori School along with his kids. 

    • Love 3
  2. 22 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    Kathryn - poor, poor girl - wake up and get a clue - you have had two kids, your body is not the lean, teen shape it was 10 years ago.  Plus, your face is not the same.  Kathryn is a perfect example of how makeup can change someone's looks.  She really is very, very plain without it.  And, no way would Thomas allow their children to do any modeling, especially with Kathryn.

    I think the only place Kathryn will be modelling soon is from the county lockup. She's refusing drug tests and was physically removed from a church a couple of days ago (where Saint was being baptised), according to a couple of internet sites today. She was allegedly barefoot and screaming that the new nanny was, wait for it, banging Thomas (or her daughter was, that's still unclear to me, but it's Kathryn's usual accusation) and one of the TRav appointed godparents was a coke dealer. At this point in filming, I don't think she was even around, I think they are splicing in scenes Kathryn has shot by herself. Despite Thomas making excuses to stay away from the Haiti charity because Kathryn was coming, I don't believe she was ever a chance for showing up. Back to the modelling, what a lacklustre effort from Kathryn. The poor agent! You could see her sizing Kathryn up as she ushered her down the hall and Kathryn was walking ahead of her in her saggy looking tights, unmade up face and hair. Later, she tells Kathryn kindly to basically show up the way you want others to see you. It was sad and certainly this was not Kathryn making the kind of effort she is capable of making: I'm thinking of her with beautiful winged eye makeup and 60s style hair, wearing a fur coat etc. Kathryn knows how to make an impression when she wants to. Evidently, this modelling scene was the best she could half heartedly come up with. The tragic thing is, Kathryn has the kind of coloring that is so easy to work with, so amenable to a variety of looks and she still looks young. But honestly, Kathryn is well aware that no one is going to book her for a shoot with her kids for any kind of 'family' related assignment with her drug and alcohol issues on blast for the last couple of years. I still feel for Kathryn, but she is circling the drain.

    • Love 11
  3. 28 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

    Actually, I did mention in two of my posts that I had a friend who is Vietnamese and that because of their culture, you did not wear shoes in their home.  And I respected that.

    There's a difference between culture and so called cleanliness.  Ever think about what is being placed on your couch?  Sorry, I'm not directing this specifically toward you. 

    People may be more obsessive about cleanliness and that's, IMO, not a good thing.  People need to calm down.  Kids need to play in dirt because that actually boosts their immune system.  Super bugs?  I don't get the connection at all.  Super bugs are here because of the overuse of antibiotics, not people taking off their shoes.

    Is it about respecting your hosts wishes or is it about respecting your guests?  Sorry, I'm about my guests.  And if high heels are going to ruin your wood floors, then you've got cheap floors.  Sorry but that is what it is. 

    I often wonder how much cultural and some religious practices are actually based on common sense and hygiene (like eating with one hand because you wipe your nether regions with the other, even though of course people wash their hands after abluting, pigs are profane to Jews and Muslims and this may have something to do with hard desert ground, burials above ground and pigs scavenging.). I was just observing this. Personally, I've been giving thought to the 'removing shoes' issue lately because I like how it demarcates the public and private spheres. Taking off your shoes, removing your bra, whatever, these rituals herald entry from the outside world into the interior world of comfort that you control. There is some common sense in the shoe removal practice because it does have a basis in acknowledging purity and sanctity. In many of the places you remove your shoes, you may also need to wash your hands and face and cover your hair. To me, this is about protecting the sacred environment from profanity and dirt brought in from the outside. It's both literal and metaphoric. As far as what I said about 'superbugs': I see people traveling to and from Asian countries wearing masks because of flu fears. More strains of severe influenza have been discovered since 2012 than have been identified in the prior century. It's a fact. Disease control centres are taking this seriously. I was just acknowledging that and the effect it has on people. All of my kids were brought up under the  'a little dirt, never hurt' mantra, specifically because I believed it assisted their developing immune systems, especially in their home environment. I homebirthed 2 of my kids in a house full of cats, litter trays etc. I still don't sanitise and disinfect my house, I use green products etc. But, it's a different world now. As far as couches are concerned, i don't sit in dog shit and garbage, but I may inadvertently and easily walk in some? Wearing shoes also batters carpets and rugs. High heels scuff floors and in some of the older houses here, they do leave dents. It isn't always about cheap flooring, and even if it is, if the owner of said floors would like to try and protect them and keep them nice, I'll respect their wishes.

    • Love 12
  4. 10 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

    Bethenny was a bitch meeting Tinsley.  If you're too hot shit or above it all to meet the woman don't go to her "welcoming" party then do exactly the opposite. Also the constant comments about Luann's giant head. For 40 plus years you walked around with the jaw of a Glen Quagmire so people in misformed scull houses shouldn't throw stones. Btw Luann's head seems normal to me. 

    It was intentional, don't go and don't bring a basket of your cheap and nasty product because the guest of honor is 'Southern' either, then blank her like she's staff. Bethenny also spoke of googling Tinsley earlier, saying she had the world 'at her fingertips' and lost it all. So she also informed herself about Tinsley in anticipation of this party. As usual, if the event isn't put on by Bethenny herself, she blows in and blows out again, dropping wannabe Dorothy Parker witticisms. If she was the comedian she thinks she is, her talk show would be bigger than Oprah's, not cancelled. 

    • Love 12
  5. On 4/15/2017 at 4:15 PM, breezy424 said:

    That's totally different.  Generally speaking though, I don't get it and I think it ridiculous.  Just sayin.  And if you have a dog...  Why are paws ok and not shoes?  I'm off the box.

    I don't know if anyone's mentioned this yet, but wearing shoes inside in many Asian and Middle Eastern countries is absolutely not on. In some of these countries, showing someone the sole of your shoe is an insult. You never wear shoes inside temples and mosques and other sacred sites either. I've visited places where the pile of shoes is so varied and enormous, I wonder if I will ever find my own. Similarly, when visiting, everyone takes their shoes off. I think it makes a lot of sense and more people are becoming aware of how unhygenic it is to bring in whatever you've been stepping in all day into your own sanctuary. Personally, I take my outdoor shoes off and put them down in my kitchen and swap into slippers as soon as I get into the house. I don't demand others do it. Yet. But I've really been giving some thought to these lessons from Asia, where they are keenly aware of the demarcation between public and private spheres. It's both a practical custom and a spiritual one. 

    Real Hos of Auckland hasn't aired in the States yet, I don't think, but one of the hos there has a very new modern home and insists her guests remove their shoes everytime they visit . There is a long line of expensive heels by the door and much moaning about how outfits are ruined etc. It's not uncommon in Australia either, with many claiming that high heels in particular ruin the wooden floorboards that are common in the subtropics and this is true:  you just respect your hosts wishes and go with the flow. Given the rise of super bugs, I foresee this custom/practice becoming a lot more common on health grounds in the near future. 

    • Love 6
  6. 9 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

    Thinking deadlines are drags (they are) and being pissed off when someone falsely accuses her of having her books ghost written are two very different things.  Lots of serious writers don't particularly like working, and even more think that deadlines are a drag (myself included).  That doesn't make her lazy, or a bad writer.

    Carole herself has copped to being lazy regarding her work. I really noticed it after buying her 'serious writer' season. And I don't believe her books were particularly well received after the first one. 'The Widows Guide' pretty much tanked. I don't think she is a particularly good writer, but writing is about discipline. Carole isn't disciplined. Every 'good' writer will say it's 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. I think Carole's priorities have changed too. She's made comments like 'I've got 6 good summers left', which goes to some pretty dark 3am type self assessment ( I relate to this too), so I think she's enjoying her life with Adam while it lasts. She can go back to writing books when there's no one around to peddle while she sits on the handlebars. 

    • Love 6
  7. 8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I get this vibe as well and it's not just the book/writing thing. There's just something about the way she hangs around her house that screams "lazy",to me.

    flippancy aside, Carole has overtly stated in seasons past that she really doesn't like working, deadlines are a drag etc. And at the same time she screamed like a scalded cat when Aviva accused her of ghostwriting (more or less, eventually more). So what we are picking up, is Carole creating a narrative of herself as a serious writer, with much advice to offer etc and a season or 2 later she's all about being Holly Golightly, the cool hybrid of slacker/hipster. That's irritating. It makes us ask 'what's the point of a Carole?'

    • Love 10
  8. 12 hours ago, beaker73 said:

    Beth continues to be a rude asshole. I mean enough with the Lu has a big head thing already. She's been using that joke for years.  Get some new material. 

    I thought the same thing: lame, Bethenny. Lu has referred to herself as a pumpkin head more than once over the years. At least Lu's head is in proportion to her 'whole lotta woman' body. Beth looks like early stage osteoporosis bobble head. And that big ugly mouth (nothing wrong with it physically, it's just what she does with it).

    • Love 8
  9. 13 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    In Atl. I think Kandi and Kenya are the only ones that have pets, the OC. has Tamra, Kelly and Meghan with dogs and as far as NJ, I haven't watched in a couple of years but Teresa Guidice has dogs but I do not know if anyone else on there does.

    I can't recall Kandi's dog/s? Probably taken a backseat now Ace is in the picture. Dolores Catania has dogs, one of her old ones died last season, that was sad. I think nutso Jac Laurita may have one. The Gorgas definitely do. Most of the Australian housewives do (both Melbourne and now Sydney, one of the Sydney hos has a snake b/c attention seeker). However, I feel so sorry for a lot of these pets. Many of them exist as accessories. I cringe watching animals treated like people or babies and not cared for properly. Also, a lot of passes are given to people who have a pet when perhaps a deeper look should be taken at who they truly are. My fingers itch to call Cesar Milan sometimes...

    • Love 1
  10. 16 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

    Pick a lane, do the work that gets you where you want to be and stop expecting to be revered just for the simple act of existing. 

    Personally, I think Carole is just plain lazy. She's experiencing cognitive dissonance because she's been set up (a home on each coast, plenty of money in the bank) and this is at odds with her idea of herself as a social justice warrior of sorts. Maybe that's why she's so rabid over the election. She's got that evangelical glint in her eye, she is NOT going to STFU on this. I'm wondering how crunchy Adam coped with Election Carole. Maybe he just retreated to the kitchen and ran raw stuff through the NutriBullet when she got annoying. Or played his guitar. Back to the lazy hypothesis, I think Carole keeps coming up with book ideas that she has no real connection with or intention of ever putting in the hard work to see published. It's all a smokescreen so she can kick back in her apartments with her cool hipster bf, gets everyone around her off her back and lends her credibility with them. Whatever. I find her pretty bland and her 'world's oldest hipster' schtick is getting trying.

    Does Bethenny know how ridiculous and insulting she is with appropriating her pets' names? she should have just called them Manolo and Louis like every other housewife. I wonder what Heather would say?

    • Love 10
  11. 21 hours ago, NYCNJbear06 said:

    not as bad as when you were the first to eat the wedding cake and the doggie wedding, but equally as rude.

    don't forget the caviar party. Ramona's eyes bulged out of her head and she started shoveling as much caviar into her snout as she could. You could actually read her mind: she looked at the camera and said 'fck it. I don't care, it's worth thousands a gram and i'm swallowing all of it". I reckon she was wrapping it up in napkins to take home. Ramona is this sort of person. First the free food, then the niceties. This came across at Sonja's with the (ass) sandwiches. I wouldn't eat anything sitting out uncovered at Sonja's: all that dander and aerosolized dingleberry dust flying around. No. Ramona's got a fundamental poverty attitude, probably from her upbringing. She loves a freebie. Key to her heart.

    • Love 5
  12. 6 hours ago, AndySmith said:

    Sheree has really grown up and matured since we first saw her. Her own personal growth has been amazing.


    Love your work! i blew tea out my nose at the end, when Sheree tells us that she 'grew up Upper Middle Class' but left that behind to become 'Upper Class'!!!!! Upper class of what, exactly, Sheree?She's really klewless, isn't she. This clip is foundational to understanding how Sheree got to where she is today and the mess she's in. She tells us that she expects a '7 figure' settlement from her divorce from Bob and that she expects to MORE than maintain her lifestyle. Whilst doing....absolutely nothing with staff to help her. Where do these women get off claiming they are 'successful'. Successful at what? Balling a baller? Marrying and divorcing? What has Sheree succeeded at in her life? The delusion is very real.

    ps. I need a job as staff with one of these crazy bitches, as long as it's cash in hand and up front!

    • Love 9
  13. Just now, bosawks said:

    That's like one episode for each of Sheree's appliances........

    I don't wanna hear bout the 'pliances ever again. Allegedly she has a storage locker full of the 'pliances she stripped from Bob's house somewhere in Atlanta. Maybe she's waiting for filming to finish to sneak them in. She'd be dumb to do that though, because class action creditors are likely going to swoop in and put a big ole lock on the Chateau gate and sell up everything in lieu of the bills she hasn't paid to her gazillion contractors. She's a foolish woman. I doubt she'll ever live in that wonky roomed monstrosity she's built. It looks like it was designed by a 5 year old girl with princess fantasies. All I can think of is the insane amounts of money it will take to furnish it so it doesn't look weirdly empty and then to clean it and to heat it and to cool it. Utterly nonsensical.

    I'd also be happy if I never had to see Kenya's massive swollen dugs bursting out of every dress she barely sheaths them in. It's ridiculous, she looks like a dairy cow. All of these women have trouble with their breasts: they either have them in everyone's face, or they have major sideboob, underboob and wardrobe malfunction issues. Kandi continually favours structured corset like dresses and tops that look illfitting. Get a stylist if you can't dress yourselves!

    • Love 11
  14. I am in the loving Kim camp atm also. I lived for her shutting Kenya down, so GLAD someone finally did. When Kenya made the 'at least I'm not a duck' crack (lame!) about Kim's face, I laughed out loud remembering Kenya dropping to the ground like the fool she is, and walking like a DUCK earlier in the season. 

    Did you all check how the editing cut Matt out? He was there, just edited out. Kenya has ZERO business making a PSA about domestic violence. How inauthentic and disingenuous and grasping is that, given she has made it her SL all season and this is yet another of Kenya's boyfriend for hire schemes that got out of hand. Can't abide Kenya. 

    • Love 13
  15. I saw Big Genie in the background, standing around like a shag on a rock. I haven't seen Toya yet. I wonder if their back tax budget extends to dressing up for Sheree's housewarming? 

    I also clocked Phaedra's Back Phat when she was twirling for Dwight. At this point, I'm more happy seeing Dwight, Miss Lawrence and cross over cast from Married to Medicine than this bunch of tired heifers! Kandi needs to stop trying to make Riley happen, the kid is not ready for tv, and it's not fair to have her televised in all her teenage awkwardness. I can't even look at Kairo without thinking about him posting that video of himself. I cannot understand why these kids feel the need to do this stuff! 

    What the hell is it with these women and their delusional talk about  'life long legacies'?!! What the hell kind of 'life long legacy' has Porsha created at this stage of her life? Appearing on this show and Dish Nation is flat out embarrassing beside the achievements of Hosiah Williams. She should stay quiet on that topic.

    And I'm totally over Cynthia's THs where she drops her voice at the end and makes that throaty sound. She's trying to be funny, and it was kind of cute the first 15 times, but she's been doing the same routine for seasons now. 

    Sheree still hasn't got a certificate of occupancy, allegedly, so this was more fakery from a franchise that has pretty much descended into scripted territory. Nothing is real. At least they are moving in the right direction by letting Phaedra go. Bring on some women who want to share their REAL lives already.

    • Love 6
  16. I heartily agree. I'm so embarrassed that this group of toxic intellectual slugs is representing my country as part of the housewife franchise. They personify the Sydney that is stereotyped as flashy brash and shallow. What a bunch of poseurs. Athena X is a narcissist who cannot abide attention focused anywhere but on herself. Another one. I guess these types are drawn to try out for the RH franchise and the producers, especially Australian ones, encourage this kind of low rent trashy braggart personality. I can't even feel sad for her background because she continues to inflict that poisonous persona on everyone around her, plus I don't know if I believe her, it was very convenient.

    Victoria could have reclaimed the moral high ground if she'd just been gracious about the Avendi (or whatever) donation and calmly had that Lizzie Buttrose fool ejected promptly from the event. Oh, can we just take a minute to focus on the hilarious juxtaposition of Victoria's 70 year old turtle neck as the ambassador for her 'Wrinkles Schminkles' line (before photo anyone?)? Along with her flogging it at a charity event? I cannot abide that pretentious drawl she effects, her voice could strip paint. The Victor Chang charity is a big deal here, they do great work. I was MORTIFIED that they'd be associated with this. And in typical Aussie television fashion, unable ever as we are to entertain an original concept or idea, we have the thoroughly over exposed Joh Bailey rolled out yet again. The dessicated old fruit evidently makes a living now bleaching hair for ageing divorcee's like Victoria. He should be banned in perpetuity from holding any public role associated with a charity. Or anything, preferably. His inebriated performance as an auctioneer was an insult to the VC charity. They were told what that necklace was worth and the idea was to raise money for the charity and sell the lots, not to insult and alienate the donors and the charity and ensure that some astute witness in the crowd, who realised a bargain could be had from this cluster fuck, walk away with it at an insanely low price. This isn't Bargain Hunters, it's a charity event.

    The squawking harpies surrounding Victoria also ensured that no moral high ground was reached. Instead of doing something useful, like find security, they all start affecting Victoria's noxious drawl and carried on in that wannabe elitist manner about the HAIR on the gatecrasher. If Lizzie Buttrose was not invited, it's a no brainer: have her ejected. These were the same women who were appalled (rightly) that AthenaX would criticise another woman's appearance. This Buttrose thing is another washed up wastoid from the same agency that cast Joh Bailey in this episode (she is the niece of a long running editor of one of our biggest weekly magazines that is now published monthly, but is still called 'Women's Weekly' - work that one out! -and Charles Burrich (sp?) and his interestingly preserved wife a few episodes ago and also on RHOMelb, and Tim Olsen from the art gallery).Cos god forbid we find fresh new blood EVER on Australian tv. 

    Lisa Oldfield is a disgrace and another poseur. I had a herpetologist licence for years and kept snakes like this. They are like goldfish: they don't bond with their owners and carrying one around in the kitchen when you are making cocktails (was that an infomercial, by the way?) is purely for the purposes of seeking attention. I still believe she's got some kind of substance problem. Lisa and Athena have a lot in common. Lisa's whole 'embrace evil' schtick was also so rehearsed. And sad. And AthenaX in her kitchen, did anyone else notice how set up that was? All the ingredients were artfully arranged and there was a chalk board I paused on covered in motivational slogans referring to the other women. That was hilarious. 

    They're all such POSEURS!!! The name dropping and the 5 minute segment of Krissie, Nicole and Melissa on the boat. Yes. The audience doesn't need to hear these women comparing their yacht experiences and the ports that get the best sunset in April, again. Nicole's inner self was displayed when she screeched about her '4 and a half' in response to AthenaX last episode. They are classless, vain and arrogant. 

    I was appalled by this episode. Maybe Mattie came off as the best of the bitches tonight, but she was still huffing through those sofa lips about the travesty of the gate crasher's hair. Victoria is the bitterest of these bitter shrews. I guess she's earned it if the story she tells of her ex husband screwing her best friend while she was upstairs (passed out in a xanax coma, no doubt, while reorganising her handbags alphabetically). And if Victoria hits AthenaX in Singapore, she should be sacked. Because she put her hands on Athena in the first episode also, throwing her shawl (that wasn't a cape. Just because capes were on trend a couple of years ago still doesn't make that thing a cape) into the harbour. The fact that AthenaX hasn't refused to film with her attests to her own limitless thirst. 

    These women are an embarrassment. I can't believe they are making me sentimental for the likes of Pettifleur! 

    • Love 2
  17. 8 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

    I don't understand how anyone who is not on criminal probation (this court case is not criminal, it's family court, which means it's a civil court case) can be thrown in jail for not submitting to a drug test. I'm not sure I agree with that, tbh. why not just rule in the T-Rav's favor and strip Kat of all parental rights until she is able to submit to and pass a drug test? I'm just confused as to how someone who is not on any sort of criminal probation can be forced to take a drug test or face jail time. Not defending Katherine's behavior, just baffled as to how the law works with regards to this. 

    She has no parental rights as of now and hasn't seen the kids for months. Prior to that it was supervised visits. She has to hand over all medical records since 2013. The drug tests they are talking about are hair follicle tests (a rumour went around that TRav passed his by shaving all the hair off his body), these tests show drug consumption from months prior to testing. I don't know how she is going to pay TRav's legal bills. A while ago, he was threatening to sue 'Kathryn's drug dealer' (who he presumably knows?) if Saint showed any neurological damage from Kathryn's behaviour during pregnancy. Shelby (the cousin) said Kathryn openly admitted to using 'Adderall and red wine' every day of her pregnancy, and in court the nanny spoke of finding a bong or some kind of pipe while doing Kathyrn's laundry. The nanny's testimony is particularly compelling. She seems truly outraged at Kathryn treating the children like toys or props and her partying. The day TRav and she went looking for an engagement ring, he says she went out on an errand in the early evening and just didn't return until the wee hours. It's just so hard to support Kathryn on this show anymore. Kathryn's lawyer hasn't been able to get her to submit to a drug test. I think that if there are allegations of drug abuse or use in cases like this, a judge can order the parents take these tests to determine who gets custody and what kind of custody. So it's in Kathryn's interest to pass a drug test asap. I still have suspicions about TRav's connections in the old boy community, I really do, and his passing this kind of test. But this has now gone on for so long and Kathryn seems to be falling over herself to fail. She's basically pissed the judge off now with her stalling, hence the decision/penalty against her with respect to his legal fees. They have to be brutally huge. And she just can't possibly have that kind of money. She's also allegedly living with a man of ill repute (she is saying she's living with her parents at Moncks Corner). It's a mess.

    • Love 2
  18. 15 hours ago, rustyspigot said:

    Any guy that openly hates cousin Shelby is right in my book.

    I instantly hated Shelby too, the high heels and the bikini being devoured by her butt, plus the side eye to the camera as she fell over herself to tattle to TRav..but it turns out that Shelby has stood by Kathryn, or she did until Kathryn became too much to handle after returning from rehab and falling off the wagon, and now Kathryn is slamming her on social media as well. One of the first things Kathryn has said about Shelby is that they are not 'blood related'. Their reference to one another as cousins came from growing up nearby and assuming that they shared heritage, so they have always referred to one another as 'cousin'. Kathryn seems to be going out of her way atm to lose friends and manipulate people. Her attacks on Jennifer Snowden are really hard to explain away or defend, in particular. And in doing so, she's alienated K Cooper Ray also, who's come out to support Jen when Kathryn continued to post publicly and give interviews implying that Jen's son is TRav's child and not her long time boyfriend's. Kathryn seems to be talking to any and every media outlet that'll give her the time of day in the last week. And it's likely connected with the court stuff being made public and the extent of her illness and behaviour being made public. It's getting harder and harder to remain a ride or die Kathryn fan. I feel for her, but as a fan, I can't support her involvement in this show any longer. 

    Who was that guy, from the preview of the season, he's an older man, probably a father of one of the cast, possibly Landon's? He has TERRIBLE colour and looks like he's about to have a heart attack? He seemed to be unhappy about something the cast member was saying. And I have to take a moment to marinate in my ongoing and forever disgust for Landon. That's better. The only amusing thing to have come out of Kathryn's mouth lately is her nickname for Landon "Land-A-Man-Don". Where do they get these people? And are we really supposed to believe that Landon and TRav are considering a proper relationship? That dog walking scene and the 'heart to heart' on the park bench felt so contrived and producer driven. I hope Eliza isn't hit on by TRav and I hope she works out...

    • Love 3
  19. Exactly. This is such a tragic situation. As far as Kathryn is concerned, there have got to be concerns for her safety. She's going to be judged and condemned everywhere. Facing the consequences of her choices in her own children will be beyond challenging. She's got nothing going for her. She's so young, I don't think she finished her college degree and I believe she only worked for a short time for some political campaign? She was trying to sell clothes and accessories online at one stage, I visited the page, but the stuff looked like things she'd worn and discarded, and random bits of jewelry picked up at yard sales. She's certainly not in any shape to provide for these two children right now.

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