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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. 10 hours ago, swankie said:

    Lisa Rinna is a lying liar who lies!!!  How many conversations has she had with Eden that she can't remember saying those things about Kim and Kyle?  This bitch knows exactly what she told Eden.  The whole, "I don't remember" thing is so much bullshit!  What a lying See You Next Tuesday!  I'm just livid right now!!!  Grrrrrr!!!

    She certainly remembered enough to take Eden aside and tell her to stop talking about Kim and Kyle. So somewhere between Kyle's Gatsby party and the Mexico trip, she's lost her memory. Convenient. 

    LVP's drooling was too much. She was literally dancing with glee and in Kyle's ear about the demise of Lisar. Lisar is hardly a worthy adversary for LVP. Try taking on Ericka, that'd be more impressive. 

    10 hours ago, swankie said:

    Rinna, the tears of guilt say it all!

    Those weren't tears of guilt. They were tears of frustration for being caught. 

    • Love 18
  2. 12 minutes ago, Sai said:

    Oh, I forgot to add, LisaR must have studied Erika's video for hours because she knew every single move of that dance, if you can call it that. She couldn't wait for the opportunity to show how cool she is.  She's such a friggin attention whore.  She can't let anyone else have anything.  

    IKR? She's been practicing that damn dance in her bedroom for weeks! She's rolling it out at the first opportunity, no matter what, no matter that she's been caught in a lie spreading vile gossip about her 'friend' Kyle to a flaky newb that no one knows. She's a hustler, goddamit, she's going to OWN that dance if it's the last thing she does!

    It was horrible, I couldn't stop thinking what was going on in skeevy PK's head and whether he was trying to line up a good view. He actually wasn't, probably because he's got his nose lodged right up 'Mo's' arse and in this scene, on the yacht, it was easy to elbow old Ken out of the way so he could lather Mo with compliments about his yacht, his company, the tuna he caught for dinner etc.

    If Maurizio wasn't around, he reverted back to trying to insinuate himself into the women's business. He's more invested in their intrigues and relationships than DodoDorit. Crikey she's vacant. Again, someone told her that the Hermes Birkin is the gold standard of accessories, so she's after the Birkin like all the other wannabes with no original style sense of their own. If it's advertised and it's expensive, these people must have it. Hermes is again laughing all the way to the bank, though they do like to ban the occasional ho who they decide they don't want their brand associated with (Marlo and Nene may be amongst these!)

    The other scary thing about Lisar is she's grooming 2 human beings after her own image. I don't want to see those 2 in THs ever again, so glad they were absent from this episode. I really have issues with privileged and overentitled teens like these two nuff nuffs being rewarded with tv appearances for modeling anorexic eating and participating in dodgy SM apps that may or may not hook up attractive young women with predatory rich old men. Not amusing, not cool, not entertaining. And Lisar endorses this behavior. Ugh. 

    • Love 12
  3. 6 hours ago, BlackMamba said:

    Lisa R doing the painkiller dance had me screeching.   It reminded me of Danielle Staub on Jersey ?


    You are my hero for posting this! 

    I think Lisar was in the throes of 'being caught in a lie PTSD' when she 'performed'. Obviously, she's been studying Ericka, now that her initial and natural instinct to tear her down didn't go over too well with anyone. Always the first to follow the cool girl, I can imagine her slavishly studying all of EJ's oevre and practicing all her moves and facial expressions. Unfortunately, she looks like a toilet brush and has zero of E's natural sexuality and comfort with her own skin. Lisar can never be accused of being comfortable in her skin, that's for sure. 

    I even feel a tiny bit sorry for sock puppet Lisar. She's got all the insight of household lint and she's been caught dead to rights in a nasty lie concerning nasty gossip. She can't get out of her own way in her insatiable and life long quest to be a leader instead of a follower. Her pathetically bleating that she doesn't remember one minute, then attempting to drum up some righteous indignation the next...she's such a loser. And I cannot listen to her mangle 'Tommy Hflningerfingerilger' one more time either. Her daughter had no chance of 'walking' (let's retire that word unless we are fashion designers or model bookers) in a major show on her own merits, but nepotism is the new normal in the new administration!

    and god bless danielle staub! I can't wait to see her back on NJ.

    • Love 18
  4. On 2/14/2017 at 8:43 AM, motorcitymom65 said:

    Maybe because she got to know Lisar and came to like her. Maybe because she doesn't hold a grudge and gets that sometimes a first impression turns out to be wrong once you get to know someone. 

    It's more about Lisar never meeting a bandwagon she can resist being on and a HUGE case of FOMO. Eden, being case in point. Lisar is so recruitable and such a gull for any kind of new age nonsense. The number of times I heard that kind of crap pour from her mouth tonight...'I won't allow it' (I can hear a therapist telling her 'you ALLOWED that to happen'), for example. So Lisar meets Eden and immediately backs the wrong horse, spilling about how she really feels about Kyle and Kim. I don't think she was being in any way caring. She was being vicious and nasty. She does seem to have some insight into her 'people pleasing' behavior, and she should be well aware, by this stage of her life, when she's put her foot in her mouth yet again. There would be that sinking ball of dread in the empty stomach coming home from the meeting. And the second she felt that, this is what should have happened:

    Dial Eden: Hi Eden, it was lovely to meet you and we really connected. Something about me you need to know, though. I can get carried away in the rosy glow of a potential new friendship. I had no right to make those comments about Kim and Kyle and I'd appreciate it if we could expunge them and go forward as if I never said anything.  I'm going to call Kyle and apologise, before this bites me on the ass (like it has done a million times before). THANKS EDEN!! MWAH!!! Hangs up. 

    Dial Kyle: HI Kyle, I've made a terrible mistake. I know I told you that for the sake of continuing our friendship that I'd stop attacking Kim? Well, I met this new girl and I instantly had to share the nastiest thing that I could think of. Yeah, I'm sorry, I went for Kim again. I even said I thought she was close to death and that you were enabling her. I had too many xanax this morning, and I fight so hard to be relevant. I am just a big ole sockpuppet with an inflated labia face sometimes and you don't deserve to be the target of my douchery. I should have gone after Gigi or Pandora. Anyway, heads up. This new girl is a real flake and I'm sorry I sicced her on you. But you know me. I'm Lisa Rinna and I always OWN IT.

    • Love 18
  5. 1 hour ago, swankie said:

    Wasn't Heavenly constantly calling Lisa Nicole's husband gay in an insulting way?  To me, the M2M women are just as crass and full of venom as the RHOA women are.  Their show has had fist fights, name calling and people being threatened also.

    That show has improved since Mariah Huq was voted off the island, and it's anchored by women with legitimate careers and strong relationships. Ups and downs, yes and the usual bitch fighting etc, but there are actual events and real story lines and these women seem to be invested in their real friendships with one another. Lisa Nicole is about to go the way of Mariah, because she is disingenuous and untrustworthy. Heavenly is horrific, but the issues with LN's husband arose because a man appeared at an event and approached one of the women as 'the lover of Lisa Nicole's husband for the last 3 years'. On top of that, her husband is open about infidelity.  It definitely isn't as homophobic as RHOA, I think. Though it has it's moments, the women on this show seem more invested in their relationships with their husbands and each other and building them up, not tearing them down for nothing. Dr Jackie was on RHOA as Kandi's OBGYN and there has been a fair bit of crossover elsewhere. I posted a clip of Marlo with Quad earlier. Certainly this season of Atlanta is inferior to this season of M2M, imo.

    • Love 3
  6. 9 hours ago, AndySmith said:

    I know Wikipedia isn't the best source, but the cast chart (and what is in store for season 12) is looking a bit wonky...

    What did you see that I didn't? I looked at the link and it seemed to be as we've been discussing: Vicki, Tamra, Shannon, Lydia, Kelly for Season 12 (no mention of Brianna Stanko though) and nothing indicating Gretchen will be appearing (whoo!)...what did I miss?

  7. 3 minutes ago, swankie said:

    with Phaedra she barely raised her voice whereas with Porsha, she immediately starts cussing and snapping Porsha's head off.  It seems the only time she hits hard at Phaedra is behind her back with her clique or in talking heads.  That's what it seems like to me anyway.

    Table for 2. I don't get her non commensurate (thanks @ZaldamoWilder it's stuck in my head!) reaction to Porsha. I still think it has something to do with Shamea. I'd heard whispers ages ago about Kandi/Todd/Shamea, but also Kandi/Todd and Porsha too, but I 'so what'd' that back then. Phaedra is the one that I can see really hurting Kandi: their friendship that's fallen by the wayside, Phaedra telling Kandi to rein in MJ and all the spiteful comments Phaedra has made over the last couple of seasons in THs. Porsha is just Phaedra's arm candy half the time. She may be dumb as a sack of hair, but she doesn't come across as nasty, like Ms Parks. Phaedra has messed with Kandi's family and with Kandi's money (the Todd payment) and we all know Kandi's made her boundaries pretty damn clear about those subjects. So Kandi's viciousness towards Porsha seems...non commensurate to me also. Pop that bottle!

    • Love 4
  8. 15 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

    Up front Imma say I've got zip zero stingy with deneiro rights to laugh at anybody else's fear, especially since I'm newly afraid of heights so ziplining makes me shart every time I go

    Are you implying that you know you're gonna shart and ... YOU STILL GO?!!

    I'm also a bit fascinated by 'newly afraid'?? Whatever your heights story is, I'm more interested in it than what I saw this episode

    13 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

    Marlo can go to hell. I don't even know why production even allows her on their sets. She's old as hell, looks old as hell, doesn't really have much connection to the cast, and is nothing but a label whore without any real taste. Show me something she can put together stylishly without displaying a logo or tag and then talk to me about how well she dresses.

    Agree totally, except age has zero to do with it: 



    • Love 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Jel said:

    Is "Ask Marlo" a actual thing or is she desperately trying to make it one? Does not seem to be happening either way.  The remark about Kenya's mom was really cruel.

    She needs to get off the show. Or I need to stop watching.

    I believe Marlo is indeed desperately trying to make it a thing, and she has a series on YouTube that hasn't done so well..."Marlo's Closet". Funky Dineva has some opinions about that and about Quad's involvement in it! Marlo is really quick to take advantage of any publicity, she makes memes for example, anything  for a shot at relevancy.  Axe Marlo was one of those, I'm pretty sure it came up on my Twitter feed just after last episode aired.


    • Love 1
  10. 10 hours ago, Aging Goth said:

    He wants her money and he wants to keep his control over her so the longer he can keep the marriage going he has control.  Went through that myself and I still married to that fool after 20 years because he continuously contests it.  That is what Apollo is doing with Phaedra.  The marriage can only be resolved quickly if both parties agree.  I truly feel he is doing this to continuously hurt her.

    I feel for you. However, this isn't what happened with Phaedra. She is a lying liar who lies. She has said repeatedly that she is getting a divorce, is filing for a divorce etc, when she has done NO SUCH THING. Until recently, with the documents she filed being misspelled by HER so that the court would be forced to throw them out, Phaedra had taken no steps. She had led everyone to believe that she was and that's why it's so infuriating. It's likely that she's fed tabloids or at least hasn't corrected them when over the last couple of years they've run stories on Phaedra's divorce from Apollo. This is why Kandi and MJ and others are now questioning her. I have nothing but sympathy for women in the situation you were in and my own situation, but Phaedra hasn't been truthful. She's allowed this fiction to continue and it's now Apollo filing for divorce. Not Phaedra. Maybe this is what she wanted all along, who knows. But my issue is with Ms Parks dishonesty and her perpetuation of the 'Phaedra is filing for divorce' story. Look for receipts. Apart from the recently filed misspelled papers that were rejected, Phaedra has not filed for divorce.

    • Love 8
  11. Rumors about next season and who will have to go to accommodate the likely return of Kim and Nene: 


    "It’s been rumored that both Kim Zolciak-Biermann and Nene Leakes will be returning for season 10 of RHOA. But in order for that to happen, a few peaches must be snatched.

    For the record, I predict at least two season 9 ‘housewives’ will not be returning for season 10 and both of their names begin with ‘P’."


  12. 3 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    There's just too much angst and shade about things going on behind the scenes....  they all need to either let it all out on camera or shut the eff up. It's just too confusing for us poor viewers!

    Absolutely. In fact they named this episode 'If these Woods Could Talk' and we are expected to suck that up, because half the stuff going on hasn't been filmed for us. This is a really irritating season.

    • Love 4
  13. 2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    Kandi said Porsha has had some sexual encounters with women in the past, but here she is clutching her pearls

    But when? All I saw was Porsha at the table where Sheree and Phaedra were stirring the pot, when they were supposed to have been on a filming break but were still mic'd up. this is where Phaedra makes that disgusting movement with her hands and whispers 'Shamea' about Kandi. I saw Porsha devouring the tea, but I didn't see her judge the situation. I can imagine hearing this may have thrown Porsha off guard at the time. Shamea being Porsha's bestie for 10 years or whatever. Poor Porsha was probably trying to make sense of what Phaedra was saying, why she was saying it and how best to proceed given Phaedra is Frack to her Frick and Shamea is her bestie. I feel sorry for her, but i never saw her make a judgement about the allegation. Did I miss something ?

    • Love 7
  14. 2 hours ago, Misslindsey said:

    Is Phaedra officially divorced? I do not really follow these ladies when the season is over.

    Absolutely not. Not even close. She allows the gossip sites to claim she's divorced, but she's not. She filed some papers where she deliberately misspelled Apollo's (and her) surname, they got thrown out. As an attorney, this cannot have been an accident. For some reason, she wants people to think she's divorcing him, but she's holding off. The whole situation stinks to high heaven. 

    • Love 11
  15. 2 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    I want to know why Kandi is still going in on Porsha now, on SM/interviews, when she knows this all started with Phaedra? Why is Kandi so afraid of Phaedra that she doesn't call her out now that she knows where these rumors started....Phaedra? What does Phaedra have on her? LOL

    IKR. All I can think is Shamea AND the relationship between Todd and Apollo. Apollo's belongings stashed in their garage. I don't understand Porsha being the whipping boy for whatever is going on between these two and I resent that whatever it is, we as an audience are not privy to it. It's playing out disjointed and it doesn't make sense. Evidently the show isn't done with exploiting Apollo yet either, bringing his jailhouse fiancee with the engagement ring made out of jailhouse dispenser paper towel onto the show to stir things up at the opening of Kandi's restaurant. So that's Block they've hauled onto the show and now this woman. They are really reaching.

    Honestly, I said over in the Married to Medicine thread that I'm actually enjoying that show more than this one now. We actually got SL there, and women who let us into their lives. Dr Jackie, Simone, Heavenly, Quad & Genise should be elevated to Atlanta Housewives! They can leave Lisa Nicole and Mariah, though!

    • Love 6
  16. I don't think Shannon is tough enough for what's coming. I really wonder if the 'fat' she complains about so much is actually alcohol bloat. Her relationship with alcohol has been brought up in earlier seasons, and it played a factor in the whole Shannon calling the cops on David for domestic abuse situation: Shannon said that she'd been drinking when she did that and she was never in any danger. 

    I'll probably tune in, to be honest, just to see what Brianna brings and how Lydia is doing. But I can't stomach Kelly. Vicki still coasts on residual affection for what are now the carefree woohoo years of Lake Havasu and Andales, but it's a mighty thin residue eclipsed by the cancer scam. Vicki will get Tamra back, Shannon will be alienated and have a breakdown is my prediction. Shannon is just not that interesting by herself or strong enough to do anything about the Vicki/Tamra axis of evil. 

    • Love 3
  17. This episode was a joke, no SL was furthered in the making of it. A bonding camping trip, where very little happens. Seriously, does anyone, in 2017 care what Kandi's sexuality is? She's married, just had a baby. I just don't care what she does, I'm not interested and I'm bored with it. It irks me to give the whole thing oxygen because it's deeply homophobic. What I noticed was all the attention being focused on Porsha. I didn't find her 'memory loss' disingenuous. I found it believable, because what Kandi or anyone else does is not memorable. We all know that the origin of the nastiest rumours was Phaedra. Kandi noticed her gulping wine and looking all afeared. So why continue to gaslight Porsha? It's probably to do with something we as viewers haven't been privy to, like the Shamea situation. Shamea was Porsha's friend, she's being connected to Kandi. By Phaedra. I'm seeing Kandi going really hard at Porsha, who is coming off as quite chill and thoughtful. The previews show Kandi with bugging eyes and bulging veins threatening someone. I'm sure Phaedra doesn't need homophobic slurs on her record if she's making a run at politics. Or maybe that IS what her constituency wants. I don't know. But why is Phaedra getting a pass here?

    • Love 8
  18. Has Phaedra always had cheeks that come to a point when she grimaces or smiles?

    And I didn't see Phaedra or Cynthia jump, did they? Phaedra was certainly all kitted out with the bungee straps etc. And Marlo looks such a twit with her obnoxious conspicuous consumption: the gold bottle she had in one hand and the bedazzled bug spray in the other on the paddleboat, the gucci hair wrap, thigh high boots and a fur wrap at a dinner where they're all sat on bench seats?...style isn't about labels. I was kind of keen for Marlo to become a ho, but she's a one note. Anyone can open up a link and get out their credit card. Or someone else's. Allegedly.

    The squealing and screaming they all do about bugs, the outdoors, water, dirt...tired. I've been paddleboating and so have my kids since forever. It's slow and hot and boring, gives the legs a work out. We usually got tired of it right quick and leapt into the water, no matter WHAT was in it. The way this lot carry on..humans wouldn't have evolved. I'm an Aussie, so we see flies, cockroaches, possums, toads, ibis, scrub turkeys, dive bombing magpies and plovers on the daily. Unless you want to sit in an aircon cube all your life, you quickly work out these things are always more worried about you than you are about them. Except the birds during nesting season. They hurt. 

    Loving Porsha at the moment, she's being authentic where the opposite is true for most of the rest of the cast. I know that's not a particularly popular opinion, but I'm starting to really pull for Porsha.

    • Love 12
  19. I don't watch Kim's show either, but I'm definitely looking forward to her appearance later on where she goes at Kenya. 

    Regarding the gun, her son had to write something for school on what he loved about his father and he wrote 'he lets me hold his real gun'. This caused a huge kerfuffle. I haven't seen pictures of him actually holding it though. Kim went on the defence saying all the guns are unloaded and locked up etc. Also this week, Kim posted a photo of herself in the sea, that was very altered looking and was asked by another guest at the upscale resort they were at (Turks and Caicos I believe) to please be a little quieter on the beach. A lot of drama for one week. What I HAVE heard rumors about, are that given Kroy is not working anymore, as in playing football, Kim is going to need a good source of income. Allegedly she is a fan of the casino..

    • Love 2
  20. And this: it's supposed to be Wendy weighing in on Kim and Nene returning for Season 10...what did Nene do to Wendy????

    7 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:

    Please tell me they only made that one cause I can't see that shit selling out.

    Snap, you are so right. I bet this is some kid of one of the boutique owner's attempt at fashion design. Because SURELY they can't have sold more?

    • Love 2

    On 2/2/2017 at 6:50 AM, cooksdelight said:

    "I feel like a Yeti" BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

    Well, Nene has the perfect fashion forward piece for her! Seriously Nene?!! This is from her 'Swagg' or whatever it's called boutique. No. Just No, Nene. This is hideous. 

    • Love 5
  22. 12 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    At least Yo and Rinna had supposed age restrictions (17) before they were allowed to start.  Camille - WTF?

    IKR. And seriously Camille, how did modelling work out for you? Sure, Camille has money and producer credits, but she also has a creepy narcissist of an ex husband who won't even speak to her to co parent, and she's had a go around with cancer. I don't know why I expect any of the participants in these shows to actually have a functioning brain. 

    • Love 6
  23. 9 hours ago, lololol said:
    14 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

    Is this the lady trip of the season or does it come later on when they go to Hong Kong?


    ErICKa. FUGLY outfit. She looks like a drag queen

    i don't know...Lisar in her Joan Rivers sparkly evening jacket teamed with 'I'm young and hip and happening, baybeeee' Converse is definitely giving Erika's allegedly fashion forward ensemble a run for its money. No doubt Erika could justify it with a label, like the tshirt dress of yore. How young and fresh does Eileen look in the midst of this pack of drag queens?

    • Love 2
  24. Eden Sassoon interviewed in the Huffington Post, obviously by a younger 'fangirl' dude. I had great issues making sense of anything she said. She is so nauseatingly self congratulatory, and she uses phrases like 'my truth' and 'my journey' as much as Yolanda. Except she's not as interesting as Yolanda. Take the following piece of wisdom:

    'I had two children; how dare my mother do what she did to me? I love her for it, because I would not be the woman I am today. I listened to my higher powers and it hit me hard. Whatever anyone believes, he or she took it away.'

    What does that last sentence even mean? The continual horse puckey about what a wonderful woman she is today. What exactly has Eden Sassoon done? Apart from the accident of birth that makes her the daughter of Vidal, and being a Pilates Instructor and a Sober Woman? She carries on as if she has won a Nobel Peace Prize or has solved malaria. And I thought she only had one kid? Certainly we've only met one boy, who seemed to bounce of the walls IIRC. And she continues to be referred to as a 'housewife of BH'. She's not. But she's not designated 'Friend Of' either (there is a reason for that, she doesn't have any. She was brought on as Lisar's friend, but Lisar has since distanced herself after blabbing that Kim Richards is Near Death/Kyle is her Enabler etc). So, does anyone know what she is? 


    More nonsense: 

    'Having to deal with every single one of these women, I managed and I learned so much and I think you see a side to me that may be who I am today, but a side of who I was then. Then you will see it unfold; it’s truly fabulous and it sets me up for me coming back out of my shell. What’s going to happen next season who knows? I do feel very strong though.'

    I swear I've taken none of this out of context, this is how the flake rambles on. It'd just be curious, but she has some demented followers who become cultishly overinvested in her on SM, including the 'head of a lesbian cult' allegation on Twitter. I truly don't get her appeal. Please explain?

    • Love 9
  25. 9 hours ago, QuiteContraryMoni said:

    Kyle's extensive surgery and fillers appear to be paying off, but her clothes still wear her, rather than the other way around

    I agree wholeheartedly with this. Kyle is constantly swamped in her clothes. This episode, the blue skirt and the off the shoulder top she had on were ghastly, my eyes were ping ponging back and forth between LVP with the hair piled on top of her head and Kyle's strange ensemble during their talk about What Rinna Said to Eden. At this stage of her life, with her scripted series happening and everything else, Kyle should hire a REPUTABLE stylist and take heed. She's very attractive but her clothing choices are off. And she's in the boutique business! 

    I still have the image of her from episodes ago, in a pleated satin skirt and bomber jacket burned on my retinas. Kyle is quite short and she's curvy too. So pleats and flared skirts are just not her friend, even with the highest of heels. She looks good in jeans and tailored shirts that are body skimming, and most of her cocktail looks are great, but she seems (like we all do) to see something sometimes and love it so much, she HAS to wear it when she can't.

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