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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. 3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

    IMO, it's Erika who is making the bigger deal out of all of this.  Hey, this is the woman who wears a necklace that says 'cunty' and thinks the word is cool.  Dorit gives her a joke gift about exposing it and Erika gets all bent out of shape. 

    I agree. Dorit, who is viscerally repulsive to me, came for Erika. Erika could easily have chosen to deprive it of oxygen, and initially this looked like the road she was taking. Erika did look genuinely stunned when Dorit 'confronted' her about her flashing. So, applause to production for keeping the whole witches brew under wraps (at least from Erika, everyone else knew). I think being stunned had her off balance. I think Erika WANTS to be 'that girl' who 'owns' wearing a necklace with 'c**ty' on it....actually, given the Rinna spawn have their own nametag necklaces in their own THs, I'd like to view Erika's necklace as a subsonic shade missile, but unfortunately we know it dates from last season. Anyway, Erika was stunned and I think we were genuinely seeing  her come to terms with the revelation that everyone knew, maybe everyone saw and EVERYONE was definitely talking about it. That's some mean girl 101 stuff right there, which led to the comment that women like Dorit is what makes hanging with girls suck. Why didn't Eileen or Kyle call Erika and give her a heads up? Just as a matter of propriety, if not out of friendship? I think Erika is genuinely hurt on this front as well, and so she should be. It sets up an inevitable showdown with Dorit, who I sincerely hope is a one and done. All that gushing about how much she LOVES LVP over at least 2 THs last episode only made me think that she doesn't know LVP really well, or for very long.

    • Love 6
  2. Wow, breezy424, from that angle, it looks like PK, Kyle AND Dorit on the opposite couch, could see and even LVP if she looked sideways. Sigh. I didn't see how the angles during the scene at the time of viewing actually lined up for there to have been more than an unfortunate glimpse. And I have to wonder about this photo even, because some filters with those 360 degree view things, can distort lines. I don't know. 

    • Love 1
  3. 4 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

    It's a difference of opinion -- and I suspect, life experience. Hey, if you want to believe that Ken and Lisa are wonderful employers, who never talk down to people, awesome for you. I just happen to think differently. Going back and forth will change neither my opinion or yours. Have a great evening

    I've heard/read complaints about treatment of staff and 'lessers' in general from the Todd's. Latest I could remember seeing is this from the Tamara Tattles website https://tamaratattles.com/2016/03/29/james-kennedys-mother-allegedly-stole-kristen-doutes-credit-card-tons-more-pumprules-tea/# , where one of the VPR servers, Kristen, says Lisa and Ken called her 'girl' instead of her actual human being name for a long time when she began employment. 

    This argument also reminds me of Jeff and Gage and Zoila and Zoila's many assistants over the years. Is Zoila truly happy working for Jeff and Gage? (not always, although there were perks), how did the assistants work out? (Many truly did seem lazy, some quit with no notice, but this is JLD here, so...). The thing is, no one wants to work minimum wage cleaning people's houses and responding to their every whim. The people that do it are often marginalized, disenfranchised and powerless or they are after something. Very rarely do you find someone who genuinely has a 'calling' as a housekeeper. 

    At one stage, I paid thousands (close to 2k) a week for 2 nannies/housekeepers. It wasn't an easy gig, being split shift, 4 kids and animals everywhere. I had people I had to sack because of drugs, another woman I discovered after she was 'let go' for dishonesty, had also cleaned me out of about 5k I had stashed in my bedroom, which was off limits. I was lucky it wasn't my jewellry, because that was what she was after. So, I get what WireWrap was saying about how it is hard to find someone to trust, especially after experiences like these, to work in your home, in your sanctuary and safe place, with your children and pets. People don't want to do this job. They want their own lives and I encountered a lot of resentment and entitlement from some of the staff I had referred. You're hoping for that Mary Poppins type retainer who becomes part of the family, and that is pretty much a myth. 

    I think LVP loves being the centre of all the millennial drama on VPR. I think some of her problematic behavior here on RHs is because she doesn't sufficiently moderate her VPR persona. I just saw an episode of VPR where she walks in to Sur and the greeter girl tells her she got a part in a movie. LVP immediately makes a 'porn flick' comment...that wouldn't and I think shouldn't fly with her peers on this show. She thinks she's being edgy and funny, it's just not. When did it become cool to cop to watching/enjoying/performing in pornography? I wish I could unhear LVP saying she enjoys it from time to time, images rise unbidden....

    • Love 4
  4. Such a relief to see Ken looking animated and happy, after last week. He was glowing and excited around the rescue dogs, especially the lovely fellow he got to shave. And I can't believe this was probably my favourite part of the episode. Dorit is a toad and a toady (LVP's specifically). What's wrong with her cleavage? Is that a bad boob job? It's like a less atrocious version of Tori Spelling's, circa 2006/7. Maybe it's next on the list as she recovers from Phoenix's birth. She was slavering with delight when she finally got to go into 'Pantygate' with Eileen and Lisar, her pupils were dilated. Silly rabbit. And future pawn sacrifice for LVP.

    Furthering 'crotch chronicles' as Eileen so delightfully put it, was an eyelash even batted when Luanne was on 'Snatch guard' duty in Atlantic City with Sonja literally on her back, pantiless, scissoring her legs on a stage? How many times have we seen Lady Morgan's nether regions? There was that time and there was the time she was doing her 'caburlesque' party and she had the Marie Antoinette wig on with the too short skirt and a lot of ass hanging out and from memory, there was more? Maybe NYC is more 'European' that BH. And the escape room...they just did that on RHOA. It was a snooze that time too. Why all this rehashing of crap-the-first-time-round storylines?

    • Love 10
  5. Satin and lace are not doing you any favors, Kyle. Keep the flesh coloured frothy atrocities to your knicker drawer. Last week, in NYC, she was wearing a pleated satin skirt, with a 'retro' letterman jacket over the top. And it swamped her, even in heels. However, I probably wouldn't have noticed if this ep wasn't such a yawn, so far. Good on Rinna for flogging a squillion of those Kim K inspired duster things in a heatwave. 'Cool' is stretching it, but they did look very Lisar. And it won't just be 'Harry Hamlin' she'll be supporting, it'll be those wastrel offspring that she'll be needing to keep in name tag necklaces and tracking devices for the next couple of decades.

    • Love 6
  6. On 12/19/2016 at 5:01 AM, cooksdelight said:

    @theajw, maybe they'll cook for the cast of "Southern Charm" and drunk Thomas will show up. LOL

    YES please! Sadly (!) my love of Southern Charm rekindled my fascination with things Southern (history, on a serious note, but food as well) and that's why I've tuned in for the first time to Top Chef. Now I'm watching old seasons and loving it. I'm waiting for JD to show up, given he has Sirmet's restaurant and is shilling his bourbon on SC It may not happen, though, because JD is apparently not really a Charlestonian. And from what I've read and seen, there will be far more laudable and iconic chefs and gourmands out of Charleston that will get a look in first. I don't think I've even spotted the Ravenel bridge yet on the show. We could also hope for Shep, because he's into opening those 'dive bars' with food to match. They've done concession stand challenges before, maybe a Southern bar food type challenge? And I'm sure Shep, who is actually Southern and educated, could bring something to the Judge's table.

    • Love 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    Except that story is Not true. I stayed in a hotel by myself in NYC was 14, spent three days in Paris by myself when I was 16 and managed to survive, have a great time and fo nothing that would ge t me in trouble with my parents.

    I'd only read Debbie's account of this. She was still abducted, she assumed it was Bundy. Unless she's outright lying about the whole thing. NYC was a different place in the 70s and 80s, that's for sure. Like all cities, there are areas that are safer than others to outsiders. Young girls can be silly. Not all young girls, and I did all right as a late teenager on my own in big cities also, prior to cell phones and the internet. Delilah, Amelia and their mother don't strike me as overendowed in the brain department. 

    • Love 3
  8. 6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    isa might have lost her mind, leaving a 15 & 19 year old alone in NYC???  I am sure they have a credit card or two so they won't starve but honestly, at their ages judgment is dicey.  Hasn't Lisa ever seen Taken?

    IKR! The story that jumped into my mind was Debbie Harry (from Blondie) who got into TED BUNDY'S CAR in NYC and had to smash her way out with a clog she was wearing at traffic lights. 

    • Love 3
  9. 8 hours ago, Giselle said:

    Not saying that Erica found it demeaning. I think she rather enjoys the reactions she fishes for.

    Yeah, and then she makes a big deal out of 'my STAGE persona is Erika Jayne, don't confuse that with shy retiring introverted Erika Girardi'. Erika herself is mixing up what she's projecting, so if she's confused, it's hardly fair to fault those that hardly know her for their confusion. My tongue is slightly in my cheek with that. But Pk is a skeevy sleaze and Dorit is a dill. 

    A few people have raised concerns for Giggy's health. One poster even wondered if he'd been stuffed. My concerns are for Ken. He's looking pretty slowed down and a little doddery, poor thing. I know he's been an ass from time to time, but I feel sympathy for him and I'm wondering if he's not going through some larger health issue. A hip replacement is a pretty big deal, although common even at much younger ages for some people. He's just looking....slow and tired.

    • Love 10
  10. 8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

    PK doesn't seem to understand what self-deprecation means.  It's not insulting others, dumbass.   You'd think the "self" in the word would be self-explanatory. 

    And did you notice that LVP was right alongside agreeing with him? The self proclaimed expert on humor, with a double major in British humor?! Thankyou, this comment really bugged me. The reason why, I've realised, is that LVP has made such a big deal about her nasty digs being just British humor. And now she's telling us that this humor is self deprecating. Well, that's all and well, but one thing LVP does NOT find the least bit humorous is when someone 'deprecates' her! The DWTS extreme fainting scene that was called out by Kim and Kyle, for example. Eileen gifting Erika with the realtor role on the Young and the Restless. LVP has NO sense of humor when it comes to herself. What she does have is really cliched double entendre 'Benny Hill' type humor (terrible British comedian who had his own show with exactly this.) the whole 'rubber' watchband scene, the Kyle needs knickers scene. It was amusing when she made the initial crack about it, like 'mine would be too small for you', that was funny, but it also took a small dig at Kyle's insecurities. And the endless ENDLESS cracks about her sex life with Ken. I don't want to be reminded, thankyou Lisa.

    None of this would be as unbearable is she had a modicum of humor about  herself. She CANNOT laugh at herself, unless it's truly self deprecating and she's controlling it. No one else can 'take the piss' out of LVP the way she CONSTANTLY does with all the others, except she does it to wound. 

    • Love 15
  11. 8 hours ago, nexxie said:

    Way to go making Delilah's meeting about you, Lisa! Nobody wants to hear about your narrow hips and birth canal. 

    My 13 year old son was watching this segment with me while we ate dinner. He immediately picked up on Lisar's monotonous ability to make every scene, story, anecdote and TH about herself. The woman is a fool and I have to wonder why Delilah needs her own name hung around her neck. Actually, no I don't, because as Lisar repeatedly told us, she's her mother's daughter. She said 'Harry Hamlin' 3 times in that first couple of segments and LVP made 4 really pathetically lame 'rubber' jokes in the watch shop with her new bestie, . These women are really in love with their own schtick. Please, please, please can we not have THs of Lisar's kids! Wtf was that?! They had more than 2, I don't want to have to start ff through even more Lisar scenes. Those girls are never going to be in the Hadid sisters' league and Gigi and Bella didn't get their own THs, or at least I don't remember if they did? 

    I feel sorry for Eileen, having lost so many people in a short amount of time also. You really don't feel 'fit for human consumption'. No one wants to be around grieving, depressed people. I wonder if that's why she's filming by herself so much. I had to wonder where her good friend Lisar was, you'd think they'd have at least featured a show of support phonecall like Yo used to get on her couch in her bathrobe. I'm so glad production chose to remind us of the scenes where LVP is so thirsty for an acting role, now that Eileen gave Erika a part in her show. LVP is severely put out by this and Eileen is not going to go unpunished.

    Funniest moment for me was when Erika was lecturing about fashion faux pas  (VPL) when she appeared in the t'shirt dress last week! And she couldn't help herself name dropping another designer this episode either. I'm beginning to wonder whether she's hoping for free samples. She'll have to dance a bit of that weight off if she's serious, the cameras were very unforgiving of her cellulite during the whole shock! horror! commando! cue endless 'rumpy pumpy' LVP quips, scene at the bar before the party. It was all a bit of a letdown, Erika hardly went hard on Dorit and evidently the white party (is that the only kind of party they're having in BH these days? Kyle really started something big with that) they were all attending must have been pretty low key, unless that is where next week's action goes down.

    I really hope Dorit's son isn't autistic. I felt sad when the nanny pulled up and was conveying concern about the speech therapy. If Dorit is so worried, she should be taking her son herself, it's not as if she DOES anything. Apart from accompany LVP on shopping sprees. Maybe if she shows up with Jagger at the therapist's office, she'll be called out for her wonky pretentious accents and lisping on and off. Or maybe she really CAN'T help it and her son's issue is actually inherited. I doubt it, but who knows. 

    I was surprised we didn't see Bethenny pop up when Kyle was in New York. With Luanne licking a window, trying to get in on the action! Maybe that's why Lisar 'happened' to bump into her in NY (or at least that is what the episode description said at the top of this thread, it didn't look accidental to me!)

    • Love 10
  12. 3 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

    rika lives in Pasadena, LVP in Beverly Hills, and Kyle lives in Bel Air. I wouldn't say Erika's home is in a superior income bracket...

    From a real estate perspective, I see what you're saying, and Tom has probably worked for his money, but there does seem to be an awful lot of it about there. I think I remember the private jet/s being owned/leased by Tom's firm, but they certainly seem to be available to Erika and friends when requested. Their home is on a magnificent scale too. I think Erika's money and connections (through Tom) serve to fill the void Yo's vacancy created and they were in Malibu. I think Tom is a seriously wealthy man

    • Love 1
  13. Thanks WireWrap, that puts a different spin on things then, I really thought Erika was brought in for Yo, and assumed a previous relationship. Interesting, because if that wasn't the case, then it looks like she came in more as competition for LVP and to replace Yo. I imagine Erika's house is in a different and superior income bracket to LVP and everyone else in this franchise. Eileen has a separate identity and power due to her acting chops in a movie town. So Erika and Eileen are likely going to balance out LVP and Kyle and Dorit. Lisar's head must be spinning trying to work out who the 'cool girls' are going to be, so she can angle to eat at their lunch table. Lol. And when the Sassoon woman appears, I wonder where she ends up? I saw Kyle being ..diplomatic when asked about her recently, so maybe the other team, or maybe she didn't work out. Did she get a diamond?

  14. 3 minutes ago, Inspectabecky said:

    I remember that anecdote about Erica and Tom being very telling. Obviously Tom must trivialize her singing career for her to be staying up at night getting riled up enough to wake him up and retort lol.  Interesting to get a glimpse of what's going on there.

    Mmmhmm. I can't wait to find out what Erika means when she is sobbing 'you don't know what i deal with every night' or similar. Very out of character for either Erika or Erika Jayne. There have been other telling moments that seem to allude to the nature of their relationship. Like the dinner with LVP where he said 'go to your room, Erika' and called LVP a crocodile (niiiiice!). And the way he looked at Kathryn when she was being a drunken twit at the table with them (not sure if that was the same night, it was all in the 'introducing Erika' episodes last season).

    Whatever is going on, it seems to involve Erika catering to certain needs and/or lifestyle that Tom is rich and powerful enough to pursue with how many fcks? I'm sure his family and colleagues must have been horrified at him marrying a cocktail waitress with a 20 something year old son, 40 plus years his junior. But Tom can obviously live life exactly the way Tom wants to live life. Erika is submissive with him whenever they're together under the guise of extending him respect. She's also overgushy about how much she adores him and how much he fulfils her etc etc. He's spent a fortune financing Erika Jayne because that's some major money going out in glam squad salaries and backup dancers and choreographers. She's paying for it somehow.

    And Erika is not your typical trophy wife beanpole/lollypop like Taylor. She gets chunky from time to time. Now is one of those times, she really did look bizarre in that Moschino tshirt with her hair out in a mane, like she'd just rolled away from the sick bucket on the bathroom floor. I did cheer when she came down the stairs though, given the sheer waste and ostentation going on at Dorit's party. 

    Given Erika was Yo's bestie last season right through the time that Yo was getting shitcanned by The King, it makes me wonder whether they are bonded over some difficult bedroom dynamics that are very much behind the scenes. Yo has made a career out of marrying superwealthy men (Mohammed Hadid and David Foster). These men can have some bizarre needs and habits. I'm getting that vibe from Erika and I'd love to know more, but I'm sure everything surrounding men like these is super discreet. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

    • Love 2
  15. 4 hours ago, ghoulina said:

    I was one who made a comment about them drinking it in bed. It wasn't about it possibly spilling or something. I didn't mean they need to be at the table. It looked, to me, like they had their jammies on and were IN bed for the night. I'm a stickler about dental hygiene and kids shouldn't drink drinks in bed and then just go to sleep. That's what my comment was about. I hope they got back out and brushed their teeth!

    That scene set my clean bodies and bedlinen OCDs ajingling and ajangling too! I feel ya.

    (by 'bodies', i'm naturally including teeth)

    • Love 2
  16. Mark. What an asshat. Are you seriously thinking that there is 'more' to Third Person Jenna? And I want to see the damn receipts on that math degree she's always dropping. And whatever other new accomplishment she was banging on about this episode. And this is indeed the 3rd episode where she refers to herself in the third. And that's 3 too many. I can't stand grown women who clap their hands and say 'yay' in little girl voices. When did that start? Cos it needs to stop also.

    And WHERE does Gibbons Life source these dark haired thick eyebrowed girls (Nikita and Cynthia), with the droll delivery and 'one of the boys' mentality (Cynthia)? There was one in 'Apres Ski', I can't remember her name, who was also besties and slept in the same bed with one of the male workers. Except IIRC, the Apres Ski guy was gay and out about it. 

    I LOVED Jamie in his onesie making the call to the big boss to get his ass out of the skillet with fcktard Mark. It was the wrong move as a manager, but again I felt for the poor guy having to adult in a house full of special snowflakes who are appalled that their jobs require them to work and answer to a boss. Gibbons Life says it provides luxury experiences in Whistler to clientele who can afford it. Yet they seem to have put very little effort into ensuring this happens seamlessly. There MUST be a recognised hierarchy, and since Katie quit, Joey (big mistake, you're the CEO, you should be Joe) should have stepped in and identified who fit where and how it was to work. Presumable, Katie got hired and had time to absorb her job description and prepare herself for it. Now Jamie has stepped in, unprepared. He needs to harden the f**k up with these asshats. I'm glad to see the Aussies at least representing, with Louise supporting Jamie and Blake not being an asshole. See Mark, it's really not hard. Don't be an asshole. 

    Nikita needs to go. Jamie should have alerted Joey to potential problems there in order to have her shitcanned at the first possible opportunity. She is Ben Robinson Mach II. The customer is always right, Nikita. And if she wants to have the entire crew eat at the table, then get Mark to run into town with a list and break a couple more eggs and fry a few more pancakes and maybe your tip would have been 300 instead of 200. Hopefully the rest of the crew will start realising the deficit may be down to Nikita in future, because irritating, alpha and nasty as Mark is, the outdoors crew are getting their job done to the guests liking so far.

    I don't get the default attitude of hostility with this crew/cast. Louise and Blake, as I've said seem more prepared this episode to just get on with it and do the work. But the rest of them? It's like they MUST have someone to hate and poor sad Jamie is the guy. I think he's too sensitive for this role, with all his 'if you don't mind' type instructions to the bolshy Nikita and Mark. Those 2 aren't going to respect anything less than AUTHORITAAAA. The only mitigating factor I saw for the unlovely Nikita was her quiet word toward the end where she says to Louise (I think/hope, because if it was anyone else, they are too self involved to recognise the importance and take it to Jamie) where she says that she is stuck indoors the entire time while everyone else gets to have fun outside and mingle with the guests. This is true to an extent. Jamie could win 'hearts and minds' by making a big deal of trying to include Nikita and organising for her to participate somehow.

    Mark is going to sandbag and whiteant Jamie until one of them goes. I'm actually waiting for a gay slur to come out of his ugly mouth. We need a Cpt Lee here to tell Mark and Jenna that spreading their disgusting snowflake DNA all over the master suite was 'screwing the pooch' and here's a ticket home. Mark obviously thinks he's indispensable, but others have fallen from similar positions and their underling has stepped up and done a better job in a heartbeat. That would be Mark's protege Colton. He's laid back and still clever and appears willing to work also, which is an asset when you have a job.

    Lastly, was the primary, cheese integrity woman actually married to Jimmy from the mob??! Were those their kids? I don't see it.

    • Love 3
  17. 4 hours ago, swankie said:

    I see that whole babysitting thing as being producer driven.  The whole thing is just a tie in for Porsha's storyline of wanting to have children.  We all know that Phaedra has nannies and also her mother babysits a lot of the time.  Phaedra was never in need of Porsha's services.  Speaking of Phaedra's mother, she is such a good grandmother.  She's miles ahead of Joyce in that department.  Phaedra's kids are very lucky to have a grandmother who actually likes having them with her.

    I agree with you Swankie, for some reason the quote attributed to me in your post was actually a quote I had posted so that I could say pretty much exactly what you said!! Confused? I am! I wonder why this happened?

    • Love 1
  18. 3 hours ago, WireWrap said:

    I read AS book, I am not convinced Phaedra was the "brains" of it all as AS claimed. I do think she knew what Apollo was up and acted as his attorney giving him/them advice but not that she set it all up. As for this latest Apollo crime spree, I don't think she was a part of it at all but I do think she knew or, at the very least, suspected that he was up to no good but could not get him to go straight even though I believed she tried in the beginning. Hence all her hair brained ventures like owning/running a funeral home.

    Is the book worth reading? I'm in Australia, so it'd be Amazon, not likely to be ordered in for me through our local library system and not much resale value at the 2nd hand bookstore here either, I'd imagine !

    Also, I wonder if MJ was charging Apollo rent on the dl for 'storing' his boys toys on Kandi's property?! I'm joking, but that woman is always and only about the coin. I've never understood the attraction with Apollo. Not just from woman ie. Kenya, but Peter and Todd. This is why I find it surprising that Todd was considered close enough to Apollo for him to turn to to 'help a brother out' with concealing his property. Whoever put it in their garage must have known it was going to be a risk. There is a story here and I want the tea!

    And really, what HAS happened to Todd's daughter? We were introduced to her last season and a room and quarters were created for her and there was the discussion on parenting and now...nothing. Wonder how that worked out. Is she back in New York? Is she the only one who has stood up to MJ's disgusting treatment of Sharon and voted with her feet? I want to know this too.

    • Love 4
  19. 5 hours ago, Sai said:

    Young boys are a handful!  I thought she handled it very well.  And what a good friend offering to babysit so her friend could go out and unwind for a bit.  Very nice.

    Phaedra has staff and multiple nannies. They are locked in the garage while filming. I wish this franchise wasn't so fakety fake that literally EVERY scene is no longer 'real' in any way and can be contradicted IRL by the people with receipts and authentic tea. This is no longer 'Real Housewives', it's a telenovella. 


    6 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

    This is especially true in light of the fact that Lauren knows the grass is not always greener considering the rumors concerning the reason why Porsha chased that chick out of the party was because she was on a date with Lauren's baby daddy. She knows her sister ain't got good sense. Whoever pegged NOT!TinaKnowles as an old school thot hit the nail on the head, IMO.

    Please share this tea?!! Or tell me where to go to find it, I've been meaning to get the deep background on Porsha's attack on the stylist, or whatever she is, so please do share. Especially as this is dragged out as proof perfect of Porsha's 'violence'. I can understand Porsha being protective of Lauren, not only are they sisters, but Lauren worked for Porsha in seasons past. The other 2 times were Kenya provoked and the Cynthia time it's been debated endlessly here already and Kenya directed Porsha over to Cynthia and Cynthia put her hands on Porsha first. Porsha is Kenya's big 'get out of jail free' card and I'm so sick of her using it. Porsha is another Kenya casualty. Like Matt: easy to provoke people who can be tipped over the edge. And Kenya delights in pushing until people snap. I'd love to see the real life tally of people who've walked out of Kenya's life forever due to this behavior. She'll be all alone with the teacup puppies in that modern box in the gully soon. 

    • Love 3
  20. 23 minutes ago, cooksdelight said:

    "Who Gonna Check Me, Boo?" T-shirts or workout wear would have been a mega-seller,

    I believe they actually are a thing, but are not megasellers. More a case of too little too late and of Sheree's established MO of not wanting to do the actual work. Imagine a work out line, which Sheree herself could easily be the face and body of, called 'Who Gonna Check Me, Boo?". It would be a smash hit, she could have spun it as appealing to strong women who are fending for themselves. She could have appealed to women to keep healthy, fit and strong in a man's world. She's already doing the damn workouts everyday and appearing on this show quite regularly in workout gear, why pass up the opportunity to feature your own brand?? It's NOT like she doesn't need the money.$

    this is the woman who has been charging $5 for a selfie with her, ffs. Lazy, stupid or nuts?

    • Love 9
  21. 29 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

    I believe Season 1 of RHOBH, celebrated Villa Blanca's first anniversary.

    I remember them building it and the party they had. I cannot believe it was so long ago, though! She could have had Camille there! That was Camille's comeback edit season wasn't it? Or Cedric! I'm amazed she didn't bring Cedric. He'd have probably had a better idea about Pinky's likes and dislikes at that stage than Ken..

    • Love 2
  22. 36 minutes ago, swankie said:

    It's because they know the cameras are going to be rolling.  I'm not going to lie, I would probably be the same way.  Whenever women of any kind of celebrity have gone out in public with no makeup and dressed down the public has been merciless in talking about how "bad they look" and "why would they come out in public looking like that?"  and next thing you know they're plastered on the front of a magazine looking their worst.  I don't blame the housewives either.  If I knew I was going to be filmed for TV, I'm going to make sure I look my best.  I do admit that some of them overdo it and wear entirely too much makeup, but this is their job and I can't blame them for dressing the part.

    I remember Vicki Gunvalson addressing just this issue in the special on OC they did. She referred frequently to the hideous brown ensemble she had on at the head of the show for the entire season. She said after season 1, they ALL realised they had to have full hair and makeup for every filming session. Prior to that, you would see them in shorts and more casual gear. They never expected the show to take off the way it did. 


    41 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

    I want to know what "sacrifices" Joyce made for Kandi? Kandi has made her own money since she was 15, which is probably when she started to pay Joyce's way as well and we know from Kandi that Joyce didn't watch/take care of Riley for Kandi either. So, I ask again, what sacrifices has Joyce made for Kandi?

    I also want to know how Todd can get past what that woman did to his mother or how his wife did nothing to stop it.

    oh, I'm not buying she made any 'sacrifices' either. Apart from giving birth to an extremely talented child. I suspect she's guilted Kandi from the git. And now that Kandi's living large, MJ is using all that foundational guilt as the glue that keeps her adhered to the $$$$$. I put sacrifices in inverted commas for a reason, lol. And Todd's ability to be in the same room as Joyce is also a mystery. Are Kandi'$ dollar$$$ overcoming the memory of his mother? I don't get it. I couldn't forgive it, either. It'd be a dealbreaker for me long before Ace.

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  23. Preach, Wirewrap. You are so right. I think of Kandi as a child star with an overbearing mother and with great (Joyce driven) guilt about the 'sacrifices' MJ went through for Kandi's success. Which ensures MJ continues to get paid, because that IS all she is about.  I think that may be the dynamic there. It's nasty, but I don't think it's fake. MJ is just horrible with Ace. And Kandi mentioning the credit card fraud and the gambling a couple of seasons ago gives us some idea of what is going on there, but Kandi continues to choose to enable it. I totally agree with you about MJ's culpability in Sharon's death. I don't know how Todd can bear to be in a room with her.

    And Kenya is the worst. Kenya is now possibly the worst of all hos across all franchises IMO.

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  24. 10 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

    Kenya wasn't in the car with him when he decided to yell homophobic slurs at cops and evade arrest. Matt is a grown ass man, sorry 28 might be younger than Kenya but not a kid, and he needs to be held responsible for his own actions.

    My problem with Kenya is her creating a domestic violence storyline for this show that she is exploiting and benefiting from. Matt is a stooge. He gives me the creeps, but she is using him and she knows how to push his buttons. Button pushing is Kenya's go to behavior with everyone. Matt said to her father something like 'how can you work on someone's issues when they don't believe they have any'. That was some truth. Kenya thinks Kenya is fine. Typical of NPD and related personality disorders. I have sympathy for Kenya only as far as her horrible family history, but I have NO sympathy for this storyline she has manufactured. 

    she's old enough to be his mother and should know better, having been around the block. She provokes people she knows will react and screams victim. It's been her MO right from the beginning. This is stepping over the line. There's talk that she organised for Matt to kick in one of those windows also, to up the 'drama' on the show. I find that believable because of Kenya's long association with this kind of fakery.

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