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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. 7 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

    Why didn't Sheree do exercise videos? Or a line of exercise gear?

    Indeed. One thing I think we all can say about Sheree is that she is fit, she looks fit and she seems to walk the fitness walk. Fitness is part of Sheree's lifestyle and daily routine. I think right throughout all her seasons. So given she is SO thirsty right now, why oh why not? So much more believable than the donkey versus stallion booty crap that Phaedra and Kenya were peddling. 

    Sweaty sweaty sweaty Bob. Ok, this has gone from unfortunate of pathological. Opiates can do that to a person, I know that. Bob had just walked in and within a very short amount of time, his pinhead is sweating all over the shoot. No one else was sweating, so this is some kind of health issue. He looks like a victim of Zika virus to me, microcephaly. 

    I think Kandi has had it with Phaedra and possibly the rest of the cast due to the ongoing fakery of this entire season. Kandi and Cynthia are the only 2 who are believable. Phaedra COULDN'T snap back at Kandi at that sit down, because everything she's doing is completely shady and for the cameras. The divorce hasn't happened, that guy Drama was the babydaddy for Angela Stanton who was involved in the car theft ring and identity theft that Apollo and Angela did time for. Apparently the law office we see on the tv, is just hired for the show and no real work is ever done there. Multiple bloggers out of ATL have the receipts on all this. Sheree and Bob are fake and never getting back together and Chateau Sheree is very likely never going to be lived in by Sheree. Also so typically deluded of Sheree to think Kairo is going straight to NY fashion week with NO EXPERIENCE. Go to college, son. And good on Cynthia for having learned something and making it clear that this is the first and only meeting that is gratis. Porsha and Todd. Wow, this dude looked uncomfortable about copping to his teenage sons at the family dinner, because he can't/doesn't pay his child support in DC. But now, he's probably reevaluating, because if all he needs to do is impregnate Porsha, he's set for the next couple of years. He can live in her fancy new house and she can give him an allowance. 

    Kenya and Matt. So done with this. Other hos in other franchises have been sacked for faking storylines. This is Kenya's 3rd or 4th fake relationship and I don't know how many times she has pretended to be pregnant. Get rid of her, this show is feeding into her disorder. That sulky, blocky puss on her is deeply unbecoming. Matt has another girlfriend now that Kenya's attacking on social media, I really hope he takes her father's advice and keeps on walking regardless of whatever she's paying him to participate in the show for her storyline. She's the worst.

    • Love 16
  2. Question from Kenya's Dad: 'What makes a dude go from being nice to being mean' 

    Answer: KENYA (not just this relationship, everyone we've seen on this show. There's a common denominator here)

    At this point, apart from being filth for using a domestic abuse storyline for her own gain, Kenya is looking like a fool. The cigar room meeting with her father was set up by Kenya. At this stage in their 'relationship' I'm not believing Matt agreed to that. Kenya bringing her Dad in all the way from wherever is on her, just like her flying Matt in from California and then refusing to see him etc. And what 47+ year old woman calls her Dad in to referee a messy argument between her and a scrub? This foolishness needs to be stopped by Bravo.

    • Love 24
  3. I'm not going so far as to say that Lisar isn't grieving her father, but one of her most annoying moments last season to me (oh, so many!!) was when she was on the phone with her sick Dad and had him on speaker with her daughters. Her mother said something about his care that involved the word 'penis'. Cue Lisar's  'everyone's a comedian' schtick where she went on and on and faux 'cracked' up over those cute ole folks saying penis. It was cringeworthy. And stop trying to make Delilah and whatsherhead into super models. My biggest laugh with this episode came when Lisar HAD to name drop Cindy Crawford 'What did CC tell you??!!' She yelps at her kid. I blurted out 'GET A MOLE!!!!!".

    As to LVP, I've recently discovered Top Chef. (Yeah, avoiding all things fadtastic has had me at a viewing and reading disadvantage for a long time). Anyhoo, I noticed an episode on Just Desserts called Villa Rosa. Sure enough, the chefs had to compete to provide desserts for the 2nd anniversary of Villa Blanca and Ken and Giggy came in to give them direction as to LVP's likes and dislikes. It was a surprise for LVP. I was trying to do the math in my head as to what season of howives this was concurrent with because the chefs were told that on the day, LVP would be bringing in some of her fellow castmates to decide the verdict. I immediately bet on Kyle. Then I thought maybe Kim, but struck that off. I couldn't think of who else she'd bring. Because there's really no one else I feel she's particularly close to. It could have been Brandi, I wish it was, but I didn't think so. Anyway, she indeed brought Kyle and Taylor. Ok. The reason I'm bringing this up is because of the discussion we've been having her 'humour'. I'm Australian and the idiosyncracies of our humour is closer to the British than to American. A lot of irony here and very dry humour. 

    On judging Day, Ken, LVP, Giggy (sigh), Kyle and Taylor all file in. It's a pink fiesta. They've been told LVP adores pink. As long as it's tasteful, because she has very refined taste (snort, 'Pinky'). During the tasting, LVP took nasty digs, under the guise of her 'humour' at Taylor in particular. One of the items was a lollypop with fairyfloss (cotton candy) on it. LVP had to point out that Taylor had issues with eating such an item and they actually played that horrorshow clip from howives where Taylor is indeed flexing those ridiculous lips a la some kind of pornflick and then kind of sucks down the floss. Kyle makes the inevitable giggly girly Kyle comment about ingesting calories. In the end, the winning team was chosen mostly because they'd remembered to suck up to LVP via making some doggy biscuit treat for Giggy. LVP got pouty and narky with the other team for forgetting her 'number 1 love'. She corrected whoever said 'number 2', with respect to the fact that Ken was there. Taylor also managed to make a comment on the only subject she seems to be able to speak on which is Kennedy's birthday parties. The losing team according to Taylor were maybe more whimsical in a way that would be most appropriate at a child's birthday. Sigh. I felt for the chefs. Because when your brief is 'pink' and 'pink roses' and 'fluffy dogs' and LVP herself made a comment over a dish where the pistachio was hidden, about how she wouldn't have been happy if ANY of that green had appeared in the table's palette, it's inevitably going to look like any little girl's princess party. Sophisticated, my ass. And the winning team win because of a doggy snack.

    I found this interesting because the only ally LVP can really count on is Kyle. And beyond Kyle, it will be weak women who know not to question her and are comfortable being sycophants and kissing Pinky's butt. So, Taylor types. And they also have to be prepared to be put down, sometimes pretty viciously, when LVP is feeling her British humour. 

    • Love 9
  4. 17 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

    There's a great variety of flavors, and intensity of flavors, in radishes.  This is true even in the same type of radish, and then add in the different types of radishes these chefs had to cook with, I can see it making for a very good meal.  I like radishes, but not all.  Some are mild and almost sweet and more light and crispy than crunchy.  Some are quite spicy.  Some are rather crunchy, almost hard.  And so on.  The soil they are grown in has a huge impact on the flavor and/or intensity of flavor.  That's why sometimes even the same radish type can vary greatly each time you have them.

    My first introduction to Daikon radish was from an antique book of Chinese/Indian Kama Sutra plates. I was a kid. There was an illustration of a woman being 'pleasured with a daikon'. I had to look up Daikon. I snicker even now when I see them in my local Asian fruit and veg store. In Australia, before the daikon, we were lucky to see the little redskin ball shaped, white flesh radish. I know it's peppery and it might appear occasionally here in a salad or a relish, but radish has never really been a phenomenon in my part of the world. So this challenge was kinda curious to me. To say the least.

    • Love 3
  5. I've had that kind of stuff in my life before too, and it's deeply messed up and disturbing with people taking sides and information being doled out like ammunition. I recognised the Aunt Lori situation immediately in my gut. In Kenya's position, you are reduced to the emotional level of a small child, where hurt and not being able to get to the bottom of the situation, all that is swirling around. It's very unfair and that's a mindset that's hardened in Kenya over the years. Reminds me of the behavior of children with Reactive Attachment Disorders: where they push and push their well meaning caregivers (often adoptive parents) to the point of violence alternating with extreme clinginess where they can literally not let go of the caregiver's leg or let them out of their physical presence and they may also attack or destroy anything that they perceive that the caregiver loves or values, just PUSHING that person to PROVE that they love them and aren't going to leave them. It's said to be one of the most challenging and difficult of disorders for foster and adoptive parents. It's all about a breach in the bond between primary caregiver (usually mother) and child. My cousin has been battling this after adopting 2 children after fostering them for years, their mother was a fulltime drug addict and the kids had been taken out of her care due to violence and neglect. A lot of what I just wrote speaks to how Kenya continues to behave with family and friends, I think. She has my sympathy for that. Always has. But she's got to a point in her life where she needs to take control and address the patterns in her life that leave her so miserable, or she is just going to continue to repeat them. We are seeing Kenya repeating and repeating behaviors on this show.

    • Love 8
  6. 21 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    By the time her entire family had come around to supporting her, she had 4 kids with this dickbag and terminal cancer. She died at 38. With her, the insecurity was that her cultural community would ostracize her.

    THIS. So many accounts of DV survivors end with them getting cancer. I worry about it for myself.  And it is connected to this...


    On 12/16/2016 at 9:06 AM, Petunia13 said:

    But you never forget deep down. Since you know that you have questionable judgement and that many of the memories you value or spent time on are based on fallacy. That love cannot be trusted. And it's very degrading to have someone you place highly punch, slap or kick you while you beg or cry. Then make them dinner or see neighboors.

    Especially the second guessing, memory revising you have to do. It's horribly disturbing on a very deep level. It breaks something inside and I don't know if it ever heals again. I didn't know that about Halle Berry. Reading HunterHunted's description, I think her experience may be closer to Kenya's, with her mother abandoning her and being brought up by...sometimes her father? I can't remember who else, but it is possible she could have been exposed to violence as a child early. And what has happened to Aunt Lori? Has Kenya run her off too? Like Brandon seems to have been? Because Aunt Lori would have to have been a bit of a fan favourite. And she certainly told Kenya what was what in no uncertain terms. People like Aunt Lori, and her daughter...Kenya should value them and hang on very tight to them. Because as we get older, these people start to disappear. 

    • Love 1
  7. Now I'm looking at Zoeysmom post, and her nose doesn't look as unnatural as it appears when she's dressed up. I'm assuming this is a recent pic? One thing, LVP does casual much better than dressy. And she knows it. Remember the scenes with Rosie (of course Pinky's housekeeper is called Rosie) in her dressing garage (i can't call that massive space a 'room') with LVP ordering boxes of custom long sleeved tailored shirts in multiple hues and every shade of pink? She pulls of jeans in a way I can only ever dream about, that's for sure. But dressing formally eludes her and her attempts at it age her.

    As for all things designer, the designers adore women like these. They have no taste of their own, they will wear anything with a label. When I watch some of the runways, I imagine some of the designers in their ateliers afterwards rolling on the floor laughing at this year's practical joke perpetrated on their slavering wealthy clientele. The trick to not looking like your duped (and this includes Erika in her Moschino t'shirt and all of them across the franchises with their Chanel logos in their ears, around their necks, brooched onto jackets and hanging off bracelets) is to mix it up tastefully with other interesting pieces. This only works if you have an eye and know how to dress yourself. Daphne Guiness is my hero for this kind of dressing. She wears a Chanel blazer she has deliberately distressed and always, ALWAYS looks amazing. Of course she has buckets of money, but her style is recognised world wide and she's been a muse for designers like Alexander McQueen. 

    The Atlanta housewives and their fake or rented Birkins are pitiful. Apparently Hermes is refusing to sell the Birkin to a couple of them! And then there is the OC scene where both the trollish and obnoxious Kelly Mega Dudd and her mother, Jerri Blank are sitting across from each other at their kitchen table with matching Chanel logos dangling from their anatomy. Scenes like this turn me OFF the brand. And you know that people who drape themselves in these little hood ornament trinkets are mostly aspirational and can't actually afford a REAL Chanel piece, like the iconic blazer. Or they are told that 'there is a waiting list' on enquiry, which is one of Hermes' tricks when cashed up bogans (as we call them here in Oz) trundle into their stores and demand to see a Birkin or a Kelly. Heather Dubrow can certainly afford what she wants, but she is showing her naturally boastful nature when she flaunts her Chanel umbrella and her Chanel flask (that ended up being Exhibit A in the Kelly Mega Dudd 'Fireballgate' case!) And Erika also. It disappoints me that she's another label slave. She doesn't need to be, but she can't seem to help herself dropping names and prices. Hubris will get you in the end!

    • Love 3
  8. 7 hours ago, zoeysmom said:


    Ok, I think I've worked it out. It's the nose. Lisa is starting to look like an exhumed corpse and it's down to whatever she's done to her nose. The season 1 nose is not what we have today. She's done too much to it and now it looks small, sharp and overshaved. Like Michael Jackson. I'm useless at working out exactly why someone looks different, I'm the kind of person who CAN be shined on with 'contouring' and lip liner! But Lisa's nose should be a cautionary tale. Messing with it has achieved the opposite of her intention, which was presumably to look younger and fresher. She would have been better off employing ole Cedric for a little longer, IMO.

    • Love 3
  9. 2 minutes ago, Normades said:

    I only wish he had calmly driven away, never to see or speak to her again.  That is what she has earned. (He should also pay for the damages!!)

    Matt should get himself a publicist, offer to pay any damages Kenya feels are warranted and sincerely and authentically show remorse for his part in acting the role of a violent abuser and apologise to victims of domestic and family violence everywhere. He should go on Wendy Williams or something and have a tell all and heart to heart about his rollercoaster ride with the most delusional woman on reality television. Kenya is up (or down) there with Vicki Gunvalasen and Teresa Giudice IMO. If Matt is as committed to building the 'Matt Jordan Brand', then he should do the apology tour. And get Phaedra as his entertainment lawyer!

    • Love 3
  10. Okaay, and cheaper than I would have thought. My daughter thought that LVP had just customised a regular helmet with a visor. Are there vision issues? The one on your link looks practical, but IIRC, LVP's was a bit broader? I guess she probably isn't going all that fast or doing any jumping, so she's probably pretty safe. It is a beautiful horse also. I don't remember if you gave the breed. I was thinking Andalusion or Lippizaner, especially when you mentioned him being entire. I'd be leery of putting a beginner (I know she said she had 15 horses back in the UK) on a stallion. Always respect a stallion! 

    I've also never understood her attraction to those miniponies when mini horses are SO MUCH more elegant and fine lined. But i'm very biased!

    • Love 1
  11. On 12/12/2016 at 10:23 AM, WireWrap said:

    Had there been the slightest possibility that she was involved the press would have found out and reported it, so beyond some that do not like her to begin with saying they "suspect" she "may" have been involved, she was never charged in any crime. Phaedra is not smart enough to pull off this kind/level of crime without the FEDs finding something/anything to charge her with.

    Wasn't her law practice centered around low level entertainers contracts, like that guy Ridiculous and the one that was arrested/then let go for the "bomb" threat?

    TT has been reporting on Shady Phaedra for yonks. The bomb threat guy is baby daddy to Angela Stanton who wrote an expose on Phaedra and had her in court for yonks. It's all been reported on extensively at the TamaraTattles site and other places. Angela Stanton claims that Phaedra is very much involved in a criminal enterprise that everyone except Phaedra went to jail for, including Angela and Apollo. I can't believe that Pastor Regina doesn't know some of what is going on, either. I think Phaedra has rat cunning and is very clever, but i believe there are going to be FEDS at the door sometime in the near future. And all this filing of divorce papers that were sealed with false names, then unsealed again...that's deliberate. Why though escapes me. I believe that Phaedra for some reason wants Apollo to file. Or maybe she was counting on him NOT to so that she has some privilege with that spouse can't testify against spouse deal?

    On 12/12/2016 at 10:55 AM, HunterHunted said:

    Additionally during that husbands special Apollo told the story about buying Phaedra a car for Christmas, she told him it was frivolous and had him return it only for her to turn around and buy the same car with her money. That story made me think that she suspected something was up with his money and she didn't want his money comingled with hers. I guess she also could have been prepping for divorce too.

    The criminal enterprise that Stanton and Apollo went to jail for involved a stolen car and identity theft racket, so there is that!

    • Love 2
  12. On 12/11/2016 at 3:18 PM, HunterHunted said:

    We know that Kenya is shady, thirsty, and obnoxious, but there was no reason obstinate about it in the moment that she found out about the lie.

    I don't blame Phaedra in this instance. She DID sit down with Kenya and she did eventually tone it down with the Kenya hate. But. Kenya deliberately flouted the basic social understanding concerning how you interact with a friend's huzzbin. Her going into that bar and seeking out Apollo when he was with the other men, pulling him over to the side for a cozy tete a tete, giving him the full benefit of every body language come on in the book, that was 'classic' Kenya. All the men knew how deeply wrong that situation was and when Phaedra bounced into the bar, looking for her husband? My cold black heart broke for her! And then Kenya went all 'what did I do, who me?'. No. Kenya getting cozy with Apollo on every occasion was deliberate and nasty. Of course it's on Apollo also, but he's a scrub. Phaedra has children with the man, though and Kenya was consistently disrespectful of that. I'd love if Matt ended up seeking Phaedra out for representation against Kenya!! Sweet.

    • Love 11
  13. 35 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    Deliciousness! I just want to sit down with you with a glass of wine (actually I prefer Champagne!) and tease out what you wrote!!!

    Champagne of course and we'll both be wearing 'Board Lovies' t'shirts! (Trademark, ZaldamoWilder - see Kenya's thread in RHOA). The manoueverings behind the scenes on this franchise are the best: all that wealth and the hothouse of the entertainment industry...it's indeed a delicious distraction that I'm not ashamed of!

    Which brings me to the case of Joanna Krupa, Brandi Glanville, LVP and Mohammed Hadid and the 'stinky ladyparts' law suit. THIS is why you have to love this franchise...http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/08/29/lisa-vanderpump-mohamed-hadid-call-brandi-glanville-a-liar-in-court-deposition-over-fishy-vagina-lawsuit/

    • Love 2
  14. On 12/14/2016 at 0:36 AM, dleighg said:

    No, cous cous is made from semolina. Which is wheat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Couscous

    It is not gluten free. http://www.newhealthadvisor.com/Is-Couscous-Gluten-Free.html

    Millet is something else.

    OMG. Thankyou dleigh, you are right. Maybe it's a local thing to me (australia). Couscous is sometimes made with millet, so I've probably looked it up years ago in some mohair health food cafe here and thought right, it's just millet with a fancy name. The stuff I was eating was a yellow grain, gluten free. I didn't realise that couscous was made from something else and can be made from a number of different things. I thought it was a fluffy grain. Anyhoo, I feel like an idiot!

    I could have done without the drawn out Katie leaving scene and Jamie should stop being indecisive and just step up. With this crew of special snowflakes, he's not going to win anyone over by asking their permission or opinion on his leadership style and he's the one who's head will be on the block if it goes awry. Also, Nikita is head snowflake in my book right now. She's evidently been watching Below Deck for the wrong reasons and has decided that Chef Ben's style of moaning over simple requests is her right.  She needs to retire 'get out of my kitchen', it's not cute or funny, it wasn't the first time either. Every TH she does makes her look more of a dick. Which is something when she's got competition like Jenna continuing to refer to herself in the 3rd person. And my fellow countryperson, Louise, who ACTUALLY admitted with a straight face to 'scissoring'...South Park is a satire, dear, and you are a worldwide laughing stock for taking sex tips from Mrs Garrison. Literal millenials. I'm dying.

    On 12/14/2016 at 2:30 AM, indiscutable said:

    I'm really bothered by the lack of separation between the kitchen and the dining area. The guest lodge should really have a closed off kitchen so that Nikita isn't watching them react to her food and vice versa. 

    Jamie said he was joking after he said he was glad to see the back of Katie in his TH. Yeah, the kitchen totally needs to be separate from the dining area. WHAT are they thinking? It doesn't work for anyone, not the guests and not the Chef. It can't make for good food either, when you are having to think about keeping quiet and not making any intrusive cooking smells while the guests are still trying to enjoy the course before. To me, this just says pre prepared food and heating stuff up. Which doesn't make for a 5 star experience at all. Nikita seemed to get an attitude immediately upon learning that the primary is in major catering in NYC. Her nasty 'redneck Italians' comment made her look douchier than before. And when she abruptly tells the primary that she is French, in that challenging manner....does she not want a tip? If this was Below Deck, she'd be accountable to the rest of the team for her noxious attitude with the guests. Being friendly and smiling really doesn't cost you anything, and can be grounds for a big reward later, so what is your frequency, Nikita? 

    When they got the first tip though, there was surprise. Obviously this wasn't expected. This kind of tipping a la Below Deck, will change the group dynamic in a positive way as they will have to attempt to work cohesively as a team. At least I hope it will, but these fools are so self involved, it's going to be a challenge.

    OMG. The cogs hard at work in Jenna's skull were visible when the slimmed down Joey walked in to the lodge. Her whole body language went gushy and forward. Eeeeew. Not going to happen, Jenna. Keep boning your team mates, it's as good as it's going to get for you. What a fool. Mark, too. What is there to get to know?? He said it over and over, butt hurt that she raced for the upgrade like Ramona Singer in the Bahamas. 

    • Love 4
  15. Someone upthread mentioned the holy grail of figuring stuff out terms: follow the money. This show is serious, there is a lot at stake and if manipulated (!) judiciously, becoming a howife can be parlayed into lucrative side deals and career enhancing opportunities.

    Follow the money.

    LVP is the power of the group and she is fighting to maintain that status. She is hooked up IRL with Mohammed Hadid and his current wife Shiva (if they are married yet?) and other wealthy players. LVP took Yolanda down and there was messy offscreen drama between Mo, LVP and Yo. And the kids. LVP took Adrienne Maloof down, the 'Maloof Hoof' slur, and loading Brandi up to take aim at Adrienne and Paul's marital secrets. Legal action followed. Adrienne was sacked. So, who has got the serious power/money this season? 


    It's going to be LVP versus Erika, using proxies. So next week we see Erika and Dorit getting into it. LVP has been grooming Dorit. The 'I COULD have said nasty/mean things about you' comment from LVP regarding Dorit's intro to Lisar was an instance of LVP protesting too much. She has definitely groomed Dorit, who is a nitwit and is dispensable, for the opening sally at Erika. Tom has major, private jets on standby money and power and this is vastly threatening to LVP. Tom's money is financing 'Erika Jayne'. When Tom pops his clogs, Erika may become a player in her own right. Erika is earning that dough somehow, she and Tom definitely have an 'arrangement', I can SMELL it. 

    Once I started watching these shows through this lens, things became a lot clearer and more interesting. In RHOM, the power in the group was Chyka, for example. Drama surged around her and she kept her 'Switzerland' status because she and her husband are seriously wealthy and cannot afford to alienate their discreet luxury clientele with poor behavior. I believe this is the reason Chyka quit for next season also. The other hos will go at each other, but they are extremely careful not to overstep with the 'real power'. Lisar's behavior is a case in point. Contrast with Eileen, who is in a position to give fewer fcks because she is a legend in her lifetime already in the Hollywood community. LVP is jealous of Eileen also. 'Real power' hos are by necessity divisive. It becomes clearer why Eileen was kept for this season, when this theory is taken into account, also. Eileen is one of the few people who have that je ne sais quoi that irritates and butt hurts LVP. So this casting decision now makes sense to me. And Erika immediately started in with the 'side sniper' comments last season, she knew from the git who and what she was engaging with. I'm really keen to see who ends up with the heavy crown and i'm pulling for Erika. She's earned it (cringey wink)

    • Love 1
  16. 15 hours ago, swankie said:

    Kenya did lose her shit with Kim Fields last season and tried to pull her chair out from under her.  She was so jealous of Kim that she did the very thing she claims is inexcusable when others have done it.  She got physically aggressive with someone.

    Round of applause, Swankie. This cannot be said enough. It's like production are deliberately underplaying it after Porsha's reunion outburst made her status on the show very shaky. Because that's what Kenya wanted, it's what Kenya was angling for. Porsha was the first person to 'diss' Kenya with mixing up the Miss America/Miss USA comment. So Kenya has been relentless and completely unforgiving with Porsha. But Kim Fields comes on and none of Kenya's usual snarky bignoting without receipts crap works and ....Kenya immediately resorts to physical violence. The difference is in the edit. And the person. Kim isn't like Kenya and didn't continue to crow about it, or call our Kenya's hyprocrisy. I applaud you mentioning it, because Kenya continually deliberately provokes people who WILL snap and she continually goes on about how 'threatened' she feels around Porsha and calls security on other women (and men) for her 'own safety'. I wish Kim had called security on Kenya. 

    • Love 14
  17. 1 hour ago, ryebread said:

    Anybody remember when LVP got really pissy with Brandi on the dinner cruise in Holland when Brandi jokingly said something about Lisa having affairs?  Another example of LVP being able to dish it but not take it.

    Another more serious example is when Kyle made a dig about Lisa's appearance on DWTS, and her 'faiiiiiinting' to the floor, so dramatic. LVP WAS PISSED. This led to all that did LVP pack the gossip mags on the trip or didn't she and LVP getting shirty and stomping off down the beach with tears in her eyes drama. More serious cos LVP needs Kyle by her side. And these were the Brandi years. LVP wasn't coming from the position of pretty much unassailable strength she comes from now. It's going to get really boring if it's all about playing 'hail to the chief' everytime LVP appears, and snideness and bitchery if it doesn't happen. They've given LVP another ally, Dorit, and it looks like LVP sics her new chesspiece (pawn status) on Erika pretty promptly. I want Erika for queen if we're going down this route, just because Bravo is too LVP heavy and that gets tired.

    • Love 7
  18. Kenya made it about 'you ain't got a man' when she 'reached out' to young Tiff with the 'sidepiece' comment. Which is basically 'you ain't got a man'. And as all us 'board lovies'* have pointed out, it shouldn't be about that. Kenya has seniority here and shouldn't have started it and by starting it, she's yet again showing her knickers, which read '[insert day of week] get a man'. It's been her whole storyline since she came on.

    *ZaldamoWilder reading these boards sometimes make me make those Sheree faces she pulled when Porsha walked into the Moore Manor party in Episode One. And I want a 'Board Lovie' t'shirt!

    • Love 4
  19. I don't know what the correct formula is, motorcitymom65, I know I was whining that I wanted OC to go back to the happier times of Havasu, before cancer scams and Lymeopause etc. And the correct formula is definitely nothing like what is going on in Atlanta where NOTHING is real. At least with BH, the women are believable in their BH way. But I hear you. Someone upthread said they were going to toss it in, because it's 'same old, same old' and I wanted to comment that every time I've done that, something totally OTT goes down and I have to bingewatch from the start. God bless you, Bravo.

    • Love 7
  20. 8 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    I bet she spat out that Dorito chip she 'ate' in her talking head. I thought to myself "There's no way she's swallowing that!".

    You made me snort: INDEED. I bet there are many things she spits out in fear of ingesting a calorie. I'm surprised she doesn't wear a mask on the daily in case a pesky nano calorie enters through her sinuses. I don't know why this woman gives me the screaming irrits everytime she is on. But i can give it a try: she's as original as a laugh track, she's dumb as a sock ,she's DEEPLY insecure about her body while insisting that she isn't and she's a fckn FOLLOWER who wants to lead .

    That worked out predictably last season when she bore the brunt of the Munchhausen thing. So, predictably again, she's doing whatever it takes and taking whatever LVP throws at her for ANY chance to sit at the cool girls' table. That's Lisa Rinna in a nutshell. She wasn't a cool girl in high school, or she got there after a helluva lot of work. She's too dumb to be anything other than a sycophant to the perceived Queen Bee. She has developed something of a nose for the real power and where to find it, so she allies herself with that. Or tries to. She'll never come for Kyle, for example. LVP could be a known molester or axe murderer, but while she's the cool girl, Lisa R will be tunneling up her pantyhose in  hopes of being up her ass. 

    Dorit is a fool and her husband is persona non grata in England due to some Giudice style financial malfeasance. My daughter and I worked out that that party would have been upwards of half a million, when you include the Bentley in custom color. Boy George has a nasty legal history also. Maybe his absence was more due to the kid's presence on this episode?

    I am DYING to know why Erika is previewed with that line 'you don't know what I go through at night!'. She is looking a bit disturbed and she is going to have to either kiss LVP's ass or stage a take over. I don't think LVP can coexist outside of those options. Eileen is learning this. I'm actually liking Eileen more too, because I'm seeing more of LVP's behind the scenes manipulation IRL and it's ugly. Now that Yolo is out of the picture, and the crown is 'where it should be' according to LVP, the field is open to another contender. Provided they can take on LVP. I don't think Eileen has the wealth or the stomach for it, Dorit is a nitwit and Erika was aligned with Yolo and would be considered a threat by LVP, due to Tom's wealth. I'm wondering about Tom and what exactly Erika Jane DOES have to deal with. I imagine Erika isn't getting that lifestyle for nothing. I imagine Tom wants or needs something specific and Erika provides it and i'm not talking about love. Maybe something a bit more specialised and a lot more distasteful...

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