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Posts posted by queenjen

  1. 7 minutes ago, pbutler111 said:

    Since when have a bunch of fans of a TV show nattering about their pet theories online been "confirmation" of anything? Show me something that isn't fan or blog based -- like a medical report connected with the court case -- and I'll pay attention

    TamaraTattles has condensed various links to articles in this post: 


    In this post, there are links to articles in the Daily Mail and there are court documents quoted here. I've seen them elsewhere on the web also. More will be popping up elsewhere in the next few days. 

    I am a huge Kathryn supporter (I don't want to say 'was', because this is an illness for her and she needs support and treatment, not exclusion and judgement), I feel for her. The verification of some of the ugly things TRav has said about her saddens me. 

    • Love 4
  2. 1 minute ago, pbutler111 said:

    I've seen those kids for about a split second on the show.  How anyone thinks they can diagnose either one of the with some serious disorder based on a few seconds of TV time is a mystery to me.  If either child had anything like fetal alcohol syndrome going on, don't you think it would have shown up in all the nasty custody back-and-forth?  I'm sure the kids are fine and, if they aren't, and it's because of something Kathyrn did or didn't do, I'm just as sure that Thomas would have been shouting about it from the rooftops.

    It's not the show, it's the photos that go up on Instagram etc. The physical features are really obvious if you know what to look for. I taught so many of them in one school and these kids would look related to one another. I have never said anything about it before now, because speculating on such a thing with respect to little kids should be off limits. But it's now become a topic across the internet and many commentators are saying pretty much the same thing (that they noticed the anomalies, particularly in Saint). Thomas has indeed been saying this stuff in court. He also posted a video (he took it down, but it's still floating around on the web) of Kathryn smoking and intoxicated while pregnant. They were on the street, if I remember correctly, and he began filming her as she was screaming at him. Also, Thomas should absolutely NOT be given a pass on any of this, which is what is happening in some circles. He's got a verified history with cocaine and who knows what else, and this is also said to contribute to issues with children. However, it's not as clearcut as FAS.

    • Love 5
  3. 1 minute ago, pbutler111 said:

    What are you talking about???

    The media articles and court documents that are showing Kathryn's failed drug tests, the failed rehab the drugs she was on and the now open speculation about the effect alcohol has had on at least one of her children. A lot of this is much more recent and now confirmed.

  4. On 4/6/2017 at 1:00 AM, Sonoma said:

    Perhaps she should stay behind closed doors with Cooper and her Instagram fans and she won't feel the burden.

    I believe Kathryn has alienated K Cooper Ray also? He was my favourite man on this show and the only real man on this show. I'll never forget his shepherding the intoxicated and slavering TRav away from the golf cart at the 'Words of Wisdom' dinner party. Kathryn is a danger to herself at this point sadly.

  5. 3 hours ago, MrSmith said:

    He's got a long, relatively smooth philtrum, his nose looks short, and his eyes and bridge of his nose look "off". When you compare his philtrum to his sister's, there's a marked difference. He also seems to have a smaller head than she does (and not just because he's younger).

    The physical anomalies he's exhibiting put him further than the 'mild' end of the spectrum. His ears at least look regular but to have physical changes to this extent is extremely serious, there is a whole lot more going on in the brain that kicks in with a lot less alcohol during the pregnancy. Some are saying Kensie also appears to have physical hallmarks of the syndrome, but I never noticed it with her and still don't. That doesn't mean she is or isn't on the spectrum, only Kathryn will be able to answer that. It's just so unbearably tragic. I don't know if I could cope with the guilt, if I was Kathryn, and this makes me fear for her life.

    • Love 5
  6. On 4/5/2017 at 10:26 AM, pbutler111 said:

    Her weed lecture was nothing but a really awkward way for her to insult Kathryn.  I fucking hate Patricia.

    Come sit by me. Her and her creepy closeted oleaginous freakbot son are the most hatewatchable characters to have graced my reality screen. Old Patty is trying to flog her tacky pet print caftans to the world at the moment, so every scene we saw this episode was chock full of references to her moneymaker (the gross needlepoint of Chauncey the pug is the same image from her caftan prototypes). And that includes filming with Whitless. Whenever i want a belly laugh, I find the reviews of his documentary on Halston, even though the thought of Halston's memory being slimed and exploited by Whitney sets my teeth on edge. Further, her viciousness towards Kathryn is never far from the surface, and I think it has its origins in her rejection of Whitless' offer to be his beard in Season 1. Also, I think mother and son are permanently furious that Whitney's project (Southern Charm) was hijacked immediately by Kathryn. I wonder where the paid Austrian model got to from last season? I can't name a figure I'd need to have his wormlike cockatoo tongue anywhere near my face, but that was probably superfluous to the contract anyway. This is a 50 year old man who plays a Chanel guitar in a band he's named 'Renob' because it's 'Boner' backwards. And that loosens a montage in my brain of all the ferrety handgestures and tongue action Whitney unleashes whenever he has to communicate heterosexual sex. 

    We've all learned in the last few days that Kathryn is in terrible shape and in some circles, TRav is being given a pass. I'd noticed the Foetal Alcohol Syndrome features in Saint and hoped against hope that I was wrong. No one wants to speculate about a child in this situation. But now it's out and Kathryn is fast losing support. Whitney and Patricia have a lot to answer for, as does TRav, for their part in Kathryn's downfall. It's unbearably tragic that the children will bear the brunt of her alcohol abuse and drug use for the rest of their lives. I've taught FAS kids, it's a spectrum and those at the serious end are unable to ever live independently. It's a horrible life sentence. For Kathryn, I really can't imagine the strength she will need to accept the living consequences of her actions during her pregnancy/ies. Aside from getting clean, she will have to humble herself and accept responsibility and knuckle down. It really looks to be a challenge that much older stronger and more stable humans would have difficulty with. Given all this, I fear for her life. At least TRav and family have the resources to provide the best therapy possible for the kids. And I bet Kathryn's family would also be offering their full support. I hope so. Those kids are going to need it and they are going to be difficult to care for and will have trouble in so many areas. It's just so tragic. 

    Given the human toll we are now seeing, I wonder whether the show will be shut down. Thomas, Whitney, Patricia and Landon, in particular were and are vicious towards Kathryn. She's a sick woman and they goaded her, excluded her and exploited her. She was so young when this show began and she got pregnant the first time. The drugs, alcohol and partying had kicked in then and she is only 25 now. Addiction freezes emotional growth at the age the substance/s were taken up. So Kathryn is really not capable of managing her own affairs atm. Much as I was rooting for her and supported her, I no longer believe she should be taking part in this show. Previously, I felt that her participation at least ensured she was being paid and could support herself. I was hoping she could get clean and sober and parlay her role on SC into some kind of career. But she won't be in any shape to be trusted to do so in this state. What a terrible tragic mess. 

    • Love 7
  7. 8 hours ago, noveltylibrary65 said:
    15 hours ago, Carolina Girl said:

    I wonder if her appearance on RHOBH has impacted the selling of her garbage clothes on QVC.  

    God it really is garbage at ripoff prices.  This blah maxi is $75:

    She took a LOT of heat on twitter with people saying that they would never buy from her QVC line again etc after what they've seen of her on BH last couple of episodes. I saw people saying that they were going to tell their relatives/friends who don't watch RH never to buy from this woman again etc. Someone else weighed in and said that QVC couldn't care less what Lisar has said/done on this show, as long as her crap clothes keep flying off the racks, which apparently they do. From the little I've seen of her clothing line, it looks pretty damn derivative and free of originality to me. When i see a duster, I think Kim K (for recently reviving and popularising them, not Lisar) and those maxi dresses were very blah. And not particularly interestingly priced either. 

    • Love 3
  8. 10 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    Boy George is in Australian and is one of the coaches/judges on The Voice.  SO it seems he still has a draw.

    If Boy George is here doing this it doesn't auger well. Being a Voice or Idol judge here, or appearing on our version of I'm A Celebrity, or whatever, usually means you're over the hill, B or C grade or you've messed up and can't get a better gig back in civilization. Seriously. Tom Arnold took part in our version of I'm a Celebrity and it was just horrible. He was voted off first. Yet, Australians still can't make shows without a token celebrity from either the UK or US, it's pathetic that we still don't feel we can stand on our own talent without imports. Very sad. 

    • Love 1
  9. 13 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

    LVP had a 'doll house' and an area about 10x10 in front of that structure.

    Besides routine care, horses that small really don't need to be shoed.

    I had mini horses for years, a little stallion and a mare, and their foal eventually (I could literally pick him up and carry him around for the first month of his life!). LVP has mini PONIES. These are a lot chunkier looking. Mini horses, certainly the ones I had, have beautiful fine features due to very careful breeding. The idea is that they should look like a horse in miniature. If you blew LVPs ponies up, they wouldn't make very attractive horses, with their chunky bloated torsos and bulbous faces. As for feet, one of the biggest issues these guys have is their hooves. They need constant attention and farrier costs were significant. Minis also have delicate stomachs and colic can kill them very quickly. My mare was called, wait for it, Rosie! I have to say also, that they are very particular about where they crap. This is an issue when people try to keep them in smaller areas, but my minis would use the same area in their stable, which was very civilized of them, I thought. I can't imagine ever needing to shoe these guys, their hooves were smaller than the palms of my hands. The farrier just cleaned and trimmed their hooves and we were always alert to fungal infections that can become dangerous.

    • Love 1
  10. 4 minutes ago, AndySmith said:

    Not just in Australia, sadly...I was called that once by someone in the US.

    I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm frightened by the lack of furore over Lydia's racism on RHOM. It would NOT fly in the US. It's an indication of the troubling path this country has taken. Currently, the government (conservative) is trying to weaken our Racial Discrimination Act, by removing the word 'offend' from it: this will mean that technically, it is 'legal' or there are fewer consequences, for saying something that offends another person on racial grounds. So, if Lydiot's housekeeper Joanna was to try to take action for her employer's treatment of her, being 'offended' would no longer be enough to bring action. This is just one example of this country's troubling regression. Words like 'mongrel' have no place being used when referring to race. People here also use this word to describe anyone considered 'low life' also. It's quite a common word here, sadly. OT, I'd better leave it. But be warned, RH of Auckland and Sydney are troubling with respect to racism, along with RHOM. I hope Lydiot isn't returning, she was really outraged that she was criticised for her behaviour, because she is a nasty ignorant piece of work. It shouldn't be her choice. She should have been sacked immediately. And put in stocks also.

    • Love 7
  11. 36 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

    It infers/refers to: Mixed race. Dog not human. 

    see my comment above. Seriously, this word is used in this offensive racist context in Australia. it absolutely has no place being used as such, but the despicable reality is that it still is, including by Lydiot on international television. For which she should be sacked at the very least, for this and for her other 'casual' racism during the many interactions that are filmed with her and her housekeeper Joanna. I find it particularly disgusting and infuriating that the Australian producers of this franchise, far from condemning this behaviour, actually seem to find it amusing and continue to film these scenes and encourage it. This word is quite commonly used by racists here and racism is on the rise in this country. Far from the 'Lucky Country' that we used to tag ourselves, Australia is now the 'Ugly Country'. RHoSydney has a ho who is the wife of a politician from the racist 'One Nation' party which is on the rise again. It is a terrifying state of affairs here. It's embarrassing and it makes me sick.

    • Love 3
  12. 9 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

    It's a white party, So you wear white AND black

    No heels, wedges? You wear heels

    When you make a request of people and they respect you/your home/your friendship? They try to accommodate your wishes?


    Erickas like to be pointed out about her 'look/fashion fuck ups' so that way if someone asks about it?

    She can name drop or tell that person how fabulous she is at that exact moment.

    And can you IMAGINE the teeth gnashing finger pointing hysterics if EJ had a party at her place and one of the other hos arrived contrary to  her explicit instructions??!! She'd be howling about 'disrespecting her husband's home' to the moon and back. Again, money talks, wealth whispers. EJ is a shrieking parvenue, applauded all the way by her 'glam squad'. I've gone from enjoying her and 'you go, girling'  to GTF off my screen. I'm dizzy. 

    9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

    Maybe she's been hanging out with Lydia Schiavello from Real Housewives of Melbourne who thought mongrel was a synonym for multiracial person

    Unfortunately for racist Australians like Lydia, mongrel is INDEED a pejorative term for multiracial people. Lydia is a low class embarrassment to Australians everywhere, but wait until you meet Julia from RHOAuckland, who used the term 'boat n****r' in the company of one of her castmates of Indian descent. That was the alltime low for me. I want Lydiot sacked also. 

    • Love 16
  13. 9 hours ago, Jack Terrier said:

    Yes, Eden can be creepy but you either accept the gift with grace or be a nasty bitch behind her back.  Why would she act like that?  So incredibly rude and hateful.  As someone noted above; how hurtful that must be to Eden to see them all cackling like that.  Shit, Eden gives me creepy vibes but that was ugly.

    I thought Erika only said "important shit".

    Not to mention that Erika has been consistently vocal about how she has never enjoyed the company of women because they are bitchy and disingenuous. She's related anecdotes about how Tom's colleagues and their wives judged her when they married for being the young cocktail waitress. I feel like the success of Erika Jayne has given her the opportunity to punish anyone in her orbit with a snatch, while she babbles on about 'empowering women'. She's a hypocrite. She seems to be searching for opportunities to get offended and go ham. There was NOTHING in Eileen's well meaning but unfortunate comment that warranted that reaction. None. It was yet another excuse for her to feel justified in lashing out and revealing the 3rd Erika, the real one. Her treatment of Eden in this episode was mean girl 101 and everything she claims to despise in other women. This has been a vertigo inducing season! I don't want to respect or like Eden or Dorit, but Erika's behaviour has resulted in the audience feeling sympathy for both of them. The squirmy dog Lisar has aligned herself with the mean girl crew, which is always her mission statement, and it's no surprise now that she is cozying up to the Erikas. Lisar's radar always points her towards these 'cool' girls, the ones who obviously rejected her in high school. And she's arrived at Erika. 

    Erika needs to scale back on the conspicuous consumption and designer name dropping and bad attitude (see DWTS). The Glam Squad has got to go. Fair enough for when she is shooting an EJ video or performing, but dragging them around the globe en masse is making her look like the asshole that she is revealing herself to be. Eileen looks classier and younger half the time doing her own make up and styling, as does Kyle. I'd rather see Kyle have the occasional wardrobe malfunction or fashion error (letterman jacket over body swamping satin pleated skirt, for example!) and learn from it and move on. I'm not finding Erika edgy at all, she's looking try hard and thirsty, especially when she name drops every outfit given the chance. Especially when the outfit is an obvious faux pas, like the Moschino tshirt dress that looked good on Gigi Hadid, but was just inappropriate, too casual and looked like a sack at Dorit's event. And saying 'it costs a lot of money to look this trashy' just makes her look even more dated and desperate. I don't feel empowered by Erika. I'm glad she has EJ going and that she's a huge hit in the gay club scene. But she needs to study the rise and fall of Nene Leakes and be very wary about who she alienates and who she surrounds herself with. I think a lot of these people would drop her so fast her weave would fly once Tom puts the kybosh on the international airfares and lookbook wages. I'm on the 'burn the lookbook for Hong Kong' team also. Those 'victory rolls' were horrendous. I'd rather see her in jeans and a tshirt or tailored shirt similar to LVP's go to casual wardrobe than the get ups she's been parading about in on this vacay. 

    • Love 19
  14. 8 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

    Now, I am no MENSA member but I know what Mexico is really like, what a Chinese junk is and the breed known as "Mongrels" they are descendant from the Mon-Growl-ians of China.

    Adding this to the endless examples of Kyle displaying her phenomenal ignorance of the world in general. She doesn't know what absinthe is, she doesn't know the meaning of 'surreal', her stock exclamation is 'Oh Ma Gahhhhd' and everyone looks 'amahzing!'. Then there is the list of fears and phobias...heights, insects etc. Maybe it's something to do with her family life and (possibly) missing school due to tv commitments? Her default retreat into little girl world makes me grind my teeth: she's really not the most sophisticated of bunnies. Speaking of, I find LVP's aesthetic really tacky and tasteless. All the pink and the sparkles and the same old same old wreath of roses in her hair. At least she didn't go with the Shitzhu do that she seems to think is flattering, please LVP what looks good in the ring at Crufts does not at all translate to human heads! I guess this is the woman that unapologetically wanted to be called 'Pinky' when this franchise began, and now she has actually committed gazillions to her Villa Rosa palace, there's no turning back. She isn't quitting anytime soon, by the looks either. Kevin Lee, numero uno sycophant, is probably financing his own second and third homes off the back of the LVP extravaganzas he plans. Dressing miniature ponies in tutus and bedazzling their hoofs....(naturally, Kyle refers to these as 'feet'), is again something I would expect to see at a party for Kennedy Armstrong, not a launch and tasting for a Rose! And every animal with its Benny Hillesque moniker, GMAFB. Rumpy and Pumpy and Squirty and Sucky! It's like soft porn seven dwarves. Personally, I always feel a bit uncomfortable at the sick amount of money lavished on these animals when there are human children suffering everywhere. This isn't limited to LVP, it's a canker across all of the RH shows. The latest episode of RHof Sydney had a bunch of dogs that eat CAVIAR off the same Versace china I have in my cabinet, and get pushed around in upscale human baby prams. I find that kind of excess verging on immoral and certainly lacking in taste. I'm an animal lover and have had a menagerie larger than LVPs, but these are animals. They don't notice or care what they are eating off, only that they are fed and cared for. Whoever is breeding Yorkies must be making a killing, too, as well as whatever Giggy and Harrison are. Pet Peeve.

    Lisar and Erica looked foul. The Glam Squad need to be fired, allowing Erica to step out in that pink nylon wig. I don't know if the lustre has just rubbed off Erica after her performance last episode, or whether I've just hit peak designer name drop with her (Cartier, this episode). I get that we watch these shows for the lifestyles these women lead, but I personally do admire women who behave with a modicum of sophistication. I'm not finding Erica's Bette Davis/Tallulah Bankhead/Mae West schtick and foul mouth appealing anymore, especially after she went samurai barbie ham on poor Eileen last episode. That TH where she has her hair pinned up off her face in a bunch of curls, wearing that nasty frilly confection of a blouse? In who's world is that anything other than supremely tacky? Like Jon Benet Ramsey Dance Mom performance tacky? And sausage lipped sock puppet bobble head Lisar makes my skin crawl. She looked ghastly, with her crepey stick arms and her boobs squished into that gold lame (lamay, can't make an acute over the 'e'!) dress at LVP's party. And does anyone else despise the scenes with the kids where the only purpose of their presence is to validate their mothers? In this episode it was Delilah being led into telling us 'in one word' that Lisar is 'Crazy!!!' as a mother! Kerazzy, wacky Rinna!!! It was probably the first time she'd had physical contact with her daughter for months. Similar with Dorit and Jagger. (Kelly Mega Dud was particularly noxious with these kind of scenes, always using Jolie as a set up for what an hilarious, out there and 'cool Mom' she is, despite having restraining orders for attacking the parents of other students at her kid's school. Crazy alright!). The gold leaf in Dorit's hair just doesn't translate off the runway. Leave it for beautiful Indian desserts!

    Like many, I'm holding a grudge against Erica for making Dorit look poised, reasonable and even slightly likeable. Nothing is saving pervy rapey PK though. Eden buying Erica a 'friendship ring' was sad and awkward, but Ericka again managed to make Eden (Eden!) sympathetic when she behaved like such an ungracious ass over the gift. It was sad and desperate to buy Erica a gift, Erica didn't need to make fun of her for doing it though, that was classless. (It's like Erica has suddenly become the Katie Maloney of friends on this show!)

    I wish Eileen had made Erica more accountable for her insane accusations in Hong Kong. And I wish Eileen had addressed Lisar's nasty vicious behaviour when she had the perfect opportunity to do so in the limo on the way to LVPs. Eileen is such a wuss. I'd go so far to use the 'enabler' word in this context because Lisar was spouting off, looking for validation for her actions and when neither Eileen or Erica called her out on them, or questioned her, they sent the message that her behaviour was acceptable. And it most certainly was not. I really hope Lisar is hammered at the reunion and that the whole cast and Andy get over their Erica infatuation in order that she too is made accountable for her c**ty behaviour!

    • Love 10
  15. I've been away for a bit, but haven't missed any hos. Lisa Oldfield definitely has no trouble talking about her drug use prior to marrying famewhore David. I think there was something suspicious going on with her on the boat. At first I felt sorry for her when the other were disbelieving, especially the foul drawly Victoria, but the sudden departure and erratic behavior? David, btw, is participating in Hells Kitchen Australia along with Pettifleur from RHOM. Apparently they hate one another already. Lisa frequently hits the news for all sorts of attention seeking crap: like her dog swallowing condoms, calling one of David's old radio announcer colleagues wife a 'c**t''. So, it's a marriage of convenience, if nothing else. Lisa is also a Trump fan which fits David's history in the racist One Nation Party.

    Athena X is violently disturbed. I go back and forth on Chrissie Marsh, but she came across as reasonable on this episode (somewhat). Athena is a flagrant narcissist and that becomes tedious viewing. Calling Melissa a potplant is just too easy: low hanging fruit. 

    And we get Christa again at Mattie's place for that stupid scene with the dogs. I fast forward through scenes with the cutesy kids and the cutesy dogs and Victoria's boring search for her father. Let's just focus on the women, please? Christa is the wife of the artist (Charles Billich) who was at Gamble's wedding, walked her down the aisle on the beach. I think Christa is 115 years old, her face is fascinating and is probably bobby pinned to her wig. Not surprised she knows Mattie well enough to drop in, she's probably at her place of work on the daily. The gallery owner (well known, Tim Olsen) must have been appalled. At least he's fulfilled his promise to allow Athena to show her crappy 'art' and can happily deny any further showings for the next decade. It was TERRIBLE. I've seen better at high schools. 

    Again, Lisa wanders in, right  into the jaws of the fight about Melissa not attending and therefore revealing herself as a potplant. So Lisa starts screaming. She really seemed to have arrived preloaded. I found it interesting that Victoria hardly appeared on this episode at all. She was on early while they were still in the Whitsundays (where there is currently a terrible cyclone, why couldn't they have been there still?!), but no one had their nose out of joint when Victoria didn't show for the opening! She could have hurled Athena into a nearby body of water this time, that would have been appropriate. 

    • Love 1
  16. Some quick observations: Lisar was BRICKING it at the Angels's kitchen when the women all agreed they needed to 'sit down and talk', it was hilarious, i swear her sock puppet head started swiveling looking for the nearest exit at the same time as her stupid mouth was agreeing with them. Time of reckoning indeed, it's coming. I think Kyle has been incredibly gracious about the whole thing. She probably feels sorry for the moron, she's got her dead to rights. I'm just really sorry it means we have more Kim coming up, even with Kim looking better than she has in maybe forever.

    In the background at the Angels' awards, behind Kyle, was sitting a guy that looked exactly like the sweaty creepy boyfriend Kim was dragging around a couple of seasons ago. I also spotted Chaz Dean, Jeff Lewis' celebrity hair stylist client at that event. 

    This is an unpopular opinion, but I am not a fan of HarryHamlin. I'm utterly sick of his full name being uttered at any opportunity by Lisar obviously, but I don't find his squished up face attractive at all. I know I'm in the minority (ducking rotten tomatoes).

    Erika and Tom: there just isn't any chemistry at all, is there? She leaned down again and pecked him on his age spotted balding old dome like he was a demented elder relative in the restaurant. He does have a really youthful spirit and he's obviously a very bright man. That is attractive to me at any age. Actually, I'd go for Tom over HH any day. (ducking again)

    Eileen, Ericka and LVP missing from Lisar's award. Not a glowing endorsement from the cast there. Why was Ken crying in the previews for next week? It IS next week, isn't it? I know we are losing Atlanta AGAIN because of the Oscars this time. 

    Way way way too much Lisar in this episode. I hope she gets canned. She's so desperate and so thirsty, she'll literally say anything to anyone for approval and validation, then say the opposite for the same reason to the next person. People like that disgust me, they are completely untrustworthy. And NO MORE of her wannabe model daughters.

    • Love 20
  17. 12 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

    I am curious just how long does Eden want these hugs to last?  To me, it goes from being needy, to the need to control.  She has to know by now, people, especially strangers are  really uncomfortable with the hug situation and the kiss on the lips.  Eden puts her needs above others' comfort and she does it as a form of control.  Her mom sees it and needs not to enable her.  

    Oh please no more talk of anyone enabling anyone else!!!!!! lol. 

    Eden's hugs will last as long as it takes for Eden to try and make them a 'thing'. She frequently hashtags #EdenHug in her many many tweets daily. It makes me want to vom. The best thing to come out of our exposure to this attention seeking nonsense is the hilarious TH where Kyle reenacts being hugged by Eden with her dog. If Eden can commodify something out of her (soon to be terminated) time on air to make bring in the shekels, she will and this is what we are seeing.

    I have a very low tolerance to adult women adopting the mannerisms of little girls, or how they perceive little girls to act. I especially hate when one ho walks into a room to greet another ho and semi runs with really short steps and her arms outstretched like a toddler. UGH. The high pitched voices and squealing...the day they start baby talking to one another is the day I switch off forever. LVP looks especially ridiculous when she does this.Taylor Armstrong made it an 'artform'.  I cannot abide women actively infantalizing themselves. We've struggled for too long and come too far in fighting sexism and stereotyping to give it all back by behaving  like our iqs have lost a digit. 

    • Love 4
  18. 13 hours ago, Giselle said:

    Kim looks like an old pussy cat scrambling for footing on a slick floor. That ain't sex appeal that's a desperate appeal for sex.

    Love this. And it describes Lisar also: apparently scientists can synthetically create sea water. But fish can't live in it. Lisar recreated Erika's video performance, move for move, yet with zero, ZERO of Erika's natural sex appeal. 

    Lisar's very telling initial reaction to Erika J's work was to attempt to slut shame it. Granted, she was kind of tentative about it because, after all, she was venturing an opinion without first checking whether it was the same as all the cool girls', and her opinion was it was 'eeew, rauncheeee' or some such nonsense. Now that Erika's star is on the rise with the women and the wider world, Lisar has to overcompensate to the point she is SUPER fangirl!!! Recreating all of Erika's moves....what was that and when did she practice? I can't stand her kids, but I feel for them if they were exposed to their mother writhing about amongst their squash pasta maker and Harry's prebought pie shells on their kitchen island. Erk. How dreadful.

    The yacht dance was surreal. Pulling that off demonstrated a psychotic level of commitment. Maybe she is also feeling threatened because Eileen is so enamoured of Erika and Eileen is Lisar's friend, goddamit! Is Lisar competing with Eileen for Erika?

    • Love 21
  19. 9 hours ago, Giselle said:

    The best purse and weekend/tote bags I have  ever had and were made to my specifications by a leather worker and are still going strong after many, many years. I have taken them back to him to replace the zippers once and refresh the leather and linings but they will outlast me.

    I'm with you: I've been fortunate earlier in my life to have been able to purchase some designer bags. My favorites have been a Chanel one from a Russian inspired collection they did some years ago and a Gucci one that also has folky Russian designs on it. BUT despite all the hubris surrounding 'iconic' labels like this, they simply don't stand up to normal use. I carried the Gucci one around as my daily bag after I was advised by a stylist to get it out of the closet and use the damn thing! What great advice. There's no point in creating an LVP type shrine, with all the shoes and handbags kept under climate controlled conditions. Normal people, who don't have a Birkin in every color and material, should get as much use as possible out of these confections.

    Anyway, the Gucci one started to unravel around the embellishments and the hardware caught on every thing I wore, so I had the same damage in the same place to many of my clothes. On the other hand, the bag I'm carrying around at the moment was made by a saddlery company. I think I might have bought it from a tv shopping network or internet site. People stop me and ask about it and I've now been using it daily for a couple of years and it is in the same condition it was pretty much when i got it. Hermes started as a saddlery company, I believe. They make saddles, anyway, and their scarves often have equestrian related designs on them (I DO love Hermes scarves, but at $1k per scarf....and that was duty free. I bought 1 for my mother and 1 for myself duty free.For some reason, i loaned mine to my Mum as well. A couple of weeks ago, I asked her for it AND SHE'S LOST IT!!!!!!!). 

    My point in all of this is, money can't buy you style. It keeps coming up lately with these label whores like Marlo on our screens and Dododorit crowing about her brand new Birkin. I actually bought a very very good quality fake that cost me close to 300 bucks. It's made beautifully and custom coloured in a shade of purple I love and in alligator. I would't do that again. It's ok, but some bag shapes and sizes aren't suited to certain body types or styles. I toted it around for a while, but felt like a wanker. It lives in my closet now!

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  20. oh, you are so right! I am really bad at only seeing the 'big picture' and not the individual components. OMG, I just squinted at the photo, like I do at some paintings to get an idea of what the artist is doing with light and shade.....do this NOW with Shannon's nose..it looks like um...


    i don't mean to be vulgar, but when you squint,, around her nostrils looks like balls and the bridge of her nose looks like a penis..am I nuts?

    Apart from that exercise, yes, I see her nose has been a bit botched and it's adding to the overall disharmony with her face. I made an observation about LVP's nose recently too, and someone pointed out correctly that it's all the fillers she's had surrounding it, not any work she's had done on her nose per se, but these days, LVP's nose is looking small and sharp because of the fillers in her cheeks etc.

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  21. Nene and Cynthia get interviewed. Wow, Nene certainly hasn't lost anything in the hubris stakes, still claiming to be HBIC


    And WHAT is her attraction to these fugly coats? There's the one I posted on this thread, I saw another almost as hideous come up on twitter from her 'SWAAUGH' store (I'm using 'her' very liberally, not sure exactly what her relationship is, probably just gets paid to instagram stuff) and in the pic on this link, she's got another over embellished coat on. At least this one is consistent with her style: Nene has always liked her some camo. Actually, on that topic, the RHOA hos are all into camo, why is that?! 

    And back to the latest coat atrocity. Nene seems to love bedazzling and embellishing her clothes and accessories. You'd think she'd quit after this disaster that may have been the last straw with Hermes, because allegedly she and maybe Marlo are persona non grata at the Hermes stores in Atlanta, despite begging and bothering the staff. How dreadful. 



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  22. 8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

    Beverly Sassoon is as gorgeous as ever.  And...even she pushed away Eden's uncomfortably long hug.   She also gave her daughter good advice.  Shut up Eden.  You don't make judgements based on one other person.  The fact that Eden keeps saying that Kyle is cold or Kim is angry, maybe you have to look at yourself rather than these people

    And finally, Beverly gave actual real AA advice to her daughter instead of all the corrupted twat waffling EdenSassoonSoberWoman bs. I can't remember exactly what it was, but the line was directly from the AA playbook and served to both shut Eden down and up! That's a mercy. One of the women should get it printed on tshirts for whenever they have to film with Eden. And what is with that? IS she or ISN'T she a housewife? She's not holding a diamond, she's not got 'friend of x' under her scene and they are cutting to what she's doing back in LA when the rest of the cast is in Mexico.

    And the whole 'Sober Woman' thing? Can't we just be Sober, or Sober People? Everyone has started using it like it's a proper noun, like Eden is a Martian. Even Eileen refers to Eden as a 'sober woman' in her blog this week, albeit without the caps I give it for emphasis.

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  23. 9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

    "I’ve known Lisa R. well for many years. We all know she’s off the cuff and sometimes says things without thinking. That’s why we love her. But she’s not a malicious person. And I stand by that assessment even now."

    I have to disagree with Eileen's statement above - Rinna is/can be malicious - she was malicious last year with the whole Munchausens' thing last year with LVP and Kyle, and she was malicious when she brought up Kim's arrest during Game Night.

    I totally agree, this is exactly what I thought when I read Eileen's blog. There ARE nasty, malicious people out there, why are people so quick to excuse this behaviour with 'it wasn't her intention' as if that makes it ok? The end result is still the same. How does the person on the other end feel? They are the one suffering because of something said or done, intention be damned. Similar is Lisar always bleating that she wants to 'move on'. 'Move on' just means taking no accountability or responsibility and continuing as if everything is ok. I'm sure she'd LOVE to 'move on' right now. I'm sick of that being used as some kind of template for healthy relationships. Sometimes stewing and litigation is healthy, especially when someone continues to be an ignorant gossip spreading hag. IMO, Lisar loves an opportunity to let her inner malicious rage beast come out. Like with Kim winding her up in Amsterdam and the glass smash. She is very attached to righteous indignation.

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