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Everything posted by ninjago

  1. I think this show has pretty much eaten itself at this point. The cast are just young enough to be able to parlay the show into big money hawking weight-loss shakes on Instagram and making appearances at clubs, none of which can be covered on the show without breaking the fourth wall. But that's what most of them are really doing in their real life, so the show is left to made up squabbles that are, at root, about who gets to be on the show and who doesn't. Only the Toms and Jax/Brittany have anything substantial going on outside the show. I've always thought the histrionic MEN are what makes this show different than a million other reality shows, so I'd be happy to restart at TomTom Club, with Tom and Tom and a new cast of pre-fame famewhores.
  2. Both Lala and Scheana have too many under eye fillers. In an attempt to get rid of bags/sunken eyes that come as we age, they have put so much filler under their eyes their bottom eyelids are being pushed up and their eyes have become narrower and more slanted, almost "asiatic". Nicole Kidman, Courtney Cox, Meg Ryan, and Madonna are all high profile examples of woman who overdid the undereye fillers and started to look like Waylon Flowers' puppet Madam. It's funny because when they were doing their acting class I thought, "These women are so unnatural looking they could only be cast as themselves. No normal people look like this."
  3. I think the person lying or misrepresenting or misunderstanding is the client. I don't think Flagg would work for free, I don't think Altman is going to do something that is that verboten in the industry and I don't think the Brits would offer to work for free since it seems like they have to work very hard on every listing. The realtors are varying types of distasteful-cheesy (Altman), frenetic (Brits), arrogant (Flagg)-but none are as slimy and sketchy as most of their clients.
  4. I have exactly zero interest in watching Billie on this show. On the other hand, Katie, Adriana and Lala don't seem interested in putting all their business out on this show, which is good for their personal growth, but not great for reality TV. Kristin seems to be permanently relegated to tertiary character. That leaves Stassi, who is not involved in any of the work drama, Brittany, who doesn't bring much outside of her relationship with Jax, and Scheana, who has a made-for-reality-TV life, but sort of floats around outside of the rest of the group. If Katie wants to pull a Vickie Gunvalson and refuse to integrate new people into the cast, she needs to start bringing more to the show.
  5. Dolores kind of stuck her neck out tonight, saying Teresa is a bad judge of character! She must be pissed at being shunted to the side for Danielle.
  6. It's very self-absorbed to assume you are top of mind for anyone other than yourself, let alone that everyone is going to to know what and how you are going to get offended and know how to navigate that. That is also the difference between being upset someone flat out called you "Fat" and making the leap that because a person you don't get along with didn't give you credit for planning a party that you weren't involved in the planning of that that person must be transphobic and owes you an apology. The world doesn't revolve around Billie. Having said that, I think if you scratch the veneer, this conflict, like so many on the show, is really about who gets to be part of the cast. Fights about who gets to work at the restaurants, who gets invited to parties or restaurants or trips or Lisa's house, who is in a real relationship, who is included on texts or pictures, etc. All of that is really about who gets to be on the show. Katie does seem to have appointed herself gatekeeper, and I think Billie was really mad that all of the female cast members were part of the Girls' Night In and being left off meant Billie isn't a real cast member.
  7. Thank you! I thought I was going crazy. What about that guy made him look just like Pete Davidson!?
  8. The only person on the show who has shit all over the show is Stassi, who told everyone she would never associate with the show or any of the castmates again, only to crawl back a year later. Jax and Kristin have shit all over Lisa much more than James has.
  9. Katie doesn't give a shit that James called her fat. Katie, Kristin and Jax want James off the show-not just out of Sur, but off VPR, so they are really pushing that James is just unbelievably, beyond the pale awful, despite the fact that he hasn't done anything worse than they have done. I know Sandoval can be annoying, but I think he (and Schwartz) have always realized that they've all lucked into this show, that no one person makes the show, and by cutting someone out, whether it's James or Scheana or Lala or even Kristin and Jax, means cutting that person out of a life changing opportunity and that's not something you should do lightly. That's why Sandoval's always tried to maintain friendships with the person who is on the outs and I think that's why he dislikes Katie (and Stassi): they're always trying to close ranks and exclude somebody for made up reasons. Which is shitty and also stupid because Katie, in particular, has nothing to offer the show and if it depended on her to attract viewers, it would have been cancelled all ready.
  10. Stassi is A LOT, with or without her mom. Unless things are going just the way she wants, she tends to be mean, sharp-tongued, incredibly needy, hysterical and vindictive. She also continues to drink (and use Adderall) despite it bringing out the worst in her. Does being pretty, bright and sometimes fun make up for all of that? It wouldn't for me. I don't know how or why someone like Beau opts-in to a relationship with someone who is as volatile as Stassi.
  11. Yuck. It's bad enough the children of everyone from Will Smith to Yolanda Foster get fame heaped on them for no reason, now we have to have mobster's kids foisted on us?
  12. Scheana has always been a fair-weather friend and it's too bad because she's obviously never going to really get back into the core group and she and Stassi (and maybe Lala) are the only women who have anything going on outside of parroting the groupthink of the group. What are Katie, Ariana or Kristin offering this season? I'd much rather see crazy Scheana's cheeseball dates than hear another rehash of all the ways James is terrible.
  13. I don't know how Debra Newell's kids can have any relationship with her at all. I would resent the shit out of her if she was my mother, especially since she still doesn't seem to get the severity of the hell she put her kids through.
  14. It is crazy how the women who are most committed to praising the "old fashioned"ness of their family's values are the ones who are treated the worst by their husbands. Jennifer has an absent husband who sticks her with five terrible children, Delores's husband ran around with "whores" and showed no interest in their children until they were teenagers, Teresa got sent to jail and been called a c-word by her cheating husband, Melissa's husband disrespects her, let his parents disrespect her, and let their children disrespect her. Compare all of these marriages to women like Ken and LVP or Kyle and Mauricio. Why are these women so complicit in their own disrespect?
  15. It's funny to see how the power on the show has shifted to Kandi. Remember when Nene used to be all shady towards her? Everyone knows where the real money and power is on this show and only Porscha is dumb and impulsive enough to want to piss off Kandi.
  16. I kind of wonder what went on early in Kandi's life that makes her feel like she can never check her mother. She's over 40 years old, has been self supporting for more than 20 years, we've seen her take care of business in very upfront ways, so why does she enable her mother like this? Also, for real, no snark, who is paying Marlo to sleep with them?
  17. I loved Ronnie in this scene. If the cop talked that way to a rich white lady imagine the condescending prick he was to women who weren't so well-heeled. Anything that inhibits women from getting help in domestic situations needs to be nipped in the bud. I finally saw this episode, and of course her mother has a lot of blood on her hands form Debra's psychological make-up, but she did 100% support Debra leaving John and recognized the danger Debra was in. I wonder if part of why Debra stayed was because she'd not been able to fully forgive her BIL the way her mother did and forgiving John was her way of relieving the guilt for that.
  18. Marlo caught a felony charge for slashing a "friends" face. She went to jail for four years. She is one of those legit crazy Housewives (LeeAnne, Brandi G.) Bravo sometimes unleashes on the rest of these more run of the mill trash-talkers. All of the franchises talk about sex, but this one goes way further. I would have been like Eva with the awkward G-rated non-sex talk.
  19. That skit was too reminiscent of the classic Sweeney Sisters Christmas skit and it just left me feeling sad about Jan Hooks being gone.
  20. From the first time they aired that clip, one thing that I noticed was when she turns around from Ashton being pulled in, we see her face, and she has a grimace that would be like a person would have if someone else at the table spills a glass of water-like, "Yikes, shoot, that's too bad". I wanted to see the clip before assuming she really had reacted in such a nonchalant way, and, after seeing the whole thing-yep, she really did not seem to get the urgency of what was going on. She still doesn't seem to get the gravity of the situation.
  21. I feel like Dolores and Frank's relationship is all a cover-up and they've never really stopped being "married". Like, they divorced so she could have assets in her name that couldn't be seized when he inevitably got busted on some grifting charge, and him "moving to Florida" is really he rented an apartment in Florida so he could claim residency there and not pay income taxes. They seem like low-life, low-level members of Tony Soprano's crew.
  22. Brandy laughed hardily at the "Chicken is for poor people comment", and the woman sitting next to her with dark hair (not Kerry Klein) chimed in with "You're not wrong!", so she can miss me with the "shocked and appalled". On the other hand, being a bitch when drunk, putting on airs and making a bad joke doesn't need to ruin someone's life. People say stupid stuff and try to be funny when they are drunk and generally act stupid. I hate to think someone needs over-the-top harassment because of it. These are a bunch of tacky people, including Brandy Coffey.
  23. It seemed like when the main? one-the drunk one in the blue dress-asked "Did someone put chicken on their preference sheet?" and then started to complain about it being low-rent, the rest of them suddenly changed their tunes, from saying it was delicious and looked good, to saying it was unacceptable and for poor people. Like, none of them wanted to be outed as being "poor"!
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