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Everything posted by ninjago

  1. Shep, Cameran and Whitney have zero interest in the rest of the cast.
  2. It is weird to me that Bethenny so frequently makes digs at other people's looks in her talking heads. Tonight she called Ramona "The Crypt Keeper". And, yes, Ramona has a ton of plastic surgery but...so does Bethenny? I don't know it seems beneath her and this franchise. Other than RHoA, I can't think of other franchises where people make shots about each others looks.
  3. She reminds me of Catelyn Jenner. I think it is her mouth and eyes, which maybe have had a lift? I don't mind the captain so far, but I don't understand how these charters function when the crew interacts so unprofessionally. Not just the hooking up, but, for instance, the way the chef spoke to Bugs was so unprofessional and unproductive!
  4. I would have sworn he talked about how against that relationship his sisters were. I apologize if I am wrong about that, but, even then, I maintain that neither Shep nor Thomas are ever going to settle down with someone who isn't all ready a member of their social circle. I predict in five years or so Shep and Trav will be fighting over Eliza Limehouse. Edit: Others have pointed out I am wrong that Trav said his sisters disproved of his relationship with the Beverage Cart Girl. Sorry for passing on bad information. I must have confused it with something else.
  5. I think he looks like Ewan McGregor! I mean, were these women what people mean when they say "basic"? With all the trumped up dietary requirements and putting on "war paint" (WTF does that have to do with Croatia, of all things?!) and then one has to make a trite, played out comment about how Hannah will call them fatties if they eat all their soup. Yes, you are a huge fatso if you eat a whole bowl of lentil soup. Geez, get a grip people, Instagram isn't real life.
  6. Yeah, I am trying to figure out how I felt about it. I mean, it's rude as fuck, but it's also kind of funny to hear someone just put it out there!
  7. Wow. She doesn't bother with shade, she goes straight to the read, huh? I get she is a huge talent/legend/diva, but she talks like she plans on dropping dead tomorrow, the way she's burning bridges.
  8. Trav was the one who was still lamenting letting go of the beverage cart woman many years later because his family didn't approve of her and she didn't belong in his world. That's exactly what I am thinking about with Shep. Both of these guys are way too beholden to their families, way too enamored of their idealized version of their upbringing, to venture outside of what they know. I'm not saying this about all men or all rich men. I'm saying this specifically about Shep and Trav.
  9. AG and KFB I don't know where the right place to post about the current season of Basketball Wives but folks have been posting the past couple weeks in the Season 6 thread. Its a small group of posters, so it might be more fun if we consolidate in one thread. Again, I'm not trying to boss you or say I'm right, just letting you know where the conversation is currently!
  10. I know MTV had a big problem getting the music licensing sorted for all the music they used in the early episodes-I can't hear "Finally" by CeCe Peniston without thinking of RW1!-which is why they "retired" those seasons at one point. They have brought them back with generic music in place of the original songs, but that might be why they are hard to find. I know MTV Classic had them on the schedule last year. On the one hand, I think Tami is a hater who doesn't want to see anyone else get ahead and is reminding Ev she "knew her when". On the other hand, I think Ev is only as "reformed" as her situation allows. In other words, things are going well for her, she's got the rich baller and a child and is trying for another so she she's not going to let Tami get to her. However, if (when! haha sorry not sorry) she gets cut loose by Carl Crawford and is just another baby mama all of Iylana's counseling is going to go right out the window and she will be back to chasing people around with wine bottles and snatching wigs.
  11. Shep has talked about how important it is for the woman he marries to fit in and belong with his family, mentioning specifically she needs to "know how" to hang out with his mother at the country club. That, and some of the other stuff Shep has said about his family and his attitudes towards Craig and Trav makes me believe, for all his easy going charm, Shep is a product of his upbringing and he is only going to be comfortable settling down with someone who is, ahem, OC.
  12. Austen and Chelsea belong on a different show. They are totally tacked-on and irrelevant to the rest of the cast. Maybe they could become yachties and be on the first season of Below Deck: Mid-Atlantic. And let's be real, William Shepard Rose III and his mother who goes to the country club are not going to marry a hairdresser, so stop trying to act like that is at all a potential thing.
  13. To be fair, it's not just gold digging. She is comparable to the women on Basketball Wives-a comparison I am sure Landon would love!: she wants to marry into a specific, exclusive segment of society and lifestyle that money alone cannot get you access to. She had a rich husband, but he had to work and, I'm guessing, he expected her to be independent enough to occupy herself. She wants a husband who is independently wealthy so he can travel with her and they can spend half the year in Boca Raton and the other half hosting polo matches and going to galas and other archaic bullshit. Sound like anyone? I do think she's really upped the putting on airs about how she's to the manor born. Wasn't she basically middle/upper middle class, growing up on Jekyll Island? Wasn't her dad a salesman or something?
  14. Despite Andy's flat affect, I have always thought Kandi is one of the few HWs he actually likes and respects, probably because she has a lot of money and knows cool people. Kandi is also one of the few HWs (along with Kyle and Vicki) who deliver on the promise of "real life" on the show , being pretty much their genuine selves on screen. Which I think is why I think Phaedra is done. She messed with the wrong woman.
  15. Carole might be my least favorite HW on any franchise, but, yeah, that was hard to watch, mainly because, regardless of what side you are on, this country has had a devisive several months and the upset she was feeling has been felt by a lot of people on all sides. I don't mind Tinsley, but her Little Bo Peep aesthetic is so over the top and silly.
  16. I don't watch Below Deck, but here goes... It started off really slow, because Hannah was really humorless and Bobby was so goony, trying to be funny but not being and Andy seemed totally disinterested in them and was like rolling his eyes at Bobby. Then, I don't know if Andy told them they had to kick it up or what, but when Andy asked about Bobby's relationship with Lauren it totally went left. Hannah called him a douchebag and said he had used Instagram to give "two fans" the opportunity to come to his last WWHL filming, despite also bringing Lauren to the filming, which had happened the night after he and Lauren slept together. And he said Hannah was jealous cause she threw herself at him and he turned her down and she's got a "big head". Basically, they both think they are big celebrities who take themselves way too seriously, but he is a big gross cheeseball who is repulsive.
  17. I have been wondering about this all season but didn't want to go there on the boards! Bethenny has been pretty dodgy and non-committal about her opinion, which is unusual, plus she knows Donald, plus she fucking loves money, plus she has a history in small business and manufacturing that Trump may have appealed to...so....yeah, I don't know. It wouldn't have surprised me to find out every one of these women, aside from Carole (I didn't realize Dorinda knew the Clintons) had voted for Trump.
  18. That WWHL got real weird. Bobby is like textbook douchebag. His teeth are a nightmare. Even Andy seemed repulsed.
  19. WTF was that episode? It started off so flat I thought Andy was going to tell them to leave the set and interview the babies and then the guy with the huge teeth went full on douchebag and it got totally weird!
  20. Peter is such a full of shit blowhard. Bye, Peter. Geez.
  21. Yeah, Landon reads the Wall Street Journal everyday. Hahaha.
  22. It's funny she mentions parenting specifically because at the lunch where Ramona and Bethenny blew up, Carole voiced an opinion that kids would not confront Bryn on the playground with gossip about Bethenny and Ramona said something like, Well, you aren't a parent so you don't know the kinds of awful things kids do. And Carole got very, very bucky that Ramona would say Carole couldn't have an opinion because she is not a mother and that she found that very offensive. It's almost like people don't appreciate being excluded from a conversation happening in front of them because they are considered unqualified to voice their opinion...
  23. To me the most telling thing was Carole actually making Bethenny wait for her because she didn't want to leave the party! I'm sure Bethenny thought Carole would be waiting at the door for her to pull up and come running out, ready to bitch about the lame party and how awful everyone else is.
  24. I don't hate Bethenny, but she may have played herself tonight by punking out on going to this dinner. The show obviously doesn't need her and if she is refusing to film, they shouldn't be afraid to cut her.
  25. I watched it live, too, Grandma ;)! It is almost unimaginable now what the first couple seasons of the Real World were like, not least of all because people, even TAMI, had shame about the way they behaved on camera for all of America to see. They didn't purposely act like a lunatic in the hopes of parlaying it into a lifelong career of being an ass on TV.
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