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Everything posted by ninjago

  1. I laughed out loud when Bob came walking into the shoot with that dumb, shocked look on his face and then pretended he was going to take his shirt off and they all yelled, "Don't do it!" Finally there is someone around who doesn't take themselves so seriously. Bob might be the only person across any of these franchises to have an actual sense of humor about himself.
  2. That bow tied around Brielle's neck added to the call girl look. I don't hate Kim. I think she seems to like her family and her husband and I kind of appreciate that she lives a pretty quiet, home-based life. However, the kids swearing thing is so gross. I don't care what they say about having boundaries and or it being a sign of intelligence, it makes me sick when they all act like it is hilarious when it is just low-class and anti-social. Frankly, unless Kim pulls some sort of Jessica Simpson, mogul out of nowhere trick, these people will not have the kind of money to allow their kids to be outrageous and sheltered from living in the real world.
  3. Rinna looked like Lady Elaine Fairchild from Mr. Rogers. Blend that bronzer, Toots!
  4. In this situation, isn't the chef pretty much a temporary personal chef for the guests? You think the personal chef to, I don't know, Jennifer Aniston gets all bucky when she asks for some gluten-free, vegan bullshit? The ego on Nikita is ridiculous. Just do your job. I will say, though, that they should have sort of prep cook or assistant to make things like snacks and keep the food coming. Seriously, Americans think vacation=all you can eat buffet.
  5. Were we supposed to think the Mama Joyce at the lawyer scene was funny? Like she is some cute little rascal? Because she's horrible and creepy and mean as a snake. Maybe if she was Phaedra's mother I could understand her doing some digging, but she's just a nasty, horrible person. One thing, these Bravo shows make a person appreciate their slightly overbearing but completely non-threatening mother! Also, what was Kandi saying about Phaedra "faking" her interest in BLM because Phaedra had been scared and had a bodyguard? Did she mean after the bomb threat? Because, yeah, until all that got ALL sorted out, I think being scared is reasonable!
  6. Yolanda is feeling much better and isn't even on the show anymore. Besides, in the words of Shep Rose, "Grudges are for losers." These women don't have to be friends-in fact, I would recommend Eileen and her SoCal, touchy-feely, therapized need for deep emotional bonding and LVP with her flip, British, stand-offishness shouldn't even try to be close friends- but can we stop having this as our dominant storyline? Also, I feel like Erika gives us nothing authentic on here, and I don't think she ever will, because her life with her husband is going to stay private. For instance, there's no way that was her real birthday party. It would be if all Eileen ever gave us was her rehearsing her scenes backstage at Y&R.
  7. Maybe I am totally a square, but showing a guy puking "everywhere" in the luxury rental does not make me want to book that luxury rental. This show is less like Below Deck and more like The Real World on MTV, the seasons where they gave the roommates a made up job that no one cared about and all they wanted to do was party and fight over who left the dirty dishes in the sink.
  8. She mentioned on WWHL that Erika gave her some tips on contouring her face and people think she's had a nose job. My viewing of this show has come and gone so I'm sure I've missed things, but I kind of like Kyle. Kyle's that popular girl from high school who never left your hometown and now, 30 years later, she's still there and she's still the exact same and, although she knows nothing about much of anything outside of your hometown, in that town, she knows everyone and everything and, somehow, all roads lead back to her. It just so happens Kyle's hometown is Beverly Hills and she went to prom with Ponyboy Curtis and hung out with Andy Warhol. I also think who she is on camera is the same as who she is off camera.
  9. I always feel bad for people like Jaime, who didn't get the memo that no one else gives a shit and so they are left scrambling and having nervous breakdowns trying to keep control.
  10. Kristin is not crazy because she is a violent, drunk stalker. She is crazy because she is so hypocritical she has crossed over to delusional.
  11. What would it take for Kristin to stop getting so drunk all the time?
  12. The catbird seat on this show is to be in Tamra's orbit, but not the target of her attacks, because you can get screen time just discussing and trying to resolve the drama Tamra causes, and, importantly, you don't have to provide any personal storylines of your own.
  13. I just read the book "Hillbilly Elegy" and, boy, Tamra sure let her "hillbilly" flag fly in this episode. She is a cynical, distrusting, uncurious, hard person who thinks kindness is a luxury only a sucker can afford. She also has the cognitive dissonance of thinking she and her deadbeat family deserves empathy and sympathy while offering none to others. I don't think she is a sociopath. I think she has it ingrained in her that either you get or you get got and she's not gonna get got.
  14. I apologize. I should not have weighed in on this because I only know as much as I've seen on the show (Tamra saying she hasn't spoken to her daughter in two years, which would have made her daughter 14 at the time) and on the boards here (that Tamra's behavior as a RH had embarrassed her daughter so badly she no longer would speak with Tamra). I will say, that nothing kills the fun of the RHs for me like having Real Life Serious Shit brought up on the show. NeNe and Sheree fighting about Chateau Sheree? Fantastic! Kyle vs Kim fighting about alcoholism? Pass me the remote.
  15. I don't even understand how a 14 year old gets to decide that she will never see her mother again because her mother is embarrassing. Not abusive or negligent or an addict or exploitive. Embarrassing. I understand her being allowed to choose to live with her father, but, to cut off all contact and terminate the relationship seems like too massive a decision to leave to a 14 year old.
  16. Also, Shannon and Tamra are actual friends. Shannon's loyalty lies with Tamra. Why would you vent to someone about their friend, who they are much closer with than you are? Speaking of friends, Kelly's should probably lose her job for gossiping about her client's financial details.
  17. Can we retire the phrase "mean girls"? When people avoid you because you are an aggressive, nasty, offensive dickhead, they aren't being "mean girls", they are rightfully sick of your shit.
  18. Why did Ramona get those giant implants? She's nearly 60. Why does she want to be hauling those things around at this stage of her life? The effect they have on her posture makes her look more matronly and frumpy, and she's obviously in great shape. It just seems like such a hassle and adds to her overall lack of sophistication.
  19. Is this cynical? I feel like this is obviously what is happening and the other women are being disingenuous, trying to put Lu on the spot about it, which is why she is going with the over-the-top, "I'm IN LOVE!" schtick. She, Ramona and Sonja were all prowling the same hunting grounds for a man who was, first and foremost, rich. And Lu landed one. Fidelity, monogamy, attraction, compatibility are all secondary to the fact that he is rich. These aren't young maidens with stars in their eyes. They all know this.
  20. It's very confusing on this show when someone tries to hurl an insult at someone by accusing them of doing something that the accuser also did. Like Vickie cheated on Donn, right? So where does she get off saying David is worse than her because he is a cheater? I know Vickie needs Kelly for a "friend" on the show, but Vick did not seem comfortable with the way Kelly and her husband were talking in the limo after the party. Vickie is a lot of things, but she's not really a gutter fighter like those two.
  21. Vida doesn't deserve respect. I am not of the reality TV star school of "At first I don't respect you! You have to earn my respect blahblahblah." But you can prove yourself undeserving of respect, and Vida has done that, mainly because she doesn't respect anyone else. She's vile. Tommy, Reza, Gigi, etc. are grown up people. If they wanted to see the peace kept, they should have intervened on Mike's behalf and not sat there giggling and shuffling their feet while Vida poked at their "friend". All they would have had to do is change the topic and start talking among themselves-they didn't even have to confront her. Would they have just sat there if she'd started making derogatory comments about Reza being gay or MJ dating a black man? Is there ever a time when your elder needs to get checked?
  22. Based on the ads, like the one about kale being a superfood, I thought the idea was that Jill was the down to Earth, fish out of water, but she is at least as high maintenance, in appearance and attitude, as any of the other women have shown to be. I watched this for the first time the other night, when Bravo had on two episodes back to back (Hamilton and the driving instructor) and, God, is she awful. And, not everyone is Larry David. Cynicism doesn't necessarily equal funny or cool or relatable. In Jill's case, it equals exhausting.
  23. Have they ever said how food service works? When the guy came and asked for snacks, Ben looked so befuddled. I would have thought there'd be snacks out basically all the time, or at least several times a day. Are they supposed to only eat at meal time? Because, for a lot of people, that's not how they want vacation to be. These people were rude and lacked any grace or class. They appeared to expect the yacht to be like an all inclusive resort, with ever present, ongoing service and someone "anonymous" to clean up after you (i.e. you could make a mess and never have to face the person picking up behind you). On the other hand, they were on a luxury yacht and the crew could have accommodated their requests, but, from the break, the crew opted for an adversarial relationship, starting with Hannah being a snot during the onboarding tour. I guess I think the guests expectations were different than what the cruise really offered, so somewhere along the line there was a miscommunication.
  24. You aren't totally alone. I agree with you on this. Based on what we've seen on camera, him promising he'd "Always take care of you (Kathryn)", and also just my reading between the lines, my take is that he promised her his lifestyle in exchange for having his kids and now he is not delivering on it. He's not legally required to provide it. He's not even morally required to provide it, but of course someone like Kathryn is going to be fighting tooth and nail to try to get it, because she knows he could provide it no problem and he just won't. And he won't provide it not because of the drugs, but because he knows he doesn't have to and he knows it drives her nuts. I also happen to think they will end up together.
  25. Jesus, Carole, give it a rest. Ramona and Sonja I can see being jealous of Lu, since I think they'd both like to be getting remarried to a rich man. Beth and Carole are big time practitioners of Tall Poppy Syndrome-begrudging anyone who achieves anything to set them apart from the rest of the crowd. And I don't think Lu's "achievement" is her engagement-it's her happiness.
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