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Everything posted by Caseysgirl

  1. Nick seemed like a decent guy who didn’t shame Nicole or make her feel any worse than she already did. Nicole looked great when they showed her “after” the show.
  2. I’m not sure why Josseline wasn’t more upset that someone was using her image to catfish someone, particularly taking money and concert tickets. That’s identity theft!
  3. The amount of alcohol these kids are consuming actually is concerning. If you can’t even remember the names of the guy you’ve been making out with and are sure is your true love, you’ve had too much! That said, Calli at least recognized her weakness ( controlling men) and acted on the red flag.
  4. Angela’s talking about how Tyler had melted her cold, cold heart but I’m not buying it. She’s a model and media savvy enough to know that Zingbot established “her story” or what B.B. is telling us is her story.What a lovely arc; surfer guy has made her become vulnerable and loving. A real down to earth guy capturing the heart of the “ ice princess”, certainly makes for more compelling TV than just laying around in the HOH bed between competitions. She absolutely knows where she’s taking this.
  5. Colin andJamie came off this season with the least damage to their reputations. Brooke, you looked foolish and insecure this whole time; Casey you looked like a spoiled little bitch, Joao you just look untrustworthy, Hannah you look like a woman who has been spoiled and has a hard time accepting love, Conrad, you looked like a silly lovesick pup. Adam you redeemed yourself by staying out of the romances. Sandy, I prefer Captain Lee.
  6. Ok, so this is my first season with this franchise so is it always like this? Dating musical chairs. This actually reminds me of being at a Junior High Mixer, just over a longer duration. There were always a lot of tears during them, too.
  7. I know when a franchise is on its last legs when I have rewound the DVR 5 times because I either fell asleep, was doing something else or was using it for background noise. It’s definitely not grabbing my attention any more.
  8. Like most athletes, Fessy thinks that being a good physical competitor is the most important thing ( in this game, and in life.) If he watched this show at all before he came, he did not “ get it”. He only saw the competitions, not the complicated social game and critical thinking required to win. And this late in the game, he still doesn’t understand.
  9. Tyler and Angela are Amanda and McCrae all over again. She wouldn’t have given him the time of day on the outside. She has a “ little crush”on him because he’s a smart player and one of the only other guys in the house (Fessie has Haleigh & Brett’s committed to Winston).
  10. I think they had wanted to give Sami the sweetheart edit but then the crazy came out. Once Haleigh stopped hopping into bed next to every guy they must have decided to back off Sam & give it to Haleigh. She’s cute, seems vulnerable and is a little dumb. Perfect for TV.
  11. It kills me that Fessie thinks because he’s won comps, he’s one of the game’s geniuses. He literally has been on the wrong side of nearly every vote. Day 60he suddenly gets strategic. He really is a moron!
  12. Yeah, he was not the least bit subtle in his partiality for her, but maybe he felt sorry because she was being ganged up on and her one ally, Sony’s, was worthless in defending her. Luann would have helped more.
  13. At the last minute, when there are only 3 or 4 matches, everyone will have to give up on Zak & Tevin and scramble to find their true loves, who they’ve ignored for the whole time & haven’t formed any bond with, much less a romance, so the whole point of this show is null & void. But we’ve gotten a lot of cat fights and tears and the total desecration of the idea of fine American women who respect themselves and each other while twerking half naked over a bunch of guys who neither have to court them or respect them.
  14. What is the big attraction with Zak? He’s not any more or less attractive then any of the other guys in that group. He must have great pheromes. Meanwhile, these are the trashiest women I could imagine and not one of them is here to change.
  15. Collin and his parents were heartwarming. He’s lucky to have them but they are even luckier to have a son who loves them so unabashedly and doesn’t mind showing it. He and Casey seem to that in common.
  16. Why would anyone think it would be a good idea to take 5 two years out to breakfast? Talk about ruining the dining experience of everyone else in the restaurant. Two year olds do not need to EAT OUT!
  17. Amber, really? I know why you are 36 and single! You are insecure AND lazy. You are looking worse and worse to me ( and to Dave). Who did your laundry and cooked your meals before you got this guy to take care of you. And oh, experts, nothing in your intensive evaluations that asks about how you feel about sharing household chores?
  18. Jenna just put lipstick all over Benoit’s upper lip.
  19. Oh, man, is this the guy that was accused of sexual harassment and this ditz is talking about how she feels so “safe” with him and she could see them as a long term relationship.Then he goes right after another girl almost as soon as he drops her off? Now I see why everyone watches this!
  20. I don’t find Leo the least bit attractive & I know nothing about him or anyone else on this show ( never watch the Bachelor franchise but nothing else was on). I think all of these people are as shallow as a puddle so if this girl gives up a guy like Joe who seems nice & seems to like her then so be it. All this talk about falling in love after one date or meet up - don’t get it.
  21. I admit I don’t get the feeds and I usually just have BBAD on as background noise, but I thought Scotty spent close to an hour in the HOH room with Fessie & I thought they had come to some agreement about Sam going up. I must have been mistaken. Why all this hate for Scotty? I understand Fessybut what does Tyler have against him?
  22. “Pinky swear” will be my go to way to get people to do what I want.
  23. So it seems that Fessie has promised Tyler that he would not put Angela, Kaycee or him up; he promised Sam that she would not go up ,so who are left? His girlfriend and his best friend. Someone’s prediction about Haleigh ending up going home may just come true! And the guy who was so worried about looking foolish on television will hold the new Big Brother crown!
  24. Watching BBAD, seeing Haleigh & Scottie playing chess. He is so sweet with her & it made me feel sad that, of course, the good looking but lecherous jock will win out over the sweet nerd - this is real life not a fantasy. When she asked him, rather hopefully, if he had a secret alliance and he said, “I wish!” It kind of broke my heart.
  25. Loved Preet trying to calm Bill down as he hysterically yelled “Traitor!Traitor!” Yes, what he’s alleged to have done could be traitorous, but let’s see what the Mueller investigation’s logical conclusions are. Alas, I feel that Jonathan Swan’s prediction that it may not prove a thing is probably true. Using a word like traitor becomes as meaningless as comparing someone to Hitler if it’s thrown around enough.
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