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Everything posted by Caseysgirl

  1. Well, after reading and listening to Sam’s comments, I now think that she’s messed up her game. The boys will back up Haleigh and Kaitlin and the other girls will become self conscious about their own behavior. I think, now, that it was just personal and she’s really targeted herself. It apparently doesn’t bother her because she’s going to play this game her own way.
  2. So, I don’t have the feeds & have not heard her speech, but I think it’s interesting that Brett can make a nasty and pretty personal speech where he ridicules Kaitlin and her philosophy but everyone ( including Kaitlin) forgives him for that. (Rockstar is a different case). But in a true double standard Sam is being called out for pointing out what we can clearly see; both Kaitlin and Haleigh HAVE been lying all over these guys, massaging them and flirting, talking baby talk and otherwise using feminine wiles as an advantage in their game. It probably wasn’t the wisest thing for Sam to do, but I can’t help but think, a few of us in the audience may agree with her and be happy that someone finally said something.
  3. Winston,bitter much? Face it, you played a lousy game. Holing up in the back room with your Bro thinking you were all that,; so superior to all the unpretty people and then not able to back it up with any performance? Lousy strategy. But-bye!
  4. Max was doing a TED talk in France? About what?
  5. Wow! It’s clear that the AC2 tour must be a real delight. Andy Cohen trying to out do Anderson Cooper and both of them being bitchy to one another. It was clear that Stephen wanted to talk politics and Andy chimes in about the Housewives. I think his final dig about Anderson being a Vanderbilt was a little low but maybe that’s their energy together. If they were trying to interest me in their show,they failed.
  6. Does TMZ have some axe to grind with CBS?
  7. Winston sure must have pissed off production because he got the lousiest edit of anyone in the House. Yeah, he’s kind of douchey. But really, Kaitlin, you were thrilled when you were conspiring to remove people and then refused to “ own your power” collapsing into a mountain of mush that everyone had to pet and comfort all week. Your mad because your name came up? It was the universe talking, babe.
  8. Love John Mulaney! And as usual, I agree with him.
  9. First time I have seen Nova laughing and playing was tonight with her father. She needed an escape from all the estrogen!
  10. Omg I’ve been reading the threads while trying to finish last night’s BBAD and all I can say is my hat is off to all you people with feeds who have subjected yourself to this Kaitlin insanity. And to the people who have to live in the house with her; and to the people who have hired her to be their life coach and those who have to live with her in real life- YIKES! Too bad for her that getting the most screen time doesn’t earn her a reward of some kind but I guess hijacking the attention that Scottie was basking in is reward enough.
  11. I’m going to agree with backformore and I’m also going to be judgmental. A woman working 40hours a week and being away from her child is one thing, but being gone for 3 months and leaving an infant and two small children behind to hang around a house with a bunch of 20 something’s, reliving your glory days on national television; dancing around bra less and sunning yourself is not exactly what Gloria Steinem had in mind. Yes, women in the military are deployed for long periods and I’m sure we are not trying to guilt trip them about being away from their children,but this is kind of a different animal.
  12. Watching Winston blow up his game on BBAD. Remembering how he claimed to be such a mastermind and comp fiend when he first came in to the house and now seeing that he’s never come close to winning anything, his social game sucks and when he gets nominated, he does exactly the worse possible thing and threatens the HOH! JC couldn’t believe his stupidity and seemed truly appalled. All Brett has to do now is lay low because by the end of the week, no one will vote to keep Winston.
  13. Wow! Nice to see that “Swaggy” was hoisted on his own petard.
  14. No love for Katherine, Ashley or T-Rav, but frankly, this show will be very dull without them. Someone mentioned a while back about Katherine’s family and whether they were old Southern aristocracy ( the Calhoun’s). Katherine has so little in the way of basic knowledge of etiquette and class, as well as a serious lack of intelligence, so it wouldn’t seem as though she was brought up with the kind of education that a real a Southern Belle would have. It amazes me that she would be considered a “ catch” by these guys.
  15. Jon and Nina: I suspect Nina’s “webcam business” will drop significantly after people see this & realize that good lighting and camera angles can make a lot of people look better than real life. She did not look at all like the cute little blond we saw early in the show. She was looking to improve her lot in life with a good looking high roller and then when it turned out to be a nice, but obese man, who spent money that he probably couldn’t afford and said all the lovely things that her husband wouldn’t - she was a bitch and I don’t care what happens to her.
  16. God, watching BBAD now and listening to that high pitched up speak and total lack of self awareness (my family and friends know this is me and understand it) and watching Tyler talk her off the ledge, I would totally think I was watching a life coach and client, however, the life coach is Tyler. She is literally crouched in the fetal position on top of him! How does she deal with actual adversity? Remember what everyone in this house always says, “It’s just a game!” Wait until she finds out what is awaiting her in real life?
  17. Of course, Kaitlin will definitely be trending this week, so she may end up with a power that will keep HER safe for awhile. If you don’t watch the feeds, you would never guess that Kaitlin and Tyler ( yes, Tyler, you are culpable) were all over each other in the HOH room, putting essential oils and mutually massaging one another. So won’t that audience be shocked and surprised about her long term boyfriend breaking it off with her? And don’t these hamsters remember that there are cameras all over the place so that she was going to get caught?
  18. I think this HOH has been an example of how to change your persona from a relatively benign player, to a full on hated one. I had little opinion of Kaitlin, except that she was a life coach, which I thought at 24 was a little presumptuous. (Little girl, you can’t tell me ANYTHING about life til you lived it). But now that fast talking up speak; that flirtatious while being in a relationship; the arrogance that she’s the worlds best HOH, when we all know she was completely directed by Tyler, has made me hate her guts and pray for a speedy eviction, end of her relationship and demise of her stupid career.
  19. Watching BBAD, I’m struck by what a terrible social game Winston has. Even when on the block, he secludes himself with only one or two of his own alliance, trying to elicit some sympathy from them, but continuing not to acknowledge his own shitty game and just talking trash about others in the house. At least Bro Brett has been out and about socializing with others, though they may not be up to the high standards of the “Bros”.
  20. Watching Scottie last night on BBAD was cringe inducing. The first 2 weeks, he seemed uninterested in anyone except Steve. He barely seemed to respond to overtures of friendship and just kept listening in to others conversations and reporting them to Chris. Now that he’s on the block, he’s trying to be Mr. Personality. He’s in every room, with every group, giving massages, giving up his place in the shower line; he may even let someone kiss him at this rate. I have yet to see displays of this athleticism that he bragged about in his introduction ( he couldn’t even do one jumping jack last night). I’d love to see Chris be blindsided, but if Scottie leaves I won’t shed a tear.
  21. Wow! Gotta say Angela’s endurance and technique blows those Bros out of the water!
  22. Winston, I think Sam is actually playing the game better than you. She is totally rocking the “ innocent rube” while your “evil genius”is on the block. I would love it if no one from his alliance gets the veto & he stays on the block & goes home.
  23. Catching up on BBAD and watching the Bros discussing the game. Honestly, is Brett an Incel? They were speaking with such derision about Rachel’s interest in him and then they started talking about how “emotional” girls are. People are giving Brett more credit than he’s due if he is not considered as much of an ass as Winston. They were trashing everyone in their little get together with Tyler. It’s so hard to tell when Tyler is being sincere; he’s very good at lying.
  24. Live feed watchers - any thoughts on whether Tyler letting Kaitlin massage him and spend the night with him is any more than game play or do they seem like a potential showmance? I’m old so all of that looks to me like attraction, but it seems like younger people ( or at least the people on this show) don’t feel like sharing a bed, giving & getting massages, and various other very physical activities with the opposite sex are an indication of anything. “ Back in my day” half this stuff would constitute an engagement ?. That’s why old people don’t succeed at this.
  25. Isn’t that convenient that Chris is making it look like he doesn’t want to waste an HOH, when truthfully, that covers his pride if he doesn’t win. I pray he is out of the game early, because honestly, his cockiness annoys me no end and he can be forgotten long before he can sell all that “ merch” he has made expressly for this show.
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