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Everything posted by JTMacc99

  1. According to me, 70% of holiday card recipients care more about how the dog is doing than the people.
  2. I try to go with a neutral face, which usually keeps people from trying to talk to me.
  3. I somehow missed it last night. I'd like to see it; just have to figure out if there is a replay or which streaming service has it.
  4. Meanwhile over at ESPN, Disney is chopping all sorts of on air talent to save some money. (My company has to deal with Disney; they're a thug company from our experience. So I'm not shocked at the way they're going about this.) Of interest in the NFL group they terminated Suzy Kolber, Keyshawn Johnson, Matt Hasselbeck, and Todd McShay.
  5. My dad's all time favorite! Just stopping by here to tell a quick country music related story. A couple weeks ago I had to make an hour and forty minute drive. It was in a different direction than I usually go, so I wanted Waze to navigate for me, and I set Tidal to play some music for me. One of the 8 mixes "just for me" was country themed. I don't listen to a lot of country music, but there are a few songs that I cherry pick here and there and several songs that are country-tangent in my playlists. (So Tidal knows I like Zac Brown, The Chicks, a Kenny Chesney here, a Beer for My Horses there...) This mix was fun! By my estimates, at least 30% of the songs were about drinking, so I should probably check my privacy settings to see if I've allowed Tidal to see what I'm spending my money on. Brad Paisley's "No I in Beer" (2020) was a new one to me, so you can see I'm a little behind on my country music. What a silly, fun song that is.
  6. It most certainly should be this way. My parents were married for over 50 years and the last 5-6 he cared for her as dementia took her from him. I would do the same and expect the same for me. What I was posting about was mostly that I totally understand anybody who sees a situation with a potential partner and thinks, "I'm up for a relationship that sticks together in sickness and in health, but I'm gonna pass on this getting into this relationship. I'm done with that sickness." Or in your case, signing up for another ten years of caregiving that comes with young children.
  7. This resonates with me and I'm sure with everybody else who has lived some life and has dealt with genuinely difficult situations. Substantial amounts of your time and emotions put in a caregiving situation. It makes all the sense in the world that the last thing you want to do right now is to take on a relationship that has any component of more caregiving. I have more than one friend who married somebody with the awful narcissistic personality disorder. Even after divorce, the ex continues to try to make them miserable at every opportunity. Those friends are extremely hesitant to get married again. They've found significant others, but marriage scares the crap out of them. As for me, I married somebody who suffers from depression. After that ended I got like a couple years before my state locked my kids in their rooms for 18 months. I got another round of depression complete with trips to the pediatric psychiatric emergency room for both of them, thousands of dollars of therapy, and the delightful job of trying to get them back on track. So when I got together with my old friends in April, one of them asked me as the only single person in the group how dating is going for me. My answer was, the last thing I want right now is another set of feelings I need to worry about in my life. Someday, I get over it, but that day is not today. And for sure, when that day comes, the second I get a whiff of any of the behaviors that come with depression, I'm out of there.
  8. JTMacc99

    The NBA

    Was it here where somebody posted the story about the game in the 85-86 season where Bird was bored and decided to shoot left handed for most of the game. Ended up with 47 points, 14 rebounds, 11 assists. He scored 20 points shooting with his left hand as well as being 7-7 from the line. Heh. I think he could hold his own in the NBA right now. The only thing that ever slowed down Bird was his awful back issues.
  9. So I just wrapped up season 1. I'm glad that I didn't watch this back in the day and then had to deal with it being cancelled, because it is fun and super clever. Robotic Abe: “My fellow Americans, as we try to weave the fabric of this great nation back together, I say to you…try the churros.”
  10. Same for me. It probably doesn't hurt that I have the technical and people skills that allow me to succeed in my chosen field. I am wired correctly to do what I do, and therefore I like doing it. I've been fortunate enough to only once land in an organization which was not a fit for me. I am much happier in a mid-size corporate setting than I am a huge corporation. I like to know that the work I'm doing makes a difference as opposed to working hard and then having no idea if actual decision makers did anything with it.
  11. Rory pretty much said the same thing. That course hasn't held up to the way the game has progressed. The fact that it was soft due to rain made scoring even easier. Not sure what they would need to do to make the course more challenging for the pros. I guess they could lengthen it with some new tee boxes, and there's always going US Open style and narrow down the fairways and let the rough grow a bit. The latter isn't that hard to do, and it should bring the winning score down into the teens.
  12. Based on his one year with the Giants, and it is only one year so we'll see if this holds up, he is a heck of a football coach who likely made a tremendous positive impact during his time with the Bills. The Giants also took Joe Schoen from the Bills front office. It's part of the deal when you create a successful organization like the Bills have done. You occasionally lose important contributors. Sometimes it creates a bump in the road for while. As a Giant fan, I'm kinda-sorta hoping that the Eagles losing both coordinators might slow them down a bit this year. Seems like a long shot, given the talented veteran roster, but a fan can hope.
  13. I feel like Josh Allen should be a good answer to this question. Where Mahomes adds in the ability to make a play off schedule by flinging the ball effortlessly to a somehow open Kelce, Allen brings the ability to take off on his feet and Derek Henry defensive backs to make a play during a game winning drive. He was just so sloppy last year, that a little doubt has crept in.
  14. JTMacc99

    MLB Thread

    I googled their names together, and yes, there are several hits if people saying that. I’ll add this one to my perpetually expanding cast for my 30+ year old plan to make “The Jesse Barfield Story starring Billy D Williams”.
  15. To me, oat and cashew are the most neutral. Soy definitely has the note of its origin.
  16. Discovered a little hole in the wall place the other day. The menu leads with house cured Pastrami and Corned Beef and takes a bit of a tour around the Mediterranean after that, but with a lot of American twists and dishes tossed in. I had been planning to go there Saturday, which was super convenient when my son said to me at like Midnight Friday, “I have a craving for Pastrami right now. (!) I had a little bit of his Reuben, and we will be going there again to get more of it and hit the corned beef as well. I’m not so far that I couldn’t get down to NYC for authentic cured meats like this, but it’s WAY easier to drive to the next town over For what it’s worth, I had the Buff-alafel: Chick pea fritters served in a pita pocket tossed in mild and tangy Buffalo wing sauce with lettuce, tomatoes & blue cheese. Served with coleslaw and pickle. Turns out that falafel jazzed up Buffalo style is pretty damn good. Heh
  17. Ugh. What that usually means is that the warm water bullies the weather pattern into something unusual, and whatever you get, you're going to get A LOT of for months. So if you're getting rain, get used to rain. If it's hot, get used to hot. El Nino brings floods to some and droughts to others.
  18. @TattleTeeny you're on one of my broader peeves, which is people using terms or diagnosing conditions incorrectly. Your examples of how people see one of two behaviors and slap the term Sociopath on somebody is dead on for the one that I spot all too often: People labeling somebody as a Narcissist. Narcissistic personality disorder is a very real, very nasty thing. Real narcissists are life ruining assholes. It's not a term to just slap on anybody who is self centered. Well, doctors and/or experts should be less inclined to label people from afar, because their opinion carries credibility. As such, they're kind of obligated to not issue diagnoses without actual diagnosing. On the other hand, and using my narcissist example, those of us who have lived it can certainly be comfortable to say something like "She pings me as narcissist. A lot of the things she does are just like my ex-spouse." It's just the dingbats who have heard the term and use it the way they want to use it, without understanding what they are saying, who muck up the situation.
  19. One of the fake milks should work. I'm thinking oat milk might be my first choice for that use, but this might be because almond milk is at the bottom of my fake milk list. I think rice milk could also work, but it's got a bit of a sweet taste to it that might not work for the savory potato you're looking for. (Rice milk is easily my favorite for cereal. It may even be better than regular milk.)
  20. I watched a show yesterday about a manhunt for a big-time Honduran drug smuggler. At one point the DEA agent who was in charge called the smuggler a psychopath. Given the number of people he had murdered (and occasionally tortured), I thought that was a solid use of the word. That should really be the benchmark for Psychopath.
  21. It was my charity event with Dante Hall, and looking up and discovering how awesome the 2003 Chiefs and Colts offenses were, that started me down this exercise. Those two teams were absolute fire on offense, but it was the top ranked defense of the Patriots that had the best record and the Lombardi trophy that year. (I'll say it again, it's not like the Patriots didn't also bring along a very good to excellent offense each year. They probably also kicked ass on special teams.) For what it's worth, the 1986 and 1990 Giants were really terrific teams. 1986 they were 2nd on defense (far behind the Bears who gave up 187 points) and 8th on offense. The 1990 team was 1st on defense and 15th on offense.
  22. They also gave up 38 points to the Patriots in week 17 a few weeks earlier. Having said that, they were a team that was great from December 2007 through Plaxico shooting himself in 2008. So let's say that the 2007 Giants are better represented by what they had turned into by the end of that year. The 2008 Giants were 5th on Defense and 3rd on offense. Which knocks down the number of teams that won championships with mediocre defenses to 3 out of 20.
  23. When you look at the next twenty champions after the 2000 Ravens (who only gave up 165 points the entire year), you'll see MOST champions with outstanding defenses and only a few where the offense/QB had to carry the team through the playoffs to overcome defensive weaknesses. By year, champion, defensive rank of points allowed: 2001 New England 6th (also 6th offense, the start of the run of this team being great on both sides) 2002 Tampa Bay 1st by a wide margin 2003 New England 1st (12 on offense) 2004 New England 2nd tie (4th on offense) 2005 Pittsburgh 3rd tie 2006 Indianapolis 23rd (2nd on offense) 2007 NY Giants 17th (14th on offense) 2008 Pittsburgh 1st (20th on offense) 2009 New Orleans 20th (1st on offense) 2010 Green Bay 2nd (10th offense) 2011 NY Giants 25th (9th offense although dead last 32nd rushing yards) 2012 Baltimore 12th (10th offense) 2013 Seattle 1st (9th offense) 2014 New England 8th (4th offense) 2015 Denver 4th (19th offense) 2016 New England 1st (3rd offense) 2017 Philadelphia 4th (3rd offense) 2018 New England 7th (4th offense) 2019 Kansas City 7th (5th offense) 2020 Tampa Bay 3rd (8th offense) Conclusions I can draw from this. DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS. Look at all of those top ten defenses! Look at them! New England (and this followed Brady to Tampa) had an excellent defense for all of their championships, and the offense held up its end of the bargain every time. It's pretty damn impressive. Roethlisberger and Rogers got their only rings in years with elite defenses. Maybe the Jets can help out the old man this year. Indianapolis Peyton, Brees, and Eli X2 got no help from their defenses. The only 3 guys in that 20 year run you can say that about.
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