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  1. Yes, I just saw it too. I had to laugh about a couple of the comments.
  2. Thoughts: I do wish that Sean would play Gibbs. The stories would fit together better. Then the young Ducky and others would have to play also. It is nice that Mark will narrate. Will they have JAG members in the storyline also? Will they have Gibbs dad played also?
  3. webruce

    Season 05

    But you always see where the local Officer or Security guard stumbles in on something going on, and is shot or taken hostage. I do like at times where the local Officer helps stop the bad guy, and not be a part of it, or the reason they were bad.
  4. Ice Beer and mixed drinks.
  5. I can't right now watch the OC crossover episodes because of my familys cut back in our tv package. SVU episodes are still viewable, but OC are not. So ofcourse I get confused when you talk about both shows episodes at once. So I will have to wait on some of my takes from the story lines. But I do think McGrath was being an idiot. All the hustle to get the perps put away kinda took away from the rest of the case. Jet didn't screw up. Benson and Stabler do sometimes talk to much about their history. I did think Finn and Bruno talking to Manny Lopez about his rape, infront of the bystanders, was not cool. But I was surprised that with today's thinking on Gay or not, and Martha his mom thinking he won't be a "man" now because he was forced to service a man? It shouldn't change him really, I don't think, unless he had that in him to begin with. Does that make him the male version of Kate Wallace, where people can "see" that you are vulnerable to being used? I think it is both hogwash. It was nice that Bruno tried to tell her how to treat her son. Having someone like Randy Gordon's case, mixed in, is something that must happen at times and the only reason he was intertwined was that he picked Kate Wallace as a victim. I thought when he was on the bench, that he was a cop watching Kate and she was scared for no reason, boy was I wrong. I liked seeing Rollins, surprised she is so knowledgeable so quickly. And without seeing OC yet, I can't give more of a summary. I didn't catch that Muncy was actually leaving. I figured she would make up her mind at the end to stay. I wasn't happy Rollins was leaving, and sure all the replacements start off awkwardly, but were falling into place. But I don't like that the budget makes it so some team members have to play musical chairs per episode. Do the sponsor sightings game if you have to to cover it, so be it. Finn with a Mountain Dew, or Benson asking for a Cutty Sark on the rocks. It is usually more real then a generic drink. Also them and the FBI watching Larry, Sandy etc., working, seemed like they were at the office 24/7. I guess Jason Bettencourt going to work on the hard drive thoughts will have to wait until I see the OC.
  6. I haven't seen the OC crossover yet, but I didn't know that there was different DNA at each crime scene? The victims were different age and nationalities, was the only differences I remember. I did write to one of the shows a couple years back and asked why a show discription was different then the actual outcome. They said that when they work on ideas, they sometimes change the final story after they write up the discriptions. I did like that Grace Muncy tied up the Elias Olsen case. I know that Benson and Stabler are uneasy with eachother after thr last meeting, that is why this meeting was kind of like each feeling the other out. Probably why Olivia wanted to meet alone. Or not call infront of the precinct. After I see OC, then I can comment more.
  7. First off for me, I thought the Youngs were Naomi's parents. Giving her a ride to the Debates, instead of riding the bus. Then she tells that the boys on the bus harass her, I said, "oh oh, raped by the bullies"! But when the bus shot came on, first I thought it was a flashback. Then after Todd harassed Booker, I thought he would have something to do with it. As the debate ended, and they were back to the motel, I thought it probably wouldn't be Todd. My list after Naomi said yes to a drink, was 1, Booker, so he would get payback to the bullies. 2. A group of boys, Sean, for calling her ice Queen, Booker for what I said before, and fill in other boys. 3. Finding out that Parker Young and Helene Young, are the chaperones, that maybe he did something behind Helene's back, especially after she asked Naomi in the hall if she was alright. We found out at the precinct that Naomi was the only girl and her room had a door to the boys? My thought was, being the only girl student, why didn't her room have a door with the Youngs? Later after the threesome came out, I took back my offer of shared doors. Also I was amazed that the 17 and 16 year olds drinking beer, was no big deal to the chaperones? I to was surprised and confused on how Booker could record the making out? Was he in a closet? Or outside? Neither seem plausible. Finn was nice to see back. I hate the musical desk chairs with the 5 Detectives and Carisi. It seemed like he was walking slow. He have any problems? When Colin Sharpe was telling the press how good the Youngs were, I thought, what a goof, I could have bullies him in school, and I was bullied alot. Later when his true feelings came out, I felt bad for him. It seemed to easy for both Fin and Carisi, breaking him down. It was nice at the end when Finn offered him help. You see why the Youngs played on him and Naomi, both having problems at home. I do agree that Naomi's mom, Amber Hayes, does need help, and the 2 need to work stuff out. Nice that she appreciated Carisi's work, and might be a Lawyer someday.
  8. Yes, Frances Fuller didn't think Grace Muncy was old enough to be a cop, but the 3 "hostesses" were old enough? Fin not at work again. Just throw away a line about him catching a cold, in court or something. I do think Maxwell letting Roger Briggs choking to death wasn't good. Even with him telling her about how her ex was right. Atleast call 911 a little quicker, even if you physically couldn't help him. He still would be dead, but you can be a little less guilty feeling. We don't really know how much Roger knew or did, even though we know he was lieing about somethings. I'm not sure he really loved her.
  9. I didn't know at first if the couple in therapy was husband and wife, or what. It wasn't then stated, and maybe they wanted you guessing? It seemed like hubby(son), was kinda skitso and wife(mom),more prudish and strait laced. I figured also with her going upstairs in the new apartment building to do the wild thing with Eugene, that Martin was the cuckold hubby who wasn't performing well. Then as stated before he went off with Mona Stewart as pay backs. Then he came home to a house that was wrapped up for the off season it seemed, to Sonny and Cher playing, Connie making dinner in her apron. So that seemed like 1960s, Dad coming home after a hard days work, to dinner ready and wifey maybe not happy, but ready to take care of his needs. I guess she tried to keep some family tradition going. Then ofcourse we see them in bed the next day, cuddling. Weirder still. Couldn't they look into the financials to see the payoffs of Mona and Stanton Garber? Also interview the Psychologist Esther Pazargoti(IMDB). If they did have to dig deeper for evidence, they would have to. How did Mona die? I thought with her drinking Champagne, as Muncy and Churlish left, that maybe she comnited suicide? Or was thrown(jumped) off her balcony after the girls gave her the hard truth. After last episodes"lime Chaser" kinda pointed to the rape weapon, I thought maybe someone would be found suffocated in bubble wrap. Or if Martin did it, he took her out with his inhaler. Mom was poisoning Martin with his inhaller I guess and the coke mix. To keep Jr. Anemic. Dad Peter, kinda told what he did was wrong, but he was scared at the time, and probably after leaving with the Nanny, Bianca, was penniless. So he might have figured he was powerless to help Martin. I didn't really think about how young the Nanny(step-mom) was, but I did think Martin might flirt like he did at first with Mona. Yes, both Connie and Martin have to pay for what they did. Henry Caputo also for the coke. I did like Carisi's cocaine and able quip. Also the mob question and Finns reply. But I to was confused on Finns question or statement about grumpy Carisi. I to thought, " but you were there!?"
  10. Fin had the day off. Carisi "talked" on the phone to ok the UC action at the bar. Rich guys in town for meetings or whatever want to let off some steam. They ask the bartender how to meet easy girls. They don't want hookers. So there was a bunch of bartenders in different bars looking to hook them up, for cash. So for Abby( the redhead), was just at the wrong bar at the wrong time. If she wasn't there, or wasn't having problems and wanted a tequila, then the other bartenders would be looking to match Chester and George with a red head. But the reason Alec, the ex and his date Leslie didn't look for Abby, was they thought she hooked up with a guy, or just went home mad. But not sure if a redhead didnt show up that night, would the guys be out of luck? The bartenders were backed by the Patesh family, as the evidence showed when they raided Sunil who made the drugged limes, ( I to thought it was the salt), and his brother Rav and sister Asha who trucked the drugged "main event" of the party to the rich guys at the fancy motels. So this had happened many times. But also there had to be times, friends did take home a drunk candidate. Or the bartenders selected only the girls that were alone. Teddy, Grace Munseys brother, was friends with Arlo the bad bartender. The guys didn't trust him because he gave Bruno and Velasco a couple of "I don't care" answers about sex with a drunk girl. Also when he was at the meeting place at the motel, he didn't answer his phone when things went wrong and the entire NYPD was watching Muncy boast about drinks and Churish gave them the slip, with help. I am surprised that Sunil Patesh knew who Teddy was when he was arrested. And as stated earlier, the 2 guys were snagged in Canada, by Interpol. It would have been nice to see local PD picking them up. Unlike with the FBIs going from NY to say Colorado in "minutes" to make an arrest. Also not all bad guys are stupid enough to stay in town thinking they got away with it, because someone else set it up. The new cast is a learning curve, but you shouldn't have a plug and Play "Rollins" or "Amaro", everytime one leaves the show.
  11. So it might not have been Jenna Scotts finger that deposited the sperm, but the syringe? Zoe Greene said the penis was um kinda small. But it would have been stiff, and not bendy or knuckley like a finger, also she probably had longer nails then like a mans.
  12. I was glad, Vlad didn't break into the safe house, like baddies do in almost all the different series. I felt bad for Lena when Scott Forrester found Gregor Lebegor dead in the park. But I figured when he said he went straight, that he would die. I liked that Maya fought back against Vladislov Padlovic, when he grabbed her and again with her gagged at the old rail yard. I am glad she didn't break it off with Andre Raines. It happens to often in these shows. Cops can only date cops, no please. Sorry Cameron Vo. I liked how Scott took Vlad down. The spike and the shot. I worried he would be only wounded, and taken away again.
  13. Yes, Patty Hearst did cross my mind.
  14. webruce

    Season 05

    "Sins of the Past" 5.19, yes I am behind on watching. Actually the restaurant owner Ahmed Khan wasn't the friend of Mustafa Samir, Omar Hassan was Zahn's friend. He told O.A. that Omar brought Samir in to get a green card, he had citizenship problems(something like that), I keep notes, but not great ones. He also said that he bought the Ford Expedition. He didn't findout it was to be used for bad things until he saw the empty explosive boxes at the warehouse. Probably the reason he still had a picture of the Suv, so Omar could see if Samir wanted it. Also probably why he wasn't killed like Omar did to Vince Duggan. I thought at first that Ian Lim had dropped the ball by not finding the Ford photo on Khan's phone. But who would think that he has a picture of it? So Hassan and Samir were the buddies who saw his father dangled and dropped. I figured when Jack Lombardo came aboard ,and his actions, that he did something wrong. I am glad that Jubal did the right thing even though at first he was conflicted. But ofcourse Lombardo with his attitude sealed it. He did though go quickly from not admitting to it, then to admitting. All without alcohol. I to thought of Frank Reagan as 1PP. But he would have Danny and Baez take down Samir. It is to bad these series in the same towns can't collaborate on cases some times. Even if it is a line like, "we contacted 1PP and Commisioner Reagan has his officers on high alert," or something!
  15. I didn't know either. I like the side project to save Hetty. I had always thought that Sam or Kensi was going to break off and work a series with Lance "Bill Goldberg" Hamilton. I don't think Sam and Nina Barnes would last as a series.
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