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Everything posted by Roslyn

  1. I think the word you are looking for is "Divine".
  2. That about sums it all up in a plainly spoken and articulate way. What we all have been talking about for many years now. Freedom of Religion isn't freedom for all.
  3. Janelle has very wide set eyes, so straight on photos tend to accentuate that. So....it is a large event for Las Vegas women? Or is it an event for the largest women in Las Vegas... It might be morning brain, but I read that script really weird. Just me? So, is she now finally selling something? That had an actual price tag with "blog access" and a "private facebook community". Ooooo
  4. Honestly...I think it might be because Maddie.....let us down? I'm not sure how else to put it. She was from the beginning an independent and free spirit. She spoke up, and spoke out and had no fear to clearly state that she loved her big family, but in no way would she share her chosen man and their lifestyle was NOT for her. My heart broke for those kids when they yanked them out of their world and took them to Las Vegas. Maddie seemed broken, but then a bit of her inner strength returned when she stated quite clearly that HER world was back in Utah and that is EXACTLY where she was going as soon as she was 18. She got it together in LV and did very well in school. We all saw what a fabulous strong woman she was destined to be. I don't think anyone in any way would have anything bad to say about that Maddie. But...then she did exactly what she said she would. She graduated and got the hell out. It was obvious that she wanted to be on her own and making her own decisions. The problem was, that didn't last at all. Before we knew it her education driven goals melted away and she chased a man much older than her. Instead of making a relationship work while she knuckled down and finished school she gave it all up in the blink of an eye to have the man. And now it's quite disappointing if she has given up her independent life with a husband and soon to be baby to just film for telly and live off of reality tv. Caleb was very clear that he would NEVER move to Las Vegas...but that was before the wedding and pregnancy. I do suspect that Maddie wants to be with family for the baby to be born. We won't know if she moves on with her life or not afterwards. But that's why I think people feel this way. She had gumption, and now she seems to just have settled for reality telly life.
  5. In the recent abc video about Mariah's coming out, they said that she was a "Psychology major". I also thought that it was mentioned awhile back that she had changed from a Pre-Med platform to a Physician's assistant (isn't that the path that Logan is taking as well?) http://abcnews.go.com/Nightline/video/sister-wives-daughter-coming-gay-family-45106662
  6. It was something that Madison made. Kody said that he saw Maddie making it and told her "hey! I need that!"
  7. The biggest travesty of their bankruptcies is they were most likely planned. It's one thing living one way because your current income can support a certain lifestyle, then some big thing makes everything change and tumble down... I can remember reading the specifics of their bankruptcies and thinking that they each in turn built up debt in the name of the family. Especially credit card debt. Get bills out of the way, buy the needs and then when the debt hits a certain amount...bam....bankruptcy. Then...the family continues on and the next person in line starts it all again. Meri had a part time job when the show started and when they had the money discussion she said that her income "picked up smaller bills". I have always had the feeling (especially once they moved to the Lehi house) that Meri was more of the "Auntie" in the equation. Christine is a home mom, and the kids have always treated her like she was the major nurturing mother of the entire family. Meri....not so much. I can't remember exact specifics, whether it was on the show/book or an interview etc where Christine voiced that she thought Meri was too hard on the kids. Everything on the show has always showed Meri having the least contact with the kids. And her and Janelle have had several strained comments about how Meri "likes nice things and takes care of them" vs. Janelles allowing kids to run amok (implied, not stated).
  8. While the news stories don't show Robyn at the march I'm sure once the show airs next season there will be large framed versions of the photos redone by an artist clearly showing Robyn front and center with Kody. Remember, she was there from the beginning all along.
  9. It's easy to assume so. They have a family wreath with in interconnecting spider web through the center.
  10. That will just give the Kodster ammunition...So few polygamists were brave enough to show their faces with the media presence due to fear of being caught and their families being ripped apart!! Persecution. Gloom. Doom. Fear!!!
  11. OR...you can look at this from another direction. He has never come forward in any way because he knows the whole show is a bunch of crapola and lies and could care less. I'm still leaning towards my thoughts from a very long time ago that he is somehow getting money from the Browns to keep his big mouth shut. He files for divorce...Robyn takes on the debt from the marriage to "keep the peace" and then forgives all the back child support to get him to sign the "adoption" (or legal guardianship or whatever) papers. He isn't talking at all for a reason. Either because he knows its a whole lot of lies, or he is paid to keep quiet. Robyn is a weird one. She portrays him as a virtue thief and abuser, yet she married him and went on to have three children with him. She stated that her parents were there for her children's births. If he were such an evil guy why didn't her parents get her out of that situation? HE files for divorce, yet she says how she was "trapped" within her marriage. Yet her kids are happy to see/be with their Dad and after the "adoption" by their savior Kody they all pile in and spend weeks with him. There is a whole lot more to the whole thing, even past the "his family sweeps it under the rug".
  12. Maybe he will join the family business and get started in Amway?
  13. Kody joined with Robyn in May of 2010. He has stated on the show that they had a 10 month courtship, so that puts them deciding to court in the summer of 2009. The big question is how long did they know each other BEFORE the courtship began, or does Kody's timeline of 10 months cover meeting, then deciding to add her to the family and then courting etc. I remember that people have looked up her divorce papers online, but I never remember reading about what exact date her divorce was filed and finalized or anything. There is a distinct possibility that the reason for the 10 month courtship was waiting for her pesky "legal divorce" to finalize, tho they have insisted on the show it was to assimilate her kids to the Brown family way of things.
  14. I don't believe he is a repository of wifely emotions. He has put on camera that he holds no responsibility for the emotional well being of his wives. I found the Collier polygamy guy creepy to no end...B U T...that man said one thing that really stuck with me. That if one of his wives was feeling jealous, then that meant to him that he was doing something wrong. He needed to step up and be sure his wives were content. Kody has said over and over that "he doesn't want to be there" when his wives show and have emotions, especially negative emotions. When one wife is difficult he can simply skip away and go have his endless needs for "fun" met with another wife. Just recently in the "therapy" with Meri he stated that polygamy was a great way for him and Meri to hide their issues because he could get away and she could have her own autonomy, so neither really had to deal with it. Kody loves metaphors....his family is like an Organ Grinder. He is the one looking like he runs the show, the audience only sees him cranking the handle and smiling and showing off with the music playing. However the wives and children are locked inside the box making everything work seamlessly, working long hours and making sure everything runs smoothly so that Kody can get all the attention and only has to listen to the lovely music...when in essence it's difficult and dirty work to make the whole thing come together. He could care less about the hard work, he's just cranking the handle, dancing to the music and basking in all the attention.
  15. LuLaRoe....now being designed by Stephen King!!
  16. Oh no! It only proves their religiosity!! We monogamous people will never appreciate how meaningless that pesky "legal divorce" is when their Celestial Spiritual Unions are more sacred than we could possibly understand.
  17. Oh goodness...I wasn't going to, but I did. I watched the show. I agree, Jeremy is the third wheel. In what world does a man tell his best friend "I have feelings for your wife" and not get punched in the face. What man/wife would know this and go "hey...how about you come along with us?" It looked to me as though he was the live in helper, not a husband. Amanda and Chad were the married couple (I agree...no chemistry) and Jeremy is the live in friend. It is very very clear that "this child is actually, biologically mine" is important as they seemed to bring up "my" child over and over. If Jeremy was truly a "husband" within the unit then biological connections DO NOT MATTER. Both men seem to whine, moan and cry a whole lot to their "wife" who acts more like a mum in the middle. All I can see is one hell of a mess when Jeremy realizes that he got himself in a heck of a bind and wants to leave with his children. Damn.
  18. THAT'S the interview where Robyn says that "Kody has wanted to move to Vegas for YEARS" Gee...Robyn....you have barely known him for year(S). And YUP, then him and haw all over the whole bullshit "had to flee for our very lives" from Utah crap O LA!! I remember in my head seeing an interview that was said...but I have never seen it since. Thank you for posting it LettsJetts!! Kody's successful career!!?? Figuring out how to optimize his Bleeding of the Beast and how to best rotate those Bankruptcy's to the families best advantage.
  19. I read the book only once a long time ago...it was very hard to get through! I pulled it out recently to look up Kody/Meri's meeting and falling in love stories and after reading about Kody's revelations from God in his two day fast euphoria...I rolled my eyes so hard that it hurt... I went back to what I was currently reading. It's funny...shouldn't you get to know the person you are going to marry for "eternity" BEFORE you go to temple and marry them!!?? If you aren't spiritually, emotionally or romantically compatible, should you not make that realization before marriage? I have always thought that Janelle was the one of them that may be the most devout, spiritually. She was a convert, and most likely a convert for the sole reason to snag Kody. She seems the most content with the rotational man theory, giving her a level of independence. After reading those quotes the fact that Kody was so totally into the euphoria of his fundamental conversion was one of the draws she had to him. Even Meri stated in the Part2 of the Tell Nothing that she was attracted to the deep conversations that Kody had. He's the Metaphor king and loves to spew his philosophy and being an attention needy person she gave him a captive audience. Christine is totally in the "raised with the head games" section of FLDS, but I think that Janelle is the most totally into polygamy as a whole. ETA: Janelle was THIS open in their printed book for all eternity!! Why the sam hell does she go out of her way to tap dance and change her stories about being married to Meri's brother!? To the point that she looks like a hard core liar when she states on the show "Meri and I were friends before I married Kody" and "I knew Meri's family before I met Kody, I would tell people I had polygamist friends". Wink wink, nudge nudge...
  20. It is bad enough for an adult to get conned into a cult, but it is shameful of the brainwashing that is done to the young children. While Escaping Polygamy is a whole lot of manufactured drama and rescripted stuff...it has shown internal video of religious (I use that term lightly) gatherings. It also has shown the fear of isolation that the adults live with. The "testimonies" of the young children are sickening. Its easy to see why the ones who do get out have such a messed up head, and many just go right back because they don't have the skills to live without the group. We need freedom FROM religion in many ways. When the leaders of your faith demand to keep you segregated and ignorant, that is not faith anymore, but a cult. The one great deed of the Sister Wives show, even though Kody ripped them out of their world and pushed them to Las Vegas, those kids are free to make their own decisions and most are walking a solid path to their own futures.
  21. I do certainly hope that before or after this photo was taken that Kody gave that girl a real cuddle. This is not a photo I would post, she looks like she needs a good, loving hug and Kody has pulled back with that "oh...what is that smell" look on his face. Reminds me of that fake hug he gave Meri back when they were "discussing" the catfish in her living room (last season I think) https://twitter.com/LuvgvsUwngs/status/825965443957485568/photo/1
  22. And usually an old lecher who she was closely related to... That group is neck and neck for the Scariest FLDS group with the Jeffs group.
  23. I no longer have satellite television. I gave it up in 2010. I have amazon, netflix and hulu. Hulu has about half of the seasons right now. This episode was in Season 6. It isn't easy to watch, seeing that tiny little mite so ill and knowing that she had been that way for some time, and then Aspyn's TH stating that she had tried telling the adults that something was very wrong. It was obvious that Christine was rocked to her toes, but I believe some of that in part wasn't just worry, but guilt. She should have acted much much sooner than she did. She was only 3 at the time, I'm hoping that all has been well with her since. They haven't really mentioned anything on the show tho. Yes, Season 6 was the episode about Truely's illness. It was brought up because of this weeks flashback episode. I remembered the general timeline, but went back to rewatch today because I'm having a severe fatigue day and can't do much else past the bare basics, so I figured why not. I watched the episode and typed out the specifics.
  24. ...I just rewatched the segment... Meri and Robyn were busy putting together Mariahs birthday/going to university party and Kody had just been out getting Mariah her new car. He was napping when Robyn had to wake him to tell him about Christines text. Meri was pretty stone face when she read the text and Robyn ran to get Kody. Christine said that she saw Truely's eyes go crossed "this morning" and little Truely was wrapped in a blanket with that glazed over stare laying on the couch while Christine was filming next to her (that still breaks my heart). Christine said "Truely got sick while we were in San Franscisco and we got back about 5 days ago, but she doesn't have a fever". Truely is such a tiny girl, and so this went on damn near a week with no doctor appointment even after returning from their trip. Instead of going straight to the ER, she then takes her to the Pediatricians office, who immediately sent her to the children's ER. Christine said "I didn't know that if their eyes go crossed that I needed to go to the emergency, I didn't get that!" ...dayam... When Kody calls Meri (scrubbing her countertop) it was weird. Her face was covered by her hair but the tone of her voice was off, and her "okay" had zero concern in it. In fact her "love you, keep us posted" was very upbeat. It was Mariah who then goes...."did he say kidney failure!?", but then the camera cut out. Yea...Meri's reactions are weird...to say the least. Honestly I think part of what was up with Meri was the fact that Truely's illness rained on Mariah's party and took Kody away from taking Mariah to university. Mariah was supposed to get a big fanfair etc and Meri didn't get that for her. Meri then says in a TH that Truely's illness was "putting a damper on things". Kodys explaination..."for some reason, one small thing shut her kidneys' down" Um...yea....not caring for her and seeing that she is drinking enough! Writing off lethargy as ...oh...she's got the flu.... Aspyn said in a TH that "I didn't think that anyone was taking this seriously. Our little baby is really sick right now." I honestly think that she knew something was up from the get go, voiced her opinion and was blown off by the "adults". Truely did have dialysis. They called it "abdominal dialysis" and at first it didn't work, so they kept her on it, increasing the fluids etc. All in all she was in the hospital 9 days before showing improvement, and the cameras went in after that. She went home a day or two after that. She did seem quite upbeat getting out of the car. My take was that they didn't carry her because she wanted to walk, tho she was very wobbly. She did toddle right up to Hunter and throw her arms around him! Kidneys are important at removing waste buildup in the blood. They filter the blood and control electrolytes and sodium in the body. If you don't have enough fluids to keep the kidneys functioning properly, then they stop doing that and waste stays in the blood, toxifying it and your sodium/electrolyte numbers go wonky which can lead to a multitude of other issues with every system in your body. I had kidney issues 8 years ago and learned lots about them. Stay hydrated people!! I never remember seeing this on any of their vehicles. But I've seen this photo online as a "cars in utah" meme.
  25. Okay...this is my opinion based on watching both the conversation they had on the patio and the tell all "burning bridge" stuff. I think...a long time ago...in the heat of some random argument with Meri, Kody said "I wouldn't cross a burning bridge to get to you!" AND I think he was talking in his usual Brown Double Metaphor Speak. Kody likes to use metaphors and this is what I think he may have meant by it. If their relationship is rocky you could describe that they are on different sides of a river. They are both heading the same direction, but not together. For their relationship to be strong they must cross that bridge to push onto the future together, not separated by the river. Kody may or may not be willing to cross the bridge to Meri, he most likely expects Meri to cross the bridge to him. Yet, if that bridge were burning, that would stop him. He does not want a relationship with Meri to the extent that he has to cross a burning bridge to get to her, it's not worth that risk to him. However!! Meri is a woman and during their patio conversation when Kody throws the dig of "you told me to stay away" at her, she digs up in her arsenal of years past arguments and pulls out the burning bridge one. They dig at each other on camera so much that even Nancy the wonder therapist told them to STOP it. As a woman I can admit that I have done this in arguments with my husband. I also have a freakish photographic memory that I can recall exact words from conversations from 40+ years ago. So...when Kody says "I don't remember saying that" I think that is key because it's something he said a long time ago. In his head they are discussing Mariah and the Catfish Summer and she brought up something from years past...confusing him. It was obviously something Meri remembers and so she brings it up again to toss at Kody, as well as good old Drama for the cameras, deflecting herself from having to go into details on the lies she has built up over the Catfish Summer. To Kody that statement is a Grand Metaphor. When the women all ganged up on him saying its quite simple and he wanted to go on to explain the depth of it's meaning...because to HIM it had nothing to do with saving Meri from any kind of fire. It was just another river/bridge/fire metaphor because philosophy is full of them. Robyn interrupted him over and over because she saw it as a literal statement. If there was a fire and Meri was trapped, going to die a horrible death, would you physically and in real life do everything in your power to save her life. THAT is what it meant to many people, but it doesn't mean that to Kody. That's why he was so frustrated and kept saying really stupid things. He thinks he is thinking deep thoughts and everyone else is just seeing it as a literal "I don't care if you live or die" statement, when to him that isn't what it meant at all. Robyn's dumb ass dig (intentional or not) about how "Kody...you are a good guy, you would save anyone from a fire", and he gets the Dumb Ass award when he says "yea...I'm like a fireman, I just put out fires" because he is still stuck in the Metaphor version. The biggest problem when you talk in metaphors and the people who you are talking to don't see/understand the metaphor, they take you literally.
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