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Everything posted by MissL

  1. Well if my DVR wasn't programmed to catch it I never would have known it was back on. It was a nice surprise but it snuck up on me. Maybe others too? Just trying to be positive because I actually liked the new ep better than I have in a while.
  2. Shoot. Was I the only one gleefully saying "ooh kill her. Kill her." When Klaus was walking towards Cami? I mean he was on a roll!
  3. Wow. That was awful. As soon as it finished I took Grays off my DVR. Stupid stupid move Shonda.
  4. So I decided I liked Freya when she threw shade at Klaus after she snapped his neck. She sounded just like him which is hilarious. But. I'm wondering...how does she think she's going to turn them against him exactly? He has repeatedly daggered them both, killed people they loved, and basically treated them like crap and yet they still come back for more? What could she do that KLAUS hasn't already done himself?
  5. I agree. Although being that it was the WB I was more afraid of her being "Lana Lang". A pretty girl who can't act and a boring character that the "hero" can't seem to get over which makes him look like a whiny mopey idiot. I was pleasantly surprised by Nina and by the character of Elena who was obviously kind of a Mary Sue but I liked her anyway. Really liked her. As soon as she became a vampire though....all down hill from there. Although is her image really bad or is just on here? The media/reviews still love her I believe.
  6. Well I guess. But the eyeballs open and death pallor certainly heavily implied dead.
  7. One of my favorite Farscape references! I agree with everyone on the stupidity and the backtracking. Why show a well and truly dead Mona in a trunk and take it back? On a side note. I loved the moment Emily grabbed a piece of Mona's hair and yanked on it trying to figure out if it was a wig and then the "it's her HAIR" mouthing she did to Spencer. They do pretty good at the tiny funny moments.
  8. Ha. Well that sounds dirtier than you maybe meant it to.
  9. Reasonable doubt! She could at least create a little bit of reasonable doubt. That trial was ridiculous. Have the writers ever watched a Lawyer show?! There is no body. Mona has a history of mental illness and "hyper" whatever and documented case of stalking and terrorizing the girls. Mona hated Ali. Full on hated her for bullying her which fits the prosecution side of the story but all you have to do is add the twist that Maybe super duper smart and crazy hyper-reality Mona did all this to screw with Ali and get revenge. It's not like Mona was a spotless human being. There is a giant truck full of reasonable doubt all over this case. That lawyer did well and truly suck! I mean at this point the trial just feels stupid and useless as far as the story goes.
  10. True I laughed at that line too, except in this case I did find Freya a bit suspicious and was beginning to think maybe Klaus is smart on this one. She said EXACTLY the right things to Rebecca and Elijah, and then when she's alone with Klaus she talks about trying and failing to protect her child, again absolutely perfect button to push for Klaus. While he's ranting about Freya I kept thinking the writers have to make him right sometimes right? I absolutely think there is more to the story. How did Freya get away? It seems like in the past Dahlia is always there so how has Freya hidden from her? And if the story Freya told IS true does anyone think maybe her child is actually alive somewhere because I find it suspicious the all powerful witch wasn't powerful enough to save a baby from poison.
  11. What?! Claudia Black? My stupid comcast was having trouble and the preview cut in and out on Monday so I missed that...Claudia Black! Ok. Now I'm officially excited. Can we have Ben Browder too? Originals I'm really starting to love you.
  12. I think her logic was that Mona's Mom might actually let her in the house since she seems small and non- intimidating. I'm guessing if Mona's Mom was in town she would have heard the girls showed up at Ali's trial and might be angry if she saw it as them supporting Ali. Aria might have a better shot getting in if she gives her the big eyes and some sob story. That part cracked me up actually because...yeah... Spencer is intense and scary and lately Emily has been too and neither of them argued with her. :)
  13. I wasn't feeling this episode either. Freya's motivation confused me. If Finn was in the way then why didn't she remove him before? She doesn't seem to like her siblings but she hates Dahlia more? But now I'm afraid she IS Dahlia because her loyalties are shifting and make no sense..she didn't want to see Esther who would maybe recognize her as her sister...I mean all this body jumping makes you suspicious of everybody. I don't like Mia all that much so the Elijah scenes weren't interesting. She has like...giant sunken eyes (which totally worked when she was supposed to be a starving vamp. I thought it was makeup but nope.) and ooh look she's so spunky. Please. She just doesn't appeal to me.Still think Pheobe is a bad actress so her sexytimes were bad even with hot Jackson. Marcel was an idiot for drinking from the cup and I miss Kol. Unpopular opinion. I miss NEW Kol. Old Kol did nothing for me. Why Aiden would ever listen to Klaus is stupid and also...as said upthread Jackson just got them all superpowers. A little loyalty would be nice. Yeah. REALLY didn't feel this episode. Although I did laugh when the Grunwold showed up. That actress makes a good living off of playing creepy.
  14. MissL

    S05.E13: Forget

    I didn't get that. Actually Aaron shared a look with Eric when he started in on the pasta maker which is when Eric realized Aaron hadn't asked Daryl to be his recruiting partner yet.
  15. MissL

    S05.E13: Forget

    Totally agree! The Zombies/rage monsters from 28 Days Later made sense because they were so damn fast and just getting the blood in an eye turned you pretty fast. Same with the Brad Pitt movie (that I refuse to call World War Z - why use the title if you use NONE of the book?) zombies. A bite turned you fast and they used each other to climb over walls for goodness sake. Yeah this current world of the Walking Dead doesn't make much sense but I'll suspend disbelief a bit. I'm still pissed they slept in tents in the open in the first season. If you are going to set up camp why not fortify a HOUSE people. A house! A little more protection. I do kinda love that we are all just as suspicious as our group though. The Alexandrians haven't really shown themselves to be anything other than what they say they are but most of us still kinda don't trust them and are waiting for them to pull something. That being said...the hell Carol? Whoever said it upthread "Sasha quit wasting bullets!" Exactly what I was thinking! Its not like any of them have figured out how to MAKE bullets and you have to think there is a finite supply of those things. Also I hate that we don't know for sure that Deanna doesn't know about Terminus, the hospital, and the Governor. We saw only a small portion of the interviews but her husband indicated that the others talked alot about Rick and what he did for them so it makes you wonder how much of their stories they told. If she has heard the whole story from each of them then....why is she acting like they are kinda crazy for wanting guards and someone in the tower. Are you listening lady? Someone tried to EAT them.
  16. Wow. This episode sucked. Thank goodness for fast forward. An entire episode focused on Amelia? I'm about ready to quit you show. I've done it before. I can do it again. And her little speeches are idiotic. You beat death? Quit referring to a tumor as a living being with any kind of purpose or agency you nitwit. And quit crying!
  17. Right. I know they said early on that they had advised the townspeople to back off and let Rick's group get acclimated but it was still weird not to see very many people around. I think it was just a director choice to make the town seem more scary, unknown, and suspicious but they have to realize the audience they have (us) would be asking these questions.
  18. You know when this episode first started I didn't think I'd like it (too gimmicky) but I did. I think they did a good job trying something different and it was still funny. Loved that Mitchell was texting behind Cams back to Clair about the horrible hat. Just reminded me of my cousin and I having secret texting conversations while family members aren't looking. Realistic. Man I wish I was as organized as Clair actually. Also Cam? You know what? Garrett's will ship you popcorn. Calm down. Although I am a little mad at Clair for dumping it. That stuff is too good to waste.
  19. On an even shallower note I was convinced that wasn't even Ellen Pompeo in the long shots because no way a woman who has had two children has abs/stomach that looks like that. If it really was her I hate her. I haven't given birth and I don't look that good. Also I don't care about the story much but I'm a little peeved at Bailey for not supporting Ben a bit more. Yes he was awful to say those things to his brother but it's a highly emotional time...he apparently just lost his father ... and Bailey had every right to call him out for being so hateful to his brother but he admitted alot of his problem is that he told his brother everything and felt like he'd been lied too. Not about what his brother was doing but their relationship to each other. She should have shown a little more understanding after that. Yeah Bailey can be ok with it after a few hours but she's only known Curt for what? a couple of years? Now after this conversation and some reflection from Ben and he calms down and thinks about it but if decides to still be a total asshole to his brother or not willing to talk to him more then yes she can be angry and disappointed but give a man some time to assimilate huh?
  20. I don't know. That part made me crack up actually. Just Klaus' tone and total belief that the fact that he daggers all of them proved his point and made Kol's point stupid. I just have to love his complete commitment to being an asshat and thinking he has a right to it. I kinda like the fact that they keep trying to soften Klaus but he still never ever gives in and thinks he maybe shouldn't have daggered his family and carried them around in coffins. This character trait would annoy me in most other characters but he just so unrepentant about it and everybody mostly actually does hate him for that trait. I guess if everybody looooved Klaus and talked about how awesome he was all the time it would bother me. Kinda like Elena and company being totally selfish and usually only caring about the people/vampires/wolves that matter to them and yet I'm supposed to think they are the good guys. At least I feel like the Originals are playing more like anti-heroes.
  21. Agree agree! Why does everyone have to hook up anyway? I usually ship just about everybody but I just don't on Stefan and Caroline. Honestly think they are better/cuter as friends. Kai continues to crack me up even "slightly" good. And is it bad I wanted him to light Liv on fire?
  22. The only thing I can think of is he really needs Davina to make his dagger and she was going in with or without him to get Josh. This was his way of protecting her and still keeping her on his side. I believe he was telling the truth to Finn when he told him she was a harvest girl he had wrapped around his finger and with her they could accomplish quite a bit. Kol has learned the trick of wrapping a lie in the truth to get what he wants. I like him...hope he doesn't die actually. It's nice to have more than the 2 originals (Klaus and Elijah) on a show called The Originals.
  23. The conversation at the end between JL and Max Headroom? (I can't remember their names either. )I was getting the impression maybe THEY used to be lovers. If so that's a really interesting way to go with the story. Oh geez if they are brothers then oops and ick on my part.
  24. I actually still get upset at what could have been on this show. The WB had an AMAZING ad campaign for this thing which initially drew me in. Clark Kent (shirtless and looking hot may I add) hanging from a cross in a cornfield with an obvious Kryptonite necklace and a really dark look on his face. I feel like if the show had lived up to that image..it would have been awesome. Instead we got stuck with kick the Chloe, Lana Lang and her awfulness, a light-switched Lois Lane, and a mopey superman obsessed with the wrong girl. Seriously. I will never forgive this show for making me hate Clark Kent. I watched every single episode of Lois and Clark, even the stupid clone stuff and I came to love Clark Kent and came to see Clark as the real person and Superman as the disguise and really ....THEY MADE ME HATE CLARK KENT. Sigh. I'm not over it.
  25. MissL

    S05.E08: Coda

    I've read the whole thread and I don't think I saw this comment...WHY was the hostage exchange in the hospital hallway? Why on earth would Rick agree to that? I would think Dawn and crew has the advantage knowing the hospital the way they do (even with Rick's team having Noah). It just didn't seem smart. Actually the whole scene was stupid and I'm still angry that Beth's death seems to be more for shock value than to enhance the plot. I love you but come ON show.
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