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Everything posted by pasdetrois

  1. The Page Six article provides a peek at salaries. Katie lost a $100K contract to appear on the show while battling custody earlier. Perhaps that was for one season. Her former husband sounds horrible. But she has no chance at custody, or life for that matter, if she doesn't get clean.
  2. Craig is no more a gentleman than the others. He simply understands how to work the camera. Consoling and defending a victim is part of his schtick - always has been. Cam's fawning over Metul was stupid, but I don't think it bothered anybody. Everyone understood she was playing to the camera. The editors tried to make it seem otherwise. Katherine's D-list country singer is probably using her for media exposure.
  3. Andy loathed how everyone ran over to hug Barbara - he makes money off these idiots and pretends to "like" some of them, but clearly sees through their camera-thirsty ways. He made a comment that showed how exasperated he was with the show-offey hug pile-on. We need a term that characterizes the fake sincerity these women spin out to each other. They genuinely dislike each other, but when confronted with nasty behavior, they quickly default to the teary-eyed, quivery voiced "I've sacrificed everything as your friend. I tried hard to get to know you. You aren't being genuine..." Passive-aggressive isn't strong enough - we need a special term for these clowns. Across all of the housewife franchises, there isn't a generous bone in their collectively sucked, tucked, implanted, starved Botoxed bodies. I think Tinsley may be the rare exception, though lord knows she has significant issues.
  4. I noticed this moment during the shriek-fest. I'm paraphrasing: Bethenny: "Oh god stop talking about the South..." (during Tinsley's efforts to explain her fancy Southern upbringing and how it affects her behavior) Andy, quietly to Bethenny: "But don't you understand she had a very privileged upbringing, with great wealth, she was a debutante..." That was Andy nailing Bethenny. I laughed.
  5. On his Youtube commentary, Alexander Rodgers didn't mince words. He spent a couple of minutes analyzing which drugs Katie was on. I was surprised, because I would think he risked litigation for being so direct.
  6. I suspect production gave Robyn a stern talkin' to. Her tardiness costs them money and time. Oh, and she clearly had time to go get all glam before she waltzed into the hotel lobby, pretending to be fresh off the plane. Guess she wasn't in that much of a hurry.
  7. I didn't watch all of the season because Tamika and Reagan are such narcissistic assholes. From the beginning I've enjoyed the men more than the women. (Except when Barry was hurling homophobic slurs in season one). I did love Reagan's dress and was surprised she wasn't sporting her usual foot o' cleavage. Also surprised there was no second line at the reception, even though it was cold out. I kind of think she and Reese have a comfortable arrangement. Justin is using Kelsey as a nanny. That's her value to him. I think he was surprised that his psychologist friend was so direct with him. Hope it embarrassed Justin into doing the right thing (breaking up with Kelsey). Glad Jeff is working; it will help ground him. I'm sad he has so little family, because he needs it. I hope somebody's mama and daddy in NOLA will adopt him.
  8. I love the Richland County female officer with the very short hair, but it was very odd how she was physically handling the teenage girl in a recent episode. She kept both arms draped over the girl as she talked to her for several minutes, trying to get her name, and their faces were only about 12 inches apart. Why not detain her, or sit her down, or sit her in the car? Very weird.
  9. Todd reminds me of Jessica Simpson's father. He also was very obsessed with her looks and sexuality. My theory was and is that both men want to BE their daughters.
  10. Absolutely. I have a shower curtain, but I renovated on a very tight budget. I regretfully abandoned the idea of a roll-in shower because it meant moving the drain as well as buying an expensive glass door. Mina was talking about luxury finishes in that episode and planning to sell the house. But I think they did sell it, so what do I know (about the Indy market)?
  11. So now I'm binging season one on Hulu. I adore the Victorian in the second episode, but am aghast at the yellow-stripe-with-emerald-green paint job on the teeny bungalow. At least they modified the trim color. In one of the houses they put in a very pale aqua backsplash, which was stunning. Things I didn't know: Mina's dad is an ortho surgeon. She has another full sibling. She and Karen live next door to each other, which I envy. I grew up with family members slinging kids and dogs back and forth over fences - it was a great support system for the parents. And, Mina appeared not to be engaged or married when the series went into production. She's been very busy! Continuing the What the Heck theme: they did a big house with some luxury finishes, but I spotted a shower curtain in a shower stall, instead of a door of some kind. There was no tub to catch the water, just the usual small lip of the shower opening.
  12. Holy cow Horrified I've had the exact same thought every time I watch them.
  13. In the first season of the show viewers were treated to the Chrisleys' outrageous spending, with Todd as the nasty entitled ringleader. I was taken aback at how mean he was to his kids, and also wondered how a real estate developer was supposedly making so much money when the rest of the country was still reeling from the effects of the depression. Very soon the stories began to appear online, faster than Todd could get ahead of them. By season two Todd had magically undergone a complete personality transplant, becoming the loving father and grandfather. I never bought it because 1) reality TV and 2) the facts didn't support the fairy tale the family was spinning. The grifters are finally facing their comeuppance. This includes Julie and I'm pretty sure Faye. I feel bad for the kids.
  14. There is zero excuse for calling a woman a hooker. Zero. Or for policing her sexual and social behavior. It doesn't matter how she behaves. Joao realized he'd gone too far and defaulted to his manipulative pity card: his family's robbery. He quickly claimed that Aesha reminded him of his mother, implying that his misogyny is actually an attempt to protect Aesha. Horseshit. As another poster noted, he didn't call Jack any sexist names. Shame on Sandy for glomming onto this jerk and singing his praises (for camera time). Jack and Travis see Joao for what he is - a thirsty butt-kisser. So they're punishing him. Aesha and Jack are giving production what it wants and encourages: trashy behavior. Loved her swimsuit. Travis is depressed. So of course Hannah is like a moth to the flame. If she partnered with a mature man, what would she complain about? I think Colin has a strong introverted side. In the face of dealing with Jack and Travis 24/7, he has no place to go to recharge his batteries. I also suspect he's a little bit immature.
  15. I suspect that the houses purchased by the younger sister and the carriage house tenants (season 2) were already a done deal, and the show tried to pretend that they didn't decide to buy until the houses were finished. In the tear-down house with the kiln, Karen explained how she's sad when old houses get torn down. I'm with her on that, but that old house was a true ruin and needed to come down. The excavator operator was truly skilled, tearing down a house in that tiny space. Did Karen save the wicker settee? Loved the brief glimpse of her garden. I assume she did all of the work herself. Doggies! I like that we see the thought that goes into floor plans. I like seeing them problem-solve. I wish the edits lingered longer on full rooms and less on product placement (miles of pillows and tchotchkes).
  16. I'm sad to say I'm losing interest in the show. It's all over the place. The scenes are often only a minute long. Too many characters to do them justice.
  17. I'm watching repeats of season 2 now. They all seem a bit more energetic than in the newest season. And where did their contractor (Caliber Construction) go? I like hearing from very senior construction managers.
  18. It has always bothered me that most vet practices don't staff overnight. If a pet is critically ill at 4pm, it's also in danger overnight. The last time I had a very sick elderly dog in a vet's overnight, I paid for one of the vet techs to be there.
  19. Virginia has a long history of fox hunting. Jackie Kennedy was a member of the Middleburg Hunt.
  20. I will miss this little show, although I think it lost its way. The Dale character is just annoying at this point, and Chip's constant pratfalls seem like a way to force laughs. I love Christine and will really miss her presence on my TV.
  21. Is "Tooey" a family member? I think that's a nickname and his real first name is Cory. He works on a lot of their projects.
  22. Agree that the frantic combination of making a big push into multiple neighborhoods (while the timing is right) + being on the show + Mina's pregnancy are overwhelming the gang. The little spat was not pleasant but realistic. If I was a business owner and project manager with a tight budget, Karen's ideas and antics would annoy me. As I watched the latest episodes my mind was counting the ways her projects were time-consuming and impacted budget. There are always unexpected costs (the crumbling foundation and rotten porch beam) and every penny counts. I personally agree, but in my community the individual owners of these small duplexes want individual designs to distinguish the separate ownership of the two (joined) properties. Mina called them townhouses, but to me they were duplexes. Loved the farmhouse. A nice change from what we usually see on this show. Once again Mina quotes a sales price ($500K) that is ultimately reduced - I think they said the house sold for $405K? My DVR cuts off. I'm still pulling for these folks and hope they are successful. I like seeing a true family business helmed by two smart, real women (not bimbos). ETA: did we see the entire 2nd floor? Or the back yard?
  23. Maybe June knows what's up (Ben on, Anastasia back to 3rd stew, June axed). Meanwhile she's skeert of nasty Hannah and avoiding her at all costs, but getting some camera time. Doesn't matter to June, since she knows she's part of the script. She's already been on WWHL (which I didn't watch).
  24. This? Perfect. And made me laugh. This long-time vegetarian gets it about killing lobsters. But I didn't choose to be a gourmet chef. That said, I'd love to try Anastasia's vegetarian dishes; bet they are fantastic. I remember when restaurant offerings for vegetarians consisted entirely of rubbery Portobello mushroom dishes and tepid Pasta Primavera. At first I assumed production was messing with June's radio. Now I agree with Yours Truly that June may have a processing or focus problem, and non-stop radio chatter is distracting. If there were rumors that June was dating Connor, that would explain a lot. Hannah's laser-focused grilling. And June's quiet aside to Anastasia ("don't say anything"). And her special fear of Hannah's wrath. It was great fun to watch Sandy and her crew slide into that teeny slip space. I was once asked to drive and park a passenger van in downtown DC, and I had to have a soothing beverage afterwards. Enough with teenage PDA, Aesha and Jack. Yeah, Damon and crew are trash with money and a big borrowed boat. The loathsome Tom Arnold coined that expression perfectly long ago. Anastasia's dishes weren't undercooked - they weren't piping hot. Big difference. It's clear the script's denouement is approaching - Sandy turning on Anastasia and threatening to fire June. They'll keep the Jack-and-Aesha teenage love story.
  25. I think it is Candiace's father who is/was the USAF physician. Perhaps Dorothy was active duty as well. Vixenstud made me laugh. Fond memories of my southern relatives using this expression, usually when referring to their Black and Tan hunting hounds. Or racing to get to the catfish house's Early Bird Special.
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