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Everything posted by McKay

  1. Jackson is such an immature ten it never occurred to me that he was really, really old to be a ringbearer. I'm guessing it was mostly that Michael is too young/too badly-behaved to be trusted on his own and they didn't know any other age-appropriate boys for the gig. But I'm guessing that Jackson doesn't really realize he's too old for this shit.
  2. I do have to say one thing about Pediasure - not sure if you've ever tasted an Ensure product, but if you really think they're "yummy" or anything resembling a "milkshake," you and I have very different taste buds. They're incredibly nasty. I can't imagine any kid choosing them over a meal they can tolerate, because they taste like SlimFast mixed with toxic waste. So while the ads are annoying (I didn't mind the "I don't think I like waffles!" kid, because the idea of a kid outright hating waffles is so bizarre to me I couldn't take it seriously, but the mom worried about "growing apart" from her awful son pisses me off and I think they both need a slap - he's, what, six?! You're his MOTHER. Being his best friend is not your damn job!), but I don't think any kid will be hugely spoiled or learn to hate all other food products from them. Because they are horrendous. If anything, they'd make a picky kid learn to like other foods in a hurry if mom threatened him with one of those drinks!
  3. Jinger has always been the one who isn't shy about showing her annoyance/displeasure with the family. Or she was when she was younger; in more recent seasons she's become more of the Gretcher Wieners to Jessa's Regina George. But there's a reason my better half and I refer to the act of exasperatedly roling ones eyes as "Jinging" (soft g, like the name.) However, Joy seems to have picked up where Jinger left off.
  4. I could swear Amy recorded tracks and had a music website under "Amy Jordyn" a long time ago. If she still had a public facebook I'd check that for you. It also just seems so unlikely to me that someone as fundie-traditional as Deanna wouldn't give her kid her father's last name even if they weren't together. (Yes, it's also odd that she'd get pregnant out of wedlock, but...we all know how these people like to pick and choose what they follow.) Edit: internet wayback machine to the rescue! http://web.archive.org/web/20070324044908/http://www.amyjordyn.com/ I think she genuinely thought her "natural talent" coupled with the Duggar name (and Jesus on her side) would be enough to get her a deal with the first studio she tried.
  5. Joe seems like the typical older Duggar boy whenever he makes a speaking appearance on the show - dimwitted, slow, but utterly convinced of his own genius. I just hope Josiah, Jed and Jer continue to buck the trend of Duggar boys being self-impressed schmucks, because they seem like great kids.
  6. I couldn't believe that Carl thought that hot mess had a chance at winning. He seemed genuinely suprised, which makes me wonder what his other costumes have looked like in the past. It was seriously laughably bad. Granted, I assumed he was a total fucking buffoon when he decided to do a Silent Hill cosplay based on Silent Hill: Revelation.
  7. Michelle's claims that she's missing a muscle that keeps her from holding a child who is no longer a baby, but sure as hell can bowl, waterski, skydive and do anything else she wants to do. The key word being "wants."
  8. The editing disgusts me, I have to say. I too have noticed controversial scenes missing in later airings of shows, and it ticks me off. I know reality shows are far from reality, but their utter inability to deal with any negative commentary is ridiculous. Doesn't the Bible say some pretty harsh things about liars?
  9. http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2014/06/06/tony-perkins-first-christian-bakers-will-be-made-to-serve-gays-then-sent-to-concentration-camps/ Josh's boss has made the weirdest right-wing Holocaust comparison I've seen yet. Besides being a hate group - and they are a hate group - they are a bunch of fucking morons. So perfect for a Duggar, really.
  10. My guess is that Jill will pick a theme, but Jessa will say to hell with it and name her kids whatever she - or Ben, since I still get a controlling vibe from him - wants.
  11. Coming out to yourself is often just as hard as coming out to everyone else - sure she's already "out" in that sense, but she still thinks of herself as straight and downright boy-crazy. That is a huge, huge realization for anyone to make even in a supportive environment. And to add the complications of that she's doing this with her best friend - and I don't doubt for a minute that she is sincere when she says that Amy is the most important person in her life - and doesn't want to ruin the relationship they have, even if she is into Amy and is aware of it, she may not want to act on it. But I see it as more that she's a mainly straight girl in love with her female best friend AND a boy she's liked for a long time. It happens. People develop feelings for more than one person at a time. And I can see Karma being the sort to ignore the Amy situation and press forward with Liam because it's just so much easier, and she really does like him. I really don't think Liam is that bad. He's clueless, sure, but it's nice to see that he does care about Karma and Amy beyond whether or not he can sleep with them. I like that the show doesn't fall back on easy stereotypes in general (gay male best friend aside).
  12. It was stated on the TWoP forum that pre-shows, Michelle (already somewhat of a celebrity in QF circles, mind you) once recommended a particular brand of flexible ruler for "blanket training" - when criticized, the internet post was immediately deleted. They deny it now, but they absolutely did follow Pearl's book for a number of years.
  13. I saw Megan Mullally in a play last night, and for the first five or ten minutes, I couldn't hear anything but Aunt Gayle. Luckily, that faded pretty fast. But for a minute there I had some serious church giggles. (Also, she's an amazing dramatic actress. Incredible.)
  14. "We're human! We're pudding! Human pudding!" The entire rest of the episode is forgettable, but that's the one time Full House has genuinely made me laugh out loud intentionally.
  15. I really don't think Karma is coming off as anything but oblivious. I was a lesbian teenager. My best friend in high school was clearly into me - like, overt sexual remarks, she was actually my first kiss, etc - but I genuinely never thought she meant it beyond goofing around. Granted, I'm a hundred times more oblivious than the average person (just ask Mrs. McKay how long it took me to realize her constantly asking me out meant she wanted to date me. Literally more than a year.) but I do think Karma is being played as totally oblivious and isn't intended to be uncaring or a "user" at all. I think if she had ANY idea what she was doing was hurting Amy, she'd back off immediately. And I could be wildly projecting there (and I'm mildly biased because I relate so strongly to her obliviousness, and she looks so much like a close friend of mine from high school who's still one of my best friends, every time I see her I'm just hit with a total nostalgia-fondness wave), but I don't find it outside the realm of possibility at all. And it helps that I feel like that's how Katie is playing it. I for one am thrilled to see gay teens represented as popular and liked in pop culture. That attitude of acceptance can and will bleed into everyday life. My only complaint with the show is Lauren's existence. I don't find her interesting or funny as a foil for anyone; she just annoys me endlessly. I like that they aren't going the easy route of having the mean girl be homophobic, and I like that she isn't just mean because she's a bitch; she clearly has a lot going on in her life that's making her unhappy. But she just feels like a useless distraction from the main characters at this point. Maybe I'll lighten up a bit if the show is renewed, but my hopes aren't particularly high at the moment, and I'm afraid we're going to be dangling on a Karma/Amy cliff forever, and I'll be wishing we'd gotten more time with them developing as characters instead of side plots with an otherwise generic blonde bitch.
  16. I am so on board with an English Bulldog episode - or several! They're the cutest puppies in the world, with the pudge and the little roll over the nose and the wrinkles. My favorite cat breed (Persians) has already been featured, so I have no real complaints when it comes to cats, but I wouldn't object to seeing a litter of Exotic Shorthair kittens. Meanwhile, I'd most like to see animals who aren't dogs or cats. Micro pigs are huge right now, but while we've seen some on the show, I don't recall seeing a pig family featured. How about some horses? It doesn't get much cuter than baby horses, and there are plenty of breeds to choose from!
  17. I don't think Jessa is scared; I think she's pissed. She seems 1000% DONE with everything involved with her family and the show. She seems especially sick of her parents, and with JimBob bossing them around and Michelle trying to cop a feel in the truck, who could blame her? She doesn't seem to like Ben all that much, but she seems more pragmatic about choosing a mate. More "will this work?" than "following her heart," which, really, is probably smart given that she will have no second chances at this.
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