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Everything posted by Milz

  1. Caught an episode of Keeping Up Appearances over the weekend. Gretchen Franklin (AKA Ethel Skinner) played a lady to whom Hyacinth's Daddy promised to marry. Rose's seductive behavior scares her son and that ends the engagement to Daddy. She would have been on it during her East Ender run.
  2. I saw the DC special and I'm rather miffed. Chef Saito cooked for US fans of the show. Yet, they omitted to invite us. We who introduced Television Without Pity to Dining with the Chef. We who introduced Previously.tv to Dining with the Chef. We who keep this chatter alive about one of the best cooking shows in tv today. Oh well, I guess that's what we get for snarking about Seira's walrus clapping and Patrick's overall demeanor. Anyhow, I liked the Saito's idea of a savory baked Alaska (substituting the cake and ice cream with the red snapper and using a savory meringue)---very original. And I never knew those cherry blossoms were edible. I suspect fans of Dining will rush over to DC next spring and collect the blossoms to salt. The wings looked really good. I wonder if I can get a hold of those peppers, because those aren't supposed to be spicy. I saw a really interesting recipe over the weekend where you take a hot chili pepper (like those thai peppers), fill them with a shrimp stuffing, wrap in an egg roll wrapper and deep fry.
  3. goodogcarl, I don't know if they have small claims or equivalents of them in their countries. But they certainly are entertained by Judge Judy (and the other court shows). In a way, I miss Judge Joe Brown because his litigants were the most slimy, most unsavory, most ignorant people in the world.
  4. Canadian RN car caper is one case I remember, but wasn't there another one with teenagers or 20 somethings? I think the $5000 split idea came from the Wapner-era People's Court. ETA, some Internet friends from Europe watch JJ and are completely aghast at the cases because they say those cases would never make it to court in their countries.
  5. Re-watching some Inspector Lewis programs and I spotted Mathilda Ziegler, AKA Donna Ludlow. Donna was Kathy's child, conceived during her rape as a teenager. I still remember the big scene where Kathy tells Donna that everytime she (Kathy) looks at her (Donna) she only sees the face of her rapist! I felt sorry for her.
  6. Wasn't there a case involving litigants from Canada years ago?
  7. But I learned a new term "parking lot pimping": it would never have occured to me that means sitting in your parked car with your radio on and dancing, drinking, etc. because you don't want to go into the club for whatever reason. I guess "parking lot munching" would be sitting in your parked car at a fast food restaurant eating the purchased meal. Parking lot chilling would be sitting in your parked car in the library's parking lot reading a book. Parking lot surfing would be sitting in your parked of an establishment with free WiFi surfing the internet. Parking lot picnicking would be sitting in your parked car in the parking lot of a picnic area eating, drinking and playing frisbee.
  8. Didn't Don Grady eventually leave M3S for a music career?
  9. New episode next week: kara age chicken wings (my nephews will love that!) Looks like Saito will bone the chicken wings too.
  10. I can't remember if the "old timers" like Pauline, Dot and Ian were repulsed by Sharon's and Dennis' relationship. Pauline doesn't like Dennis because she's still mad a Den for impregnating Michelle. Maybe the people who were repulsed are the Square's newbies? Maybe the Square was still trying to recover from Zoe's parentage?
  11. Sharon definitely considers Vicky her sister. But that's probably because Michelle is Vicky's mother and Sharon was around when Vicky was growing up. I don't know why people in the Square would consider Sharon and Dennis to be "brother and sister", considering Sharon is adopted and Dennis was never around while they were growing up. Can't say it's like the Ian and Simon thing where everyone thought Simon could be Ian's half brother. IIRC Simon used to call Pauline and Arthur, "Auntie Pauline" and "Uncle Arthur".
  12. Dang I forgot all about Cliff Parisi on CTM! The good thing about CTM is it's in the East End: it would be wild if they could get Barbara Windsor or Pam St. Clement to guest on it. Daniela Denby-Ashe (Sarah Hills) was on the mini-series The North and the South. And she was on that sitcom My Family (I have mixed feelings about that show: some episodes are great, some are awful.)
  13. Hey, hey, hey.....his children's drawings are NOT filth! Get that straight. OTOH, his mother looks like someone I worked with about 10 years ago. Great re-repeat from 2010 was on last night: 18 year old giving loser boyfriend some of her settlement money to buy a car. Guy posts a pic of him with the money on Facebook with the caption "Sitting on the toilet counting my money, God, life is good."
  14. First a question. Okay, which one of you f*****rbitches is Samuel L. Jackson? Now the comments. If the cases during season premiere and sweeps weeks are A cases and the rest of the season's cases are B and C cases, then the Special's cases are B- to C, imo. The new cases this week, like Moron Pit Bull Owner, Puppy-stealing Breeder and yesterday's Pot growing father with two families in 2 countries, were alot better. Maybe the Saturn drag-racer could have been a premiere or sweeps case, but not the other two. And they eliminated the halterviews, which are sometimes the funniest parts of the case.
  15. Puppy-stealing Breeder is odious. What a piece of work!
  16. Watching Doc Martin and noticed the obvious ---Joe Absolom (Matthew Rose)----and the not-so obvious. Paul Moriatry (Crime Boss George Palmer AKA Peggy's boyfriend AKA Rosa's lover AKA Gianni's supposed biological father) was Ruth's stalker. It took me a wahile to recognize him. Louise Jamieson (Rosa diMarco) was Lousia's mother. Spotted Lacey Turner in Call the Midwife too.
  17. We know 2 things about Pit Bull owner: 1. he's a moron, 2. he probably bought Charlie Sheen's Two and a Half Men wardrobe.
  18. All the previews I've read indicate we get JJ 'best of' one liners, parts of the 60 Minutes episode from the 90s, and "new cases" (I have a feeling it won't be more than 3 cases because they're using time for the one liners and the 60 Minutes episode).
  19. Kat was defending the Slater name. Sharon and Dennis made a Slater look like a fool (ignore the fact what screaming and yelling at a the neighborhood watering hole makes you look like). I'm beginning to wonder if Kat will become the Pat of her generation.
  20. Being an idiot makes her boring too, imo. Sam's an idiot too (Andy Hunter, RIP, was correct about her.) Re: Johnny Allen What a waste of a character! So much potential to be Albert Square's big baddie and what happens? His personal life gets in the way.
  21. Loved Sister Monica Joan's comment about Nurse Franklin's abundance of underclothing, lol.
  22. CBS. Check your local listings. ;-) I hope they don't waste our time with one-liner filler montages.
  23. Milz

    The Lexicon

    Kerfuffle. It's a real word. http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/kerfuffle
  24. I think it was a the red hair. But one of them needed her roots touched up. Wait a sec. I sell you my car. Its license plate is 123 ABDC. You're stuck with those license plates?
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