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Everything posted by Milz

  1. And she was so proud of that "mink" too. Gah, it looked like teddy bear that a kid's been chewing on and playing with for the last 4 years.
  2. That was a good episode. I liked the Rika's idea of pairing each skewer to a wine. The matcha sauce on vanilla ice cream sounded good (especially since it's in the 90s here!)
  3. My PBS station broadcast the first 2 seasons. I missed the first two episodes (don't know when or if my PBS station will re-broadcast them). How did their daughters meet and what caused the fight they refer to in the later episodes?
  4. IIRC her asking a defendant, "How much have you had to drink before you came to court today, sir!!!!!" Implying that the drink was alcohol, not orange juice or coffee.
  5. To bad he didn't have MC Hammer parachute pants to go with the shiny shirt. That would have been da bomb!
  6. Don't forget the over-sized shiny shirt. Re: Tattoo Heart cover up Thanks for all the thoughts on that one. It just looked odd (and it looked like a piece of tape to me at least) :-)
  7. Byrd smack down case: Plaintiff with the big heart tattoo on her chest, had a piece of black (electrical?) tape covering up part of it. Makes me wonder what it says.
  8. This is why we will NEVER be invited to a Dining with the Chef fan event. lol....My favorite outfit of his was a pink shirt under that black apron. He looked like Lucy Ricardo sans red hair. New episode for next week: deep-fried stuff on skewers.
  9. Milz

    The Lexicon

    Did the car get into a concussion?
  10. Good Antiguan Weed is on youtube. The first time I saw that I thought it was faked. Watching it again, I still think it's faked.
  11. Spotted Mona Hammond (AKA Blossom Jackson) on an episode of "Chef!"
  12. Maybe it's just me, but the litigants in the West Virginia Miners ATV Case looked like they were nephew and uncle, not ex-nephew and uncle-in laws.
  13. They've done that with other EE characters like Mo Harris and Tom Banks. When the Slaters move into the Square, Pauline and Pat see Mo. Pauline gives Pat a look and says something like "Uh-oh". Tom Banks shows up and Mark, Ian and Sharon acknowledge him as an old friend from when they were kids. But the show began when they were teens (Michelle, Sharon and Ian were about 16 and 15 at the time). So if Tom probably was a friend of theirs when they were younger than mid-teens. I'm waiting for them to introduce a new character who's always lived on the Square, who knows all the characters, but we've never met before because they never figured into a storyline (Lots of houses on the Square and surrounding it presumably inhabited by Albert Square residents whom we've never met.) That would leave a lot of viewers guessing if Ella comes into the Vic asking if anyone's seen her dad and all the characters act like they know her and her family.
  14. From the Good Antiquan Ganga case: Dr. Noel Howell: "She was smoking the good weed, the strong Antiguan weed.....The good Antiguan ganga." Melisa: "there were a few people who were grips." JJ: "And what were they doing?" Melisa: "They were setting up light stands.They handled lighting." JJ:"I don't mean what they were doing on set. I mean what were they doing to you." Halterview: Dr. Noel: "Let me tell you all. Don't mess with the Antiguan weed! It's WICKED!" "Don't mess with the weed!"
  15. Johnny Allen showed up in 2005. They gave him a "history" with Albert Square, because you see Den looking at him and telling Chrissie he thinks he knows that bloke. Pauline makes a comment about the Square seeing "his type" before. Johnny asking someone about a Pat Harris. And Johnny Allen calls Dot, Mrs. Cotton. As far as I know, he was never mentioned before that time even in passing.
  16. Ubiquitious wrote: Schultz saw a lot of things, but didn't say anything. I think his rationale was "if I tell Klink, I'll get into more trouble." In one episode, he even tells Hogan something like "I have to be on our side once in a while" our side meaning the German side. My impression is that after his toy factory was shut down by the NAZIs and turned into a munitions factory, Schultz either was drafted or re-enlisted (he was a WWI vet and saved a young lieutenant who later became a general and visited Stalag 13). Due to his age, he was assigned to Stalag 13, and he's just waiting for the war to end so he can start making toys again. Helga, I think, knew more than Hilda.
  17. Because some things need to be remembered.
  18. I actually like the EE spoilers because it gives me something to look forward to when the story lines get a bit slow. For example, I couldn't believe the Feirrarras and Millers were as bad as what I read on forums, and the like, so I looked forward to seeing exactly how bad they were (and they were that bad). Anyhow, I wrote in the "Banned from the Vic" thread that PBS viewers will always be behind and we won't watch some UK shows because we won't get them here or because if we do get them it will also be delayed. I think for that thread, I don't think something like "Jim Smythe (AKA Barney) was on Mr. Selfridge" isn't very spoilerish. However, something like "Jim Smythe (AKA Barney the guy who held Marie hostage in the Vic after she told him Janie is Bert's daughter ) was on Mr. Selfridge" would deserve a spoiler tag for "the guy who held hostage Marie hostage in the Vic after she told him Janie is Bert's daughter".
  19. Good Antiguan Ganga Weed case was on last night's repeat. Brief summary, make up artist suing doctor-film maker for the cost of items taken from her make-up kit. Doctor's defense was the plaintiff was smoking a lot of that good Antiguan ganga weed, which was too strong for her, thus making up the allegations. I've always wondered if his films (one was in post-production and the Antiguan film was film was completed) ever ended up being shown in a place other than his house.
  20. I don't think JJ would be able to do that Paternity Court show------of the handful of episodes I've watched of that, JJ's head would explode in 2 seconds. And never believe anyone who says they'll repay the loan with their tax refund.
  21. ROTFLMAO! I think as long as everyone knows that PBS is about 10 years behind the BBC, it will be okay to use spoiler tags or include a warning.
  22. Maybe put it in spoiler tags? the UK viewers will always be ahead of the PBS viewers due to the almost 10 year delay. Particularly with this thread, they will see tv shows that the US viewers may never see it at all OR see years later.
  23. I bet those "fans" dining with him read our TWoP thread too. IF those "fans" were really "fans" of Dining and NHK they would have known proper chopstick etiquette and wouldn't be pointing them at this thing or at that thing.
  24. It's getting good on WETA. Kat knows what happened to Den---the real story.
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