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Everything posted by whydoievencare

  1. Kody's sad little boy voice "it's funny that they get to pick and choose who they want to spend time with, but I can't". But in fact Kody did pick and choose who he spent his time with and that was Robyn and her children. Kody made it very clear for the past two years. But it's all Janelle's fault their children aren't happy with him. Sure Jan.
  2. OMG - I can't believe that preview where Jenelle walks off because she doesn't want to sit there and be yelled at by Kody and Kody is telling her "it's a really bad idea for you to walk off on this one". Is Jenelle supposed to submit to Kody having a temper tantrum directed at her? Does he ever consider his responsibility to everyone else in his whole family other than Robyn's? (Obviously we don't think he does.) People on the forum are wondering if there is something terribly wrong with him - he is showing the absolute worst side of himself in the scenes with everyone else and also in his THs. Normal people might try to conceal the worst sides of themselves - especially if it's being filmed for others to see, but he doesn't. AT ALL. I would say he has problems with almost all of the older children - as they grow up they can see for themselves what he's like based on how he's treated them and their mothers and form judgements of their own. If those judgements are negative, then he blames the mothers for that - not the fact that he has not behaved in an exemplary way. The two youngest children don't know any better, and Robyn's daughters have been groomed by Robyn to suck up to Kody.
  3. Yes, that's what she said - she was discussing her relationships with both Meri and Robyn.
  4. Kody talks about how "brokenhearted" he is but he has so much rage too. And actually, it's only the rage that I see. I think he's just pissed off that the decision to split was Christine's only. He had effectively distanced himself from her and her kids in reality. Like constructive dismissal. He keeps questioning why Christine couldn't just stay and then maybe the girls would have stayed, but of course can't understand why that wouldn't have been good for Christine. The two older girls would have left for school anyway and she would have been there with Truly and a "husband" who didn't want to provide for her emotionally. He accused Christine of not having relationships with her Sister Wives but that wasn't true. She was close to Janelle, had as much of a relationship that anyone could have with "walls up" Meri and seemed to have a cordial relationship with Robyn. They have all been distanced from each other. I doubt Janelle is any closer to Robyn than Christine is. Kody seems to think that he was just a stellar husband and has no awareness how much he has let Christine AND Janelle and their kids down. At the final farewell, I thought Robyn's older girls were just such sullen little fucks - all down to their mother's attitude no doubt. And trust Robyn to twist Christine's words to her - Christine said she just needed some time away - she did not say she never wanted to see her and her children again.
  5. Kody contradicts himself endlessly. He said he didn't actually love Christine but did things out of duty. And then claims that he loved her. What an arse. He blames her entirely for everything and accepts no blame himself - he's delusional. It's a miracle that Christine stayed as long as he did. And I wonder how long Janelle will stay? Meri has her head so far up Robyn's and Kody's asses that I don't know if she could ever disengage herself. A few weeks ago Kody was saying he didn't consider himself married to Meri but is looking at her as an ally now? But he's furious that Christine doesn't consider herself married to him - is it all about him controlling the situation? Robyn certainly knows how to play the poly game and she's taught her children too. They treat Kody as he wants to be treated - and he rewards them with his attention. His other children see his failings and he's resentful about that - and of course blames Christine - but those kids have eyes and ears and have seen and evaluated his behaviour. He's been a lousy father to them and they know it. When he was out with Janelle at the trailer - he was responding to her the same way he did when Christine was talking about going back to Utah. They think he's in agreement but in fact, he's not. Gaslighting.
  6. Remember years ago when Kyle snapped at Vanderpump (I think) to pick a lane? I think it was to do with Kim? But Kyle doesn't want to pick a lane when it's Kathy.
  7. Kyle says she doesn't act like a martyr - but she does. She wants to stir up shit and yet come up smelling like a rose. She makes herself the victim of all her family drama. I'm just not buying it. She doesn't want there to be any consequence for any of her decisions - ie the tv show about her mom that her sisters weren't thrilled about - it's not like she didn't know their opinion before going ahead with the show. You make your choices, you should live with the consequences. And when she was asked about her manhandling of Sutton - she didn't address it all really. In the clip shown - her hands were digging into Sutton's arms. And when Sutton said Kyle did handle her quite aggressively - Kyle ignores it. If Kyle's relationship was so tenuous with Kathy - why bring her on the show? In hindsight - didn't work out, did it? Goodbye Kyle.
  8. I've only just noticed - when Kody is doing his talking heads - he's looking directly into the lens and he blinks very infrequently. I tried matching the frequency of his blinks and my eyes were burning before he'd blink. It's kind of odd - is it just what he does? And now I'm reading up on blinking....
  9. Lois was 93 - Rinna herself is now 59. Did she expect Lois to live forever? I understand that it's a very sad thing to lose your parent. I understand that we think we'll be prepared. And the reality of it is so different from what we think. But losing a parent at 93 is not the same as losing one at 53, or 63. The level of grief that Rinna displayed and the acting out towards others is ridiculous. Performative. She certainly didn't let anyone else use their grief as an excuse for anything (Lisa Vanderpump). Rinna's summing up of her behaviour at the reunions is always the same - she never "owns it" (which she expects everyone else to do), she's always a "work in progress". The only grace she extends is to herself - never others.
  10. So the the nasty housewives have thrived on going after their co-workers for any number of manufactured reasons: e.g. Denise, Lisa V., Sutton - and Kyle has been fine with all of it - she even led the charge in some instances. Now the target is Kathy but Kyle wants her family to be untouchable (because there are repercussions for her)? Apart from what Lisa Rinna implied, Kathy Hilton was behaving badly in public places - what we saw on the show and what the other HWs saw/experienced at the disco. Earlier, at the western hat store - Kathy was clearly pissed off that her Tequila wasn't getting any attention (and Rinna deliberately stirred the pot there), but Kathy was also fed up that "Kyle wasn't doing anything!" And flounced. Why was it Kyle's responsibility to bring everyone to heel so that Kathy could promote her liquor? I know their family dynamics are fucked up, but why did Kathy look to Kyle to "fix" the situation at the hat store? Is she just so used to have others do for her? To control her environment? I detest Lisa Rinna and Erika, and Kyle is a shit-stirrer extraordinaire! And I agree with those who feel that Rinna is lying through her teeth about what she saw and heard. But Kathy isn't just just this harmless, slightly daffy woman either.
  11. I thought the way Diana spoke about Sutton was both clumsy and hurtful.
  12. I have read this: Dr Tijion Esho – whose clinic on Harley Street has a number of celebrity clients – explained that the over use of filler in the lips can cause them to become dry, which would explain the constant licking.
  13. Ryne's natural expression always seems to be with his mouth hanging open. He's not attractive. Jen is awful in her own way - she drinks far too much and doesn't seem to see how she might contribute to the problems in her marriage. Ryne doesn't drink at all and she seems to drink a lot. She also seems to be terribly whiny. Why does she describe Ryne's name as "like orange rind"? No wonder the woman she told that to looked confused. Just spell the fucking name - it's not long.
  14. Joe Gorga's response to Gia was classic deflection: he didn't respond to the message from Gia at all - he went after her for her tone and delivery. And he gets away with that.
  15. In the preview for the next episode - Jennie's husband AGAIN tells her they should have more children. As he did the previous episode! She's explained her obstetrical history - is he a moron? WTF? I thought he seemed okay but then he keeps bringing this up to her.
  16. I'm in Canada too - and my PVR is doing the same thing. Don't know why. I now know to just watch the Wednesday episode and change up the PVR manually.
  17. StrayCat80 and KeyWestCLubKid - I've misunderstood StrayCat80's comment. I thought StrayCat80 was asking when Rinna was going to go after Garcelle to "OWN" her part of upsetting Erika - not when Rinna was going to own it. Cause we all know that Rinna never owns any of her behaviour!
  18. Bingo! I liked that Crystal wasn't going to apologize to Sutton for using the word violate - but then she lost me when she told Sutton that she was just jealous. Sutton shouldn't be on this tv show - she's totally unable to cope in a crowd - not sure if she's just socially awkward or if there's more to it. But watching her lose it right and left isn't entertaining.
  19. Kody's "conversation" with Christine and Ysabel regarding her surgery - I was flabbergasted that he was proposing that she delay because it wasn't just about her but the whole family? Does the whole family need to go to New Jersey to support her? I think as long as Christine is with her, that would be sufficient. He's disregarding the level of pain that she must have all day, every day. I understand the concerns regarding possible exposure to Covid during travel there, time spent in hospital, staying with relatives. But this is also surgery that is absolutely required. I felt sorry for Isabel - Kody was an absolute asshole when he was speaking to them about it. What Kody doesn't seem to get is that, while of course the family is important, in this instance, Ysabel is the most important and it's necessary to make sure she's looked after. Regarding Christine's meeting with the family about moving back to Utah, I wish Janelle had said that she wasn't in agreement with Christine - she didn't have to say that she felt anger at the thought. That's a great way to shut someone down. Kody set up Christine to fail - in person he seemed interested in moving to St. George, but in his TH, he was laughing about how the other wives wouldn't be at all supportive and she'd get the flak instead of him. I also thought how delusional it was of Christine to think she could in any way persuade him to actually move. Like, that was her takeaway from speaking with Kody? That wouldn't have been my conclusion afterwards at all. Considering how long most of this group has been together and the length of time they've all been in therapy, I cannot believe they are still talking about how to "have a conversation". What a bunch of maroons. I did like how Meri went after Christine and spoke with her.
  20. That's a HUGE steak! I'm happy with a 6 oz. filet mignon!
  21. Exactly!! You don't wait until a kid is 15 to have "the talk"! And it's inconceivable to me that Melissa thinks it's in any way appropriate or advisable to do this with her daughter in front of the camera. What kid in the world would want that? Some things should actually be private.
  22. I really feel badly for Jennifer's mother (and I'm not sure that Jennifer has much sympathy for her). A young girl married off to a man ten years older and then taken to a different country. It doesn't sound like it ever became a loving relationship and I can't blame her for her anger and bitterness - she's in her 60s looking back at her unhappy life. And perhaps Jennifer and her siblings thought he was a good dad, it sounds like he wasn't a good husband. And, to be fair, perhaps her mom wasn't a good wife either. What an unhappy situation.
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