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Everything posted by LexieLily

  1. Wow. Seriously, Liz? At least Sam is his legal wife and MIGHT have an excuse to be following him to Cassidine Island if she frames it in the context of PI work. Why are you going? Oh, right, to make sure Jason and Sam don't run off and make out again and he gets his memories back. Is this Liz's lifelong plan? Keeping Jake quiet and keeping Jason away from his family and praying he doesn't remember? I know, right? You'd think this would be counter-intuitive; the more Liz pushes, eventually Sam will get suspicious and figure it out.
  2. I feel like I remember Emma was at least upset by the thought of where Sam was sleeping, "That's Mommy's bed!" (Where did she think Sabrina slept?). But, yeah, dude? That should be something you should discuss with your school-aged child, BEFORE you move your girlfriend and her son into your house and your room.
  3. SAM gives more thought to Emma and the intricacies of their blended family than Patrick does. You wouldn't know it by the rapid pace of the relationship-moving-in-engagement, but I'm pretty sure Sam thought for a little while about how moving in and having a father figure would affect Danny. Am I remembering it correctly that we saw that Patrick didn't even really consult with or talk to Emma about moving Sam and Danny in, they just were there one day? (I think this was around the time of the "she had her own bed, in Paris!" asshole remark)
  4. First of all, Emma is eight, right? LOL. For some reason I think she is eight. And I totally agree with your last paragraph. Judging by how Emma reacted to the idea of Danny's daddy coming back for Sam and Danny and Sam leaving her "just like mommy," it's quite clear that the Shuffle-The-Deck-Mommy game Patrick has going is doing Emma harm even if neither of them realize it yet. Patrick needs to think of it from a little girl's point of view. Mommy died. Daddy got a new girlfriend and they were getting married. Mommy comes back from the dead and she and Daddy get back together. Mommy leaves one day to go to Africa. Mommy never comes back and Daddy moves in a new girlfriend and she sleeps in Mommy's room and Mommy's bed. Daddy and this new girlfriend are going to get married and all of a sudden her new stepmommy's husband comes back from the dead. This all happened in the span of two or two and a half years. That's A LOT for a little girl to try and take in. I want Robin to suggest child therapy for Emma when she gets rescued (to coincide with, of course, the adult therapy for Robin. And couples counseling while they're at it, if she wants to give Patrick another chance)
  5. In Emma's defense, she is eight. And she has a father and grandmother that do in fact believe Robin left them to go to important work, so that is more than likely the story Emma has been told, or overhears.
  6. And it reaaaally sounds bad if JT's exit story is, as rumored, him leaving with Robin to get her help and them leaving Emma with Anna. You know what I just realized? In the Liz and Sam bitchfest, Liz said she knew Sam came over to their house last night. Last night. Sam went to give Jason his bike the evening of the botched wedding. So Patrick hasn't even given Sam twenty-four hours to recover from the emotional whiplash of her dead husband returning before he's acting all traumatized that Sam and Jason kissed and "What does this mean for us??!!" and "I can't do this, I have to protect myself and Emma, I can't wait around and be second choice." What a great guy you've got there, Sam.
  7. I have a feeling HeatLifer will rage today. Patrick was horrible to Sam today. "We 're ENGAGED, Sam! Does that even matter to you?" If you'd like she could tell Jason to come back and kiss him in front of you. That might resonate with you, considering you kissed Robin at your wedding to Sabrina.
  8. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that Patrick wants to stay engaged to Sam and would be willing to do whatever to make that happen. I would have to side-eye Sam if she stays in the relationship, though. Both of them know Sam would always have it in the back of her mind the possibility of Jason remembering his Jason Morgan life one day. Why would Sam want to marry someone that clearly she'll never love as much as Jason?
  9. I'm just wondering why Patrick and Sonny would be talking about Jason. Besides the fact that it seems to be the topic of conversation these days. Lol
  10. Have they had a conversation before? A non doctor-patient conversation?
  11. I hope Sam remembers EVERY WORD of that visit when Liz gets exposed and the truth all comes out. Liz's audacity to tell SAM to give Jason space and to give him time to figure out what he wants without pressure from you...
  12. Aww. That's sweet. And would Robert Scorpio bitch out Patrick (and Anna, too) for ignoring Robin and her needs all this time?
  13. Does someone want to explain to me what stake Tracy has in the Jason/Liz/Nik scam? I assume that is what she and Hayden are working together on?
  14. So, in these short, very short phone calls Patrick and/or Anna have supposedly gotten from Robin in the past year, do you suppose he has ever mentioned Sam or their relationship? [/sarcasm]
  15. "I only remember a few moments in bed with you." SMH. Jason owes Sam an apology for that, by itself.
  16. That's better. And coincidences with Robin stuff airing in December. So why is Sam saying she still loves Patrick and why are Sam and Liz following Jason to Greece?
  17. Is it true that Jason T. signed on for an extra four months to let him stay on through March 2016? They intend to drag this story out until THEN?
  18. Where they have "important news"? Good lord, she better not be pregnant *crosses fingers* Patrick, if Sam has to keep "reaffirming" her love for you, then that's on you for not getting a fucking clue. Sure, she might love you, but she wants Jason and the life she had with him.
  19. KeMo is doing a fantastic job with her clear, absolutely clear love for Jason no matter what, above her "perfect" life and family with Patrick. I am a JaSam fan and want them to find their way back to each other, but at this point I'm just tired of this story dragging and want to fast forward to Liz getting outed and everyone lining up to smack her. And Sam can smack Patrick for good measure too for using Jason's "death" to his benefit :o)
  20. And I find it funny that every. time. Patrick calls Jason "Jake" Sam gives him this look like "...Jason. Danny's father, my husband."
  21. THIS. Exactly this. That scene, that moment was the moment Sam had been waiting four years for, for Jason to be holding his son knowing he is his son, and Robin wanted to give Jason his family back. She is trying so hard to be strong for herself and everyone else and give Jason the space he needs, but it's like she said to Alexis, all she wants is to go back to that night and that bed when she and Jason and Danny were together and before he got the call that Bernie got shot. I hear her saying she loves Patrick and she loves their family and their life together, but I don't believe for a second that she'd choose him if Jason was her Jason and remembered their life.
  22. So, assuming they are all still carpooling, how did Meredith get home if Amelia and Maggie left together?
  23. She was probably thrilled this was the first time he had made communication in a year, sadly. But yeah, this is fucking strange. If we assume Patrick and Robin have the same phone numbers, then, what? He's literally not attempted to talk to her even by phone for the past year?
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