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Everything posted by Cranston

  1. If only to continue exploring the Jimmy/Thomas relationship...I bet Jimmy manages to stay on at Downton. And the "The Mentalist" analogy is so spot on, I am amazed every time I see Jimmy on the screen. What a cutie.
  2. I always thought Bernadette Peters was kinda cute and quirky...who was that woman?! We won't have to suffer her during the upcoming season, will we?
  3. We just found BBT! It's so well written and acted...we love it and can't understand how it has slipped through our fingers these past few years. I'm sure this has been discussed ad nauseam but Sheldon is so classic Asperger's. We have a 17 year old grandson who is an Aspie and we recognized it the first episode we watched. I have since read that the writers deny purposely doing this. It doesn't matter, of course...Sheldon is wonderful (as is our grandson) and the show is hilarious. I get the sense that cast members enjoy each other, interacting, having fun. They are a great group!
  4. Baby Noah is absolutely adorable. If caring for him gets too much for Mama Benson...I'll take him.
  5. I hate crossovers. If I wanted to watch those other shows, I'd watch 'em. These crime shows are full of confusing plot holes as it is...adding a whole other layer of cast characters is hard on my brain. Phooey.
  6. Costuming was so unattractive it was distracting to me. Of course, it was probably more authentic than, say, Downton Abbey's gorgeous outfits are.
  7. I could swear I saw Granger actually smile...a nice big smile, too. Good episode, I enjoyed it. Deeks and Kensi seem so comfortable with each other and their back and forth bantering is sweet and funny.
  8. I, too, was delighted to see Gerald McRaney! He's better looking (sexier) now than when he was young. Good episode, we enjoyed it. Very interesting...how G keeps his considerable amount of money in a crypt! Whose crypt? Where did he get that much money?
  9. Having been the personal assistant to a fancy person I can understand Donna's total loyalty to Harvey, even when it conflicts with her other friendships. I hope she and Louis work it out somehow, because he needs her support and friendship and she genuinely likes him.
  10. AnnieGirl...I've never watched it in reruns, looks like I'd be disappointed in the music. Why do they do that...do they need additional permissions to use the same music in reruns? How odd.
  11. Correcting my own post...I don't have a listing of all the QAF music from all five seasons....just the first three seasons. And the site I got that from...years ago...no longer exists. I was impressed by the wide range of music they used, every genre there is got a piece of the action. Really well done. Before watching and listening to QAF I'd never realized how much background music affects my appreciation and enjoyment of a scene.
  12. Eric Roberts is, indeed, a very good actor. How did he fuck up his movie career?
  13. David Tennant is an amazing actor. This was almost too much for this old granny to watch. I almost turned it off a couple of times. I agree with posters who wondered why on earth the wife would continue to bathe naked in front of an uncurtained window, why on earth she would arrive at their somewhat secluded cabin, in the dark, alone with but a child. Surely, the husband will seek revenge, I only hope it's not too bloody. Maybe it will be just legal revenge.
  14. I agree with you, Kat. I don't think I've ever watched a show so well scored. The music was custom fitted to the scenes. Beautifully done. The photography was spot on, too. Remember Brian's father's funeral? No dialog, just the stark dark coffin/clothing against brilliant snow....and beautiful music. I got a list years ago of the music in every scene.
  15. I suspect he was meant to be the Evil One. But there was something about Louis that grabbed our hearts, we wanted to see good in him, we wanted to see him do well. Rick Hoffman did, indeed, make Louis special. He's now my fav character. Well, next to Harvey. I love Harvey.
  16. Yes, Delilah the character and the actress who plays her are super warm and likeable. Unlike what's her name.... I've long been a Tony fan but he's really charmed the socks off me this season.
  17. Phil annoyed me a lot more at first, too. But he's still a nerdy buffoon and definitely not one of my favorite characters. As I said...I do enjoy the kids -- the characters and the young actors are wonderful and fun to watch. But, oh that Clare, get off my screen.
  18. I watch this show for funny, sweet Deeks. Sure hope I get to see him that way again. I wondered where the bloody neck scar was on Kensi. She sure is a fast healer. She wasn't preggie in these scenes, was she?
  19. I guess I'm not the only one so turned off by Clair (Clare?) I have to FF scenes she's in. And why she's winning awards for being so incredibly annoying is beyond me. I do love her children, however. I think physically she is very distracting. Too skinny, too nervous and jerky. I'm sure the actress is a lovely person and perhaps that's just the way the director wants her to be. Eeeekkk!
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