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Everything posted by Tikichick

  1. The same reason their devotion to their faith requires extreme public demonstrations of piety.
  2. Actually you said she'd been a pain in the ass already for being late, and then you judge her as insufferably rude for mentioning a phone charger. It seems the hostess in this episode took a page from the etiquette I was raised with and elected to lead with graciousness when everything and everyone didn't go to her designated plan. That's a lesson that would definitely benefit Randall in many ways. Some people cannot see that other people can do some things differently and respect it as a valid choice, even if that means ultimately resorting to demeaning it as teaching bored housewives to twirl. Depending on how our work is structured and what's happening in particular my husband and I can go weeks without texting each other. And then a quick 20-minute trip to the store can lead to 3 or 4 texts going back and forth between us. It's no one's business but ours whether how much we do or do not text each other is valid or appropriate. Attempting to force the constructs of our marriage on any other couple wouldn't fit, nor would I expect it to -- or vice versa. I certainly don't think it's appropriate to demean how other people conduct their lives simply because we've always done it differently, or we never found the need for X or Y.
  3. It's not really that they didn't want strangers raising the girls. They only need someone for brief gaps when their schedules won't mesh. Randall created a construct where they don't just need a responsible person on hand for the girls, they need someone who is practically perfect in every way. That comes with a commensurate pricetag, one their current budget doesn't allow. Effectively Randall has spun the situation in a way that effectively cockblocks Beth from pursuing the dance career because he's decided Deja and Tess' situations are too fragile to withstand an hour or two with a responsible high school or college student maybe two days after school a week. They were set on getting someone to be there with the girls until Randall unilaterally decided their situation required something that just happened to cost more than Beth's new income level. Jack and Rebecca's valiant attempt to raise their kids, Randall in particular, left Randall with a big ole blindspot when he gets an idea that something "should be" done a certain way. Rebecca's uneasiness over her initial problems bonding with infant Randall drove her in particular to take this to obsessive levels of indulgence when it came to Randall. If Randall expressed a want or a need it became a priority. Somehow the time, the money, the attention, whatever it was was found to make it happen. We've seen enough flashbacks to see where Kevin was frequently shunted to the side to make sure the path for Randall was cleared. Adult Randall has a vision problem because of it. He was raised to be nice, to be considerate, to be kind, and he was and he is. He was all for Beth's return to dance. When it conflicts with whatever he feels is actually important, he cannot even see that it blots out her priorities -- and he can't see why her priorities shouldn't be ultimately subservient to more important priorities -- which just so happen to align with his priorities. Coincidentally it's never the case where one of Randall's priorities should take a backseat -- of course not, Randall's priorities are always really important.
  4. The late person in this case also was unavoidably late by circumstances beyond her control -- and was unable to alert the hostess because her phone was dead. I'll take Beth at her word that she was seriously delayed by an accident.
  5. Ordinarily I'd be a huge proponent of honoring a commitment unless there's an emergency. Then I realize that it has been Randall's pattern since childhood that everything in his head is an emergency to him. We saw that play out in this very episode at the dance. That situation was only corrected because finally Jack and Rebecca forced him to go back to the dance. Nothing Beth does every deters Randall from any and every damn thing he is certain is THE most important and emergent situation because he has deemed it thus.
  6. Just because we in the audience just became aware of Beth's passion for dance and the reasons she was forced to abandon it doesn't mean that Randall was in the dark about what dance means to her. I find it impossible to believe that with the relationship they've had and all the years they've been married she hasn't shared that with him. We have to remember that we've seen Beth not only put up with, but genuinely celebrate Thanksgiving Randall's obsessive way because she understands it has deep meaning for him. She also supported him not only bringing his newly found and unfamiliar biological father with an addiction past into their home to live with their family, but she also loved and took care of William and had zero objection when Randall determined to take William back to Memphis to fulfill a wish he knew was meaningful to William. The idea that Randall doesn't know Beth has a deep passion for dance and it would be so meaningless to him that he would demean it and it would be understandable and acceptable is beyond incredible.
  7. I absolutely agree the girls are absolutely capable of being responsible for some chores. As far as Deja, I would agree with you if they had raised Deja. Given her upbringing it has to be remembered Deja actually has special needs -- despite the fact she's now in a safe and loving home, appears to be quite old enough to manage the permission slip issue without assistance and is quite bright. Deja revealed her need to us in the audience when she told Randall how much she loved and appreciated being picked up from school. It's feeding a deep need for her and helping to heal a wound.
  8. I prefer to think of it that the final straw will lead to them getting back on the same page again, pulling together, not apart -- and definitely not exploding. I'm rooting for them, and their girls.
  9. Heaven help Randall if he attempts to minimize what he said when he and Beth start unpacking this situation, because she can replay every syllable for him.
  10. As out of line as I believe Randall's behavior is, I'm not ready to throw in the towel on him -- or on him with Beth and both of them happy, thriving and pulling together. If I'm late I'm not stopping for a phone charger. I don't think verifying an accident should be a consideration in the circumstances. As far as whether or not it would be easily verifiable after the fact, no. Every accident that causes a traffic jam here isn't newsworthy, so I'm not sure how someone could easily verify it after the fact. This is a milestone year in decades of marriage for us, so understanding the push and the pull and the less than rosy side of marriage isn't at all new to me. I felt a burn in the pit of my stomach for Randall sitting there at that table, realizing that his beautiful wife who had sacrificed to come and dazzle to help him out was going to be (rightfully) wounded and furious when she heard that message. That was far beyond the boundaries of letting off steam and frustration amongst spouses. That's definitely gonna leave a mark. End of the day I think Kevin is feeling particularly vulnerable and especially now believes he needs Zoe. When it's all said and done I think Kevin has always somehow assumed he had plenty of time to have a family and especially now with Kate starting a family he may be beginning to recognize the time is approaching for him at last. The timing of Kevin and Zoe is so unfortunate for both. I fear he's pushing down his desire for a family and she's ultimately going to let her guard down with him and they're both going to really get hurt when it comes crashing down around them.
  11. The career Randall was in when we met him was absolutely the result of Randall's ambitions and dreams since childhood. It absolutely provided a fabulous lifestyle for his family, but it was the product of his lifelong ambitions and dreams. In the end it wasn't good for him and he was unable to continue. Beth supported that just as fully as she had supported him in that all consuming career. She had no problem stepping up and bringing in more money by returning to full-time work. She'd still be doing the same if it hadn't have been taken away from her. In the same timeframe Randall's pursued multiple dreams with significant emotional/financial/time costs -- not only in regards to himself, but in regards to sacrifices he's asking of Beth and the girls too. William warned Beth she was going to need to speak and be heard to get a turn or she would never get one. It's high time Beth gets a turn. Shame on Jack and Rebecca for raising a son, who was most definitely not an only child, who ultimately does not understand that there are indeed truly times when it's someone else's turn and that it requires much more than lip service.
  12. Beth's thing "just didn't feel like a make it or break it for her in her job" -- yet Randall has been able to autocratically declare any damn daydream that flits through his mind as the utmost family priority at his whim. Not even just his priority, but a family priority. Her work was up there on that stage, work that she has been yearning for for 20 plus years. Just because she wasn't the performer presenting it, it was still her choreography. No doubt it was something she had put heart and soul into. I found it shocking Randall and the girls didn't have their butts in the seats to cheer her on.
  13. With all due respect, when one of the careers is military it's understood that there is effectively no flexibility on that side of the equation. That's the gig. It's not equivalent to Randall and Beth's situation. Randall is the one arbitrarily deciding there is no effective flexibility on his side of the equation -- repeatedly. When exactly will the right moment in their lives be for Beth to pursue her dreams? We've only been privy to what, 3 years of their relationship? It's been all Randall, all the time. She had stepped back to part-time work to shoulder the bulk of the household/family duties because Randall's career was incredibly demanding. I believe she made the transition back to full-time partially in light of his leaving his job post breakdown, partially because they were gearing up for that anyway. Within a very short period of time Randall wants to take on a foster child -- right on the heels of the pregnancy scare where his wife revealed she was happy the girls were at a place where it freed her up to focus more time on her career. William warned Beth that she was going to need to speak up to be heard. He loved his son deeply, yet he saw the truth of the situation.
  14. Clearly they're banking on an audience that has math skills at or below their own to perpetuate their mythology about life with 19 kids. Also on airlines that run on Duggar time apparently.
  15. So what you're saying is that there's a possibility production bought used and is saving the rest? Jim Bob's reaction to that possibility not working in favor of his wallet makes me smile so hard. Coupling that with last week's probable budget maneuver with the at home pop up shop makes me wonder if TLC has reduced the budget compared to past seasons?
  16. I share an affinity for most of them as well. Recorded the recent rebroadcast of Korto's season and have been very surprised at how I'm finding her rather arrogant and a bit of a sulking pouter on rewatch. I remembering really liking her when the season originally aired, not so much on rewatch.
  17. I'm simply wondering if there is a possibility there was payment to use that footage in Counting On? The deal for 19K&C was a separate deal.
  18. In her world it may be assumed. Mission trip to Philippines notwithstanding, her world is a very small one. It seems everyone knows everyone else, conferences, weddings, etc.
  19. To be fair, in her world her accomplishment is pretty significant.
  20. Chuck and Axe? Bobby is Axe, unless I'm missing something. How far a slide down the slope is it to suggest that everyone is going to die, so killing anyone is just stealing X amount of time from someone's life?
  21. Tigerlily's post explaining the situation to her husband covers the answer to this one, too. ETA Anybody think it's a possibility that it's both cheaper for production and provides extra residuals under 19 Kids and Counting to include the old footage? I also think it's a stealth testing of the waters regarding bringing the whole family back (with a couple notable exceptions of course).
  22. I'm familiar with trundle beds, actually grew up with one in the house. It appeared to me that bottom mattress was simply on the floor, no frame, nothing underneath, simply on the floor.
  23. Absolutely expected the frame to widen out when Taylor hung up the phone with the COO -- to reveal the COO literally in bed with someone significant.
  24. Christian the contestant was quite snarky. Christian the judge on PR Juniors was a very thoughtful and helpful judge. He was direct and honest with the kids -- and most importantly gave feedback that gave them something to takeaway and use going forward. I was nervous when he was sitting there to judge the kids at first.
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