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Everything posted by Tikichick

  1. I've never believed they have ever truly lived a combined life.
  2. If I had a nickel for every time that's flown out of my mouth during WOD ... MKAM would get deserved respect there for sure.
  3. I feel the whole marriage is simply an arrangement, nothing more. I do think it will eventually come apart, and when it does it will be explosive to say the least, with Kim most likely to get the upper hand.
  4. Sure, Kourtney, no one minds if you stick your hand into the bin of candy. Wonder if she'd be so quick to pop it in her mouth if the general public was permitted to do the same?
  5. Beth seemed shaken and scared when she admitted to Randall that she didn't see a door. Randall was also very concerned. If Beth had presented Randall this door and Randall had said, I've been spitballing too, what do you think of this idea and it addressed concerns Beth had in a better way than hers I don't think she would have spitefully insisted they walk through the door she found simply because she found it. Bottom line, they both were scared they were standing at the precipice with nowhere to go but down. They were both clearly ready to take the best deal Monty Hall had to offer, no matter who found the best door.
  6. More and more as time goes on I find myself fascinated by Callie piping up in the talking head segments, especially because she is the youngest in her segment. This week was the cherry on the sundae for me when she made the comment something was "the bomb". I realize more and more mainstream is bleeding through with the family, but to hear that phrase come out of one of the youngest made me take notice. I think she's a little spitfire who will make Tori and Carlin look like meek little field mice if given more airtime.
  7. I'm not understanding why you quoted me? I responded to another poster's thoughts that Beth unilaterally made a decision that affected the entire family, my point was simply that she hadn't done anything final, merely some thinking, some research and came home and presented the proposition to Randall.
  8. There's a myriad of models of operating something like a dance studio. Some studios are run by those who know dance, but don't have the organizational skills necessary to handle any of the other aspects, including imparting the discipline necessary for the students to build technique. Some studios are built on the model of creating a competitive team or company. Within that style some "care about" their students as it pertains to results and that's where it ends. Also within that style some utilize the model wherein being a member of the company or member of the team is undertaken in a more holistic way, wherein the group becomes almost family like and endeavors to provide support for aspects well beyond the dance studio floor, seeking a way for students to flourish in all aspects of their lives.
  9. Nothing was fait accompli when Beth came home. She presented her solution to Randall. She could not have sold their home without his consent.
  10. Actually I think Randall's job was the result of the career track he quite deliberately, and calculatingly pursued with intent. That it ended up not being good for him may well be true, however I do believe Randall was in that job and succeeded in that job because that is exactly what he had decided he was going to do -- and he was going to be the very best at it. Beth put away her dance dreams when her father died for a variety of reasons. She was happy at her job, and was excited about going back to it full-time after stepping back her career after the girls came along. The loss of that job and the inability to find another was devastating for her, we saw that play out.
  11. I heard Kate tell her mother that she was running to get the nurse -- and thank her mother for remembering what to do because she(Kate) completely lost her head, panicked and could only think to run for the nurse. She then went on to say that Rebecca always knew what to do, was a "magical" mother, etc.
  12. That fits perfectly into the writing style of the show! I do hope Rebecca didn't live to lose another child, or Jack go through losing his mother at such a young age.
  13. I also that it showed Beth was teaching adults, yet she was in no way bonded to them. Class was over, the students interacted with each other, no one even noticed Beth was there. I felt it was a recognition on her part that her role there was interchangeable for the students at this point, and also meant that pursuing her dream wasn't tied specifically to this place.
  14. I think Rebecca in the NICU needs to be cut some slack, too. The situation is tremendously overwhelming for her too and she is giving everything she has to be there for Kate, the baby and Toby. I think she can be forgiven for not immediately recognizing the time limitations of the doctor, and for being worried about the baby being cold. It's clear she's doing everything in her power to make sure her grandson will thrive, and her daughter and son in law get logistical support (coffee, walking dog). The moment Kate expressed her frustrations Rebecca backed up and found another way to help take care of what needed doing (walking Audio). She didn't sulk, pout or get offended. She shut up, removed herself, still helped -- and apologized immediately when Kate came home for any way she had stepped out of line.
  15. I would, if it weren't Randall being slapped square in the face by someone with greater knowledge of the situation. She took what she's watched him do many times and gave it back to him -- with a classic Beth shut your mouth move thrown in for good measure. Deja's propensity to take in the situation -- and feed it right back is something that should be on the daily recommended diet for all of the big three. I'm hoping she holds up a great big, snarky, mirror to all of them in regards to feeling entitled to talk over others like a steamroller whenever the mood strikes.
  16. So relieved Randall and Beth arrived at the conclusion they are magic together. I'm not entirely delighted everyone else in the family is actually sacrificing more than Randall to arrive at the solution, but I am happy their family remains intact. Thinking possibly Randall's obsession with his goals is linked to his anxiety and absolutely needs to be addressed, sooner rather than later. I would have been annoyed at Deja's speechifying if I didn't think she was actually using it deliberately to demonstrate to him how ridiculous he can be -- and to smack him in the face and wake him up. Loved when she went into Beth mode and shushed him cold. She sees very clearly the ridiculousness of his using the circumstances of his birth and adoption as if he deserves to somehow be given slack because of it. Love that Kevin showed Tess she's essentially struggling with the same thing as her peers, and that everyone goes through it. Loved Rebecca and Kate gaining more insight into their relationship. Kate in particular needs to learn to open her eyes and see what is actually happening -- and understand how to maturely open her mouth and communicate with her mother and follow her own convictions when needed. She's far too old to be still mired in teenage rebellion against mom. I thought Randall needed to tell Rebecca who he is was due to her being once again medicated. I took what we saw as at home hospice care.
  17. Couldn't stand the way Vanessa expressed herself and thought she could have done much better given her experience and training. I will absolutely miss Twitch and the thoughtful, real criticism he gave the dancers when they needed something to grab onto and learn how to move forward. Dread LaurieAnn. I've seen Dominic give feedback before and he's quite capable -- as long as he's not allowed to run too far astray. If his comedic sense is reigned in enough to allow everyone to have fun and yet not run amuck he could be great on the panel. Really dreading LaurieAnn. Find her obnoxiously abrasive and don't really love her choreo all that often either.
  18. Are you saying Beth had her turn in childhood, so now she should be fine with it being Randall's turn? IMO it's not appropriate to hold childhood Beth culpable for singleminded pursuit of her dreams and say that justifies adult Randall to do the same. I definitely feel childhood Randall had his flights of fancy more than adequately responded to -- much to the detriment of adult Randall in many ways. I do see Beth as coming after herself for the flaws in her marriage, big time. She very much regrets allowing Randall's flights of fancy to run roughshod over their family all these years and deeply regrets not standing up to him more firmly. She's also keenly stung by the fact that no matter how many times she's pointed out this same issue to Randall, he refuses to acknowledge it or even sees it. That has to wound to the core when you feel that your partner can't make the effort to hear, to look and to learn after all these years -- so much so that he flatly denies the issue exists at all. I'm not Team Beth, Team Randall, Team Separation or Team Divorce. I want to see Beth force Randall to live up to who he thinks he is and truly yield the control and focus of priority for once in his life. In the end I think it just may end up lifting a tremendous amount of anxiety off of him.
  19. Bolding is mine. I don't see Randall's unconscious acceptance of everyone yielding to him as indicative of Rebecca and Jack's marriage, but of Rebecca and Jack's parenting, mostly Rebecca's, when it came to Randall. Even when Randall sees that others are yielding to make way for his wants/needs/flights of fancy he has always accepted it as being the right choice for the situation because he sees it as the highest priority trumps. He simply cannot see that the merits of other priorities would ever trump his own.
  20. To be fair, we didn't know until this episode that nachos, Swedish Fish/wine/TV were things Beth likes a lot either. As the audience dropping into these characters' lives we wouldn't be anywhere near privy to the depth of these people the way a spouse would, there's no way all the necessary minutiae could be conveyed to an audience. Clearly Randall knew what the candy and wine meant -- otherwise he might have been wondering if she was secretly sneaking off to a hotel room for another common reason people do that. Considering all the stuff Beth's stuffed down over the years because it didn't fit Randall's plans it's not even a little bit surprising we hadn't heard about one of the biggest things of all she's stuffed way down deep all these years until she couldn't hold it back anymore. That she originally put away dance in the face of the economic realities in the face of her father's death definitely should not be overlooked in any way by Randall of all people. Not only is he a card carrying member of the Pearson Family Perpetual Box of Mourning, but also the president of the Randall Pearson I Was Abandoned at a Firehouse, Adopted By an Incredibly Loving Family Who Went Way Out of Their Way For Me Always, But Ultimately Never Did it Right Because They Are White and I Actually Have Two Dead Dads So Everybody Should Always Be Mindful of My Issues. (Of course if Randall's the president it's going to be A LOT.) The fact Beth immediately apologized for saying something so hurtful to Randall says to me she was just lashing out in frustration and truly wasn't meaning to inflict pain on him. Her frustration at being repeatedly unheard and unseen when she balks at anything Randall wants is understandable -- mostly because he denies it happens/overrules her because her reasoning is less important than his EVERY TIME -- all the while telling her they're partners and he backs her up 100-percent. Not being seen or heard and denial of your wants and needs if they don't get official approval when your partner is an endless stream of wants and needs that demand acknowledgement despite your disapproval is too much to ask of anyone.
  21. Anybody think Austin has been called into action to build the house Joe referred to building this year in the finale? ETA: Despite the fact Austin is a son in law that seems determined to make his own way for his family I've been noticing how warmly he seems to be welcomed into the fold by various Duggar siblings. I have the feeling he may be actually much more enjoyable to be around than many people assume from the show. Maybe being on TV just makes him uncomfortable and he closes off, giving a colder impression.
  22. Anna, daughter of people who have their heads stuck in the sand more firmly than even JB and Michelle? Hardly surprising her wedding wouldn't impress. Anna's a gal who richly deserves another bite at the apple on so many levels, starting of course with the obvious.
  23. I don't think Jana's necessarily so much choosing to be unmarried as she is choosing not to have her ownership transferred like people do with pink slips when they're selling a car. I do agree that life sucks in a particularly painful way for a grown woman in their cult, definitely under her current headship. I think being the only woman left standing has painted that truth out quite starkly, both for her and the audience. I actually think Jana particularly wanted to be the guiding hand for JD's wedding as a means of acknowledging their special bond. I'd have a lot less patience for Lauren's histrionics if I didn't stop and remember both her age and the repressive upbringing she's had -- and the repressive future she's staring in the face. Couple that with any hormonal struggles and maybe private letdown that the marriage isn't all that she's dreamed of for years and I'll leave her a little space to get her feet on the ground again. I like the idea of control freak Jana. It so flies in the face of their ridiculous lifestyle -- and offers hope that JB can't ultimately control all 19 forever. Wasn't she sent at least twice to Journey to the Heart or whatever the female version of Alert is? I think the quietness, the sweet voice and the sweet face have maybe camouflaged for us in the audience who Jana actually is. I'd love to see her stick to her guns and marry the person she chooses because they will not look to control her. All I know is she better get exactly the kind of wedding she wants if she decides to say yes someday!
  24. Am I the only one who feels defrauded by the friend who did Abbie's makeup? Her shoulders were on full display! Almost swallowed my tongue at the first mention of Zoolander and blue steel. Couldn't believe it when it continued into the TH's. Did we see the photographer who made the initial reference? I caught a glimpse of one in the hangar later in the show and their personal style of dress had to have raised some serious eyebrow in that crowd at the minimum. The look was so quick and the style of dress so deliberately quirky that I'm not 100-percent certain of gender. I know, not particularly surprising among the creative types drawn to an artistic career like photographer. This crowd is a different world though. I was a little surprised by the look we got at Jana's barely contained frustration while overseeing her crew. It seemed a lot of her brothers are very familiar with taking heat from Jana -- and actually alluded to it in their TH's. I certainly hope she's aged out of Journey to the Heart or whatever reprogramming JB might like for her. I don't think Jana is against the idea of getting married. I do think Jana is absolutely against the idea of being "transferred" to anyone to answer to.
  25. I do not enjoy challenges where the starting point is an uneven playing field. I felt the chest feathers were the most substantial factor of all of the modifications to design around. I don't have a problem with Frankie going home as I felt her work earned her the boot, but I do think you have to start everyone from a level start to be fair. I also found the modifications creepy.
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