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  1. Fortunately that is the case so far. I didn't suggest CPS was about to bust in their door. My choice of wording regarding improper care and supervision was purposeful These two are one misstep away from an investigator paying them a visit at the rate they're going. They've put an awful lot of info. out there that would not cut in their favor. I'm not unfamiliar with CPS and what they do. In fact most children who come to the attention of CPS and the courts are not victims of abuse as is generally assumed. Most children in the system require intervention for chronic neglect, which includes improper care and supervision.
  2. They certainly are prompt, efficient -- and prolific when it comes to providing plenty of SM posts that a CPS investigator could present to show reasonable cause of improper care and supervision.
  3. The all caps IF just wasn't enough to do the job with these two. Knew I should have broken out the boldface.
  4. How much do they charge for these dresses? Seems like clothing manufactured in the U.S. would come at a premium, otherwise how would they afford the labor?
  5. Looks like the legs and bottom portion of leather/vinyl chair that would be in living/family/den. I thought it was weird too, until I considered that if he actually is home monitoring her and watching the kids it might be that she's resting where he can keep an eye on her while taking care of the kids. Maybe their bedroom would be too tucked away or on another floor -- or maybe there's concern if she has another episode or attempted to get up and falls again? Seems odd to me and impossible to get rest, but IF someone is on their own caring for the kids and attempting to monitor her I could potentially see that being the choice made. With these two, who knows.
  6. Maybe I've lost the thread then. I understood that she fell in a parking lot, hitting her head and being out for 20 minutes. If you're out on FMLA because you need to be with your wife 24/7 to monitor her wellbeing, don't you give any doc you talk to the fullest rundown you can? Was he in a rush because he had urgent drone business or something? I'm only following what's being said here, so I may be missing a lot of info. But I'm starting to see what looks like more and more possibilities where this could go wrong for them in ways they probably would never imagine -- completely leaving aside any risky health decisions they're potentially making about Carlin's actual health.
  7. Carlin's medical credentials must be better than mine, because if it were me or my family member -- or even a friend I had to drag kicking and screaming, we would be at the ER pronto. Who knows, maybe she has doubts about Erin's bout with long Covid, but I know a couple people who have had a pretty rough go of it with long-term concussion consequences. One because the concussion was so severe, another because they essentially shrugged it off and gave zero time for healing immediately after it happened (this one was a young, otherwise healthy teen hurt playing soccer).
  8. I'm no doc, don't even have a TV degree from several seasons of watching ER back in the day. The common sense part of my brain and the part that says a patient who's been under observation and monitoring for unexplained seizures?, blackouts?, whathaveyou, suddenly is on a telehealth visit with their doctor because they've lost consciousness, hit their head and were out for 20 minutes and I'm thinking that doctor says do not pass go, report to the nearest ER immediately.
  9. Apparently. Kylie made a post with their jets side by side and a six-figure auto in the background with a caption about "Yours or mine?" in regard to wherever they were flying off to. She puts more effort into ostentatious displays of her wealth than she ever did in earning a nickel of it. At least if it comes back to bite her it won't have any difficulty finding her . . .
  10. Keep being you, Kylie, and flaunting your "hard earned" money in the faces of the public. Hope Travis appreciates you publicizing his private jet alongside yours if he gets hit with making Astroworld damage payments.
  11. Particularly given that the roots of this show lie in the family unit it would take a drastic pivot to continue the show without any interaction between the different factions. When the divorce occurred Matt and Amy could largely be filmed separately with separate storylines, only coming together for big events and especially petty backbiting and arguments for drama because Zach and Jeremy and families were still onboard as connective tissue. Jeremy and family stepped out and eventually we began to see lots of Zach's family at the farm to drive most of the family story, occasionally pulling Amy and Chris into the mix as well. The bitter drumbeat of Matt and Amy played on throughout, featuring the push to get Amy to make a decision, Amy decides to sell, Amy searches for a new home and finally moves on, culminating with a (storyline convenient) Covid-driven necessity for the farm to be the wedding venue. Now we are told there's a fracture between Matt and Zach so there's a necessity for some type of reasoning to occasionally have those two factions interact and also a necessity for the M&C and A&C show to resume with things like the new AZ angle and Chris suddenly feeling the need to head for the farm to scope out how much Amy still has stored there. Absent family I wonder what storylines producers could come up with that doesn't result in 3 separate storylines altogether, all of which seem very short on potential plotlines -- at least until Zach's children are quite a bit older to function like independent characters capable of driving story and narrative within their household on their own.
  12. I was surprised to see the farmhouse when Matt and Caryn walked through it. He was so insistent for Amy to make her decision, and then to get moved out because it was critical that he attend to the dire shape of the home. Then we heard the employee was leasing the home for a while. Doesn't seem Matt actually did much of anything to the home before the employee moved in, or before filming the walkthrough with Caryn. I did expect a kitchen reno, possibly bathrooms, to bring things to standard height for selling purposes. Instead he's choosing to asphalt a driveway it sounds like Amy had suggested for many years. IDK the actual situation, but just on the bare bones of what was presented I'm surprised.
  13. Even the blue box of Kraft dinner says to cook the macaroni uncovered. Sometimes just a solo pot is all that's necessary.
  14. Watching him come to the realization he's completely out of his depth amongst many others who are used to manipulating and pulling the wool over people's eyes and who don't take kindly to his nonsense would actually be something I would like to see on a very special episode of Duggar TV. The seriously limited extent of the stunted environment he was raised in puts him at a very serious disadvantage in his current living situation, no matter how much he may have strayed from the boundaries all these years. At the end of the day he has a SOTDRT education and very limited street sense. His scheming and conniving will be no match for present company.
  15. Interesting thought. It would be nice if the Duggar sibs could manage to truly be healthy support for one another, despite the minefields that were installed during their upbringing to prevent that. It really made me sad to read this week that the pattern may be being repeated among the grandchildren. How heartbreaking if all of these children are simply being raised as numbers in families of eleventy billion kids and one of the potentially biggest positives of the situation is deliberately being cut off at the knees.
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