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Everything posted by izabella

  1. I guess you could try to cremate the bodies, but that's a LOT of bodies. I always start watching these apocalypse-type shows being curious what the humans who remain do to survive and create some kind of lives for themselves, but it seems the focus always ends up being on humans forming groups and fighting each other to the death. They skip over what I think would be the interesting parts to focus on violence.
  2. So Ellie ran away...to her mother's house. And her mother is supposedly well-off in a high paying job, as is her husband. (And damn, Celia has crap to say about everyone! "Ellie's mom has a high-paying job where she pushes paper off her desk onto someone else's..." ) So why can't Ellie's parents hire a nanny to care for the baby while Elllie and Raff are in school, and then they can learn to take care of the baby in the evenings and weekends. Why is this all on Gillian and Raff when they have no financial resources but Ellie's parents do? And Ellie really had no idea she was pregnant? Not buying it. She would have noticed she didn't have her period. Maybe she was too busy playing video games to notice she didn't get her period for months?
  3. I guess Alan sees Gillian as a murderer. Can't wait to see when Celia chooses to blurt that out to Raff.
  4. I'm intrigued enough to keep watching. The show has its problems, but I'll give it a chance to tell the story a bit more and see what the focus is. I think the thing that bugs me the most is the Chief's dreams being presented as though they are real, but then, aha, they're just dreams. It makes it hard to tell, for example, if this time he's seeing the stag it's real or a hallucination or a dream. I guess that's the point, but I hate that. If this isn't a supernatural show, please dispense with that plot contrivance!
  5. All I can say is OMG, that tumor! Teeth and stuff! That was really vomit-inducing and horrifying at the same time.
  6. I think that's correct. However, the wife told them that they had bought insurance for no matter what happened when he embarked on his bucket list. At least, I think that's what I heard her say.
  7. I meant it in the sense that she put the fork there herself, and no one else stuck it down her throat.
  8. And she did it so gracefully - very well done! Molly should be super concerned about the hostage kidnapping, since Nusrat was a member of the royal family and even all of that protection didn't keep her safe. Why on earth would Molly believe any of them are safe? Who is Yousseff? Is he Bassam and Jamal's uncle?
  9. This made me so happy! I love Russell, and am thrilled he and Paige are teaming up again.
  10. You're right about denial, it's just...she deliberately swallowed a fork! A fork! It's not like a 2 year old swallowing a penny. It means something. And then there's that part. Ok, so she was depressed and suicidal because her parents wouldn't let her stay in the hospital to get help because they didn't believe she needed help. Girls can't speak up and tell her parents she's been binging and purging for years and that she really, truly does need help? Girl can't tell them she's moments away from swallowing a scalpel and needs help? Maybe I don't understand bulimia, or why she couldn't speak up for herself.
  11. If Karen wanted to find that guy, why didn't she leave a message for him with the front desk? She may not know his name, but she can leave a note for Room #whatever that they had sex in the night before. He also gave her his card, so she would have seen his name before she ripped it up. Savi is a moron. Actually, they all are. But she just got divorced, is planning a family with her new man, and is sneaking around behind his back already. Joss, oddly, is the least moronic of the bunch. And I certainly wasn't expecting that when this show started.
  12. At this point, Topher is really the only reason I keep watching. I'm sure not watching it for Jordan and TC. Where was her other boyfriend, Scott Wolf, btw? Did he have the day off, or did I just miss him because I wasn't paying that close attention? I don't believe that any parents who love their kid, and it seemed like bulimia girl's parents did love her, would just brush off fork-swallowing and insist on taking her home. Ridiculous.
  13. What in the what? Who the hell is that? Her gay boyfriend? Sonja has never once mentioned a boyfriend, and if she had one, he wasn't boyfriend enough to care about the pirate or her walk of shame on camera. She is delusional.
  14. Yes, Josh completely ignored that truth. He just wanted her to shut up. If Josh listened to his clients' concerns as well as he listens to Kristen's, then his business would fail. He shouldn't be the least bit surprised if his marriage fails.
  15. I see that as also being inconsistent with Emma's character. She seems like she's savvier, so even if she didn't Google "how a woman should pack for a visit to a ME country," she would have quickly noticed how women dress once she got there. And even if she wasn't paying attention to other women, there's no way she wouldn't have picked up on how SHE was being perceived and treated by others, especially by men. It would have made her uncomfortable, even if no one said anything directly to her. I feel like she's smarter than that. But it's probably just a failing of the writers to even consider her clothes, rather than anythng else. I guess the show wants to be all about the political drama, but I would appreciate more smaller scenes about the cultural or religious differences. They could have had an interesting scene with Emma and Amira about when, where and how to cover up and the reasons for it. Or the young security guard guy could have said something to Emma's brother, maybe leading brother to consider how things ARE different there and he should be more careful. It's all a little too broad brush for me, but maybe they're still setting up the story. I still like the show, though. It's definitely something different, so I give them snaps for trying something new.
  16. Traci Lords, former underage porn actress, Penthouse, B movies. http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Traci+Lords/Bravo+A+List+Awards/2ybHbIsQ4i0 http://www.listal.com/viewimage/4011134
  17. I was wondering if those butterflies on Angie's body were somehow going to bring her back to life but transformed, like in the Batman movie when the cats licked Michele Pfeiffer back to life and transformed her into Catwoman. Long live the Monarch!
  18. Julia's hair and curls were simply perfect for the funeral. She must have spent a lot of time with the hair dryer and curling iron to get those ringlets so perfect. So Rebecca is now the new Linda? I guess they needed a reverent scientist who idolizes Big Jim more than they needed a reverent cop who idolizes Big Jim (up until 5 minutes before she died). It's so bizarre they had a funeral for Angie when it's all "Linda who?" Not to mention all the other people who have died. And where's fivehead's other mom?
  19. I couldn't believe she was being so dumb. You want a police report on that kind of thing in case it escalates. Having a gun must have made her feel like she could handle it, but it just made her dumb.
  20. Yes, I see trouble ahead for the Quinns. How awful it must have felt for Mrs. Quinn to hear that her husband would have dropped her like a hot potato if Callie's mom had crooked her little finger at him. Also, Robert may have money, but he hasn't done particularly well with the daughter he has raised. He and his wife have pretty much robbed her of her childhood, of friends, of the joy of living. It's all work, work, work to compete, to be the best and the smartest, with no play time and lots of loneliness. As for Callie's college fund, has she ever even mentioned college? Does she even want to go to college? Are her grades good enough to get her in, and to do well once there? I can't imagine she's had much consistent schooling being bounced around from foster homes to juvie and back.
  21. This has disaster written all over it. Gillian is very good at beating herself up for the stupid things she does after she does them. But she really needs to apply that line of thought before she does anything. It's entertaining for now, but I hope she makes some better choices at some point or she will become unwatchable.
  22. Yeah, I'm having trouble buying that the Russian captain would focus on "I'm King of the World!" fantasies when the world's population has just been wiped out within the last 4 months. If Bubble Boy is somehow immune and a carrier, then you'd think they'd want to get him hooked up with the American scientist so they could find a cure. After THAT, then maybe they can fight it out to be King of the Dead World, although one would hope that they'd decide there's no point in continuing nationalistic rivalries when there are only 400 people left in that world. You'd think they'd have more important things to focus on, like what to do with all the dead bodies everywhere.
  23. I thought Pod killed someone during Blackwater who was trying to kill Tyrion (on Joffrey's orders?), and then Tyrion named him as his squire. Or did he become squire and then killed the dude trying to kill Tyrion? I'm so confused now.
  24. Caroline and Kate sure are moving at warp speed! I couldn't believe Caroline asked Kate for a contribution to buy the house before they've even had a single discussion about "forever." So Gillian's a grandmother. What did Celia call Raff and Gillian? A muck luck?
  25. Daphne did accept the food truck Angelo bought for her, so maybe she would have taken college money if he'd had it and offered. He should have put the money for a food truck into a college fund for her. Did they end up selling the food truck? I can't remember.
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