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Everything posted by izabella

  1. I've always thought she was a terrible actress, and the only things worse than Daphne's love life story lines are all of her other story lines. I hate Bay's love life story lines, and hate what they did with Toby and his "wife." The writers seem to think teens are just dating constantly and never have a moment where they aren't dating anyone and are actually living their lives and developing who they are. I think it sends a terrible message - you have no life unless you are dating someone all. the. time.
  2. What? Really? I just can't with that. I wouldn't mind Jeremiah having a little romance with the waitress...that could be very sweet if it looks like she can truly appreciate him for who he is. I just hope it doesn't turn into some kind of horrible disappointment for him, because he's clearly becoming smitten with her. I still hate Emma and that whole story line. What did Evan reveal to Paige at the end? Did he pay Emma to pretend she didn't know how to ride a bike and spend time with Eddie?
  3. I don't think Annabelle will ever quit wallowing. Being associated with her talented friend is what got her noticed and made her the least bit relevant, and now she's lost her relevance and cool factor. I have no doubt she's truly sad, too, but she's a bitch so I care less than I would otherwise.
  4. Sonja needs to take a closer look in the mirror and see that her "sexy pucker" makes her looks like she's constipated. Sonja is so full of delusions that she's pathetic and I'd feel sorry for her, except that she defrauded people out of a lot of money and she's been dragging her heels on paying those debts which she's been legally ordered to do. She's loathsome and brought this all on herself. And she's hella jealous of Luann. Her jealousy and hostility is palpable, and I'm glad Luann finally said she's just done with Sonja.
  5. Yes, she somehow "forecasted" that people in the Netherlands would one day be into yoga. And did her thesis paper on the subject? I forecast she'll be broke really soon unless she has some invisible means of support.
  6. I thought that one was weird, too. For some reason, living in Germany was her "dream" and she didn't like San Diego because she hated the nice weather, the beaches, etc. So, somehow, she's already been living in Germany long enough to have friends that she desperately wanted to live near in south Berlin, and she is now pregnant...when did that happen if she's been living in Germany? How could she have been living there without her husband? I wonder if there is a back story, like she really doesn't like his family in San Diego instead of the weather and beaches. I'm also suspicious because he supposedly left his job with a sign company that he'd had for 8 or 9 years in order to move to Germany and raise a family there. And then, at the end of the segment, he magically got a job with another sign company despite not having any German language skills.
  7. I thought that chandelier lamp thing was hideous and took up far too much floor space.
  8. Where did the dogs come from? Did she get them, or did they belong to her boyfriend? Either way, she's an idiot if she never noticed that Precious started living on the fridge because of the dogs, didn't notice that they chase her, and didn't realize she couldn't use her littler box because of the dogs.
  9. I think she wears strapless bras, from what I have been able to tell. And maybe that used to be enough, but these days, she needs bras with straps.
  10. I think the point was they were all intimidated by the model mystique, and models made them feel "less than." Samantha wanted validation that she was as hot as a model even if she wasn't an actual model. For all that they were supposedly enlightened women, they always seemed desperate for a man to me (except Samantha, who was desperate for many men).
  11. I always wondered about that. How did the dragons know that Dracarys meant let loose with your fire breathing powers? How did Dany know they would respond to that word the way she wanted? And if Dany knew that, then why doesn't she know anything else about communicating with the dragons? Dany needs an Old Nan or a Maester or someone to tell her how to control the dragons. Maybe Maester Aemon at the Wall could help her with that.
  12. I believe Ramona also babbled something directly to Heather about Heather's smile bothering her or being creepy. That's why Heather kept that smile on her face while following her around.
  13. Money? Fame? Attention? Perhaps she wasn't being photographed and printed up in the tabloids as much as she used to be. She's hungry for something or she wouldn't be on the show.
  14. Such a great line! So much has changed since then. I think the last we saw of Loras, he was leaving the wedding reception in disgust during the dwarf re-enactment of the War of the Five Kings. I don't recall seeing him after that.
  15. I believe it is known that some Targs are fireproof. Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so widely accepted that the Targs were incestuous and married each other. It is known.
  16. I guess I'm not yet convinced she is Eddie's daughter. I know she said she had DNA evidence, but no one saw it. And how would she have gotten that since she never met Eddie? How could she get a hold of his DNA to compare to hers? I took an instant dislike to her, so maybe that's coloring my view of this whole story line. It was definitely out of character for Paige and Evan to bully the shopkeeper like that, especially when Paige saw the tag on her clothes and knew the girl was pulling a con. That made me hate this story line even more. I don't want them to rewrite who Paige is as a person to serve whatever ridiculous plot they've cooked up for Emma.
  17. Ugh, I thought this was nearly unwatchable. Why must they ramp up the drama to 11 in each and every episode? It wasn't enough that Callie was taken out of the house at night by a social worker; they had to make her temporary foster parent someone who locks her into her room and has bars on the windows. It wasn't enough that Brandon was beat up; they had to make him unable to play piano. It wasn't enough that Dani is some kind of bad news for Mike; they had to make her have sex with Brandon and swear him to secrecy "for Mike's sobriety." It wasn't enough that Mike yelled at Ana and fell off the wagon; they had to turn it into a "did he beat her up/kill Ana?" plot. It wasn't enough that Callie has a bio-dad she knew nothing about; bio-dad has to surreptitiously show up at her job. And on and on. These rapid-fire, super-dramas ruined this show in 1B, and I see that they're only getting worse and worse with it. Why can't they just tell a story about a blended family doing ordinary things? There is plenty of drama in that. And it's the kind that I fell in love with when the show first started. Show me the small life, ordinary experiences of an extraordinary family! Make the characters bigger than life, not some crazy crap that overwhelms the characters. I dislike and don't care about the crazy crap, and I'm starting to not care about the characters anymore. I loved that, too, and wish they would have more of these kinds of "dramas" on the show rather than the over-the-top constant manufactured DRA-MUH!
  18. Well, see, there you go. Annabelle isn't offended by underwear at a picnic; she's offended by underwear, period!
  19. We did see Aviva on the plane to St. Barth's with Reid, and getting off the plane. It was a small plane, and one of those small airports where they just wheel the stairs up to the plane door and passengers climb down onto the tarmac. She was wearing her blazer, lol. There was no wheelchair.
  20. I get why Luann was upset. It's one thing to gossip with your facialist/hair stylist/manicurist. It's on a whole other level to bring her on a television show, feed her specific gossip, and make a whole scene featuring gossip about Luann's alleged sexual preferences. And like many of the Ho's arguments, the issue becomes secondary to the fact that Sonja just blows it off without one single apology and refuses to see or acknowledge how Sonja's behavior was hurtful to Luann, deliberately so. I don't forget that Sonja defrauded those movie people. She's completely unconcerned about her own bad behavior and whom she hurts.
  21. Is there anything more to Noelle besides her boyfriend? She's looking for a new apartment, that's all I got. Is anything else going on in her life?
  22. So much fuss about some fashion lingerie! Annabelle sure has a stick up her ass considering she's just soooo Rock-N-Roll and she was a Muse, don't you know. I'd expect she'd be no stranger to underwear being tossed around at parties. Oh, and I guess that's the mysterious Julie? Friend of Annabelle's and Caroline's, I guess?
  23. So Sansa stays in limbo, neither a wife nor widow. I wonder what that will do to LF's plans for her.
  24. I don't know why, but I found it hilarious when Stannis popped up North of the Wall just all of a sudden like that.
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