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Everything posted by purplemonkey

  1. Keep in mind that a trans girl who is already taking hormones may have a penis that is not comparable to a 14 yo boy's penis. I am not a doctor or an advocate. I just like to read nonfiction. So if someone says that a boy wouldn't be interested in a girl who has a penis, likely her penis is not similar to his own penis, in the way that he thinks of a "penis".
  2. From my Wikipedia reading I think the term androphilic is ok to use as an adjective for someone who is attracted to men. To be fair, Jazz is pretty young. She seems interested in males being interested in her. I don't remember if she said she's interested in a specific male.
  3. PS: I think it's awesome karma that TLC canceled 19 Kids and Counting the morning after I Am Jazz premiered. In light of Michelle Duggar's anti anti-discrimination robocall.
  4. Never mind top and bottom surgery, can we talk about the grandmother's facelift? Eeeeeee! Seriously, I enjoy this family. I'm glad the doctor pointed out that all girls develop on their own schedule. (I'm a "normal" female and didn't get to an A cup until 14 yo, and B cup in college.) I do empathize in the boobs department. I'm worried about how she says boys aren't attracted to her. I hope she realizes this show is doing a good service, again if TLC doesn't fuck it up.
  5. Nathan is the most repulsive human I have ever seen on MTV since I got cable in 1999. Worse than Adam. I cannot watch him. I FF through is scenes. I hate people who are chronically late, so I'm super pissed at Leah, now that I hear it from the lawyer's mouth. I've seen a lot of pics of Cole on Twitter, so I knew he was hot. But then he opened his mouth on my TV and a purse came out. I'm not saying he's effeminate (not that there's anything wrong with that), I just expected him to have a deeper voice. Also, when Randy was at the house, you could see Aubree's behavior chart in the background. She's one rung above the bottom of the ladder. So either she's being bratty or they haven't used the chart in a while.
  6. Re: insurance, as a wealthy person, JB probably has umbrella liability insurance. Not sure if that would help Josh at all. I am not a lawyer.
  7. I noticed the flowy tops, too. Shetty is expecting a girl in the fall, says the Internet. I think those other kids on the show are Raj's with his ex Karen.
  8. No, they don't need a baby, but adoption (if it happens) is the only way to get one before the summer ends. Much more convenient for the USA network's schedule.
  9. Oh god, heartbroken for Jeremiah. How much do you think he lost, a million? Maybe Boris can find a way to enact revenge on that douche in the worst way. What was the point of having Vanessa Williams? That was such a weak storyline for a guest "star". Why didn't Hank call the police when his patient got beat up?
  10. Did anyone else catch these Royal Pains?
  11. Can I complain about Paige wearing white jeggings with a crop top on what would have been day 2 of her period? Anyone else bothered by that? I already hate her for having such awesome clothes and bags, please don't let her get away with that outfit! I know it's Paige, but where are the pajamas or sweatpants? They haven't even unpacked. I like dating Hank. I don't know why I didn't like Charlotte. Boris is weird, so I'm not thrown off by him doing weird stuff.
  12. HA! That is such a good point. It's like when I used to watch Tori Spelling's show and wonder when and where the Spelling nose would appear in her kids.
  13. Good grief. Between the surgery and her inability to craft a normal sentence, Farrah resembles a dilapidated robot. Debra, welcome to denial: population YOU!
  14. Just catching up on DVR. Amber: "My dad died." Drew: "Are you ok with that?" Near the beginning of the episode I noticed that in addition to the phrase "teenage pregnancy", DD threw in "unintended pregnancy". Veiled jab at Maci? And for the record, because it's been lost in the shuffle, the official Farrah-approved reason for the porn I mean leaked sextape was she wanted to document her hot bod on film as a memory for herself. Nobody is calling her out on that, yet.
  15. Forgive me if this has been asked, but doesn't it seem odd that JB&M announced the interview, rather than Kelly/FOX? Is that standard operating procedure to let the interview subject take the lead? Also: want to thank everyone here, especially the mods, and the posters who've provided specialized knowledge in their fields ranging from obstetrics to criminal law. Thank you.
  16. Maybe when Catelynn said "we have a house" she simply meant a place to live. A place that is not with Butch or April.
  17. I'm shocked that she and Simon are still together, but I'm also shocked that with all that plastic surgery she didn't have that mole removed from her neck.
  18. Oh, I get Gary's style now: he has one of those chinstrap beards. So you can tell where his chin is. /snark
  19. Maci, who asks their friends to help them move when you make good money and have the means to buy a house? Hire some movers! I think Simon played it brilliantly: go to Austin because it's easier to just go than tell Farrah you can't come visit (plus he gets laid), act like a turd, and then wait for Farrah to decide on her own that you're not husband/ stepdad material. Sophia is indeed a brat. She didn't deserve to be yelled at about those dogs. She is clearly a bright kid. But her behavior and language are really immature.
  20. Yeah, I actually think Farrah's parents should dump her. I know they don't want to lose access to Sophia (and Sophia also has something to gain by spending time with them), but by tolerating her behavior, they will never allow her to grow as a person. She'll never suffer consequences from treating them like shit. Years back, I was a Farrapologist. I really felt bad that her mom hit her. I really, really did. But this episode, I so wanted her mom to hit her.
  21. Fuck you, Catelynn's dad's girlfriend, for your medically unsound input. 1200 calories for a 180 lb person = starvation. Fuck you, Ryan, for not using a car seat. He does seem like his IQ is lower than average. Fuck you, Farrah, for trying to resolve a conversation with "The. End." I seriously think everyone in her life should dump her when she pulls out that line. Anyone who puts up with that is enabling her and her crap communication skills. Finally, fuck you, Farrah & Co, for giving Sophia that teased-crown, side-bangs-smashed-against-the-face hairdo that Farrah used to wear a few years back.
  22. Someone needs to pull a "Santorum", if they're not happy with a search result. ;-)
  23. On 5/11, Farrah tweeted these gems. Good grief. Isn't she too busy with her successful career to play on Twitter? @F1abraham: I'm just as confused @Starcasm @macibookoutmtv thinks she's strong& #bulletproof
  24. This is one time I'm grateful that Tyler is obsessed with Twitter etc. I'm glad that stoopid tweet from Farrah didn't go unnoticed. http://m.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/amber-portwood-attacks-farrah-abraham-book-comments-201583 Edited to add link to tweet story
  25. Farrah is on the defense 100% of the time because she knows everyone knows she lied about the "sex tape". Just like she knows Maci lied about her reasons for not finishing school and her reasons for deciding to un-quit the show. And the producers are feeding all of us this baloney and pretending they're filming a documentary when they themselves created the drama. Everyone lies! What I don't like about Farrah is her refusal to do a fair fight, mano a mano. She cuts Maci off because then she gets to have the last word. She can't resist triggering Maci with the "why are you here?" comment. And her jab about Ryan seeing her back door was the one and only time anyone in this episode was seen bringing up the porn. She's clearly proud of it, touting her success that her bleached asshole is coveted in backwater Tennessee. But wait, wasn't she a victim of James Deen? Why isn't she crying foul about that, saying she did the best she could by selling the rights? I don't think she knows how to navigate all this, so she puts on her best fake bitchiness and thinks this makes her "win".
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