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Everything posted by purplemonkey

  1. I just watched the aftershow. Amber looked fantastic! I really thought her hair and glasses were on point. Unfortunately, I learned that Taylor stitched up the Carly-Nova side by side on the way home from the hospital. OMFG just enjoy the new kid you have now!
  2. I know Catelynn's a mess with her mascara tears, but I enjoy looking at her. She looks like a real human, without fake eyelashes, boobs, and teeth. I get it now! How do we claw our way back into Carly's life? Stay together for an unreal number of years for a teenage relationship, pimp for the Christian adoption agency, and then have a baby girl that looks EXACTLY LIKE CARLY while going on and on about how they'll be twinsies when they grow up. Well played long con, C&T! Awkward for B&T, but I can't say I pity them as they knew this would come. Even Amber's dog was giving her a "girl, please" face. I like the way Leah wears her hair pulled back. It's super cute. Sophia should take a page out of her book. I think if Maci really wants the ring, she should just not agree to cohabitate. Too late now that he moved out of state to be with her.
  3. I think Maci played the only card she had left to play. I don't care for Maci or her attitude, but remember that Farrah not only "thrust" herself into the adult entertainment industry, but she lied about it and denigrated her male colleague after the fact, and created an entire spinoff tabloid career out of this dishonesty, all while acting like a complete and total douche to everyone around her. (Plus the DUI.) Not everyone who does porn acts like that.
  4. On her Twitter, Maci's mom said she just wanted her privacy. She is still promoting the show on her Twitter so it's not like she is ideologically opposed to it.
  5. How about if Maci really gave a fuck, put her money where her mouth was, and distanced herself from MTV as soon as Farrah got involved with adult entertainment, instead of waiting for the show to do a bait and switch on her. In other words, way back when Farrah's porn happened was the time for Maci to focus on her sex education "brand" and make the decision to detach from the TM franchise. Now it just looks like sour grapes. Timing matters.
  6. I know what OG means, but I suspect MTV wants it to stand for girls and not gangsters because it makes them look clever. I thought Ryan's dad said "his head's as hard as his tail". I was glad to see Catelynn's dad at the hospital. But the closeup of Carly's photo on the wall in C&T's house was creepy. It really hit me then. You cannot place a child and then have her picture on the wall, it can't be healthy. But I've never been through that, so I can't say for sure if it's the pictures they keep or just their immaturity.
  7. I do NOT like this show-within-a-show. If I wanted to see production crew, I would watch "the making of teen mom". I wanted to watch "Teen Mom". Also, I just realized I'm slightly offended by the tag line "OG" because they are now women and not "girls".
  8. Wow, she really did remove her Twitter byline that she's married to Jeremy. Ok, it's real to me now!
  9. Yes, to the poster who mentioned it upthread, Ryan's dad did seem rather intoxicated. Good for Amber for deciding to have boundaries even if she has zero communication skills. If Maci's house is a set, not her real house, is Bentley's ninja turtle bedroom from the real house or the fake one? Or maybe they just prefer a modest house. She did spend some of the money on a boob job (wasted money in my opinion as is rather not see small women getting big boobs, it doesn't look right to me, but to each her own). If Ryan's parents haven't kicked him out by now, like for real, then there's your problem. They are enabling him. He's an able bodied adult. Unless there's something we don't know, like he has health problems.
  10. I think part of the problem with letting go of Carly is they don't have careers or anything to have a real identity. Whatever speeches they've been doing for adoption (pro-life stuff included) has not given them the sense of accomplishment that would come from being on a career path or pursuing something worthwhile. Unfortunately one's kids can be seen as status symbols, in all socioeconomic classes, and I think they're leaning on Carly for that a bit too much. Even the new baby will have the unique identity of being Carly's bio sibling.
  11. Just wondering, do you think Catelynn gained weight because she stopped smoking (did she?)?
  12. No, Maci, you're not a slut, just a dumb idiot. Billions of us have had more than one sex partner at your age and managed not to get pregnant by either. Can't wait for next week and the ominous meeting with Carly's parents. What a shit show!
  13. Leah may want to move/ rescale her Twitter profile pic so that it shows her face instead of her elbow.
  14. I bet if Larry and Jen went away on an extended cruise for a few weeks, those two ass clowns aka Bentley's parents would suddenly figure out how to get him from A to B at a given time.
  15. Well, yeah, I'd rather inject airport toilet water into my bloodstream than have sex with 5 strange men a day. Definitely the lesser health hazard. Edited to clarify that was not sarcasm. Especially if her Johns were as gross in my imagination as they were in reality.
  16. It's been a few years since I watched one of these, and, oh boy. Go Ken! Yes, the father was super creepy, but he also encouraged her, telling her she was strong. It seemed like his letter focused more on her, while her mom's letter was a little more "woe is me, I need you, you're my best friend". Also wtf with her family not apologizing for Samantha not getting counseling after her rape? They never explained whether they were aware of the rape or tried/ didn't try to help her deal with it. It was just listed as another reason why she became a junkie. Can you really get away with charging that much for tricks when you look like a gross junkie? Eeeee.
  17. I'll add to the list of things changed or not since we last saw them: neither Maci nor Ryan have made much progress on their ear gauges.
  18. I hate the idea of gender reveal parties, but at least this one was modest, in a park with hamburgers. Also, if their friend who was over the day before asked about it, and C&T said they were doing it the next day at the park, wouldn't that friend have been invited already seeing as she is their friend and it was the very next day? Or was that party for family only (plus Dawn, of course)? I love it when people (Maci) go to therapy because they think it's a license to bitch about other people in their lives. I'm sorry Maci, I can't know how big of a douche Ryan is, because I can't tell if you're just bitching or not. We certainly can't tell from what MTV chooses to show us. Ryan giving his kid the silent treatment? Not ok. Ryan not missing work for Bentley's first day of school? Totally ok. There's your problem. Also, I am an old fart, but at what age do guys stop wearing those over the top ball caps?
  19. Is an American version of anything ever needed? Not that I can recall. "Hole in the Wall" game show, maybe...I enjoyed the French series and if others are enjoying both versions, maybe the American will spark interest in the French and vice versa, and we'll all have more nice TV to enjoy.
  20. Did Ryan get a place with his girlfriend? Or is he indeed at his parents' still? Hard to tell when some of his visiting with Bentley time probably takes place at his parents' house. I think Ryan's parents are partly to blame. They probably overindulged their grandkid when they could have been setting boundaries with Ryan. For example, early on, they could have said "ok Ryan, we're going to a movie and dinner now, we'll see you and Bentley later", when instead, I get they feeling they wanted to be there 24-7 because that's what THEY wanted, not what was best for new dad Ryan. Even if he did live with them. In other words I think his mom is talking out of both sides of her mouth. She's the one enabling Ryan to whatever degree he's not doing enough. She could have made herself unavailable for the times when Maci picks up Bentley and force Ryan to be there. "Sorry honey, I have a hair appointment and dad is working. Have a nice kid exchange today!" Or is Maci lying about the frequency of Ryan's absence during exchanges? UGH these people.
  21. Ugh, Maci and Ryan are boring! Gary needs to get shirts without horizontal stripes. Is Amber going to AA meetings or counseling, or does she just sit around? I do not like seeing the 4th wall. I don't want to see Amber's producer friend. Catelynn and Tyler announced their pregnancy to the camera crew before anyone else? It's too weird. I know sometimes pregnancy tests are filmed, but the show can't have it both ways; we're supposed to ignore the crew unless they're part of the story?
  22. Ok, so that means they were at the clinic to obtain emergency BC, and not to pull the condom out of Daphne. Sorry, at first I didn't realize this meant the condom is deemed ineffective, because I was distracted by this goofy plot device.
  23. Forgive my ignorance, but how many bedrooms do they have currently, and are they willing to move to obtain more bedrooms? How far would he have to commute to get another legal bedroom?
  24. I need Travis to explain to me in simple grammar what happened to that condom. Is ABC Family really telling girls that condoms can get lost up there? Even if Daphne is just a booty call to Mingo, he should still have introduced her to his friends. That's just plain rude, no matter if they're dating or not. I liked Bay's art, and I liked that she found a place to express herself and acknowledge the gal at the same time. It just felt like single mom isn't a real character, but just a handy tool to further Bay's storyline.
  25. What a lame use of severe weather in a tv show. The only good it did was Kathryn's mom got to use it as small talk/ ice breaker for the awkward visit, and it forces Regina and Co. to shelter in the coffee shop, leading to the unfortunate blackmail storyline. I don't count the Emmett and Bay in the rain scene as a benefit of the storm because it was silly! She had decorative zippers on her sweater and didn't get hit by lightning. I was expecting a tornado or something more life changing based on past tv watching experience. So what was Toby doing? Beating up Tank, or hanging with his girlfriend?
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